AIZHK hotline for mortgage borrowers. Aizhk - assistance to mortgage borrowers

The state program to assist borrowers, implemented by the Housing Mortgage Lending Agency (AHML), was introduced in 2015. The need for such support was dictated by the high debt burden of the population and a significant increase in the exchange rate of foreign currency. Government support was primarily intended for people in difficult financial situations.

Over the several years of existence of such a project, its high efficiency and demand were proven, but the program was suspended due to a lack of budget funds. As a result, citizens began to receive massive refusals to restructure their loans. In August 2017, the government decided to extend the subsidy, but some changes were made to the program.

In 2018, mortgage borrowers will be able to take advantage of government assistance under new rules. The government promises citizens to reduce their mortgage debt if certain requirements are met. The innovations mainly affected foreign currency loans.

The main essence of the state housing lending program

In order to take advantage of government assistance in restructuring a mortgage loan, the borrower will have to collect a special package of documents and write an application to his bank. If the citizen receives approval, an additional agreement to the current contract will be concluded with the borrower. After debt restructuring, the cost of monthly payments is reduced to 11.5% per annum, and the debtor receives a preferential deferment of up to one and a half years.

State subsidies aimed at reducing the principal debt on a mortgage loan are allocated from the federal budget. To control financing, the Housing Mortgage Lending Agency was created, which began to play the role of an intermediary between the lender and the borrower. As a result of such a scheme, the bank receives lost financial benefits, and the borrower receives preferential lending conditions.

In order to understand how the largest government business project works, you need to study the cash flow mechanism of this organization. AHML has a two-tier financing system. At the first stage, the agency works closely with creditors who issue and restructure complex debt under the AHML program. At the second stage, the organization buys the rights of claim on such loans and, using their security, raises funds on the stock market by issuing highly liquid securities.

All participants in this scheme benefit financially. The bank charges a fee for servicing the client and does not think about where to get funds for lending. The borrower pays off the mortgage at a lower interest rate. AHML does not check an individual’s solvency, since it issues money to the bank, and in case of non-repayment of the debt, all issues are resolved without his participation.

The extension of the state subsidization program for mortgage loans in 2018 was made possible thanks to an additional issue of securities in the amount of 2 billion rubles.

Restructuring a mortgage loan under the AHML program

AHML assistance to mortgage borrowers who find themselves in a difficult financial situation in 2018 will be carried out on the basis of Resolution No. 961 of 08/11/17. Under the new program, individuals can receive financial support in the form of writing off 30% of the remaining debt, but not more than 1.5 million rubles. In addition, the borrower can count on the cancellation of the accrued penalty, which was not written off by decision of the judicial authorities.

After the home mortgage is refinanced, the cost of a foreign currency loan will be 11.5% per annum, and a ruble loan will not be higher than the current bank rate. The state can provide two types of assistance during debt restructuring:

  • conversion of a foreign currency loan into a ruble loan at a reduced rate;
  • writing off as much of the debt as possible.

Mortgage loan restructuring is carried out only by decision of the lender. When assigning the right of claim, no commission is charged. AHML handles the on-lending process. Under Resolution No. 961, the following categories of citizens can count on preferential borrowing:

  • families with minor children;
  • combat veterans;
  • guardians and trustees raising young children;
  • citizens with a disability group;
  • individuals whose dependents are persons under 24 years of age.

An additional condition has also been established for all of the above persons. Their average monthly income for the last three months before restructuring should be less than two subsistence minimums for each family member. The minimum wage is determined in accordance with the region of residence of an individual. In addition, the second condition will be an increase in the monthly payment by 30% compared to the date of receipt of the mortgage. This clause makes the preferential refinancing program unavailable for most ruble borrowers.

At the end of 2017, to resolve the issues of clients who were not included in the state subsidy program, a special commission was created, which individually reviewed applications from individuals who, despite the obvious need, did not meet the established conditions. A list of such people in need is compiled by the bank based on the personal application of the borrower. The interdepartmental commission may decide to double the maximum subsidy amount for certain groups of people in need.

There is an opinion that banks deliberately refuse citizens to refinance a loan, but this is not true, since such a procedure is beneficial for the financial institution. When assigning the right of claim, the financial loss that may arise from early repayment of the loan will be compensated by the state.

The mortgaged property must also meet certain requirements. In order to receive preferential lending, the collateral area must meet the following requirements:

  • a one-room apartment should not be more than 45 square meters. m, two-room – 65 sq. m, three-room apartment over 85 sq. m;
  • the cost of one square meter should be no more than 60% of the established price in the region;
  • the purchased housing must be the citizen’s only one, while shared ownership of property in another premises is allowed, but not more than 50% for the whole family.

