Horoscope for September Gemini from Vasilisa. Horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina

Vasilisa Volodina is considered the best predictor and compiler of horoscopes for men and women.

Astrological forecast from Vasilisa Volodina according to the zodiac signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra

— Aries
Aries are very resilient and therefore fate constantly presents tests of endurance. Aries, like good wine aged for a long time, becomes stronger and better over the years. Aries have the inherent ability to fall in love with the wrong people, which is why they often suffer in marriage.

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— Taurus
Taurus sometimes themselves do not understand what stupidity they are doing. Because of this, they often get into uncomfortable and difficult situations. Their magnetism allows them to gather around them large number people, but due to the previously mentioned factor, they lead people to the wrong place.

- Twins
They have super-powerful intuition, which saves them in the most unpredictable moments. Geminis are very stubborn, so they are able to achieve great career positions. Especially when the work involves communicating with people.

This ritual is performed during the warm summer months. Early in the morning, when dew is accumulating on the grass, go outside, grab a bunch of greenery with your hand and tear it off the roots.

Go to your lover’s house and, near his threshold, spread the plucked grass with a free movement and say:

“The Servant of the Lord Alexei (insert the desired name) walks the earth, wears a white body, does not bow his wild head, does not remember me, the Servant of the Lord Irina (substitute), and does not miss my lips. As soon as he steps on an ant-grass, dope will cover his violent head.

Just as the grass dries up under the red sun, so will my loved one begin to dry up. My speeches are strong and molded, no one can talk them down.”

— Charmed dew grass

— Cancer
Impulsive and cheeky Cancers can harm any modest person. Weak-willed and illiterate people often fall under the influence of Cancers. In such cases, many become bosses and managers, after which they cleanse their company of uneducated people. Thus, Cancers go over their heads, achieving their goal. There is no such priority or desire in their life, but still, it turns out that way.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that suits you best and find out what your hidden magical abilities are.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the lack of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm, and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and the support of higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, ruptures in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications, he is a medium. It's about being able to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is upset, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for good, I will move to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts, it’s witchcraft. You can study and cast damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an overwhelming task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer, in their innocence, from your superpowers bestowed from above.

Developing inner strength requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

What is most characteristic of you is telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small and, over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which can be darkened by a transition to the dark side if you are not strong enough to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, incantations, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream that you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

— Virgo
Attractive and pretty, modest and arrogant. Such people collect within themselves a whole bunch of negative and positive qualities, and in such a way that it all looks very attractive. They like to be alone, but do not experience separation.

- Scales
Libras love to play and this is connected not only with computer or board games, but also with emotions. Libras often play on other people's emotions and also have a natural gift of persuasion. Therefore, conversations with Libras who are plotting evil end very badly. Every word you say becomes against you after a conversation with this zodiac sign.

The horoscope for 2020 from Vasilisa Volodina for the sign of Sagittarius clearly indicates that sunny Sagittarius will need to add seriousness in terms of organization, and also pay close attention to issues of saving.

Most Sagittarius representatives may face some problems

General trends

Most representatives of this zodiac sign may encounter some problems during 2020 that will cause restrictions. Such restrictions will ultimately complicate the processes of self-realization and self-affirmation, as a result of which the following may be observed:

  • drop in vital energy level;
  • predominance of depressed mood;
  • the emergence of some difficulties in the field of well-being and financial stability.

The optimal solution to all the problems that Sagittarius will face in 2020 will be a slight lowering of the level of demands on people around them, themselves, as well as goals for the future, combined with discipline, practicality, and even some asceticism. It is thanks to such an attitude that you can easily avoid all the disappointments that the zodiac sign Sagittarius will experience during this period. A prerequisite for further success in life is to use the experience gained this year. Thanks to the trials of 2020, you can become a person with a more tempered and stronger character.

Volodin about Sagittarius

The horoscope for 2020 for the Sagittarius sign from Vasilisa Volodina clearly indicates the possibility of certain difficulties arising, as well as desires to abandon all kinds of restrictions; the Sagittarius woman will be especially susceptible to such desires. Emerging desires must be controlled, since loss of concentration during this period promises interference from Saturn, which is capable of creating rather harsh life circumstances.

