Where to find a good orthopedic doctor. Orthopedist – what does he treat? When should you see a doctor? Children and adults

  • One of the best pediatric orthopedists in Russia: main orthopedic diseases in children, recommendations for early detection and treatment - video

  • The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

    Make an appointment with an orthopedist

    To make an appointment with a doctor or diagnostics, you just need to call a single phone number
    +7 495 488-20-52 in Moscow

    +7 812 416-38-96 in St. Petersburg

    The operator will listen to you and redirect the call to the desired clinic, or accept an order for an appointment with the specialist you need.

    Or you can click the green “Register Online” button and leave your phone number. The operator will call you back within 15 minutes and select a specialist who meets your request.

    IN this moment appointments are made with specialists and clinics in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    Who is an orthopedist, orthopedic traumatologist and orthopedic surgeon?

    Orthopedist is a doctor specializing in orthopedics, which is a medical field that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of people suffering from various deformities of bones, muscles, joints or ligaments. That is, if for any reason a person has any deformation of bones, joints, ligaments or muscles, then it is the orthopedic doctor who corrects such defects.

    Various deformities of the musculoskeletal system can appear due to various reasons, such as injuries, congenital malformations, long-term inflammatory diseases, etc. However, regardless of the cause of the deformation of the musculoskeletal system, an orthopedist is involved in correcting them.

    Orthopedics is closely related to another medical field - traumatology, which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of various injuries to muscles, bones, joints and ligaments. However, traumatologists identify and treat “fresh”, recently occurring injuries to the musculoskeletal system, such as fractures, sprains, ruptures of muscles and tendons, etc. But orthopedists identify and treat deformities of bones, muscles and joints that occurred relatively long ago and have managed to heal and become fixed in the wrong position.

    Due to the close connections between traumatology and orthopedics, these medical disciplines are combined into one specialty. This means that after graduation, a doctor who has completed an internship or residency in the specialty “orthopedics and traumatology” receives the qualification “orthopedic traumatologist.” After completing an internship or residency, a doctor can work in the field of orthopedics or traumatology. It is impossible to complete an internship or residency in the specialty of only orthopedics or only traumatology and, accordingly, obtain the qualification of “orthopedist” or “traumatologist”. These disciplines are one specialty, like “obstetrics and gynecology”.

    Accordingly, the term “orthopedist-traumatologist” is the correct and complete name of the specialty of a doctor involved in identifying and treating injuries and deformations of the musculoskeletal system. But, besides this, in term "orthopedist-traumatologist" in everyday life there is another meaning - that a doctor can simultaneously eliminate injuries as a traumatologist, and treat deformities of the musculoskeletal system as an orthopedist. The name is simple "orthopedist" is clarifying, since it contains the meaning that this doctor is specifically focused on the field of orthopedics, and traumatology is in the background.

    Based on these features of terminology, if a person has any complex damage to bones, joints, muscles or ligaments, which will subsequently cause deformation of the musculoskeletal system, then he needs to contact an orthopedic traumatologist who can simultaneously eliminate the damage, and then correct the resulting deformities. If a person has any deformation of bones, joints or muscles without acute injury, then to eliminate it, one should contact an orthopedist who is specifically involved in this area and is not distracted by traumatology.

    Term "orthopedic surgeon" implies a specialist who can perform not only conservative, but also surgical treatment (surgeries) of various deformities of bones, joints, muscles and ligaments. In principle, traumatology and orthopedics is a surgical specialty, the mastery of which involves performing operations. But in practice, not all orthopedic traumatologists perform surgical interventions; some doctors specialize only in conservative therapy. Therefore, when they say “orthopedic surgeon,” they mean that the doctor treats deformities of bones, joints and muscles not only with conservative methods, but also with the help of surgical operations. Accordingly, if a person has any deformation of bones, joints, muscles or ligaments that requires surgical treatment, then he should contact an “orthopedic surgeon.”