It is worth noting that the requirement for the area and cost of a meter of real estate does not apply to large families. If this category of citizens has other property, then it can be quickly transferred to other relatives, and then the right to preferential lending with state support will not be lost.

What documents will be required for loan restructuring in 2018

In order to refinance a mortgage loan under the state program, you need to provide your bank with an application, documents confirming the identity of the borrower, his right to preferential lending and mortgage real estate. The bank is also provided with various certificates about the status of the existing loan and payments made. Depending on the terms of the loan, the list of documents may include additional forms, and some certificates from the general list may be optional.

A sample list of documents looks like this:

  • application form for revision of the current terms of a mortgage loan under the state subsidy program with a mandatory indication of the reason;
  • ID cards of all family members (passports, birth certificates);
  • in case of a change of surname, the borrower provides a certificate of divorce or marriage;
  • guardians will need an extract from the court decision confirming their status;
  • veteran's certificate;
  • a document confirming the disability group of the applicant or his children;
  • an extract from a financial and personal account with information about the cohabitation of persons under the age of 24;
  • a certificate from a school or university stating that the child is studying full-time;
  • a copy of the work book for a working citizen with a note that the borrower is currently employed;
  • for individual entrepreneurs, a certificate of registration or an extract from the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs;
  • original work book for the unemployed;
  • certificate of receipt of unemployment benefits for those registered at the labor exchange;
  • income certificate in form 2-NDFL from all working family members;
  • tax return, patent;
  • for a pensioner - a certificate of the amount of pension for the last 12 months, for a student - a document confirming the amount of the scholarship;
  • current loan agreement and monthly mortgage payment schedule.

The following documents are provided for the pledge:

  • property document (certificate);
  • mortgage (if any);
  • a statement from the borrower about the presence of other property;
  • agreement of equity participation in a new building under construction;
  • collateral assessment album;
  • technical and cadastral passport of the premises.

After all the documents have been prepared, the package must be sent to the bank, in turn, the lender will submit the documentation for verification to AHML. In accordance with the regulations, consideration of the application should take no longer than 30 days. If it is necessary to provide additional information about the borrower, the procedure may take several months.

To improve the quality of life and the housing issue, every young family in the Russian Federation has the opportunity to contact AHML and apply for a housing mortgage.

The advantage of such lending today is undeniable. This is a profitable investment that:

  • helps solve housing problems,
  • resolves conflicts between children and parents,
  • does not burden the financial condition of a young family.

Before applying for a mortgage, it is advisable to find the AHML website on the Internet and study all the available information on this issue. There you can also familiarize yourself with the company’s activities, find out the terms of mortgages and lending, use a mortgage calculator to roughly calculate upcoming payments, learn about mortgage products, and get acquainted with various mortgage programs.

Also on the agency’s page is a catalog of new buildings and an official list of AHML partners who work in the secondary housing market. The interest rate on the loan is calculated depending on what kind of housing the young family plans to purchase - in a new building or in an old house. Interest rates on an apartment mortgage on the primary market will be slightly lower than on the secondary market.

After reading the information about mortgages on the AHML website, a young family has the opportunity, without leaving home, to leave an application for consideration by agency staff, and themselves to collect the necessary documentation, the list of which is indicated in the advice section.

AHML provides the opportunity for future borrowers to register in their personal account and control the process of financial movement through the loan account, generate receipts, calculate early repayment of the current loan, and much more.

AHML Help Desk

AHML hotline phone number - 8-800-755-55-00

For those who, in the process of familiarizing themselves with the information provided by AHML on the website, did not find answers to some questions, the company has provided a hotline, by contacting which a potential borrower can personally ask questions to an experienced consultant. The employee will advise and offer the young family the most profitable mortgage program, discuss which nearest branch and which bank to contact.

Support and advice to mortgage borrowers is provided by qualified AHML employees. Potential borrowers can get answers to their questions or clarify some details of the transaction by calling the specified number.

Not only potential borrowers can contact AHML and call the hotline. Partners and investors who want to take part in financing rental housing projects, participate in auctions for the purchase of land - everyone can familiarize themselves with the terms of cooperation with AHML.

The sharp decline in the national currency provoked a decline in the standard of living of the Russian population, which led to arrears on mortgage loans. This situation had a particularly painful impact on foreign currency borrowers. Some of them are even facing bankruptcy. You can read about the risks of bankruptcy with a mortgage and what will happen to the mortgaged apartment in the article at the link.

