State environmental monitoring and control. State environmental monitoring

1. Civil service monitoring the state of the natural environment (ecological monitoring) has its tasks:

· monitoring the state of the natural environment and individual natural objects, the physical, chemical, and biological processes, the level of soil pollution, atmospheric air, water bodies, the consequences of its influence on flora and fauna, human health;

· generalization and assessment of the information received about the state of the natural environment;

· forecasting changes in the state of the natural environment in order to prevent its negative environmental consequences;

· providing information on the state and changes in the natural environment to interested organizations and the population.

Depending on the objects of environmental monitoring, it is divided into general - monitoring of the natural environment, and sectoral - monitoring of natural objects.

The organizational basis of state environmental monitoring is Federal Service of Russia for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring environment (Roshydromet). Roshydromet is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of managing state property and providing public services in the field of hydrometeorology and related fields, environmental monitoring, its pollution, state supervision of work on active influence on meteorological and other geophysical processes.

Storage of information within the framework of a unified environmental monitoring system is carried out in accordance with the established procedure State Data Fund of State Environmental Monitoring.

2. State environmental control is one of the types of administrative and management activities and, unlike monitoring, involves not only the collection and analysis of the necessary information, but also verification of compliance with environmental requirements and standards by environmental entities, and identification of violations of environmental legislation. It is of a supra-departmental nature and includes in its system bodies of general and special competence that carry out management in the field of use of natural resources and environmental protection. A special place among them is occupied by special environmental inspections - state forest protection, hunting inspection, fisheries protection, state sanitary and epidemiological service, etc.

The organization and conduct of state environmental control and ensuring intersectoral coordination of the activities of state bodies in this area are entrusted to Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources- a division of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation. The main objectives of state control and supervision in the field of environmental management and environmental protection are the identification, suppression and prevention of offenses related to the illegal and irrational use of natural resources, with a negative impact on the environment when carrying out all types of environmental management, including environmentally hazardous ones.

3. Production control carried out by the environmental service of enterprises, organizations and institutions (officials, laboratories, departments, etc. for environmental protection), whose activities are related to the use of natural resources or have an impact on the natural environment. The task of industrial environmental control is to verify the implementation of plans and measures for nature protection and environmental improvement, rational use and reproduction of natural resources, compliance with environmental quality standards, compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation at a specific enterprise, organization, institution. It can be expressed in the control of emissions of pollutants, the allocation and use of funds for environmental protection measures, the operation of treatment facilities, etc.

Within public control citizens and their organizations, public associations and environmental movements can independently or jointly with government bodies participate in the implementation of environmental activities, verification of compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation by enterprises, organizations, institutions, officials and citizens, identification and suppression of environmental violations.

Various mass public organizations (trade unions, youth, etc.), as well as specialized environmental groups (nature conservation societies, environmental parties, etc.) take part in the protection of the natural environment. The activities of environmental movements are expanding, uniting citizens in the protection of individual natural objects and complexes, in connection with the solution of zonal environmental problems (protection of Lake Baikal, the Volga River, etc.).

4. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)- the procedure for taking into account the environmental requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation when preparing and making decisions on the socio-economic development of society. It is organized and carried out with the aim of identifying and taking necessary and sufficient measures to prevent possible environmental and related social, economic and other consequences of economic and other activities that are unacceptable to society.

The result of an EIA is a conclusion about the admissibility of the impact of the planned activity on the environment. Supporting documentation for the implementation of types and objects economic activity, containing the results of the EIA, is submitted to the state environmental assessment.

5. Environmental assessment- this is the establishment of compliance of the planned economic and other activities with environmental requirements and determination of the admissibility of the implementation of the object of environmental assessment in order to prevent possible adverse impacts of this activity on the environment and the associated social, economic and other consequences of the implementation of the object of environmental assessment (Federal Law “On Environmental examination").

The essence of environmental impact assessment is a preliminary (at the stage of decision-making and project development) verification of the compliance of economic activities with environmental requirements, and its goal is to prevent harmful environmental and other consequences of such activities.

Depending on the procedure for organizing and conducting environmental assessments are divided into two types: state and public.

State Environmental Expertise organized and conducted by specially authorized government bodies. The exclusive right to conduct it and the corresponding functions belong to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology Russian Federation, namely the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources . The strategic goal of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Natural Resources is to ensure the environmental and economic security of the Russian Federation, adherence to rational, continuous, sustainable, environmentally safe use of natural resources, and the preservation of all components of the environment from degradation and destruction. It has the right to appoint an environmental assessment and monitor compliance with its requirements. State environmental assessment can be carried out at two levels - federal and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Public environmental review organized and carried out on the initiative of citizens and public organizations (associations), as well as on the initiative of local governments public organizations(associations), the main activity of which, in accordance with their charters, is environmental protection, including conducting environmental assessments.

