Hans Andersen - Christmas tree. Hans Christian Andersen - Spruce (second name - Christmas tree): Fairy tale Spruce by Hans Christian Andersen read

Spruce-fairy tale Tove Jansson, which you can read online. Happy reading!

One hemulen, standing on the roof, cleared the snow. He was wearing yellow woolen mittens, which little by little became wet and began to get in the way. Then he put them on the chimney, sighed and again began to clear the snow covering the manhole cover. Finally he cleared it away.

“And here is the hatch cover,” said the Hemulen. - And down there they sleep and sleep. They sleep, sleep and sleep. While others work their butts off just because it's Christmas.

He climbed onto the hatch cover and, since he could not remember how it opened - outward or inward, he began to carefully trample it with his feet. The lid immediately fell through, and the Hemulen fell into the darkness and into everything that the Moomintroll family had stored in the attic for later use.

The Hemulen was terribly angry, and besides, he was not very sure where he had left his yellow mittens. He especially treasured these mittens.

Christmas is coming! I'm tired of you and your hibernation, and Christmas could start at any minute!

Below, the Moomintroll family was sleeping, as usual, in its winter sleep. They had been in hibernation for many months and intended to continue it until spring. Sleep calmly and pleasantly lulled them, like a continuous, long, warm summer afternoon. And suddenly anxiety and cold air burst into Moomintroll’s dreams. And then someone else pulled the blanket off him and shouted that he was tired and that Christmas was coming.

Is it spring already? - muttered Moomintroll.

Spring? - Hemulen asked nervously. - Christmas, you understand, Christmas. But I haven’t gotten anything yet, I haven’t arranged anything, and they send me to dig you out in the middle of all this mess. The mittens are probably missing. And everyone is running around like crazy, and nothing is clear...

With these words, the Hemulen stomped onto the roof again - but up the stairs - and climbed out through the hatch.

“Mom, wake up,” Moomintroll said in fear. - Something terrible happened. They call it Christmas.

What do you mean? - asked Moominmama, sticking her face out from under the blanket.

“I don’t know exactly,” her son answered. “But nothing is arranged, and something is lost, and everyone is running around like crazy.” Maybe there's another flood?

He carefully shook Miss Snork and whispered:

Don't be alarmed, but something terrible has happened.

“Calm down,” said Moominpappa. - Calm first of all!

He stood up and wound up the clock, which had stopped sometime in October.

They followed the wet footprints of the Hemulen into the attic and climbed out onto the roof of the Moomin house.

The sky was blue as always, so this time there was no question of a mountain spitting fire. But the whole valley was covered with wet cotton - the mountains, and the trees, and the river, and the whole house. It was cold, even colder than in April.

And this is called "Christmas"? - Dad asked in surprise.

He picked up a pawful of cotton and began to examine it.

I wonder if it grew out of the ground? - he asked. -Or fell from the sky? It must be terribly unpleasant if this happened at once.

But, dad, it’s snow,” explained Moomintroll. - I know that it is snow, and it does not fall to the ground immediately.

“Oh yes,” said dad. “But it would still be unpleasant.”

Aunt Hemulya rode past on a Finnish sleigh with a Christmas tree.

Look, you finally woke up,” said the aunt, not showing the slightest interest in them. - Try to get a Christmas tree before it gets dark.

But why? - Dad began.

I have no time to talk to you here! I'll still be late! - the aunt shouted over her shoulder and drove on.

Until it gets dark,” whispered Miss Snork. - She said: “Until it gets dark.” The most dangerous thing happens in the evening...

So, to cope, you need a Christmas tree,” Dad thought out loud. - I don’t understand anything.

“Me too,” my mother said obediently. - But when you go for this very tree, put on scarves and hats. In the meantime, I’ll try to light the stove at least a little.

Despite the looming disaster, dad decided not to touch any of his own trees - he took care of them. Instead, they climbed over the Gafsa fence and chose a large spruce tree, which in the future was practically no good for anything.

Do you think we should hide on this tree? - asked Moomintroll.

“I don’t know,” dad answered, continuing to chop down the spruce. - I don’t understand anything about all this.

They had almost reached the river when Gafsa rushed towards them with an armful of bags and packages.

Her face was red, terribly excited, and she, fortunately, did not even recognize her spruce.

Noise and crush! - Gafsa screamed. - Ill-mannered hedgehogs should not be allowed... And as I just recently told Misa, it’s just a shame...

“Christmas tree,” said dad and desperately, with all his might, grabbed the collar of her fur coat. - What to do with the Christmas tree?

Christmas tree,” Gafsa repeated absentmindedly. - Christmas tree? Oh, how terrible! No, this is simply unbearable... she needs to be dressed up... I won’t have time...

And she dropped her bags and bags into the snow. The cap slipped down on her nose, and Gafsa almost cried out of nervousness. Dad shook his head and picked up the tree.

At home, Mom swept the veranda, took out life belts and aspirin, Dad’s gun and warm compresses. You never know in advance...

Some tiny kid was sitting on the very edge of the sofa and drinking tea. Before that, he was sitting in the snow under the veranda, and he looked so pitiful that his mother invited him into the house.