In turn, the Government of the Russian Federation in 2015 adopted a program to support mortgage borrowers who find themselves in difficult life situations. The mortgage assistance program is designed for 2016–2017.

The regulatory document regulating the procedure for providing assistance is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2015 N 373 (with amendments and additions in force in 2017) “On the main conditions for the implementation of the assistance program for certain categories of borrowers for housing mortgage loans (loans) who find themselves in difficult financial situation, and increasing the authorized capital of the joint-stock company "Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending".

Now we will consider in detail the conditions for obtaining support for borrowers with a mortgage loan.

Attention. new program conditions

Reimbursement under the program is carried out for residential mortgage loans (loans), restructuring agreements for which were concluded before May 31, 2017.

Conditions for providing support to mortgage borrowers (as amended before August 2017)

Citizens can count on help with mortgage difficulties if 6 conditions are met simultaneously(listed below):

1 mandatory condition - categories of borrowers. The main requirement is that assistance is provided only to citizens who have minor children, or are combat veterans, or are disabled (or have disabled children).

Condition 2 - a decrease in the borrower's income.

To receive assistance, it is necessary that one of the consequences specified in clause 2.1 and one of the consequences specified in clause 2.2 occur (simultaneously).

2.1. The average monthly income of the borrower (joint and several debtors), calculated for 3 months preceding the date of filing the application for restructuring, must decrease by at least 30% compared to the average monthly income of the borrower (joint and several debtors), calculated for 3 months preceding the date of conclusion of the loan agreement ( loan agreement), or the amount of the planned monthly payment on the loan (loan), calculated on the date of filing the application for restructuring (in ruble equivalent at the rate of the relevant currency established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the same date), must increase by at least 30% according to compared to the size of the planned monthly payment calculated on the date of conclusion of the loan agreement (this paragraph does not apply since 2017 due to the publication of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2016 N 1231);

2.2. the average monthly total income of the family of the borrower (joint and several debtors), calculated for 3 months preceding the date of filing the application for restructuring, after deducting the planned monthly payment on the credit (loan), calculated as of the date of filing the application for restructuring, does not exceed for each family member of the borrower (joint and several debtor) twice the minimum subsistence level established in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in whose territory the persons whose income was taken into account in the calculation live. In this case, the average monthly total income of the family of the borrower (joint and several debtors) in the calculation period is equal to the sum of the average monthly income of the borrower (joint and several debtors) and members of his family, which for the purposes of this document includes the spouse of the borrower (joint and several debtor) and minor children, including including those under their guardianship or trusteeship.

Condition 3 – location of the property and official registration of the mortgage. According to current requirements, the object must be located on the territory of Russia, and must also be registered as collateral. Read about the procedure for applying for a mortgage in the article at the link.

Condition 4 – requirements for room area.

Assistance is provided if residential premises, including residential premises, the right of claim to which arises from an equity participation agreement:

  • the total area does not exceed: 45 sq. meters - for a room with 1 living room; 65 sq. meters - for a room with 2 living rooms; 85 sq. meters - for a room with 3 or more living rooms;
  • at the cost of 1 sq. meter of total area does not exceed by more than 60 percent the cost of 1 sq. meters of the total area of ​​a typical apartment for the primary or secondary housing market (respectively) in the subject of the Russian Federation in which the residential premises are located, determined according to the Federal State Statistics Service on the date of conclusion of the credit agreement (loan agreement).

Exception: It should be noted that for large families the condition provided for in paragraph 4 does not apply.

Condition 5 – the only housing.

Assistance is provided only when purchasing a single home with a mortgage. In this case, it is allowed to have a total share of the mortgagor and his family members in the ownership of other residential premises in the amount of no more than 50 percent in each of such other residential premises.

Condition 6 – term for concluding the loan agreement.

Support is provided only for those loans for which the agreement must be valid for at least 12 months at the time of filing the restructuring application.

New. Since 2017, this requirement has been canceled by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2016 N 1231

Mortgage Borrower Support Form

The joint stock company "Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending" deals with issues of providing assistance in the event of difficulties in repaying mortgage loans.

Assistance is provided in the form of loan restructuring. In this case, restructuring can be carried out either by concluding an agreement between the creditor and the borrower (joint and several debtors) to change the terms of a previously concluded credit agreement (loan agreement), or by concluding a new credit agreement (loan agreement) for the purpose of full repayment of debt on a restructured mortgage loan. To conclude debt restructuring, the borrower must submit an application to the credit institution.