    An orthopedic surgeon can use both conservative and surgical methods to treat deformities of the musculoskeletal system. For example, contractures, clubfoot, congenital hip dislocation are treated with conservative methods using plaster casts, scoliosis - using corsets and a specially designed complex physical exercise, etc. But curvature of bones, paralysis, tendon ruptures are treated with surgical methods, performing operations to restore the normal position of bones, tendon transplants, etc. Regardless of whether surgical or conservative treatment of deformities of joints, bones or muscles is performed, orthopedic doctors widely use various orthopedic devices, such as shoe insoles, corsets, prostheses, and splint sleeve devices.

    It should be remembered that orthopedics is a very broad medical field, as a result of which there are separate narrow areas in it: spine surgery, intra-articular operations, joint prosthetics, etc. Accordingly, different orthopedic traumatologists may specialize in one or another area of ​​orthopedics or traumatology, and therefore not all doctors will undertake the treatment of any orthopedic or traumatological pathology.

    Pediatric orthopedist

    A pediatric orthopedist is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of deformities of the musculoskeletal system in children of any age (from birth to 18 years). A pediatric orthopedist is no different from an adult, except that his patients are children, not adults.

    The separation of pediatric orthopedists as a separate specialty was made because the doctor needs to know the characteristics of bones, joints and muscles in children of different ages, as well as their growth rate, and take this into account when selecting therapy. Due to the inherent characteristics of the structure and growth of bones, joints and muscles in children, pediatric orthopedists are a separate medical specialty.

    What does an orthopedist treat?

    An orthopedist deals with the identification, prevention and treatment of the following deformities of bones, joints, muscles and ligaments:
    • Congenital malformations of the limbs (for example, congenital hip dislocation), neck deformities, chest and spine;
    • Clubfoot;
    • Scoliosis and other postural disorders;
    • Torticollis;
    • Joint deformities after injuries or due to chronic diseases (for example, deforming osteoarthritis, aseptic necrosis of the femoral head);
    • Osteocondritis of the spine;
    • Deformations of the arms or legs resulting from injuries or any previous diseases;
    • Arthrogryposis (a congenital disease characterized by deformations and underdevelopment of bones, joints and muscles);
    • Cysts or benign bone tumors;
    To treat the above diseases and conditions, an orthopedic surgeon can use both conservative and surgical methods. Conservative methods are a combination of physical therapy, massage and special devices (orthopedic insoles, shoes, corsets, plaster casts, etc.) that are applied to deformed areas of the musculoskeletal system. Treatment with conservative methods is long-term and requires the participation of the patient himself in the treatment process.

    Surgical treatment methods are a set of various operations that are performed to eliminate deformation and restore the normal position of bones, joint elements, ligaments and muscles. Surgical treatment in orthopedics is carried out if deformities of the musculoskeletal system cannot be corrected by conservative methods. During surgical treatment, strictures can be excised, muscles and ligaments sutured, and prostheses inserted.

    In his work, to diagnose and monitor the effectiveness of treatment, the orthopedic doctor uses only instrumental examination methods, for example:

    • CT and MRI (computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging).
    Various tests of blood and other biological fluids for an orthopedist have no diagnostic value, since they do not allow one to clarify the nature and location of deformities, as well as the degree of damage to musculoskeletal structures. Therefore, for initial diagnosis, the orthopedic doctor does not give directions for various tests. However, before starting therapy and, especially, before surgical treatment of deformities of the musculoskeletal structures, the orthopedic doctor prescribes various blood, urine and stool tests to assess the general condition of the person and the degree of readiness of his body for intervention.

    In what cases should you contact an orthopedist?

    An orthopedist should be contacted in cases where a person of any age or gender has either visible deformities of the musculoskeletal system, or periodically experiences symptoms indicating the presence of such deformities. This means that a podiatrist should be contacted if a person is bothered by any of the following conditions or symptoms:
    • Torticollis (tilt of the neck to the side and down with the inability to place the head straight);
    • Any deformation in the joints (for example, crookedness, inability to bend or straighten the joint, etc.);
    • Any bone deformities (for example, a skewed pelvis, curvature of the bones of the chest, legs, arms, etc.);
    • Any postural disorders;
    • Flat feet;
    • Clubfoot;
    • Habitual dislocations of the hip or shoulder;
    • Osteochondrosis;
    • Residual effects after suffering from polio;
    • Difficulty, pain or limited movement in any joints;
    • Persistent, persistent pain in the joints, arms, legs or spine;
    • The need for rehabilitation after injuries;
    • The need to select prostheses or orthoses.