“Here is the Christmas tree,” said Moomintroll’s dad. - If only I knew what it was for? Gafsa assures that she needs to be dressed up.

“We don’t have such big dresses,” my mother said sadly. - I wonder what she meant?

Which beautiful Christmas tree! - cried the tiny Kid and, having swallowed his tea out of terrible shyness, began to repent that he finally dared to say something.

Do you know how to decorate a Christmas tree? - asked Miss Snork.

The kid blushed terribly and whispered:

As beautiful as possible. They put various beautiful things on her. That's what I heard.

But then, completely overwhelmed by his courage, he embarrassedly covered his muzzle with his paws, knocked over his tea cup and disappeared behind the veranda door.

Now be silent for a while, and I’ll think about it,” said Moominpappa. - If the Christmas tree needs to be decorated as beautifully as possible, then there can be no question of hiding on it from the impending danger. This means that the danger must be appeased. Now I'm starting to understand what's going on here.

They immediately took the spruce into the yard and planted it securely in the snow. And they began to decorate it from top to bottom as beautifully as possible with everything that came to their mind.

They decorated it with shells from summer flower beds and Miss Snork’s pearl necklace. They took the crystals from the chandelier in the living room and hung them on the branches, and on the top of the fir tree they placed a red silk rose, which Moominmama received as a gift from dad. Everyone brought the most beautiful things they had to the tree, wanting to appease the forces of winter that they did not understand.

When the tree was decorated, Aunt Hemulya rushed past again on her Finnish sleigh. Now she was driving in the other direction and was in an even greater hurry, if possible.

Take a look at our Christmas tree! - exclaimed Moomintroll.

What else! - said Aunt Hemulya. - But you were always there with greetings! But I have no time. We need to prepare a festive treat for Christmas.

Treat for Christmas? - Moomintroll repeated in surprise. - So it also eats?

But Aunt Hemulya did not listen.

Do you think you can do without a Christmas treat? - she said hastily and rushed down the slope.

After lunch, mom worked hard in the kitchen. And just before dusk, the Christmas treat was ready and stood in small bowls around the tree. There was juice, and sour milk, and blueberry pie, and egg liqueur- everything that the Moomin family loved.

Do you think Christmas is very hungry? - Mom asked worriedly.

“Hardly more than me,” dad answered sadly.

He sat in the snow, wrapped in a blanket up to his ears, and was freezing. But little ones should always be very, very attentive to the great forces of nature.

Down in the valley, lights began to come on in all the windows. Lights shone both under the trees and from every dwelling above among the branches, and blazing lights darted back and forth across the snow. Moomintroll looked at dad.

Yes,” dad confirmed and nodded his head. - Just in case!

Then Moomintroll entered the house and collected all the candles he could find. He stuck them in the snow around the fir tree and carefully lit them one by one until they were all ablaze to appease the darkness and Christmas.

Little by little, the valley became completely quiet: everyone probably went to their homes and sat there waiting for the danger that was about to strike. Only one single shadow still wandered between the trees - that was the Hemulen.

Hello! - Moomintroll exclaimed quietly. - Will it appear soon?

“Don’t bother me,” the Hemulen answered angrily, burying his muzzle in the long list, where almost everything had already been crossed out.

Sitting down next to one of the candles, he began to count.

Mom, dad, Gafsa,” he muttered. - All cousins... elder Hedgehog... the little ones don’t need anything. And I didn't get anything from Sniff last year either. Misa and Homsa, my aunt... you can go crazy!

What's the matter? - Miss Snork timidly asked. -Did anything happen to them?

Present! - the Hemulen burst out. - With each new Christmas we need more and more gifts.

With a trembling paw, he crossed out a line on his list and wandered on.

Wait! - Moomintroll shouted. - Explain. And the mittens?..

But the Hemulen disappeared into the darkness - he disappeared, like everyone else who was in a hurry and a little crazy because Christmas was coming.

Then the Moomin family quietly went into the house to look for gifts. Dad chose his best lure for catching pike, which was in a very beautiful case. On it he wrote: “For Christmas” - and put the case in the snow. Miss Snork pulled the bracelet off her leg and sighed a little, wrapping it in silk paper.

And mother opened her most secret drawer and pulled out a book with multi-colored pictures, the only colored book in the entire Moomin Valley.

What Moomintroll wrapped in paper was so tender and so personal that no one should have seen it. Even after, in the spring, he never told anyone about what he gave.

Then they all sat down in the snow together, awaiting disaster.

Time passed, but nothing happened.

Only the tiny Kid, who was drinking tea, poked his head out from behind the woodshed. He brought with him all his relatives and their friends. And they were all equally small, and gray, and pitiful, and frozen.

“Merry Christmas,” Tiny whispered shyly.

“You really are the first one who thinks that Christmas is merry,” said Moomintroll’s dad. “Aren’t you at all afraid of what might happen when it appears?”

“And it’s already here,” muttered the Kid and sat down in the snow with his relatives. - Can I have a look? - he asked. -You have such an amazingly beautiful tree!