Attention. In August 2017, by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the conditions of the state program were significantly changed. assistance to mortgage borrowers. The new terms of the program can be found in the article at the link.

Restructuring can take the following forms

In order to receive assistance, the bank must provide for the following changes in the terms of the mortgage loan:

a) changing the currency of the loan from foreign currency to rubles of the Russian Federation at a rate not higher than the rate of the corresponding currency established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of conclusion of the restructuring agreement - for credits (loans) issued in foreign currency;

b) setting the lending rate for the entire term of the mortgage not higher than 12% per annum (for loans previously issued in foreign currency) or not higher than the rate in effect on the date of concluding the restructuring agreement - for ruble loans.

Which banks provide assistance to mortgage borrowers?

The main Russian banks have joined the borrower assistance program, these include:

Sberbank, Gazprombank, VTB 24, Rosselkhozbank, Bank of Moscow, UniCredit Bank, Promsvyazbank, ROSBANK, BINBANK, Absolut Bank, Avtogradbank, AK BARS, AKIBANK, GLOBEXBANK, Far Eastern Bank, Zapsibkombank, Bank ZENIT, Izhkombank, Krayinvestbank, Kurskprombank, LOKO-Bank , METCOMBANK, MTS-Bank, OTP Bank, Primsotsbank, RosEvroBank, Svyaz-Bank, Sobinbank, Center-invest.

Let us remind you that in order to obtain a restructuring, you must contact the bank that issued the mortgage loan, and then the bank itself will contact the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending. Therefore, if all of the above conditions are met in the application to the bank, it would not be out of place to refer to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2015 N 373.

Please note that the program does not provide for complete exemption of the borrower from making monthly loan payments, from paying fines, penalties and penalties accrued under the terms of the loan agreement (loan agreement). The lender may consider partially or completely writing off fines, penalties and penalties for late payments incurred during the period of deterioration in the borrower’s solvency. However, according to the assistance program approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, he is not obliged to do this. In addition, the program does not provide for the release of the borrower from obligations for property and title insurance, as well as personal insurance, the conditions for which are specified in the current loan agreement.

Prepared by "Personal"

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The sharp depreciation of the ruble had a negative financial impact on foreign currency borrowers. Some of them are even facing bankruptcy. You can read about the risks of bankruptcy with a mortgage and what will happen to the mortgaged apartment in the article at the link.

In 2015, the Russian government adopted a program to support mortgage borrowers who find themselves in difficult life situations. This program to assist mortgage holders prematurely ceased to exist in March 2017 due to the expenditure of allocated funds.

In August 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation, headed by D.A. Medvedev. allocated an additional 2 billion rubles to provide assistance to mortgage borrowers. However, the terms of the program changed significantly, and by 2018, the money allocated to help mortgage borrowers ran out again.

In order to further support mortgage holders, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to provide additional funding for this program and in accordance with Government Resolution No. 1175 dated October 3, 2018 " “On the further implementation of the program of assistance to certain categories of borrowers for housing mortgage loans (loans) who find themselves in a difficult financial situation”, an additional amount of 731 million rubles was allocated.

For reference. The regulatory document regulating the procedure for providing assistance is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2015 N 373 (with amendments and additions in force in 2019) “On the main conditions for the implementation of the assistance program for certain categories of borrowers for housing mortgage loans (loans) who find themselves in difficult financial situation, and increasing the authorized capital of the joint-stock company "Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending".

Now we will take a closer look at the new conditions for obtaining support for borrowers with a mortgage loan.

The joint stock company DOM.RF (previously this company was called the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending) deals with issues of providing assistance in the event of difficulties when paying off mortgage loans.

Assistance is provided in the form of loan restructuring. In this case, restructuring can be carried out either by concluding an agreement between the creditor and the borrower (joint and several debtors) to change the terms of a previously concluded credit agreement (loan agreement), or by concluding a new credit agreement (loan agreement) for the purpose of full repayment of debt on a restructured mortgage loan. To conclude debt restructuring, the borrower must submit an application to the credit institution.

Maximum support amount

The maximum amount of compensation for the loan is 30% of the balance of the loan (loan) calculated as of the date of conclusion of the restructuring agreement, but not more than 1.5 million rubles.