    Appointment (consultation) with an orthopedist – how to prepare?

    To receive the most effective and informative consultation with an orthopedic doctor, you need to prepare for the appointment. To do this, you should remember exactly when and why the problem arose for which a person turns to an orthopedist. It is also very important to remember how the disease developed - when it began, at what speed it progressed, which led to an increase in the severity of deformities and other nuances. In addition, it is very important to tell the doctor the full range of sensations (pain, stretching, shooting, etc.) that occur when making movements or at rest in the deformed area of ​​the musculoskeletal system. All this information It’s best to write it down on paper in summary form, and at a doctor’s appointment, either just read it or tell it, checking the notes, so as not to miss or forget anything.

    Since the orthopedic doctor will necessarily perform a physical examination, the deformed area should be washed, bandages and other devices used to improve the condition on their own should be removed from it. You also need to dress in such a way that you do not feel shame or embarrassment while undressing in front of the doctor.

    In order for the orthopedist to be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment literally in one visit, before consulting a doctor, you can take an x-ray or tomography of the deformed area of ​​the musculoskeletal system. In this case, you must take the photographs and research findings with you to your appointment.

    In addition, when visiting an orthopedist, it is necessary to take all available x-rays, tomograms, ultrasound records and other studies that were previously performed on the deformed area of ​​the musculoskeletal system (if, of course, there are any).

    Where does the orthopedist see?

    General information

    An orthopedic doctor can work both in a department of a hospital and in outpatient clinics. However, the orthopedist always conducts consultations only on the basis of outpatient clinics. Currently, orthopedists can see patients in municipal clinics, rehabilitation centers, orthopedic sanatoriums or private medical clinics. Accordingly, in order to get an appointment with an orthopedist, you need to go either to a clinic at your place of residence or work, or to a rehabilitation center for people with musculoskeletal disorders, or to a private clinic, or to an orthopedic sanatorium.

    Orthopedist at the clinic

    In municipal clinics, the staffing table includes the position of a traumatologist-orthopedist. Therefore, if the doctor’s position is busy, then you can get to an orthopedist, by making an appointment and having previously received a referral or coupon from a local therapist. If the position of an orthopedist is not actually occupied in the clinic, then you need to contact the head of the clinic and get a referral from him for a consultation with an orthopedist in another outpatient clinic in the city.

    Orthopedist in a rehabilitation center

    You can get an appointment with an orthopedist in a rehabilitation center without a referral from a local physician. All you need to do is find out the appointment schedule and sign up for a consultation in your free time.

    Modern orthopedics: metal with shape memory in the treatment of hallux valgus (an orthopedic traumatologist tells us) – video

    Recommendations from an orthopedist: how to identify planovalgus foot deformity in a child, treatment, choice of shoes, massage - video

    One of the best pediatric orthopedists in Russia: main orthopedic diseases in children, recommendations for early detection and treatment - video

    An orthopedist is a specialist who should be contacted if any diseases or defects related to the musculoskeletal system arise. If we consider what an orthopedist treats, we can, in particular, note developmental defects that are relevant to the skeletal system, as well as congenital forms of pathologies, complications that develop against the background of infectious diseases. In addition, this list includes domestic injuries and various injuries, conditions during the post-traumatic period, and diseases, again related to the skeletal system. A separate area of ​​specific activity of an orthopedist is the treatment of occupational diseases, which, as is clear from the previously discussed list, directly affect the state of the musculoskeletal system and its inherent functions.