It should be noted that the whole year for Sagittarius is marked by the serious influence of Saturn, which will regularly offer various tests and put constant pressure on the representatives of the sign.

It should be noted that the zodiac Sagittarius has been under the influence of this planet for quite some time now. long time, and as can be seen from the forecast, Vasilisa Volodina clearly indicates a continuation of the existing trend. At the same time, the peak of Saturn’s influence is coming to an end, and the emergence of acute situations is not expected in the near future, although the influence of events that have already happened, which in one way or another affected issues of physical and emotional health, as well as financial well-being, will be felt for several more years. years.

Social affairs and work situation

In the first half of 2020, the trend for Sagittarius will continue, which began in mid-2018 and had a beneficial effect on success in career matters, as well as achieving heights in the social sphere.

  1. Promotions are possible, as well as some changes in social status.
  2. By the end of April the situation may change radically.
  3. The period from June to July can become especially difficult in this regard, when it comes to the realization that there are a number of restrictions that do not allow you to act freely, and doubts may also arise about the correctness of the chosen path.
  4. The lifeboat in this situation will be serious profits, as well as the use of a creative approach to solving problems, thanks to which they will be solved or cease to be relevant.

The sign of Sagittarius will have financial success

The main driver of success for Sagittarius in the rather difficult period of 2020 should be hard work, which allows them to achieve serious success in all endeavors. It is thanks to this quality that the Sagittarius sign will have financial success, and will also be able to maintain and even somewhat improve its social status.

Financial situation

In this area, the female Sagittarius horoscope from Volodina indicates that the sign will be subject to two opposing forces, which will simultaneously contribute to enrichment and have a destructive influence in the area of ​​financial well-being. Representatives of the sign of Sagittarius, the financial component of their lives, will gradually adapt to new conditions, and the fundamental changes that have already occurred or will occur in the near future.

It is entirely possible that Sagittarius will face serious financial expenses that were not planned. The causes of such financial losses may include:

  • children who will need financial support;
  • completion or difficulties in career;
  • in sports, creativity or other areas.

The possibility of financial losses from gambling and spending on luxury goods cannot be ruled out.

Health issues

The very negative astrological background that developed for Sagittarius in 2018 will continue in the year 2020. Particular attention should be paid to their health to representatives of this sign who have:

  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • nerves;
  • injuries received as a result of playing sports.

In addition, it is recommended to exercise extreme caution when interacting with fire and electrical appliances. During the period from October to December 2020, it is best to avoid extreme outdoor activities, various hiking trips and travel, as they can cause deterioration in well-being.

Love issues and romantic relationships

The Sagittarius sign will have some difficulties in communicating with partners, as well as family members. Especially serious problems the sign will be felt in the period from May to September, when serious quarrels are possible. At the same time, perceiving all the problems that have befallen the sign as a test of strength will allow you to easily survive this difficult period and become stronger. During this period, a simple acquaintance may turn out to be a true friend and remain one for many years.

The country's main and favorite astrologer, Vasilisa Volodina, knows how the stars will decide the fate of all the zodiac signs in September 2017. Her forecasts not only predict accurate events, but also help reduce the likelihood of trouble and increase the chance of ending up in right time in the right place so as not to miss a lucky break.


Get ready for a romantic autumn! September will mark the beginning of a new relationship. He will be full of passion and love. On this rise, things will begin to deteriorate in other areas of life. In the second half of the month there will be a lot of work in the professional field. It is better to concentrate on it and not scatter energy on other concerns, since concentration and high level responsibility depends on the financial well-being of the future.


The beginning of autumn will be a great start for business and any other labor activity. Successful deals, lucrative contracts and generous fees will be provided to you by Jupiter. Its favorable influence during this period will help even those who consider themselves created for love and not for work to receive unexpected profits. Lovers can also count on good luck in September. Ideal time to start a family. The opportunity to do this will also appear for those whose hearts are still free. Give love a chance - go out into people!