At the same time, the interdepartmental commission for making decisions on compensation to creditors (lenders) for housing mortgage loans (loans), mortgage agents operating in accordance with the Federal Law "On Mortgage Securities" for housing mortgage loans (loans), the rights of claim for which acquired by mortgage agents, and to the joint stock company "DOM.RF" for housing mortgage loans (loans), the rights of claim for which were acquired by this company, losses (part of them) resulting from the restructuring of housing mortgage loans (loans) in accordance with the terms of the program ( hereinafter referred to as the interdepartmental commission), the maximum amount of compensation for each restructured mortgage housing loan (loan) based on the corresponding application of the creditor to the interdepartmental commission can be increased, but not more than 2 times, in the manner prescribed by the regulations on the interdepartmental commission.

Duration of the program

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 3, 2018 No. 1175 sets the deadline for filing an application for assistance - December 1, 2018. Such applications may be considered later, and in fact assistance on such applications will be provided in the 1st quarter of 2019.

Important. An application for the need for restructuring in accordance with the assistance program must be submitted before December 1, 2018.

Conditions for providing support to mortgage borrowers

Now let's figure out who can get help. In accordance with current legislation, citizens can count on assistance with mortgage difficulties subject to the following conditions being met simultaneously(listed below):

1 mandatory condition - categories of borrowers.

The borrower (joint and several debtors) is a citizen of the Russian Federation belonging to one of the following categories:

  • citizens who have one or more minor children or are guardians (trustees) of one or more minor children;
  • citizens who are disabled or have disabled children;
  • citizens who are combat veterans;
  • citizens who are dependent on persons under the age of 24 who are students, students (cadets), graduate students, adjuncts, residents, assistant trainees, interns and full-time students.

Condition 2 - change in the financial situation of the borrower (joint and several debtors).

To receive assistance, it is necessary that the average monthly total income of the family of the borrower (joint and several debtors), calculated for 3 months preceding the date of filing the application for restructuring, after deducting the amount of the planned monthly payment on the loan (loan), calculated for the date preceding the date of filing the application for restructuring , does not exceed for each family member of the borrower (joint and several debtor) twice the subsistence minimum established in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in whose territory the persons whose income was taken into account in the calculation live.

New condition. At the same time, the average monthly total income of the family of the borrower (joint and several debtors) in the calculation period is equal to the sum of the average monthly income of the borrower (joint and several debtors) and members of his family and the amount of the planned monthly payment on the credit (loan), calculated on the date preceding the date of filing the application for restructuring, increased no less than 30 percent compared to the amount of the planned monthly payment calculated on the date of conclusion of the credit agreement (loan agreement).

Thus, Despite the fact that the assistance program is designed not only for foreign currency borrowers, its condition of increasing the monthly payment by 30% suggests that this program will be able to benefit mainly from citizens who have taken out a mortgage in foreign currency.

Condition 3 – location of the property and official registration of the mortgage.

According to current requirements, the object must be located on the territory of Russia, and must also be registered as collateral. Read about the procedure for applying for a mortgage in the article at the link.

Condition 4 – requirements for room area.

Assistance is provided if the residential premises, including residential premises, the right of claim to which arises from the share participation agreement does not exceed:

  • 45 sq. meters - for a room with 1 living room;
  • 65 sq. meters - for a room with 2 living rooms;
  • 85 sq. meters - for a room with 3 or more living rooms/

For reference. Condition on the minimum cost of 1 sq. meters of total area is excluded.

Condition 5 – the only housing.

Assistance is provided only if there is only one place to live. In this case, it is allowed to have a total share of the mortgagor and his family members in the ownership of no more than 1 other residential premises in the amount of no more than 50 percent.

Important. Compliance with these conditions is confirmed by a simple written statement from the borrower. The borrower is not required to provide information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. Joint Stock Company "Housing Mortgage Lending Agency" verifies the information provided by the borrower in accordance with this subparagraph.

Condition 6 – term for concluding the loan agreement.

Support is provided only for those loans for which the agreement was concluded at least 12 months before the date the borrower submits an application for restructuring, except in cases where the mortgage loan (loan) was provided for the purpose of full repayment of the debt on the housing mortgage loan (loan) provided at least 12 months before the date the borrower submits the restructuring application.

New exceptions. Clause 9 of the new Conditions of the program (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 11, 2017 N 961) stipulates that in the event of non-compliance with no more than two conditions provided for in clause 8 of this document, payment of compensation under the program is allowed in accordance with the decision of the interdepartmental commission in the manner provided for by the regulations on the interdepartmental commission.

Mortgage Borrower Support Form

In order to receive assistance, the bank must provide for the following changes in the terms of the mortgage loan:

Which banks provide assistance to mortgage borrowers?