    Orthopedics: main areas

    The specialization owned by a particular orthopedic doctor determines, accordingly, the specific direction in the specifics of his activity. Let us highlight possible options for this type of direction:

    • Outpatient (or conservative) orthopedics. IN in this case The implementation of preventive measures regarding diseases of the musculoskeletal system in a clinic where an orthopedist is seen is considered. In addition, this area is focused on the implementation of non-operative treatment measures regarding the impact on diseases of bones and joints.
    • Endoprosthetics . This direction is focused on the implementation of surgical prosthetic measures for bones and joints, which is particularly relevant if it is impossible to preserve them using other treatment options.
    • Surgical orthopedics. The spine, feet, teeth and hands are the main areas of influence of this area of ​​orthopedics. This direction is radical in treatment; the effect is on bones, joints and ligaments.
    • Traumatology. This also includes sports orthopedics. The treatment methods are defined as conservative treatment and surgical treatment, aimed at addressing injuries in one way or another associated with the skeletal system. This also includes timely fixation of fractures and measures aimed at correcting soft tissue defects of joints and limbs, as well as measures aimed at correcting old forms of defects. Considering that sports orthopedics is also included in this area, the impact in it, accordingly, is focused on the treatment of those specific injuries that athletes receive due to the nature of their activities.
    • Pediatric orthopedics, adolescent orthopedics. This direction is focused on prevention and necessary treatment of defects relevant to the skeletal system. Taking into account the initial definition of the groups, it can be noted that the patients in this case are children under 1 year of age, as well as younger children and adolescents.

    Orthopedist: what organs does this doctor treat?

    Based on the above features that determine the specifics of the orthopedist’s activities as a specific specialist, we can, accordingly, summarize what an orthopedist treats:

    • muscles;
    • joints;
    • tendons;
    • ligaments;
    • bones;
    • nerve endings.

    The areas that an orthopedist most often treats are: back, feet, shoulder blades, knee and hip joints, and humerus.

    Diseases treated by an orthopedist

    As for specific diseases that an orthopedist treats, here we can highlight the following list of their main types:

    • curvature of the feet, flat feet, clubfoot;
    • congenital diseases (dysplasia of the hip joints, torticollis);
    • bursitis, arthrosis (diseases accompanied by inflammation of the periarticular bursa and joints);
    • osteochondrosis (a chronic disease accompanied by damage to the spine within certain segments);
    • joint dislocations, bone fractures;
    • Ewing's tumor;
    • rheumatoid arthritis is a system-wide chronic disease, the course of which is characterized by damage to the skeletal system, which, in turn, leads to a severe form of joint deformation, which in some cases can cause subsequent disability in the patient;
    • osteogenic sarcoma;
    • deforming osteosis;
    • chondromyxosarcoma, etc.

    Appointment with an orthopedist: when is it needed?

    It should be noted that the few types of pathologies that we have identified are only a small part of their possible options; moreover, the variety of such options is noted not only in diseases, but also in treatment related to injuries and diseases of the skeletal system. Diseases of the joints, bones, spine and ligaments, including tissues located in the immediate surroundings of the affected area, can be, as already noted, congenital or acquired, as well as infectious. Acquired diseases are associated with mutilations, occupational injuries and metabolic disorders. Infectious – with the impact of infection and concomitant inflammation when suffering from infectious diseases.

    The development of bone disorders occurs slowly, therefore the first symptoms that could indicate the need for consultation with an orthopedist may have an erased appearance, but their serious and pronounced manifestation will be noted already at the stage of a large-scale lesion that has arisen against the background of the pathological process. Given this peculiarity of this type of disorder, you should visit the orthopedist’s office regularly, and it is important to do this starting from early childhood.

    Orthopedist-traumatologist: when is he needed?

    Considering that in this case, as is clear from the orthopedist’s area of ​​specialization, we're talking about about its direct connection with injuries and the elimination of their consequences, a number of reasons are also determined for visiting the office of an orthopedist-traumatologist:

    • bone fractures resulting in disruption of their functions, as well as repeated fractures;
    • residual forms of manifestation of the patient's polio;
    • persistent and persistent pain in the spine, limbs and joints;
    • sprains, bruises, frostbites, insect and animal bites;
    • deformations of the limbs, spine, chest, impaired functions of small and large joints.