You will be seized by the desire to change your position in your career or even profession. But September is not the best time for this. External factors will interfere with your plans. Don't be upset! Slow down and wait for a time that will bring you much more opportunities than you have now. Dedicate this month better for family. Moreover, problems are brewing there. The active intervention of relatives who want to help can completely break up the relationship. Trust love!


September will be fussy and troublesome for you. If you don't bother to organize your affairs in such a way as to free up time for unforeseen but important tasks that will certainly find you in September, you risk being swallowed up by chaos. Nervousness and irritability will prevent your head from thinking clearly and making wise decisions. To ensure that no one suffers from your bad mood, use self-calming techniques: count to ten, meditate, or simply walk more, communicate with children or animals.

In September, you will be torn between romantic feelings and the urgent need to manage your financial affairs carefully. As for love, here you have a greater chance of achieving success. Venus, being in the house of Leo, will contribute to the disclosure of feelings. Take from September all the love that has accumulated for you. Things are not so rosy with finances. You will especially feel this in the third ten days of the month, when you will need to make a responsible decision about cash deposits. Think carefully before agreeing to dubious projects.


Planetary influences will make your September active and eventful. Which one depends on your priorities. If you need love, family or establishing family contacts, do this in the first half of the month. But until September 20, you shouldn’t blindly follow your passion. Follies in love can lead you astray. However, any mistakes in September will be more than compensated for by financial success. True, here she will have to take out her dusty ambitions and prove to fate that she has chosen the right “darling” for herself.


September is the time for your personal “siesta”. In the first two decades of the month, it is better to slow down your activity and swim according to the will of the waves. The stars advise you to enjoy this period and not take initiatives that are harmful to the September lull. Take advantage of the first month of autumn to relax or travel, communicate with nature, go to the forest, to the country, or fishing. Think about the future, build a strategy to achieve your goals. Life will return to normal at the end of September and reward you with a gift.


September will be a favorable period for you in resolving work issues that may have been haunting you since the summer. Your time has come! Use it to the fullest if you have set your sights on the highest level in your career, or are planning to increase your capital, or simply decide to change your job, type of activity, or profession. Now you can do everything! However, do not try to succeed on all “fronts” of life, otherwise you will fail immediately and everywhere.


The month will not be easy, although astrological combinations will be quite favorable for achieving your plans. In decisive moments, you can safely count on luck, since she, like you, is under the influence of strong Mars. Don't miss the opportunity to use this favorable time to increase your income. Take any financial offer, even if it is a lottery ticket. The chances of winning are great. At the end of the month, you can go to your boss with a request to increase your salary or position. The stars will not allow you to refuse.


September has prepared significant events for you in your personal life. If you are a person actively searching, in September the person you are looking for will find you. Love traps will haunt you for a whole month. An unexpected business trip with a colleague, a chance acquaintance on public transport, or even an accident on the road can mark the beginning of a new romance. If you are already a couple, use September to strengthen your relationship: go on a romantic trip, give the gift of a dream, or give birth to a child.


In September, pay attention to your health. Autumn is a time to fill yourself with vitamins, gentle solar energy and love. She's hanging around somewhere nearby. Keep your eyes open! In September you will also have to resolve work issues. Maybe, we're talking about about changing priorities and choosing activities in favor of development rather than quick profit. If this is relevant to you, be sure to take advantage of the luck reserved for you in September. Such an opportunity will not present itself soon.


Autumn will be restless for Pisces lovers. There may be disappointments in partners, failed relationships and misunderstandings on the part of relatives. This is all the tricks of Neptune. You should not go against him and enter into an unequal battle. Pretend that you have already lost it. “Lie low” and watch what happens. Don't interfere with the flow of events. Everything goes as you need it. You will be convinced of this by the end of the month, and will be rewarded for your endurance.

Success or failure in business, personal life, relationships with people largely depends on the current location of the stars. Heavenly bodies influence well-being, activity, mood and events occurring in life. The horoscope for September 2020 from Vasilisa Volodina can give you confidence in the future and preparedness for possible incidents. The coming month is preparing its own surprises for the zodiac signs, which are better to know about in advance.