The main banks of the Russian Federation accept documents to provide assistance to borrowers within the framework of the state program. These include:

Sberbank, Gazprombank, VTB 24, Rosselkhozbank, Bank of Moscow, UniCredit Bank, Promsvyazbank, ROSBANK, BINBANK, Absolut Bank, Avtogradbank, AK BARS, AKIBANK, GLOBEXBANK, Far Eastern Bank, Zapsibkombank, Bank ZENIT, Izhkombank, Krayinvestbank, Kurskprombank, LOKO-Bank , METCOMBANK, MTS-Bank, OTP Bank, Primsotsbank, RosEvroBank, Svyaz-Bank, Sobinbank, Center-invest.

Let us remind you that in order to obtain a restructuring, you must contact the bank that issued the mortgage loan, and then the bank itself will contact the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending. Therefore, if all of the above conditions are met in the application to the bank, it would not be out of place to refer to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2015 N 373.

Please note that the program does not provide for complete exemption of the borrower from making monthly loan payments, from paying fines, penalties and penalties accrued under the terms of the loan agreement (loan agreement). The lender may consider partially or completely writing off fines, penalties and penalties for late payments incurred during the period of deterioration in the borrower’s solvency. However, according to the assistance program approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, he is not obliged to do this. In addition, the program does not provide for the release of the borrower from obligations for property and title insurance, as well as personal insurance, the conditions for which are specified in the current loan agreement.

To receive support, it is necessary to submit to the bank from which the mortgage loan was obtained an application with a list of documents provided by JSC AHML (DOM.RF).

Instability of economic realities and the emergence of private life difficulties may lead to the fact that previously assumed obligations to repay the mortgage debt cannot be fulfilled by the borrower in the same amount. Banking organizations are interested in ensuring that citizens do not accumulate loan debt, so they restructure the debt or give credit holidays. But all these steps are not always able to help families who find themselves in difficult situations.

To receive government support, you must meet the established criteria and go through the registration procedure.

Since 2016, a government program began to operate aimed at helping mortgage borrowers who, due to current circumstances, cannot repay their loan. Certain amounts of money are allocated from the budget, which are used to partially repay the mortgage debt.

Mortgage as a special lending program was developed and implemented in the Russian Federation to enable citizens to purchase real estate without major initial investments. The very essence of this program is to help people. Many families have the opportunity not to save for many years for housing, but to buy it today and, while living in it, pay off the borrowed amounts. The mortgage is issued for a period of up to 30 years, and all funds spent on housing, along with interest for their use, are paid in monthly installments.

The mortgage program is good and convenient for everyone, but it also has a significant disadvantage - you cannot predict your well-being for decades to come. Every person's life undergoes changes and, unfortunately, not all of them are positive. Over many decades, a citizen can start a family, children, lose a high-paying job or even health. The very principle of mortgage lending implies that if a person can no longer pay monthly installments, the living space is sold and the bank takes the balance of the unpaid debt, and the difference in the amount is returned to the former borrower. Of course, such an outcome is considered disastrous, because years of contributions go down the drain, not to mention the fact that the home owner ends up on the street. To prevent such a situation, a state program to support mortgage borrowers was developed in 2015.

Legislative framework

This system began to operate in 2016. Its foundations are set out in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 373 “On the main conditions for the implementation of the assistance program...” dated April 20, 2015. For less than two years it was suspended, but then resumed again. In August 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to resume the program that had been stopped by that time, which was enshrined in Resolution No. 961 of August 11, 2017. The expiration date of state support was not specified and in 2018 it is valid to the established extent. To date, government support has been provided to almost 19,000 families who find themselves in a difficult financial situation.

Resolution No. 373 has been constantly refined and improved since its first adoption; new significant points were introduced into it that improved the interaction procedure and took into account the interests, first of all, of borrowers. The document specifies the basic conditions for participation in the program and the amount of funds allocated from a special government fund. In 2017, two billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the program.

Supporting body

The program of state support for mortgage borrowers is carried out through the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, and is directly implemented by the joint-stock company “Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending” (AHML). This structure is authorized to consider candidates applying for monetary government support and to stimulate housing lending.

AHML is a state organization and its budget consists of 100% state capital money. This structure has a clear purpose - to provide support to banks that engage in long-term mortgage lending.