Conducting a state environmental assessment is mandatory in cases established by law, and public environmental assessment is carried out on an initiative basis. In this case, public environmental impact assessment can be carried out before the state assessment or simultaneously with it.

6. Economic mechanism for environmental protection.

In the conditions of the formation of a market economy, when carrying out the functions of state environmental management, along with the use of administrative methods, economic means of ensuring rational environmental management and environmental protection are becoming increasingly important. In this regard, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection” introduces the concept of an economic mechanism for protecting the natural environment and defines its tasks and main elements. Among the latter, the Law includes those discussed above economic aspects accounting of natural resources, financing of environmental activities, creation and expenditure of environmental funds, environmental insurance, payment for environmental use, as well as environmental incentives, which can be expressed in preferential lending and taxation of enterprises and organizations when they carry out activities that provide an environmental effect (introduction of low-waste and non-waste technologies, use of secondary raw materials, etc.), in the application of incentive prices and premiums for environmentally friendly products, etc.

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Approved as a teaching aid by the Academic Council of the State educational institution higher professional education "Komsomolsky-on-Amu"

Development of ecological ideas
The history of the emergence and development of people's ecological ideas goes back to ancient times. Knowledge about the environment and the nature of relationships with it has acquired practical significance

Definition of ecology, system of environmental sciences
The study of such large-scale complex formations required combining the research efforts of representatives of different “special” ecologies. This would be impossible without developing common approaches to

General methods
There are two known groups of universal methods – metaphysical and dialectical methods. Natural sciences use dialectical methods: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, analogy, classification, generalized

General scientific methods
There are also two groups of general scientific methods – empirical and theoretical. Empirical methods - observation, description, measurement and experiment - were decisive in the history of the development of natural sciences.

Private scientific methods
Private scientific methods are used only within a specific section of science or a specific phenomenon. Ecology, like every special science, has its own specific research methods. Private scientific

Concept of environmental factors
The manifestation of life at all levels of its organization is based on the activity of individual organisms, their exchange with the environment, as well as adaptation to environmental factors. In ecology, they are widely used

Temperature conditions are one of the most important, constantly operating environmental factors that influence the intensity of metabolic processes of organisms. Temperature fluctuations are geographical, season

Water is the main medium for biochemical reactions in organisms; it makes up the bulk of plant and animal organisms (from 50 to 95%). All intracellular and intercellular exchange occurs within

Correlation of the Basic Concepts of Population Ecology
It is also necessary to become familiar with some intraspecific structures. Subspecies – a set of individuals inhabiting a geographically homogeneous part of the species range and differing

Static population indicators
Abundance – the number of individuals in a population, depends on the biological potential of the species and external conditions, and can vary significantly over time. Density

Dynamic indicators of populations
The main dynamic indicators are fertility (birth rate), mortality (death rate) and population growth rate.

Concept and structure of biocenoses
To avoid confusion in definitions, it is necessary to objectify the differences in the terms “ecosystem” (A. Tansley, 1935), “biocenosis” (K. Moebius, 1877) and “biogeocenosis” (V.N. Sukachev, 1942). In general, everything

Critical Ecosystems
The classification of ecosystems is presented in Figure 8. Ocean ecosystems: Biological production in ecosystems is limited by the lack of some vital bio

Structure of the biosphere
Biosphere is a “region of life”, a space on the surface of the globe in which living beings are distributed. The term was coined in 1875 by the Austrian Eduard Suess

Main role in the study internal structure The Earth is played by seismic methods based on the study of the propagation in its thickness of elastic waves (both longitudinal and transverse) that arise

The atmosphere is affected by the force of gravity, which holds the air shell at the surface of the Earth. Atmospheric gases are compressed under their own weight. This compression is maximum at the bottom

The hydrosphere is the watery shell of the Earth. The average depth of the ocean is 3800 m, the maximum (Mariana Trench Pacific Ocean) - 11,022 meters. About 97% of the mass of the hydrosphere with

Metabolism in the biosphere
All three shells (atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere) are closely connected with each other, forming a single functional system that ensures the global circulation of substances, and due to this self-regulating

Cycle of nutrients in the biosphere
Living organisms are made from large quantity chemical elements(Fig. 11). The cycle of substances is the repeated participation of substances in processes occurring in the atmosphere, hydro- and lithospheres

Carbon cycle
The main stages of the carbon cycle: 1) CO2 is absorbed during photosynthesis by green plants and photosynthetic algae; 2) carbon passes through food chains into the composition

Oxygen cycle
The oxygen cycle is a planetary process that connects the atmosphere, hydro- and lithosphere through the combined activities of living organisms. Main stages of the cycle:

Nitrogen cycle
The main stages of the nitrogen cycle: 1) plants and animals contain nitrogen in the composition of amino acids and nucleic acids; 2) waste products of organisms (ammonia, urea, etc.)