    As part of the treatment, the orthopedic traumatologist can use the method of closed surgical intervention, this method is called redressation. In this case, we mean a step-by-step correction by an orthopedic doctor with the hands of pathological disorders and deformations that are relevant to the patient within the area of ​​individual segments of the joints related to the apparatus of support and movement. In particular, here we are talking about the correction/correction of such options that have already been considered and excluded from the list of consideration, such as contracture, clubfoot, curvature of the limbs against the background of rickets, fibrous ankylosis, fractures resulting in malunion, etc.

    Urgent appointment with an orthopedist: symptoms that determine this need

    There is a certain set of symptoms on the basis of which an urgent consultation with an orthopedist is necessary, because these symptoms can act as a kind of signal indicating the onset of the development of a serious pathological process, and, in fact, the disease. Such a need for medical assistance can be discussed in the case of the following manifestations of symptoms:

    • crunching in the joints, their stiffness;
    • numbness of hands;
    • swelling of the joints, pain during movements;
    • back pain;
    • poor posture and a quick feeling of fatigue;
    • aching pain and muscle aches caused by changing weather.

    There are also a number of diseases, the presence of which determines the need for regular monitoring by the specialist we are considering. Let us highlight the following types:

    • rheumatoid arthritis;
    • suffering from spinal injuries;
    • arthrosis of the joints;
    • shoulder dislocation;
    • dislocation of the knee joint;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • fracture of the femoral neck.

    As a preventive measure, an orthopedist-traumatologist is necessary for active sports activities and when choosing extreme types of recreation as a way of spending time. If you follow this recommendation regarding the need for prevention, then you can promptly eliminate microtraumas, which, in turn, will help eliminate the problems that accompany them in the future.

    Pediatric orthopedist: when to take a child to this specialist?

    There are a number of circumstances that make it necessary for parents and their children to visit this specialist. With timely contact with an orthopedist, you can achieve effective results regarding the cure of developing pathologies, moreover, the possibility of correcting their congenital forms is also allowed. Such circumstances include the following:

    • incorrect position of the hip noted in a newborn baby (i.e. congenital dislocation);
    • rapid fatigue of the child when walking, visible heaviness of gait (in this case we can talk about flat feet);
    • noticeable stoop of the child;
    • a constant tilt of the child’s head to one shoulder (implying a possible diagnosis of torticollis);
    • child complaints of pain in the arms or legs, neck or back;
    • clubfoot, in which the child seems to be raking his foot with the appropriate position of the leg while walking.

    First appointment with an orthopedist

    Patients are often interested in how the first examination by an orthopedist goes in order to have a rough idea about it, so we will identify the main points that accompany the first appointment with the specialist in question:

    • visual assessment of the anatomical structure relevant to the skeletal system (correctness or irregularity), this action is especially important when examining a newborn baby;
    • determining the range of motion relevant to the affected joints;
    • appointment of fluoroscopy, on the basis of which the alleged diagnosis can be clarified or refuted;
    • complex forms of pathology may indicate the need for such research methods as CT and MRI (which, respectively, defines computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging).

    Tests prescribed by an orthopedist

    Despite the profile of this specialist, which, as one might mistakenly assume, excludes tests as a necessity to complement the overall picture of the disease, one cannot do without their traditional and specific forms here. In particular, the orthopedist may need the results of the following tests:

    • general analysis of urine and blood;
    • data regarding blood clotting time;
    • data on activated partial thromboplastin time;
    • prothrombin index, as well as prothrombin time and prothrombin time + fibrinogen.

    Choose one of 274 orthopedic doctors based on ratings and reviews, make an appointment by phone or online.

    Orthopedist in Moscow: cost of appointment

    The price of an orthopedist appointment in Moscow starts from 1,250 rubles. up to 10,000 rub.

    Found 277 reviews of the best orthopedic doctors.

    Who is a traumatologist - orthopedist?