And a treat too,” one of the relatives said dreamily.

All my life I dreamed of seeing this as close as possible,” the Kid finished his speech and sighed.

It became completely quiet. The candles were burning, and their flame was completely motionless in this calm night. The baby and his relatives sat very quietly. It was clear how they admired everything and wanted everything. This was felt more and more strongly, so that in the end Moomintroll’s mother, approaching dad, whispered:

Don't you think...

Yes, but if... - Dad objected.

The kid couldn't believe his ears. He carefully approached the spruce tree, followed by a whole line of relatives and friends, whose mustaches trembled reverently.

They had never celebrated their own Christmas before.

“Now the best thing to do is to get out of here,” Dad said worriedly.

But nothing happened.

Little by little they timidly looked out the window.

Tiny kids were sitting in the garden - eating, drinking, unwrapping gifts and having fun like never before in their lives. In the end, they climbed the fir tree and placed burning candles on all the branches.

But there should probably be a big star at the top,” said Baby’s uncle.

You think? - asked the Kid, looking thoughtfully at the red silk rose of Moomintroll’s mother. - Does it matter what, the main thing is the idea.

“We should get a star,” my mother whispered. - But this is completely impossible.

They looked up at the sky, so distant and black, incredibly dotted with stars - there were a thousand times more of them than in the summer. And the largest of them hung right above the very top of the spruce tree.

“I feel a little sleepy,” my mother admitted. “And I can no longer guess what it all means.” But everything seems to be going well.

In any case, I’m no longer afraid of Christmas,” said Moomintroll. - Hemulen and Gafsa and his aunt must have misunderstood something.

And, placing the yellow mittens of the Hemulen on the railing of the veranda, where he could immediately see them, they entered the house to go to bed again in anticipation of spring.

— See the fairy tale “Dangerous Summer”