Sulfur cycle
Sulfur is a biogenic element that is almost never in short supply. In living organisms, sulfur is the main component of some amino acids (cysteine, methionine). The main links in the sulfur cycle: 1) c

Phosphorus cycle
Phosphorus is one of the most important biogenic elements. It is part of nucleic acids, phospholipids of cell membranes, ATP, enzymes, bone tissue, dentin. The main links of the cycle f

Cycle of microelements in the biosphere
Microelements are substances necessary for living organisms, the content of which is very small. Most microelements are biologically active, therefore they are part of enzymes. Deficiency or excess

Teachings of V.I. Vernadsky about the biosphere
The author of the term “biosphere” is the French scientist Jean Baptiste Lamarck, who used it in 1803. For Lamarck, the biosphere meant the totality of organisms that live

The idea of ​​the noosphere in the modern world
On modern stage development of humanity in the scientific world, the urgent problem of the integrity of man as a phenomenon arises. For many centuries people have thought more about nature, space,

Man as a biological species
Biologically, humans belong to the class of mammals, order of primates, family of apes, genus Homo (Man), species Homo sapiens (Homo sapiens), subspecies Homo sapiens sapiens (

Concept of environmental management
At the present stage, we can confidently speak about a holistic system of environmental management covering all spheres of human activity. Environmental management as a science is closely related to economic

Natural and anthropogenic factors affecting the biosphere
A pollutant is any chemical, energy, waste, etc. that is beyond safe levels for humans and causes undesirable changes in the environment.

Air pollution
Regions of the technosphere and natural zones adjacent to the hotbeds of the technosphere are constantly exposed to active pollution by various substances and their compounds. Most favorable for breathing

Anthropogenic problems arising from air pollution
As a result of anthropogenic impact on the atmosphere, the following negative consequences are possible: 1) exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations of many toxic substances (CO, NO2, SO2

Land pollution
Violation of the upper layers earth's crust occurs during the extraction of minerals and their enrichment; disposal of household and industrial waste; conducting military exercises and tests, etc. Soil by

Energy pollution of the technosphere
Industrial enterprises, energy facilities, communications and transport are the main sources of energy pollution in industrial regions, urban environments, homes and natural areas. Cl

Water pollution and drinking water quality
The first and main cause of water pollution is too much water consumption (and, accordingly,

Aspects of social ecology
Scientific and technological progress and the development of hydrocarbon energy have contributed to an increase in the comfort of activity and life, an increase in life expectancy on Earth and, as a result, population growth

The scientific and methodological basis of environmental law is modern theoretical ideas about the interaction of man, society and nature. The interaction of society and nature as e

State Environmental Management
Management of natural resources and environmental protection is a manifestation of the ecological function of the state. It represents the activities of competent government bodies aimed at

The most important functions of state environmental management
1. Accounting and maintenance of natural resource inventories. Accounting and registration of natural resources - necessary prerequisite implementation of all other functions of the state environmental

The purpose and objectives of environmental safety
In solving environmental problems social policy adequate to environmental policy. The main goals of social and environmental policy ensuring normal life and economic

Social and environmental problems as a political factor
At the present stage, there is a direct connection political problems, rational use of natural resources and protection of natural resources. To date, when unwanted

Formation of ecological culture
When we talk about ecological culture, we mean the relationship of man and society not only to nature: water, soil, atmosphere, but also to himself, the animal

Environmental education and training
An ecological crisis is a worldview crisis, directly related to the totality of ideas of an individual or group about the “man - nature” system, with his attitude towards nature and with

Structure of environmental education in Russia
A continuous process of deepening and improving has now become a fact. environmental education in secondary schools. Many of them have a basic syllabus with a set

Environmental ideology as a means of increasing civic activity of the population
Ideology is a system of views and ideas in which people’s attitudes to reality and to each other are recognized and assessed. social problems and conflicts, and also contains the goals (programs) of social

International cooperation in the field of ecology
The environmental problems that confronted humanity in the second half of the 20th century became a matter of concern for the entire world community. Global problems, who are now getting up all b

International Conference on the Environment in Stockholm
The integrity of world civilization requires unity of action in creating an international mechanism for technological cooperation for nature protection, environmental monitoring and control, a center for urgent