Cooperation between banks and AHML takes place according to the following scheme:

  1. A citizen applies to a credit institution and receives a loan from it to purchase housing.
  2. If certain conditions are met, the borrower turns to AHML for state support. The allocated money is not given in cash to the needy, but is transferred directly to the creditor for partial repayment of the debt.
  3. The bank restores its financial reserves using the funds issued, and the transferred amount is written off from the payer’s debt.

In such operations, the bank respects its interests, and the borrower receives financial support from the state and extends the possibility of repaying the debt.

Borrower categories

Government Decree No. 373 provides a complete list of citizens who have the right to count on participation in the developed program. The list was approved in 2015 and slightly adjusted in November 2016. It includes:

  1. Parents who have one or more minor children.
  2. Guardians or trustees raising one minor child or more children under 18 years of age.
  3. Citizens who took part in hostilities.
  4. People with any degree of disability, subject to official confirmation of this fact.
  5. Parents raising a disabled child.
  6. Parents who support children over 18 years of age, but under 24 years of age, provided that they are full-time students in educational institutions.

The conditions apply only to people who have Russian citizenship, a Russian passport and permanent registration in Russia.

Requirements for borrowers

Repayment of a mortgage at the expense of the state is possible, but it is necessary to meet established requirements. The borrower must fall under one of the listed categories and be a citizen of the Russian Federation, but this does not guarantee that assistance will be provided.

One of the most important indicators is the level of wages at the moment and the ratio of the size of the loan payment on the day of registration and on the day of applying to AHML. The applicant must have a low monthly income. The salary limit is calculated as follows:

  1. The mortgage payment amount is deducted from your monthly income.
  2. The remaining amount should not exceed twice the minimum subsistence level. The PM of a specific region is taken as a basis. The amount of income is divided among all family members.

The calculation takes into account data for the last three months. AHML specialists proceed from the fact that the previously established loan payment should increase by at least 30%. This situation often occurs for those citizens who have taken out a foreign currency mortgage or taken out a loan at a floating interest rate.

Loan requirements

To receive financial assistance, it is extremely important that the loan itself meets the established requirements. They apply mainly to the amount of the mortgage loan. It is extremely unreasonable to set any restrictions in monetary terms, because the cost of residential properties varies depending on the region and locality, so the requirements are put forward directly to the real estate taken on a mortgage. Collateral housing must meet the following criteria:

  1. The area of ​​the property must be no higher than 45 m2 for a 1-room apartment, 65 m2 for a 2-room apartment and 85 m2 for a 3-room apartment.
  2. The cost of one square meter is calculated based on the average price in a given locality. Exceeding the average is allowed by no more than 60%.
  3. The mortgaged property is the borrower's only living space. If he has a share in other premises, then it is important that it does not exceed 50% of the total area. Data on the availability of other real estate is taken from 2015.

Please note that all of the above restrictions on credit and living space do not apply to families with three or more minor children.

Conditions for participation in the program

You can apply for state support only if you meet one of the main conditions, which is often not taken into account by debtors - the mortgage loan must be issued at least a year ago. If the loan was taken out just a few months ago, you should not count on debt restructuring. All efforts of the state are not aimed at freeing the borrower from loan obligations. Support only reduces payments to an acceptable level, leaving the citizen with an amount that he can repay on his own.

You can count on financial assistance only once. Moreover, if the application is rejected due to insufficient grounds, the citizen can appeal to a special interdepartmental commission. It was approved in 2017 and allows for a more individual approach to considering situations. The commission can not only decide on the need for assistance on a previously rejected application, but also increase the amount of compensation by any number of units, up to 100%.

Help format

The final result of government assistance is expressed in monetary terms, but which format will be chosen in each specific case depends on many circumstances. There are two main ways to reduce your monthly payments:

  1. Reducing the borrower's debt obligations.
  2. Converting a foreign currency loan into ruble equivalent.

The choice of option depends, first of all, on the initial data of the loan taken.

The state support program was developed after the economic crisis significantly weakened the financial capabilities of payers. A few years ago, mortgages were issued at variable rates, since this aspect was not regulated by the state. This procedure well protects the credit institution itself from loss of profit, but for the borrower it can become a debt trap, which is what actually happened to many payers.

Difficult circumstances and the fact that the income level of a large number of citizens has seriously fallen, had a negative impact primarily on their solvency.

Reducing the borrower's obligations

The borrower's obligations are reduced according to a certain scheme. The first thing the financial institution decides is how much to compensate the applicant. In this case there is no established minimum size, but there is a maximum. Often 20-30% of the total balance owed on the mortgage is reimbursed. It is stipulated that the amount of state support should not exceed one and a half million rubles.