What to expect in love

Love and relationships occupy a large part of human thoughts. Overcoming loneliness, harmony in marriage, finding a partner - people are looking for help in solving these problems when they open the horoscope for September.

In September you cannot refuse dates and meetings. Any of them can become the start of a new relationship, give vivid impressions and remain in the memory for a long time. During this period, stars are advised to take off their masks, stop playing roles and show their personality. Charisma and charm will attract your interlocutor. Ahead lies a period conducive to adventure, risk and adventurism. Don’t be afraid to open your soul, decide on a desperate act and feel happiness.

Married couples are recommended to spend more time together. Work can wait now, but your loved one cannot. If in the field of work activity many zodiac signs are advised to slow down a little, then in romantic relationships the opposite is true. Attention deficit has a bad impact on marital life. Now is the time to go to the theater, cinema, or for a walk in the park.

What to Expect in Career and Finance

In the horoscope for September 2020, Vasilisa Volodina draws attention to the need to pull yourself together, take responsibility for actions and their results. Much depends on your own actions this month and how well the situation is planned. Possible career and financial incidents can be on different sides of the spectrum: dismissal or promotion, fines or incentives. In the coming period, worries are inappropriate; they only destroy the nervous system and prevent you from moving towards your goals.

New faces may appear in the work team - you definitely need to get involved with them good relationship. Subsequently, they will greatly influence your career and position among your colleagues. Those who arrive may turn out to be influential patrons who will take you under their wing. The opposite is also possible - a new colleague may appear as an enemy, a gossip and an envious person. In both situations, such a person must be kept under supervision.

Nervous breakdowns, emotional and professional burnout, and conflicts with important people will not be uncommon in the first month of autumn. If the situation gets out of control, take time off or a short vacation. A short-term retreat from the company’s business will help you recover and avoid unpleasant consequences.

What to expect in health

Some representatives of the zodiac circle may experience problems with mental and physical health. Poor health awaits those who did not sufficiently monitor the body’s alarm signals during the previous period. Other people have nothing to fear. The recommendation of Volodina’s astrological forecast is not to postpone scheduled visits to doctors. Visit your dentist and other highly specialized doctors who you see regularly in a timely manner.

Increasing emotional stress can deplete the body and weaken protective functions. Problems that arise should not completely consume your strength. Try to devote more time to rest, do not allow other people’s responsibilities to be shifted onto you. If avoided stressful situation You can’t, find a way to fully rest and recover. Devote your evenings or weekends to activities that bring you more positive emotions: crafts, walks, talking with friends and family, reading.

More details in the video from Vasilisa:

According to zodiac signs

Vasilisa Volodina's astrological forecast for September 2020 is written for each of the zodiac signs. Detailed description possible situations predicted by the stars will help prevent negative consequences, avoid mistakes and wisely plan the upcoming period.


The first weeks of the month for Aries will pass without incident and changes in their usual life. Time will pass unnoticed and without impressions. The second decade of the period prepares several pleasant surprises: recognition at work, improved relationships within the family. Changes will appear suddenly. They will be even more pleasant and unexpected because they are not tied to the holidays.


Vasilisa Volodina’s prediction for the first weeks of autumn for Taurus does not contain any special incidents or changes in the usual way of life. Attentiveness and caution will be needed at the end of September - this period is marked by quarrels with loved ones and relatives, conflicts at work and in personal life. Taurus will have to defend their interests and justify their point of view. The situation is aggravated by the fact that Taurus are not to blame for conflict situations that arise.


For Gemini, September 2020 is cooking up a storm. An exciting month lies ahead; all attempts to somehow improve the situation for the better will not lead to the desired result. This state of affairs can ruin your mood. It is recommended not to go into sad thoughts, calm down and just wait out this period. A passive approach is the best solution in in this case.