Illustrations by Tove Janson

There was a wonderful Christmas tree in the forest. Her place was good, there was plenty of air and light; older friends grew all around - spruce and pine trees. The Christmas tree really wanted to grow up quickly; she didn’t think about the warm sun or the fresh air, she didn’t care about the talkative peasant children who were picking strawberries and raspberries in the forest; Having collected full baskets or strung berries, like beads, on thin twigs, they sat down under the Christmas tree to rest and always said:
- What a nice Christmas tree! Pretty little one! The tree did not want to listen to such speeches.
A year has passed, and the tree has added one knee, another year has passed, and another one has been added - so, by the number of knees, you can find out how old the tree is.
- Oh, if only I were as big as other trees! - the Christmas tree sighed. “Then I would spread my branches wide, raise my head high, and I would be able to see far, far around!” Birds would make nests in my branches, and in the wind I would nod my head just as importantly as others!
And neither the sun, nor the singing of birds, nor the pink morning and evening clouds gave her the slightest pleasure.
It was winter; the ground was covered with a sparkling carpet of snow; No, no, a hare ran through the snow and sometimes even jumped over a Christmas tree - what a shame! But two more winters passed, and by the third the tree had grown so much that the hare had to walk around it.
“Yes, grow, grow and quickly become a big, old tree - what could be better than this!” - thought the Christmas tree.
Every autumn, woodcutters appeared in the forest and cut down the largest trees. Each time the Christmas tree trembled with fear at the sight of huge trees falling to the ground with noise and crackling. They were cleared of branches, and they lay on the ground so naked, long and thin. You could barely recognize them! Then they were laid on firewood and taken away from the forest.
Where? For what?
In the spring, when swallows and storks arrived, the tree asked them:
- Do you know where those trees were taken? Have you met them? The swallows didn’t know anything, but one of the storks thought, nodded his head and said:
- Yes, perhaps! I met at sea, on the way from Egypt, many new ships with magnificent high masts. They smelled of spruce and pine. That's where they are!
- Oh, I wish I could grow up and go to sea as soon as possible! What is this sea like, what does it look like?
- Well, that's a long story! - answered the stork and flew away.
- Enjoy your youth! - the sun's rays said to the Christmas tree. - Rejoice in your healthy growth, your youth and vitality!
And the wind kissed the tree, the dew shed tears over it, but the spruce did not appreciate any of this.
Shortly before Christmas, several very young trees were cut down; some of them were even smaller than our Christmas tree, which we so wanted to grow as quickly as possible. All the trees that were cut down were very pretty; They were not cleared of branches, but were placed directly on firewood and taken away from the forest.
- Where? - asked the spruce. - They are no more than me, one is even smaller. And why did they leave all the branches on them? Where were they taken?
- We know! We know! - the sparrows chirped. - We were in the city and looked into the windows! We know where they were taken! They will be so honored that it’s impossible to say! We looked through the windows and saw! They are placed in the middle of a warm room and decorated with the most wonderful things: gilded apples, honey gingerbread and thousands of candles!
“And then?..” asked the spruce tree, trembling with all its branches. - And then?.. What happened to them then?
- And we didn’t see anything else! But it was incredible!
- Maybe I’ll follow the same brilliant path! - the spruce rejoiced. - It's better than sailing on the sea! Oh, I’m just languishing with melancholy and impatience! I wish Christmas would come soon! Now I too have become as tall and spreading as those that were cut down last year! Oh, if only I were already lying on the firewood! Oh, if only I were already standing, decorated with all these delights, in a warm room! And then what?.. Then, surely, it will be even better, otherwise why would you dress me up!.. But what exactly? Oh, how I yearn and am torn from here! I just don’t know what’s wrong with me!
- Rejoice at us! - the air and sunlight told her. - Rejoice in your youth and forest freedom!
But she didn’t even think of being happy, and she kept growing and growing. Both winter and summer she stood in her green attire, and everyone who saw her said: “What a wonderful tree!” Finally, Christmas came and the first tree was cut down. Burning pain and melancholy did not allow her to even think about future happiness; It was sad to part with her native forest, with the corner where she grew up: she knew that she would never see her dear friends again - firs and pines, bushes, flowers, and maybe even birds! How hard, how sad!..
The tree came to its senses only when it found itself together with other trees in the yard and heard someone’s voice near it:
- Wonderful tree! This is exactly what we need!
Two dressed servants appeared, took the tree and carried it into the huge, magnificent hall. Portraits hung on the walls, and on the large tiled stove stood Chinese vases with lions on the lids; Rocking chairs, silk sofas and large tables were placed everywhere, littered with albums, books and toys worth several hundred dollars - at least that’s what the children said. The tree was planted in a large tub of sand, the tub was wrapped in green material and placed on a colorful carpet. How the Christmas tree trembled! Will something happen now? Servants and young girls appeared and began to dress her up. Here on the branches hung small nets full of sweets, cut out of colored paper, gilded apples and nuts, and dolls swayed - like living people; The tree has never seen anything like it. Finally, hundreds of colorful small candles were attached to the branches, and a large star made of gold leaf was attached to the very top of the tree. Well, my eyes just ran wild looking at all this splendor!
- How the Christmas tree will sparkle and shine in the evening when the candles are lit! - everyone said.
"Oh! - thought the Christmas tree, - if only evening would come quickly and the candles would be lit! What will happen next? Will other trees come here from the forest to admire me? Will sparrows fly to the windows? Or maybe I’ll grow into this tub and stand here so elegant, winter and summer?”
Yes, she knew a lot!.. From intense anticipation, her bark even ached, and this is as unpleasant for a tree as a headache is for us.
But then the candles were lit. What brilliance, what luxury! The tree began to tremble with all its branches, one of the candles set fire to the green needles, and the tree was painfully burned.
- Ay-ay! - the young ladies shouted and hastily put out the fire. The tree did not dare to shake anymore. And she was scared! Especially
because she was afraid to lose even the slightest of her jewelry. But all this brilliance simply stunned her... Suddenly both halves of the doors swung open and a whole crowd of children burst in; you would have thought they intended to cut down the tree! The elders came in behind them sedately. The kids stopped dead in their tracks, but only for a minute, and then there was such a noise and uproar that their ears were simply ringing. The children danced around the tree, and little by little all the gifts were torn from it.
“What are they doing? - thought the Christmas tree. - What does it mean?" The candles burned out, they were extinguished, and the children were allowed to rob the tree. How they attacked him! Only the branches cracked! If the tree had not been tightly tied to the ceiling with its top with a golden star, they would have knocked it down.
Then the children began to dance again, not letting go of their wonderful toys. No one else looked at the tree except the old nanny, and she was only looking to see if there was an apple or date left somewhere in the branches.
- A fairy tale! A fairy tale! - the children shouted and dragged the little plump gentleman to the tree.
He sat down under a tree and said:
- Here we are in the forest! And, by the way, the Christmas tree will listen! But I will tell only one tale! Which one do you want: about Ivede-Avede or about Klumpe-Dumpe, who, although he fell down the stairs, still entered into honor and got himself a princess?
- About Ivede-Avede! - some shouted.
- About Klumpe-Dumpe! - others shouted.
There was a cry and noise; one tree stood quietly and thought: “Don’t I have anything else to do?”
She's already done her job!
And the plump gentleman told about Klumpe-Dumpe, who, although he fell down the stairs, still entered in honor and got himself a princess.
The children clapped their hands and shouted: “More, more!” They wanted to hear about Ivede-Avede, but they were left with only Klumpa-Dumpa.
The tree stood quietly, thoughtfully: the forest birds had never told anything like this. “Klumpe-Dumpe fell down the stairs, and yet he got the princess! Yes, this is what happens in this world!” - thought the Christmas tree: she completely believed everything that she just heard, - after all, such a respectable gentleman was telling. “Yes, yes, who knows! Maybe I’ll have to fall down the stairs, and then I’ll get the princess!” And she happily thought about tomorrow: she would again be decorated with candles, toys, gold and fruits! “Tomorrow I won’t tremble! - she thought. - I want to properly enjoy my splendor! And tomorrow I will again hear the tale about Klumpe-Dumpe, and maybe also about Ivede-Avede.” And the tree stood quietly all night, dreaming about tomorrow.
In the morning the servant and the maid appeared. “Now they’ll start decorating me again!” - thought the tree, but they pulled it out of the room, dragged it up the stairs and shoved it into the darkest corner of the attic, where daylight did not even penetrate.
“What does this mean? - thought the tree. - What should I do here? What will I see and hear here? And she leaned against the wall and kept thinking and thinking... There was enough time for this: days and nights passed - no one looked at her. One day people came to put some boxes in the attic. The tree stood completely to the side, and it seemed to have been forgotten.
“It’s winter outside! - thought the Christmas tree. “The ground has hardened and is covered with snow: it means it’s impossible to put me in the ground again, so I have to stand under a roof until spring!” What a clever idea! What kind people! If only it weren’t so dark and so terribly empty here!.. There wasn’t even a single bunny!.. And how fun it was in the forest! There is snow all around, and bunnies are jumping in the snow! It was good... Even when they jumped over me, even though it made me angry! And it’s so empty here!”
- Pee-pee! - the little mouse suddenly squealed and jumped out of the hole, followed by several more. They began to sniff the tree and scurry between its branches.
- It's terribly cold here! - said the little mice. - Otherwise it would be absolutely good! Is it really an old tree?
- I'm not old at all! - answered the spruce. - There are many trees older than me!
-Where are you from and what do you know? - asked the little mice; they were terribly curious. - Tell us where the most best place on earth? Have you been there? Have you ever been in a pantry where there are cheeses on the shelves, and hams hanging from the ceiling, and where you can dance on tallow candles? You'll go in skinny and come out fat!
- No, I don’t know such a place! - said the tree. - But I know a forest where the sun shines and the birds sing!
And she told them about her youth; The little mice had never heard anything like this, listened to the tree's story and then said:
- How you saw a lot. How happy you were!
- Happy? - said the spruce tree and thought about the time that she had just talked about. - Yes, perhaps, life was not bad for me then!
Then she told them about that evening when she was decorated with gingerbread and candles.
- ABOUT! - said the little mice. - How happy you were, old tree!
- I'm not old at all! - the spruce objected. - I was taken from the forest only this winter! I'm just about time! Just started growing!
- What a wonderful story you tell! - said the little mice, and the next night they brought four more with them, who also had to listen to the stories of the tree. And the more the spruce tree itself talked, the more clearly it recalled its past, and it seemed to it that it had experienced many good days.
- But they will return! They'll be back! And Klumpe-Dumpe fell down the stairs, but still he got the princess! Maybe I'll get a princess too!
At the same time, the tree remembered the pretty birch tree that grew in the thicket of the forest not far from it - it seemed to him like a real princess.
-Who is Klumpe-Dumpe? - asked the little mice, and the spruce told them the whole fairy tale; she remembered it word for word. The little mice almost jumped with pleasure to the very top of the tree. The next night several more mice appeared, and on Sunday even two rats came. These did not like the fairy tale at all, which greatly upset the mice, but now they, too, have ceased to admire the fairy tale as much as before.
- Is this the only story you know? - asked the rats.
- Only! - answered the spruce. - I heard it on the happiest evening of my life; At that time, however, I was not yet aware of it!
- A most pathetic story! Do you know anything about fat or tallow candles? About the pantry?
- No! - answered the tree.
- So happy to stay! - the rats said and left. The little mice also ran away, and the spruce sighed:
- But it was nice when these playful little mice sat around me and listened to my stories! Now this is the end... But now I won’t miss my chance, I’ll be very happy when I finally go out into the world again!
It didn't happen so soon!
One morning people came to clean the attic. The boxes were pulled out, and behind them was the spruce tree. At first they threw her rather roughly on the floor, then the servant dragged her down the stairs.
“Well, now it will begin for me new life! - thought the tree.
There was a whiff of fresh air on it, a ray of sun flashed - the spruce found itself in the yard. All this happened so quickly, there was so much new and interesting for her that she didn’t even have time to look at herself. The courtyard adjoined the garden; everything in the garden was green and blooming. Fresh fragrant roses hung over the hedge, linden trees were covered with blossom, swallows flew back and forth and chirped:
- Queer-vir-vit! My husband is back! But this did not apply to spruce.
- Now I too will live! - The spruce rejoiced and straightened its branches. Oh, how they have faded and turned yellow!
The tree lay in the corner of the yard, among nettles and weeds; at the top of it the golden star still shone.
The same children who jumped and danced around the dismantled Christmas tree on Christmas Eve were playing happily in the yard. The youngest saw a tree and tore a star from it.
- Look what's left on this ugly old tree! - he said and stepped on its branches with his feet - the branches crunched.
Spruce looked at the young, blooming life around, then looked at herself and wished to return to her dark corner in the attic.
She remembered her youth, and the forest, and a merry Christmas Eve, and the little mice joyfully listening to the fairy tale about Klumpe-Dumpe...
- It's all gone, gone! - said the poor tree. - And at least I would have rejoiced while there was time! And now... it's all gone, gone!
A servant came and chopped the tree into pieces - a whole bunch of kindling came out. How gloriously they blazed under the big cauldron! The tree sighed deeply, deeply, and these sighs were like weak shots. The children came running, sat down in front of the fire and greeted each shot with a cheerful “bang!” Pow! And the spruce, letting out heavy sighs, recalled clear summer days and starry winter nights in the forest, a merry Christmas Eve and the fairy tale about Klumpe-Dumpe, the only fairy tale she had ever heard!.. And so it all burned down.
The boys were playing in the yard again; the same golden star that decorated the Christmas tree on the happiest evening of her life shone on the youngest’s chest. Now it has passed, sunk into eternity, the tree has also come to an end, and with it our history. The end, the end! Everything in the world has its end!