The following categories of citizens will be able to repay 30% of the debt:

  1. The family has two minor children.
  2. Disability has been established.
  3. Parents are raising a disabled child.
  4. The applicant is a combat veteran.

Families with one child can receive only 20% of the remaining mortgage debt. Please note that an exception may be made to this rule if the interdepartmental commission decides that a large amount of debt must be paid.

It is important to determine not only how much money will be compensated from budget funds, but also how it is provided. There are two options for assistance:

  1. The entire agreed amount is written off from the debt balance, after which the amount of monthly payments is recalculated.
  2. The provided amount of money is divided into parts, each of which will be used to compensate for the monthly payment. In this case there are two significant limitations. Firstly, you can compensate no more than 50% of the monthly contribution. And secondly, the duration of such payment should not exceed 18 months.

Which option to choose is decided between the borrower and the lender, but the prerogative is given to the citizen, because the financial organization loses nothing in either case.

Replacing foreign currency mortgages with ruble ones

Many mortgage borrowers found themselves in the unpleasant situation of financial collapse precisely because at one time they took out a loan in foreign currency. Long-term stability in the foreign exchange market weakened the vigilance of citizens, and it began to seem that nothing would shake the current situation. The amount of mortgage loans taken due to the jump in the exchange rate increased several times. And given the interest rate applicable to them, repayment of dues has become simply unrealistic.

The state support program allows citizens who have taken out a mortgage in foreign currency to convert the loan into the ruble equivalent.

The restructuring of such loans is carried out not at the established rate, but according to the laws adopted today. The interest rate applied to the ruble equivalent should not exceed that provided by the bank today for issuing mortgage programs. The rate can be increased only in one case, if the borrower has violated the established insurance rules provided for in the loan agreement.

Documents for restructuring

Financial organizations consider an application for debt restructuring with the help of state support only if the borrower provides the required package of documents for consideration of his candidacy. Information about his financial and family situation must be confirmed and fit the conditions of the program.

The list of documents consists of the following forms:

  1. Passport.
  2. Valid loan agreement.
  3. Documents for minor children - birth certificates.
  4. Certificate of disability or participation in hostilities and receipt of veteran status.
  5. A certificate from a medical institution if a minor child has a disability.
  6. Certificate of income for the last three months.
  7. A copy of the work book from the employer or its original if the person is not working at the moment.
  8. A certificate from an educational institution stating that the adult child is a full-time student.
  9. Guardians and adoptive parents must provide a decision from the guardianship authorities and a court order.
  10. Extract from the Unified State Register.
  11. Insurance policy.

The list may be supplemented at the discretion of the credit institution. Attached to the article is a sample application for mortgage restructuring.


To receive government financial support to repay part of the remaining mortgage loan, the borrower will need to go through a step-by-step procedure. It consists of the following steps:

  1. A package of documents is submitted to the credit institution that issued the mortgage loan.
  2. The bank reviews the submitted application and issues its verdict.
  3. If the decision is positive, the applicant moves on to the next step, and if the decision is negative, he can contact the interdepartmental commission for a more detailed consideration of the circumstances and a more individual response.
  4. A new loan agreement is concluded or an additional agreement is prepared to an existing form.

First, the bank repays the difference from its own funds, but then the entire specified amount is compensated by AHML

Contacting the bank

Many borrowers complain that the bank refuses to restructure their mortgage loan, not wanting to consider documents for receiving government support. It should be taken into account that not all credit institutions are included in the AHML list, which complicates the possibility of cooperation. If the refusal is the initiative of the bank, then you can safely submit an application to the interdepartmental commission, since such actions are considered unlawful.

A borrower who, in his own opinion, meets the established requirements and conditions of state support is required to fill out an application form. This form is confirmed by the collected documents and submitted to the creditor for examination and a final verdict.

A positive decision results in a revision of previously established payment amounts. Before signing new agreements with the bank, you should decide on the method of compensation - one-time or in installments to pay off monthly payments.

Contacting AHML

The entire registration procedure is carried out in close cooperation between the bank and AHML. If the process follows a standard path, then the citizen will not have to apply to AHML on his own; this will be handled by the lender. The bank submits the already reviewed documents to the agency, which, based on them, transfers the agreed amount of compensation to the financial organization.

If the creditor rejected the application for debt restructuring or decided to compensate only a small part of it, which, in the opinion of the property owner himself, is unjustified, a commission review of the situation can be initiated. In some cases, the commission may decide to pay 100% of the debt, but for this the reasons must be very compelling.

Sample documents

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