The horoscope for September 2020 from Vasilisa Volodina also predicts difficulties in career and work situations for such a zodiac sign as Cancer. Launched projects will be disrupted, their implementation may be postponed for an indefinite period or failed. The new plans will not be constructive and logical. The ideas do not correspond to the current volumes of resources for their implementation. Cancers are not recommended to stubbornly fight the system. It would be more logical to wait out this period and start implementing what was planned next month.


Leo is an ambitious zodiac sign. Charisma, sociability, and a strong point of view play into his hands, help him climb the career ladder and gain popularity among those around him. September will be a difficult month for representatives of the sign. Their inflexible character can cause numerous quarrels and disputes. The first month of autumn recommends becoming a little more tolerant of the people around you. Heavy emotional stress can affect the health of Leos; it is better to take care of yourself and be more attentive to the body’s signals.


September is preparing a difficult life situation, problems and difficulties for many zodiac signs. Virgos are no exception in this matter. Difficulties at work, underestimated successes, lack of recognition, unfair treatment from superiors - all this is expected in the next 30 days. Even if a conflict with the employer is brewing, you should not bring it to life. Working hard, following proven work patterns, and maintaining emotional balance is the way out of the vicious circle. The key point is belief in your rightness, competence and capabilities.


Libras should become workaholics in September 2020. For several months now, the boss has been eyeing the representatives of this sign; their work is being assessed in detail and deeply. If in September Libra does not become a party to the conflict, completes all the tasks and assignments assigned to them with brilliance, shows their professionalism, then based on the results of the work performed, they will receive a long-awaited promotion or raise. wages. Keeping your focus on work all the time is difficult, but the possible reward for your efforts is worth it.


For Scorpios, there comes a time when it is necessary to show their diplomacy skills. You cannot do without disputes in September, both at work and in your personal life. The position of representatives of this sign must be constructively substantiated and supported by arguments. Before entering into a discussion, analyze the objectivity of your point of view and its viability. A wise approach to solving problems will attract attention from superiors and increase importance in the eyes of colleagues and subordinates.

The beginning of autumn prepares a productive time for Scorpios career path, if they complete their tasks smoothly and efficiently. Show ambition, express your opinion, actively participate in the activities of the organization, but do not go too far and do not become an aggressor.


In most of their relationships, Sagittarius is used to focusing attention on themselves. This applies to both work and personal life. September 2020 requires representatives of this sign to slightly change their trajectory. Now we need to show attention to others. Don’t try to prove something to your opponents, show sensitivity and tact.

September is not suitable for starting your own business. The planned activity will bring more trouble than satisfaction and success, and old, outdated relationships with people should be severed. Their completion will have a beneficial effect on all participants.


At the beginning of the autumn period, Capricorns need to be especially attentive - intrigues are woven behind their backs, conspiracies are being hatched, and sabotage is being planned. All this is the work of envious people and competitors. The harm from their actions can extend to the career and personal relationships of the representatives of the sign with loved ones and friends. Neutrality, keen attention and readiness for meanness from the most unexpected sides will help you survive this period without conflicts and unpleasant situations.


The first half of the month for Aquarius will provide an opportunity for creative, career and personal growth and self-expression. It does not prepare tangible problems and difficulties. Now is the time to gain strength for upcoming events, get inspired and strengthen your fortitude.

A series of conflicts and contradictions is expected in the second half of September. Most of them are the result of weakened attention, mistakes made and incorrect interpretation of the words and actions of representatives of this sign by other people. When such situations arise, the best way out is to explain your actions and phrases, apologize, and admit that you were wrong. A friendly attitude, the ability to put yourself in someone else’s position and the ability to admit your own mistakes will help maintain normal relationships in all areas.


Pisces this September are the masters of the situation. This is the only zodiac sign that is predicted to have many pleasant moments, victories, dreams come true and plans realized during the expected period. The ease with which Pisces will get what they want will offend envious people and enemies. Gossipers will not stop discussing the reasons for the white streak behind your back. Now it’s better not to pay attention to the unpleasant murmurs of ill-wishers. Then Pisces will be able to draw a lot of benefit from the current situation, maintaining their reputation and position in society.

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