International environmental conference in Rio de Janeiro
At the initiative of the UN, in June 1992, a conference of world ecologists on environment and development was held in Rio de Janeiro. The conference continued the work begun in Stockholm 20 years ago. Not everything about

Archaeological information about the settlement of the Amur basin
One of the central places in the study of the history of a particular region is occupied by the problem of its initial settlement by humans. Active archaeological research in the Amur basin in the 60-70s

Discovery and annexation of the Khabarovsk Sea of ​​Okhotsk and Amur region to Russia
At the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th centuries, the unification of Russian lands around Moscow in single state the long struggle of the Russian people for their state unity and national independence ended

Population of the region
The formation of the population potential of the region has always been associated with the solution of foreign policy and strategic interests of the state. Gaining a foothold in the newly annexed outlying lands, the ruler

Climate of the Amur region
Radiation processes: The climate of the Khabarovsk Territory is formed as a result of the interaction of radiation and circulation processes. Radiation processes determine the

Relief, soils, landscapes
Geological structure territory of the Khabarovsk Territory is extremely difficult. The most ancient sediments (Archean, 4000-2500 million years ago) come to the surface on the Siberian platform of the Ayano-May region

Water resources of the Amur region
On the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region, whose area is 824.6 thousand km2, there are about 210 thousand rivers with a total length of 584 thousand km. Of this number of rivers

Land resources of the Amur region
Meadow landscapes: Amur created huge plains on which meadow vegetation settled. Meadows formed in the open spaces of the plains. Vary meadow

Mineral resources of the Amur region
In the Khabarovsk Territory, 118 types of minerals have been identified and explored, which are divided into various natural resources: Fuel and energy combustible minerals (ext.

Specially protected natural areas of the Khabarovsk Territory
Specially protected natural areas are a national treasure and natural heritage of the country. The system of protected areas in Russia includes 101 state nature reserves, 38 national parks, 6

Natural parks
Natural parks are environmental recreational institutions under the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and about

Ecological corridors
Four ecological corridors have been formed on the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory, their total area is 156,580 hectares. Ecological corridors are organized, as a rule, between specially protected

Natural monuments
Natural monuments are unique, irreplaceable, ecologically, scientifically, culturally and aesthetically valuable natural complexes, as well as objects of natural and artificial origin.

Dendrological parks and botanical gardens
One natural site has the status of a dendrological park - the Khabarovsk Dendrological Park, located in the village. Sosnovka Khabarovsk municipal district in selection and seed production forestry

Medical and recreational areas and resorts
"Mukhensky mineral waters"are a deposit of natural medicinal resources of federal significance, which is located in the Mukhen River basin of the Nanai region. It occupies an area of ​​8.8 thousand hectares. Re

Certified wholesale of local significance
The list of specially protected natural areas of local importance includes 165 objects of various profiles; it is presented in the Resolution of the head of the Khabarovsk Territory dated January 20, 1997 No. 7.

Cadastre of specially protected natural areas
The state cadastre of specially protected natural areas is a collection of regularly updated systematic data on the status of specially protected natural areas, their geographical location

Maintaining the Red Data Book of the Khabarovsk Territory
In accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for maintaining the Red Book of the Khabarovsk Territory (Resolution of the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory dated October 13, 2006 No. 157-pr), the Red Book of the Khabarovsk Territory is

Physiographic characteristics of the arboretum
The arboretum is located in the Leninsky district of the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur in the floodplain of the lower reaches of the Silinka River, on its left bank, in a preserved area of ​​the Silinsky forest. The territory of the arboretum represents

Questions for the exam
1. Ecological ideas of the ancient period. 2. Ecological ideas of the Renaissance. 3. Ecological ideas in the 18th century. 4. Environmental presented

3.5 / 5 ( 2 voices)

When carrying out monitoring and control of an environmental type, a common detail in these activities is the observation and assessment of the information received from the object being monitored.

But it is worth mentioning how environmental monitoring differs from environmental control. It's all about the objects being monitored and, of course, the subsequent actions taken based on the data received.

Environmental control

When carrying out environmental control, the objects for observation are places with anthropogenic influence, that is, they emit harmful substances into the ecosystem during the conduct of their activities.

This is how environmental monitoring differs from environmental control. When carrying out environmental control, specialists from the ANO Center for Environmental Expertise perform a control type impact on the object that is subject to observation.

When carrying out monitoring, the objects of observation are air, water of various types and soil. And this is the answer to the question of how environmental monitoring differs from environmental control. The purpose of observation is to obtain information on the state of these components of nature and to make forecasts of expected changes in them under the influence of natural and anthropogenic processes.

The objectives of this type of observation are to ensure that the natural environment remains in good condition and is not threatened by anything or negative impacts from the objects that are studied during environmental control. This is the most important thing in which environmental monitoring differs from environmental control. So we can say that they are mutually complementary.

