Libra monthly oracle horoscope. Weekly horoscope: Libra

Forecast for May 2019

General horoscope for May for Libra

At the beginning of May, Libra may have troubles in relations with servants of the law. You may be charged with breaking any rules or laws. The most likely situation may be related to violation of traffic rules while driving a car. You may be fined. Another problematic topic these days may be related to violation of obligations on the part of your friends or relatives. You may be promised something and not keep that promise, and this can make you nervous. There may be tension in your relationship with one of the people in your daily circle of communication. During the remaining days of May, you will succeed in matters involving risk. This good time to participate in sports competitions. Fans of extreme recreation will also have a good time. You can change your usual lifestyle, change your habits and bring something new into your life. For example, this is a great time to combat bad habits and move towards healthy image life. The most successful days in May: 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 30. Busy days: 2, 3, 6, 7, 18, 21.

Love horoscope for May for Libra

In May, the stars advise Libra not to forget about concrete material expression and confirmation of feelings, especially on their part. It is important to be warmer in intimate moments. In the first half of May, give the initiative to your partner more often, make concessions and try to do everything together. This is the best period for traveling together. The last week of May will highlight the importance of constant communication and having a common worldview.

Career and finance horoscope for May for Libra

At the beginning of May, Libra's business connections may be tested for strength and reliability. And some contacts may not pass this test. The point is that you will expect more responsible behavior and fulfillment of the obligations given to you from the people with whom you enter into business interaction. However, not all people with whom you collaborate will confirm their reliability. Also these days, your nervous system may experience great overload and, in case of complications, you may spontaneously break off some business ties. On the remaining days of the month, things will go uphill. First of all, you will be able to succeed in financial activities. Your income will increase. You can get access to credit resources on favorable terms. It’s good to focus on paying off debts and insuring your business against force majeure.

The most accurate love and financial horoscope for Libra for the month

Read the most truthful and most accurate horoscope Libra for the month: love horoscope for Libra for the month, financial and business horoscope for Libra for the month, horoscope for Libra for the month for free. Find out which days will be lucky for Libra.

Apparently, you need to beware of advisers and cope with the situation on your own. And now is not the best time to be alone with yourself. Try to maintain your composure.

Perhaps, in search of love, you need to pay attention to your colleagues. You can fall in love completely unexpectedly, even on the road.

The upcoming event will not only bring fun, but also a chance for something more. There will be no good reason for conflict situations. By the way, now is probably not the right time for emotional conversations, try to hold off on this. The main thing is that loved ones will not have difficulties with their health.


Now is a bad time to be alone with yourself. You probably need to provide support to your relatives; this will be highly appreciated. It’s better to rely on experience; it will point you in the right direction. Love does not tolerate haste, give the higher powers a chance to bring something interesting into life by stopping holding on to the past. And love should not be rushed, but, most likely, there is no need to waste time on the first people you meet.

And the next party will not only bring fun, but also a chance for something more. The health status of your relatives will gradually improve. Also, apparently, a sincere conversation - good chance to resolve everything. Perhaps in this moment It’s best to distract yourself and do household chores.

This week Libra will be able to get a more accurate idea of ​​where and why they should move in the near future. You may have to adjust something in your affairs and internal routine. This is a good time to make changes aimed at using your abilities more effectively. Positive progress may occur in your career and in relationships with some influential, authoritative people. Don't be afraid of change - remember that any change now can open up new opportunities for you. You may also feel like you are becoming more popular in your social circle. They will talk about you more often, your actions will be more noticeable. Moreover, it is important to note that you will not be surrounded by bad fame, but by the sympathy and friendly attitude of others. This is a good time to participate in creative and professional competitions - the chances of winning prizes are now quite high. And of course you will become more noticeable and attractive to members of the opposite sex.

Weekly love horoscope for Libra

The week will remind Libra of the importance of intimate harmony and the practical nuances of relationships. Dating can take unexpected turns. Possible nervousness or crisis period. The connecting thread will remain the similarity of worldviews; it is important to “speak the same language.” The most romantic days are May 20, 24, 25.

Weekly career and financial horoscope for Libra

This week could be exceptionally successful for Libra, who occupy leadership positions and are reform-oriented. Approach changes at work with maximum energy. Cut off everything that hinders development and is technologically outdated. If necessary, make personnel changes, giving preference to young and modern-minded employees. You will not experience difficulties with access to credit financial resources. The second half of the week is favorable for business trips and shift work. Contacts with foreigners will be useful for your work.

At the beginning of May, Libra may have troubles in relations with servants of the law. You may be charged with breaking any rules or laws. The most likely situation may be related to violation of traffic rules while driving a car. You may be fined. Another problematic topic these days may be related to violation of obligations on the part of your friends or relatives. You may be promised something and not keep that promise, and this can make you nervous. There may be tension in your relationship with one of the people in your daily circle of communication. During the remaining days of May, you will succeed in matters involving risk. This is a good time to participate in sports. Fans of extreme recreation will also have a good time. You can change your usual lifestyle, change your habits and bring something new into your life. For example, this is a great time to fight bad habits and switch to a healthy lifestyle. The most successful days in May: 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 30. Busy days: 2, 3, 6, 7, 18, 21.

Love horoscope for May for Libra

In May, the stars advise Libra not to forget about concrete material expression and confirmation of feelings, especially on their part. It is important to be warmer in intimate moments. In the first half of May, give the initiative to your partner more often, make concessions and try to do everything together. This is the best period for traveling together. The last week of May will highlight the importance of constant communication and having a common worldview.

Career and finance horoscope for May for Libra

At the beginning of May, Libra's business connections may be tested for strength and reliability. And some contacts may not pass this test. The point is that you will expect more responsible behavior and fulfillment of the obligations given to you from the people with whom you enter into business interaction. However, not all people with whom you collaborate will confirm their reliability. Also these days, your nervous system may experience great overload and, in case of complications, you may spontaneously break off some business ties. On the remaining days of the month, things will go uphill. First of all, you will be able to succeed in financial activities. Your income will increase. You can get access to credit resources on favorable terms. It’s good to focus on paying off debts and insuring your business against force majeure.

Horoscopes for the sign Libra for the year

If you miss change, then rest assured: 2019 will provide them to you. Get ready to meet what you have long dreamed of. Do unusual things, surprise others, and most importantly, yourself; perhaps this year you will decide to do something that you could not even think of before. Thanks to your increased charm, you will often be the center of attention and successfully resolve many important issues. Those desperate to find love will have a fateful meeting in the second half of the year...

Monthly horoscope for Libra

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