    Almost half of the injuries are accompanied by damage to the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedic traumatologists specialize in diagnosing and treating bone fractures, joint injuries, and soft tissue injuries such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments. In many complex cases, such as patients with multiple bone fractures, fractures near the hip or knee joints, doctors have to resort to orthopedic surgery to restore the functionality of the damaged parts of the body.

    What does the doctor treat?

    Specialists in traumatology help both with relatively simple injuries, such as simple cracks and fractures of bones, and with more complex injuries, including pelvic and femoral neck fractures, joint injuries. In addition, orthopedists provide treatment for malunion of broken bones or non-healing of fractures, especially in elderly patients. Cases of infection of bones (osteomyelitis) and soft tissues, inflammation of injured joints require special attention from doctors.

    In what cases should you seek help from a doctor?

    Injuries to bones and soft tissues that require contact with a traumatologist may be accompanied by the following most common symptoms:

    • Swelling, pain,
    • Bleeding when the skin is broken by a broken bone,
    • Bruises, bumps, protrusions and bruises at the site of injury,
    • Inability to move a limb without pain,
    • Change in the shape or integrity of a leg, arm, fingers,
    • Numbness of the limbs, tingling sensations, "pins and needles"
    • Crunching or cracking, during or after an injury.

    How does a doctor treat injuries?

    Treatment for an orthopedic injury depends on its severity. Minor injuries such as simple fractures, bruises, dislocations and sprains are treated non-surgically with long-term immobilization in plaster or modern orthoses (removable splints) to allow the injuries to heal on their own. Severe associated injuries, such as falls from heights or car accidents, may require a series of reconstructive surgeries, which may include:

    • General surgery,
    • Endoscopic operations,
    • Internal fixation, in which orthopedic devices hold together broken bone fragments,
    • Bone grafting and bone or joint transplantation,
    • Lengthening (stretching) of the limbs,
    • Replacement of joints with artificial ones,
    • Reconstruction of soft tissues.

    What is the treatment time for fractures and other injuries?

    The consequences of orthopedic injury are usually accompanied by a long recovery period. For minor injuries without complications, the minimum healing period is three to four weeks. Arm or hand injuries, rib or collarbone fractures can take 6 to 8 weeks to heal. The healing time for fractures is shorter, the younger the victim. Most patients recovering from injuries are advised to undergo good medical rehabilitation to avoid muscle atrophy and restore joint mobility.

    Makes it possible to solve the most difficult problems. The medical staff of the capital consists of highly qualified doctors of all categories, therefore, without too much modesty, we can say that patients are treated exclusively by the best specialists.

    Qualified personnel

    These are primarily candidates and associate professors and professors, as well as various assistants with extensive experience in scientific and clinical practice. At the moment, Moscow clinics are developing healthcare institutions that strive to accumulate within their walls all the latest achievements of medical science, actively introducing them into medical and diagnostic practice. Bandwidth Traumatology departments in many clinics in the capital allow us to serve approximately two thousand patients annually.

    Which orthopedic surgeons have earned universal recognition and are the most popular according to Internet ratings will be discussed below.

    Savchenko Sergey Vladimirovich

    For more than ten years, this doctor served as a senior traumatologist, after which he became the head of the surgery department of a special forces detachment in the military hospital of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. This specialist has the necessary skills to provide both urgent and planned medical care for any injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. On the World Wide Web, it has earned a 5++ rating.

    What are people saying?

    Consultation with an orthopedic surgeon is required quite often. There are accidental injuries, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and complications of other diseases that lead to problems with bones or joints.

    People say that, having seen both charlatans and worthy specialists in their lifetime, they have something to compare modern medical care with. Speaking about Sergei Vladimirovich, patients call this orthopedist a good doctor, a professional with a capital “P”. Patients report that he is able to put everything into perspective, always provides explanations and gives the necessary recommendations.

    As a rule, when visiting this doctor, patients receive everything they expect. After all, he is able to answer all your questions and prescribe the required treatment according to the health status of the patients who apply.

    Many people say that appointments with this orthopedic surgeon are wonderful, and patients are completely satisfied. Patients call Savchenko quite competent and report that he always properly familiarizes himself with the research that is provided to him, explaining everything to his patients in an accessible and understandable way.