Introduction 3
1. Environmental monitoring 4
2. Environmental control: concept, types (state, industrial, public). System of state environmental control bodies, their powers 8
Conclusion 14
References 15

Environmental control is the most important legal measure to ensure rational use of natural resources and protection of the environment from harmful impacts, a function of public administration and a legal institution of environmental law. Based on the role of environmental control in the environmental protection mechanism, it can be assessed as the most important legal measure. It is through environmental control that the compulsion of the relevant subjects of environmental law to comply with environmental requirements is mainly ensured. Measures of legal liability for environmental violations are applied either in the process of environmental control or with the involvement of other government bodies.
It was previously emphasized that the function of environmental control is also performed when implementing other legal measures to ensure rational use of natural resources and environmental protection - environmental regulation, environmental assessment, environmental licensing, environmental certification. But within all these areas of activity, environmental control, i.e. ensuring compliance with environmental and legal requirements is carried out objectively, incidentally, in relation to each of the named types of activities. The implementation of any of these measures, as well as environmental control, is a purposeful activity of specially authorized state bodies, carried out within the framework of the procedure established for them, on the basis of special legal norms.

1. Environmental monitoring

Global monitoring is carried out in accordance with international agreements by a system of observation stations located at various points on the Earth, through the exchange of data received by various states in order to monitor the state of the environment, changes occurring in it, including climate change, creating a data system, disseminating it, forecasting the development of environmental properties and their effects on humans.
National environmental monitoring is carried out by individual states within their territory. In Russia there is a United government system environmental monitoring was established in 1993. Its objectives are: monitoring the state of the environment, its pollution, including the atmosphere, surface waters, marine environment, soils, near-Earth space, radiation conditions on the Earth’s surface and near-Earth outer space, assessment and forecast of climate change, water resources; transboundary transport of pollutants, etc. The national environmental monitoring system includes radiation, complex background, space, and state monitoring of the continental shelf and exclusive economic zone.
Regional environmental monitoring is a system of monitoring the state of the environment within an administrative-territorial isolated unit (subject of the Russian Federation) or part of such a unit or parts of several subjects of the Russian Federation, characterized by common natural processes or subject to anthropogenic influence from the same sources.
Local environmental monitoring is carried out at a separate production facility (or part thereof), an object of legal environmental management, a separate area of ​​territory that permanently or temporarily has a special legal status (for example, in a state reserve, in an environmental disaster zone).
Background monitoring refers to the observation of phenomena and processes occurring in an environment minimally affected by human intervention, and is carried out by stations located in biosphere reserves. Of the 99 existing state institutions in the Russian Federation nature reserves 22 have international biosphere status (according to relevant UNESCO certificates).
Impact monitoring (from English impact - impact, influence) is a type of monitoring system for sources of anthropogenic impact on the environment in specially designated areas where activities associated with increased environmental risks are carried out.
Socio-hygienic monitoring is a state system for monitoring, analyzing, assessing and forecasting the health status of the population and the human environment (natural and artificial), as well as determining cause-and-effect relationships between the health status of the population and the impact of environmental factors. It is carried out at the levels: federal, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities for the formation of a federal information fund of data based on long-term observations of the state of public health, physical, chemical, biological and social factors habitat, natural and climatic factors, the structure and quality of nutrition, food safety by the institutions of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.
Monitoring of fauna is a state system of regular observations of the prevalence, abundance, species composition of fauna, the state of their habitat, including migration routes, and other factors in order to preserve biodiversity, scientifically reasonable use and protection of wildlife, prevention of the spread of epizootics and other negative consequences. Its variety is industry monitoring of aquatic biological resources, carried out in internal sea waters, the territorial sea, on the continental shelf and in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, in the Caspian and Azov seas, etc.
Atmospheric air monitoring is a system for monitoring the quality of atmospheric air, the quantity and composition of harmful substances contained in it and the anthropogenic impact exerted on it through emissions from stationary and mobile sources. It is carried out by taking air and rainwater samples by permanent and mobile stations of Roshydromet, sanitary and epidemiological supervision, and other entities.
Monitoring of water resources - monitoring the quality of surface waters, the composition of pollutants contained in them, the composition and quantity of wastewater discharged into water bodies, carried out by chemical and biological (aquatic flora and fauna) methods using samples taken periodically (monthly) or seasonally .
Land monitoring - a system of basic, periodic and operational observations(surveys, surveys and surveys) of the condition of all lands in the Russian Federation in order to identify changes, assess them, forecast and develop recommendations for the prevention and elimination of the consequences of negative processes, information support for land management bodies, as well as land owners. It is carried out at the federal, regional and local levels.
Radiation monitoring is carried out by EGASKRO (the unified state automated system for monitoring the radiation situation on the territory of the Russian Federation) to determine the levels of radioactivity of environmental elements (water, air, soil, vegetation), ionizing radiation, and the amount and composition of radioactive fallout.
Subjects of environmental monitoring are executive authorities of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, specialized organizations authorized to carry out environmental monitoring functions, economic entities, public associations.
Environmental monitoring is carried out by a special observation network. This is a system of stationary and mobile observation points, including posts, stations, laboratories, bureau centers, and observatories. A significant part of the observation network operates within the framework of the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. In addition, in accordance with the tasks assigned to them in a particular area, certain types of monitoring are carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources, the Federal Forestry Agency, other federal executive authorities and their territorial bodies. Finally, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments create appropriate posts, stations and other elements of the observation network to conduct regional or local monitoring.
Objects of environmental monitoring are the environment as a whole and its individual elements; negative changes in environmental quality that can have a negative impact on people’s health and property, and the safety of territories; types of activities assessed by law as posing a potential threat to the environment, human health and environmental safety territories; equipment, technologies, production and other technical facilities, the existence, use, transformation and destruction of which pose a danger to the environment and human health; emergency and other sudden physical, chemical, biological and other circumstances (accidents, incidents, other emergency situations) that could have an impact negative impact on the environment and human health; territories and objects with a special legal status (for example, protected areas).
Legislation may establish the procedure for registering environmental monitoring objects, maintaining a unified Register of such objects, restrictions on access to environmental information and other rules governing the organization and implementation of monitoring.