There was a wonderful Christmas tree in the forest. Her place was good, there was plenty of air and light; older friends grew all around - spruce and pine trees. The Christmas tree really wanted to grow up quickly; she didn’t think about the warm sun or the fresh air, she didn’t care about the talkative peasant children who were picking strawberries and raspberries in the forest; Having collected full baskets or strung berries, like beads, on thin twigs, they sat down under the Christmas tree to rest and always said:

What a nice Christmas tree! Pretty little one! The tree did not want to listen to such speeches.

A year has passed, and the tree has added one knee, another year has passed, and another one has been added - so, by the number of knees, you can find out how old the tree is.

Oh, if only I were as big as other trees! - the Christmas tree sighed. “Then I would spread my branches wide, raise my head high, and I would be able to see far, far around!” Birds would make nests in my branches, and in the wind I would nod my head just as importantly as others!

And neither the sun, nor the singing of birds, nor the pink morning and evening clouds gave her the slightest pleasure.

It was winter; the ground was covered with a sparkling carpet of snow; No, no, a hare ran through the snow and sometimes even jumped over a Christmas tree - what a shame! But two more winters passed, and by the third the tree had grown so much that the hare had to walk around it.

“Yes, grow, grow and quickly become a big, old tree - what could be better than this!” - thought the Christmas tree.

Every autumn, woodcutters appeared in the forest and cut down the largest trees. Each time the Christmas tree trembled with fear at the sight of huge trees falling to the ground with noise and crackling. They were cleared of branches, and they lay on the ground so naked, long and thin. You could barely recognize them! Then they were laid on firewood and taken away from the forest.

Where? For what?

In the spring, when swallows and storks arrived, the tree asked them:

Do you know where those trees were taken? Have you met them? The swallows didn’t know anything, but one of the storks thought, nodded his head and said:

Yes, perhaps! I met at sea, on the way from Egypt, many new ships with magnificent high masts. They smelled of spruce and pine. That's where they are!

Oh, I wish I could grow up soon and go to sea! What is this sea like, what does it look like?

Well, that's a long story! - answered the stork and flew away.

Enjoy your youth! - the sun's rays said to the Christmas tree. - Rejoice in your healthy growth, your youth and vitality!

And the wind kissed the tree, the dew shed tears over it, but the spruce did not appreciate any of this.

Shortly before Christmas, several very young trees were cut down; some of them were even smaller than our Christmas tree, which we so wanted to grow as quickly as possible. All the trees that were cut down were very pretty; They were not cleared of branches, but were placed directly on firewood and taken away from the forest.

Where? - asked the spruce. - They are no more than me, one is even smaller. And why did they leave all the branches on them? Where were they taken?

We know! We know! - the sparrows chirped. - We were in the city and looked into the windows! We know where they were taken! They will be so honored that it’s impossible to say! We looked through the windows and saw! They are placed in the middle of a warm room and decorated with the most wonderful things: gilded apples, honey gingerbread and thousands of candles!

And then?.. - asked the spruce tree, trembling with all its branches. - And then?.. What happened to them then?

And we didn’t see anything else! But it was incredible!

Maybe I will follow the same brilliant path! - the spruce rejoiced. - It's better than sailing on the sea! Oh, I’m just languishing with melancholy and impatience! I wish Christmas would come soon! Now I too have become as tall and spreading as those that were cut down last year! Oh, if only I were already lying on the firewood! Oh, if only I were already standing, decorated with all these delights, in a warm room! And then what?.. Then, surely, it will be even better, otherwise why would you dress me up!.. But what exactly? Oh, how I yearn and am torn from here! I just don’t know what’s wrong with me!

Rejoice at us! - the air and sunlight told her. - Rejoice in your youth and forest freedom!

But she didn’t even think of being happy, and she kept growing and growing. Both winter and summer she stood in her green attire, and everyone who saw her said: “What a wonderful tree!” Finally, Christmas came and the first tree was cut down. Burning pain and melancholy did not allow her to even think about future happiness; It was sad to part with her native forest, with the corner where she grew up: she knew that she would never see her dear friends again - firs and pines, bushes, flowers, and maybe even birds! How hard, how sad!..

The tree came to its senses only when it found itself together with other trees in the yard and heard someone’s voice near it:

Wonderful Christmas tree! This is exactly what we need!