    Negative reviews

    Some of the people who turned to Sergei Vladimirovich rate this doctor a “four” and explain this by the fact that he sometimes suggests simply taking medications, and only then deciding what needs to be done next, thus not solving the problems of suffering patients. The authors of such reviews believe that the specialist is subject to hesitation and doubt, and also note that he is simply sometimes not in the mood, although, given his experience as an orthopedic surgeon, he should work with more dedication.

    Dubinsky Artem Igorevich

    This surgeon is rated 5++. Dubinsky is a wonderful surgeon, traumatologist and orthopedist, specializing in reconstruction, rehabilitation and plastic surgery of his patients with all kinds of traumatic defects. In his practice, he uses methods of restoring the physical form of those who are engaged in this specialist. high level knows the technique of shock wave therapy for injuries and injuries.

    People's opinions about this specialist, however, are mixed. Some of the patients note that their visit to Artem Igorevich is a little formal. Others note the high-quality consultations and say that this doctor gives detailed and accurate recommendations. Patients especially appreciate him for his politeness and attentiveness to them.

    Negative reviews

    In a number of cases, it is noted that Dubinsky, having studied in detail the medical history of those who contacted him, cancels the need for operations, which is not always the case the right decision. There are also examples of consultations, in which the applicants exchange views on the fact that they sometimes were unable to obtain comprehensive information on their issues. Thus, the doctor is not always able to bring new information regarding a particular case. In general, patients remain satisfied with the way Artem Igorevich receives them.

    Simonov Anton Borisovich

    This is an orthopedic surgeon who has experience in conservative treatment of deforming arthrosis of large joints, various pathologies, bone fractures, as well as open subacromial decompression. He performs plastic surgeries aimed at restoring large joints, tendons, ligaments and osteosynthesis of bones. The surgeon is skilled in chondroplasty and arthroscopy techniques. In addition, he is a member of the arthroscopic community of Russia. The overall rating on the review site about Anton Borisovich is 5++.


    Based on patient reviews regarding Simonov, we can say that patients are satisfied with the way his appointments are conducted. The doctor provides constructive service and immediately after the examination clearly determines the diagnosis. He also explains in detail the sequence of further actions and comments on the need for operations when, without them, improvements in the health of those who apply are impossible.

    Patients note that Anton Borisovich is attentive to patients, listening to them. He does not neglect a person’s existing problem and expresses his opinion. In their comments, patients emphasize that they want to undergo treatment only with him. Simonov is considered the best orthopedic surgeon.

    It is noted that this doctor has a high practical and theoretical base, as well as proven methods of both examinations and consultations, during which patients are diagnosed with symptoms that may not have previously been noticed by other doctors. Patients like the efficiency and conciseness of the procedures performed by this specialist. It is often recommended to other patients.

    Among the disadvantages of undergoing observation by Anton Borisovich, patients include cases when some consultations with the doctor took place rather lumpily and too quickly. It happens that a surgeon answers questions too quickly, while being very brief and not entirely clear to his patients.

    Golubev Vladimir Valerievich

    Orthopedic surgeon at the Family Clinic.

    This is a candidate of medical sciences, a doctor of the highest qualification category and a neurosurgeon who knows the technique of spinal surgery, namely laser reconstruction of intervertebral discs, operations for vertebral fractures, as well as stabilizing treatment of the spine.

    During my life as part of treatment orthopedic problems patients visit many doctors: neurologists, chiropractors, surgeons, but only a few remain recognized, and Vladimir Valerievich is one of them. As patients say in their reviews, no one has ever described to them a clear picture of the disease the way this particular doctor does. He always establishes the correct cause of his patients' illness, which is the most valuable quality.

    He is called the one who promptly provides the necessary medical intervention, explains everything in detail and treats ordinary people with due attention. Those who have had an appointment with Vladimir Valerievich at least once intend to continue to undergo their treatment with him.