2. Environmental control: concept, types (state, industrial, public). The system of state environmental control bodies, their powers.

Environmental control is one of the most widely used organizational and legal means of environmental protection management. Environmental control is carried out absolutely at all stages of activities related to the use of natural resources and impact on the environment, one might say, totally. It employs many bodies and persons, differing in their status, departmental affiliation, methods used, and scope of authority. Thus, some subjects carry out only environmental control in the narrow sense as checking compliance and implementation of environmental legislation, others are vested with the right to exercise supervision in the field of state environmental management. The literature describes in detail various types environmental control: state, departmental, industrial and public.
State environmental control is carried out: a) on behalf of the state; b) specially authorized bodies and officials; c) is of an extra- and supra-departmental nature; d) represents one of the functions of state environmental management; e) involves the use, if necessary, of administrative coercive measures (suspension of activities, deprivation of the right to use natural resources, imposition of fines and other administrative penalties). The literature indicates the existence of several types of state environmental control: depending on the stage of the controlled activity - preventive and current; according to the criterion of the subject of control - general and special. Thus, general environmental control is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and other entities endowed with general competence or competence of a special kind, for example, in the field of export control over the import and export of pathogens of infectious diseases of humans, animals and plants, technologies that can be used for the development weapons of mass destruction, etc. Their transfer of powers in the field of environmental control to other entities must be formalized specifically and reflected in the regulatory legal act, correspond to the status and other powers of these subjects. Special control is carried out by bodies authorized in the field of environmental protection and their officials. The rights and obligations of the latter are regulated in detail by environmental and administrative legislation. As a rule, either separate chapters of federal laws, or articles, or by-laws in general, in particular departmental ones, are devoted to this. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 9, 2004 “On the system and structure of federal executive authorities,” the implementation of environmental control (and supervision) is entrusted to federal services in the relevant fields of activity, namely: the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Natural Resources, Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, Federal Service for Technical Regulation and Metrology, Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, Federal Customs Service, Federal Security Service.
In some cases, control may also be carried out by other bodies, for example, in accordance with the Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2002 No. 8331 and of August 19, 2004 No. 418 “On approval of the Regulations on the Federal Agency for the Cadastre of Real Estate Objects” the specified agency is entrusted functions of state land control.
Objects of state environmental control are listed in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 No. 777 “On the list of objects subject to federal state environmental control”2. These include, for example, objects nuclear power, objects located on federally owned lands or having a negative impact on those included in the World Heritage List cultural heritage and World Natural Heritage List monuments, as well as those contributing to transboundary environmental pollution, etc. Dangerous for the environment and therefore controlled at the federal level are - regardless of the form of ownership - such objects of economic and other activities that house more than 10 thousand tons of waste of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes per year; more than 15 million cubic meters are discharged. meters of wastewater per year; More than 500 tons of harmful substances are released into the air annually, etc.
Municipal environmental control is carried out by local governments and their officials.
Departmental environmental control is carried out by central government bodies in relation to their subordinate structural entities and organizations, institutions, and enterprises within a specific industry. Thus, departmental control over enterprises of the nuclear complex is exercised by the Federal Atomic Energy Agency, but the implementation of state environmental control is entrusted to the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision. The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation is entrusted with departmental control over the work of committees of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but state control in the field of use of forests, subsoil, water, etc. all other subjects of economic and management activities are carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Natural Resources, which is under its jurisdiction.
Industrial environmental control is limited to the framework of a specific economic entity, enterprise, organization and is carried out either by its head, or by the heads of individual services (chief engineer, chief power engineer, head of the laboratory, etc.), or by specially organized environmental services (departments) on the basis of the information provided to them a normative act or a special order, authorization of rights and obligations. The types of control structures of an enterprise and the scale and methods of their activities depend on its organizational and legal form. Typically, industrial environmental control includes checking: a) the implementation of environmental protection plans, including those providing for the improvement of technologies and improvement of product quality, reduction of energy costs, and the level of consumption of natural resources; b) compliance with environmental rules, standards and regulations of production activities; c) construction of environmental facilities; d) carrying out work on the reclamation of disturbed lands, eliminating other negative consequences of production activities.
Public environmental control in recent years has received widespread development not only in the Russian Federation, but also in other countries. Its existence as an important legal institution is based on many international documents providing for public participation in decision-making that may affect the state of the environment, are associated with environmental risks and the threat of environmental harm, and also regulate the access of citizens and their associations to environmental information. The directions and forms of environmental public control are constantly expanding.
Environmental control is carried out along with other forms (types) of control and supervision: architectural, sanitary, radiation, construction, etc. Sometimes this leads to duplication and conflict of departmental interests, sometimes it helps to solve the problem by combining forces and increasing “pressure” on business entities .
Rights and Responsibilities officials environmental control bodies do not differ from others in the field of public administration and control. These persons have the rights to: request and receive information necessary to perform the functions assigned to them; carrying out checks of both documentation and the actual state of affairs, including by taking samples, taking measurements, surveys, etc.; entrance to controlled facilities (if necessary, in compliance with established security restrictions); receiving oral and written explanations from managers and other employees of enterprises, organizations and institutions, and other persons; giving opinions on the compliance of activities, the condition of the facility, products, materials, raw materials, products and individual parameters and indicators with the requirements of environmental legislation; issuance of mandatory orders to eliminate shortcomings and violations in activities; suspension and (or) termination of environmentally hazardous activities; suspension and cancellation of issued licenses (permits) in case of violation of their conditions; application of administrative penalties, etc. Some categories have the right to use service weapons, special equipment, search and inspection.