Two dressed servants appeared, took the tree and carried it into the huge, magnificent hall. Portraits hung on the walls, and on the large tiled stove stood Chinese vases with lions on the lids; Rocking chairs, silk sofas and large tables were placed everywhere, littered with albums, books and toys worth several hundred dollars - at least that’s what the children said. The tree was planted in a large tub of sand, the tub was wrapped in green material and placed on a colorful carpet. How the Christmas tree trembled! Will something happen now? Servants and young girls appeared and began to dress her up. Here on the branches hung small nets full of sweets, cut out of colored paper, gilded apples and nuts, and dolls swayed - like living people; The tree has never seen anything like it. Finally, hundreds of colorful small candles were attached to the branches, and a large star made of gold leaf was attached to the very top of the tree. Well, my eyes just ran wild looking at all this splendor!

How the Christmas tree will sparkle and shine in the evening when the candles are lit! - everyone said.

"Oh! - thought the Christmas tree, - if only evening would come quickly and the candles would be lit! What will happen next? Will other trees come here from the forest to admire me? Will sparrows fly to the windows? Or maybe I’ll grow into this tub and stand here so elegant, winter and summer?”

Yes, she knew a lot!.. From intense anticipation, her bark even ached, and this is as unpleasant for a tree as a headache is for us.

But then the candles were lit. What brilliance, what luxury! The tree began to tremble with all its branches, one of the candles set fire to the green needles, and the tree was painfully burned.

Ay-ay! - the young ladies shouted and hastily put out the fire. The tree did not dare to shake anymore. And she was scared! Especially

because she was afraid to lose even the slightest of her jewelry. But all this brilliance simply stunned her... Suddenly both halves of the doors swung open and a whole crowd of children burst in; you would have thought they intended to cut down the tree! The elders came in behind them sedately. The kids stopped dead in their tracks, but only for a minute, and then there was such a noise and uproar that their ears were simply ringing. The children danced around the tree, and little by little all the gifts were torn from it.

“What are they doing? - thought the Christmas tree. - What does it mean?" The candles burned out, they were extinguished, and the children were allowed to rob the tree. How they attacked him! Only the branches cracked! If the tree had not been tightly tied to the ceiling with its top with a golden star, they would have knocked it down.

Then the children began to dance again, not letting go of their wonderful toys. No one else looked at the tree except the old nanny, and she was only looking to see if there was an apple or date left somewhere in the branches.

A fairy tale! A fairy tale! - the children shouted and dragged the little plump gentleman to the tree.

He sat down under a tree and said:

Here we are in the forest! And, by the way, the Christmas tree will listen! But I will tell only one tale! Which one do you want: about Ivede-Avede or about Klumpe-Dumpe, who, although he fell down the stairs, still entered into honor and got himself a princess?

About Ivede-Avede! - some shouted.

About Klumpe-Dumpe! - others shouted.

There was a cry and noise; one tree stood quietly and thought: “Don’t I have anything else to do?”

She's already done her job!

And the plump gentleman told about Klumpe-Dumpe, who, although he fell down the stairs, still entered in honor and got himself a princess.

The children clapped their hands and shouted: “More, more!” They wanted to hear about Ivede-Avede, but they were left with only Klumpa-Dumpa.

The tree stood quietly, thoughtfully: the forest birds had never told anything like this. “Klumpe-Dumpe fell down the stairs, and yet he got the princess! Yes, this is what happens in this world!” - thought the Christmas tree: she completely believed everything that she just heard, - after all, such a respectable gentleman was telling. “Yes, yes, who knows! Maybe I’ll have to fall down the stairs, and then I’ll get the princess!” And she happily thought about tomorrow: she would again be decorated with candles, toys, gold and fruits! “Tomorrow I won’t tremble! - she thought. - I want to properly enjoy my splendor! And tomorrow I will again hear the tale about Klumpe-Dumpe, and maybe also about Ivede-Avede.” And the tree stood quietly all night, dreaming about tomorrow.

In the morning the servant and the maid appeared. “Now they’ll start decorating me again!” - thought the tree, but they pulled it out of the room, dragged it up the stairs and shoved it into the darkest corner of the attic, where daylight did not even penetrate.

“What does this mean? - thought the tree. - What should I do here? What will I see and hear here? And she leaned against the wall and kept thinking and thinking... There was enough time for this: days and nights passed - no one looked at her. One day people came to put some boxes in the attic. The tree stood completely to the side, and it seemed to have been forgotten.

“It’s winter outside! - thought the Christmas tree. “The ground has hardened and is covered with snow: it means it’s impossible to put me in the ground again, so I have to stand under a roof until spring!” What a clever idea! What kind people! If only it weren’t so dark and so terribly empty here!.. There wasn’t even a single bunny!.. And how fun it was in the forest! There is snow all around, and bunnies are jumping in the snow! It was good... Even when they jumped over me, even though it made me angry! And it’s so empty here!”

Pee-wee! - the little mouse suddenly squealed and jumped out of the hole, followed by several more. They began to sniff the tree and scurry between its branches.

It's terribly cold here! - said the little mice. - Otherwise it would be absolutely good! Is it really an old tree?