    Thus, quite a few patients note that they have found their doctor. People who turned to Golubev are sure that he is sincerely trying to help them. Patients fully expect high-quality results from their cooperation with this doctor and rate him highly on the review site. An orthopedic surgeon must be highly qualified. This is what Vladimir Valerievich is.

    Samiev Said Davlatovich

    This wonderful diagnostician, consultant and practitioner is fluent in the methods of metal osteosynthesis and arthroscopic examination. In his work, he professionally performs such manipulations as puncture of joints, reduction of dislocations of large joints and skeletal traction. In addition, he performs osteosynthesis of the tubular bones of the hand and uses the method of suturing the tendons of the extensor and flexor muscles.

    An orthopedist-traumatologist, who is simply and briefly called an orthopedist or traumatologist, is a specialist who has mastered the practical skills of providing routine and emergency care to patients who have been injured or have diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In Moscow, traumatologists have the most modern techniques that allow them to clearly and with minimal pain fix fractures, correct old bone defects, as well as soft tissue defects of joints and limbs. Contacting such specialists in Moscow allows you to avoid serious consequences of injury to the musculoskeletal system.

    What does an orthopedist treat?

    They refer any problems to a traumatologist-orthopedist:

    • shoulder blades,
    • stop,
    • backs,
    • tendons,
    • ligaments,
    • muscles,
    • nerves
    • humerus bones,
    • hip and knee joints.

    Orthopedists are consulted for dislocations, fractures and serious, very severe injuries.

    For treatment in Moscow, a traumatologist uses not only standard research and treatment methods, but also such as redressal, i.e. closed or bloodless surgery. With his own hands, the specialist carries out step-by-step, forced correction of deformities and pathologies in the joints. This way you can fix:

    • arthrogryposis,
    • rachitic curvature of the limbs,
    • contracture,
    • fibrous ankylosis,
    • clubfoot,
    • improperly healing fractures, etc.

    An orthopedist in Moscow not only treats diseases, he tries to prevent them, studies processes in the patient’s body that arise under the influence of factors:

    • radioactive or radiation,
    • electrical,
    • mechanical,
    • thermal,
    • chemical and others.

    Special research is being conducted in the field of combined forms of damage, which cause severe disruptions in the functioning of important systems of the affected body.

    In what cases should you contact an orthopedist?

    People are referred to an orthopedic traumatologist in Moscow for bone fractures, dysfunction and repeated fractures, as well as:

    • with residual effects of previous polio;
    • with bruises,
    • with sprains,
    • with burns
    • with frostbite,
    • with serious animal bites,
    • with complaints of constant pain in the limbs,
    • with severe pain in the joints and spine.

    In Moscow, people turn to orthopedists with problems such as:

    • fibrous osteodysplasia;
    • parathyroid osteodystrophy;
    • flat feet;
    • deforming osteosis;
    • posture defects;
    • tumors and so on.

    Deformities discovered during examination will also be sent to a traumatologist:

    • chest,
    • spine,
    • limbs,
    • large and small joints and so on.

    Where in Moscow can you get an education as an orthopedist-traumatologist?

    In order to become a specialized specialist, a future traumatologist must obtain a general medical education and undergo training at the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics:

    • RUDN University,
    • RNIMU named after. N. I. Pirogova,
    • MGMSU named after. A. I. Evdokimova,
    • First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenov or other universities in Moscow.

    After this, orthopedists will undergo residency, long-term practice, and constant advanced training.

    Famous doctors of orthopedics and traumatology who worked in Moscow

    From time immemorial, doctors and healers have been treating injuries in Russia. In 1707, the first professional Russian medical institution opened. It was the Moscow Medical and Surgical School. It was she who began to train professional doctors.

    The introduction of foreign principles for training specialists in the field of trauma orthopedics was very difficult. The situation changed with the arrival of Mudrov at Moscow University in 1809. Russia owes him the approval of the school of stage-by-stage clinical and theoretical education.

    The end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries marked the period of formation and flourishing of orthopedics. The founder of reconstructive traumatology is Pirogov. A huge contribution to the development of the field was made by the brilliant doctor Basov, who was the teacher of the no less brilliant Sklifosovsky.

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