Environmental monitoring is a set of organizational structures, methods, methods and techniques for monitoring the state of the environment, changes occurring in it, their consequences, as well as activities, production and other facilities that are potentially dangerous to the environment, human health and the controlled territory.
Environmental monitoring is carried out by a special observation network. This is a system of stationary and mobile observation points, including posts, stations, laboratories, bureau centers, and observatories. A significant part of the observation network operates within the framework of the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring.
There are different types of monitoring, distinguished depending on the scale of the monitoring system - global, national, regional, local, on the level of human modification of the environment - background and impact, on the object of monitoring - environmental, air, water, land (soil), animal peace, hazardous waste, radiation, social and hygienic.
Environmental control is one of the most widely used organizational and legal means of environmental protection management. Environmental control is carried out absolutely at all stages of activities related to the use of natural resources and impact on the environment, one might say, totally.


1. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Adopted December 12, 1993 // Russian newspaper 1993. December 25.
2. “On environmental protection.” Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 2002. No. 2. Art. 133.
3. Forest Code of the Russian Federation dated January 29, 1997, No. 22-FZ. // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 1997. No. 5. Art. 610.
4. Brinchuk M.M. Environmental law. – M.: Lawyer, 2004.
5. Dubovik O.L., Kremer L., Lube-Wolf G. Environmental law. – M.: EKSMO, 2005.
6. Erofeev B.V. Environmental law of Russia. - M, 1996.
7. Krassov O.I. Environmental law. - M., 2001.
8. Ecology. – M.: Norma, 2005.
9. Yarmochkina N.M. Fundamentals of ecology. – Magnitogorsk, 1998.
10. Yassov V. Man and the environment. – M.: Progress, 2000.

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Environmental control (supervision)– a system of measures aimed at preventing, identifying and suppressing violations of legislation in the field.

Types of environmental control

  1. State environmental control– carried out by federal executive authorities (Rosprirodnadzor) and executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. (Types of state environmental control: state land control, in the field of atmospheric air protection, etc.);
  2. Industrial environmental control– carried out by business entities themselves (self-control). In order to carry out industrial environmental control, enterprises provide special structural units or positions;
  3. Public environmental control– is one of the guarantees of ensuring everyone’s right to a favorable environment and to reliable information about its condition. Citizens have the right to exercise public environmental control both individually and jointly.

Environmental monitoring

– comprehensive observations of the state of the environment, assessment and forecast of changes in the state of the environment.

Objectives of environmental monitoring

  • Regular monitoring of the state of the environment;
  • Storage and processing of information about the state of the environment;
  • Analysis of the information received;
  • Providing support to state authorities, local governments, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, citizens with information about the state of the environment.

What is the relationship between environmental control and monitoring?

Environmental control and monitoring are independent institutions of environmental law. At the same time, environmental monitoring and environmental control are closely interrelated procedures, but:

The object of monitoring is the environment,

The object of control is activities that affect the environment.

Environmental control is one of the manifestations of the environmental function of the state and is a set of measures to monitor the state of the environment and its changes, as well as to verify the fulfillment of environmental requirements by all enterprises, organizations, officials and citizens.

The legislative definition of environmental control is given in Art. 1 Federal Law“On environmental protection”: “Control in the field of environmental protection (environmental control) is a system of measures aimed at preventing, identifying and suppressing violations of legislation in the field of environmental protection, ensuring compliance by economic and other entities with requirements, including standards And regulatory documents, in the field of environmental protection."

The object of environmental control is, on the one hand, the environment (its components), on the other hand, the activities of government bodies, enterprises, organizations, officials and citizens in compliance with environmental rules and regulations.

Chapter is devoted to environmental control. XI Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”.

The objectives of environmental control are to ensure that government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, legal entities and individuals comply with legislation in the field of environmental protection, compliance with requirements, including standards and regulatory documents, in the field of environmental protection , as well as ensuring environmental safety.

The environmental control system consists of state environmental monitoring, state, industrial, municipal and public control.

Environmental control is the most important legal measure to ensure rational use of natural resources and protection of the environment from the harmful effects of government administration. It is through environmental control that the compulsion of the relevant subjects of environmental law to comply with environmental requirements is mainly ensured.

The function of environmental control is also performed when implementing other legal measures to ensure rational use of natural resources and environmental protection - environmental regulation, environmental assessment, environmental licensing, environmental certification. But within the framework of all these areas of activity, environmental control, that is, ensuring compliance with environmental and legal requirements, is carried out objectively, incidentally, in relation to each of these types of activities. The implementation of any of these measures, as well as environmental control, is an independent, purposeful activity of specially authorized state bodies, carried out within the framework of the established procedure, on the basis of special legal norms and aimed at solving their tasks.

Otherwise, the tasks of environmental control are to ensure that government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, legal entities and individuals comply with legislation in the field of environmental protection, compliance with requirements, including standards and regulatory documents, in the field of environmental protection environment, as well as ensuring environmental safety.

In contrast to environmental control, state environmental monitoring is observation (control) of the state of the environment carried out by government bodies of the Russian Federation and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Article 1 of the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”).

The organization of state environmental monitoring is defined in Chapter. X Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”, which includes one article - Art. 63. It is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to monitor the state of the environment, including the state of the environment in the areas where sources of anthropogenic impact are located and the impact of these sources on the environment, as well as to meet the needs state, legal and individuals in reliable information necessary to prevent and (or) reduce the adverse consequences of changes in the state of the environment.

The procedure for its organization and implementation is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Environmental monitoring includes monitoring of atmospheric air, lands, forests, water bodies, wildlife, the unique ecological system of Lake Baikal, the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, the state of the subsoil, the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, internal sea waters and the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation.

In order to increase the efficiency of work to preserve and improve the state of the environment, by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 24, 1993, a Unified State Environmental Monitoring System was created. All specially authorized state bodies in the field of environmental protection and use of natural resources participate in it. The most solid monitoring base is possessed by Roshydromet, which is specially authorized government agency In this area, the following main types of observations are carried out:

the state of air pollution in cities and industrial centers;

the state of soil contamination with pesticides and heavy metals;

the state of pollution of surface waters of land and seas;

over the transboundary transfer of air pollutants;

comprehensive observations of environmental pollution and the state of vegetation;

for chemical composition and acidity of precipitation and snow cover;

for background air pollution;

for radioactive contamination of the natural environment.

Environmental monitoring data is used by government authorities to ensure the environmental safety of the population, quickly identify violations of environmental requirements, monitor in real time burst emissions, discharges, and identify the causes or culprits of increased pollution.

Monitoring data serves as the basis for maintaining state cadastres of natural resources, for developing forecasts of socio-economic development, environmental programs and individual environmental protection measures, as well as for making environmentally significant economic and other decisions.

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