I'm not old at all! - answered the spruce. - There are many trees older than me!

Where are you from and what do you know? - asked the little mice; they were terribly curious. - Tell us, where is the best place on earth? Have you been there? Have you ever been in a pantry where there are cheeses on the shelves, and hams hanging from the ceiling, and where you can dance on tallow candles? You'll go in skinny and come out fat!

No, I don’t know such a place! - said the tree. - But I know a forest where the sun shines and the birds sing!

And she told them about her youth; The little mice had never heard anything like this, listened to the tree's story and then said:

You've seen so much. How happy you were!

Happy? - said the spruce tree and thought about the time that she had just talked about. - Yes, perhaps, life was not bad for me then!

Then she told them about that evening when she was decorated with gingerbread and candles.

ABOUT! - said the little mice. - How happy you were, old tree!

I'm not old at all! - the spruce objected. - I was taken from the forest only this winter! I'm just about time! Just started growing!

What a wonderful story you tell! - said the little mice, and the next night they brought four more with them, who also had to listen to the stories of the tree. And the more the spruce tree itself talked, the more clearly it recalled its past, and it seemed to it that it had experienced many good days.

But they will come back! They'll be back! And Klumpe-Dumpe fell down the stairs, but still he got the princess! Maybe I'll get a princess too!

At the same time, the tree remembered the pretty birch tree that grew in the thicket of the forest not far from it - it seemed to him like a real princess.

Who is Klumpe-Dumpe? - asked the little mice, and the spruce told them the whole fairy tale; she remembered it word for word. The little mice almost jumped with pleasure to the very top of the tree. The next night several more mice appeared, and on Sunday even two rats came. These did not like the fairy tale at all, which greatly upset the mice, but now they, too, have ceased to admire the fairy tale as much as before.

Is this the only story you know? - asked the rats.

Only! - answered the spruce. - I heard it on the happiest evening of my life; At that time, however, I was not yet aware of it!

A most pathetic story! Do you know anything about fat or tallow candles? About the pantry?

No! - answered the tree.

So happy to stay! - the rats said and left. The little mice also ran away, and the spruce sighed:

But it was nice when these playful little mice sat around me and listened to my stories! Now this is the end... But now I won’t miss my chance, I’ll be very happy when I finally go out into the world again!

It didn't happen so soon!

One morning people came to clean the attic. The boxes were pulled out, and behind them was the spruce tree. At first they threw her rather roughly on the floor, then the servant dragged her down the stairs.

“Well, now a new life will begin for me!” - thought the tree.

There was a whiff of fresh air on it, a ray of sun flashed - the spruce found itself in the yard. All this happened so quickly, there was so much new and interesting for her that she didn’t even have time to look at herself. The courtyard adjoined the garden; everything in the garden was green and blooming. Fresh fragrant roses hung over the hedge, linden trees were covered with blossom, swallows flew back and forth and chirped:

Queer-vir-wit! My husband is back! But this did not apply to spruce.

Now I too will live! - The spruce rejoiced and straightened its branches. Oh, how they have faded and turned yellow!

The tree lay in the corner of the yard, among nettles and weeds; at the top of it the golden star still shone.

The same children who jumped and danced around the dismantled Christmas tree on Christmas Eve were playing happily in the yard. The youngest saw a tree and tore a star from it.

Look what's left on this ugly old tree! - he said and stepped on its branches with his feet - the branches crunched.

Spruce looked at the young, blooming life around, then looked at herself and wished to return to her dark corner in the attic.

She remembered her youth, and the forest, and a merry Christmas Eve, and the little mice joyfully listening to the fairy tale about Klumpe-Dumpe...

It's all gone, gone! - said the poor tree. - And at least I would have rejoiced while there was time! And now... it's all gone, gone!

A servant came and chopped the tree into pieces - a whole bunch of kindling came out. How gloriously they blazed under the big cauldron! The tree sighed deeply, deeply, and these sighs were like weak shots. The children came running, sat down in front of the fire and greeted each shot with a cheerful “bang!” Pow! And the spruce, letting out heavy sighs, recalled clear summer days and starry winter nights in the forest, a merry Christmas Eve and the fairy tale about Klumpe-Dumpe, the only fairy tale she had ever heard!.. And so it all burned down.

The boys were playing in the yard again; the same golden star that decorated the Christmas tree on the happiest evening of her life shone on the youngest’s chest. Now it has passed, sunk into eternity, the tree has also come to an end, and with it our history. The end, the end! Everything in the world has its end!

There was a wonderful Christmas tree in the forest. Her place was good, there was plenty of air and light; Older friends grew all around - both spruce and pine trees. The Christmas tree really wanted to grow up quickly; she didn’t think about the warm sun or the fresh air, she didn’t care about the talkative peasant children who were picking strawberries and raspberries in the forest; Having collected full mugs or strung berries, like beads, on thin twigs, they sat down under the tree to rest and always said:
- What a nice Christmas tree! Pretty little one!
The tree did not want to listen to such speeches. A year has passed - and one knee has been added to the Christmas tree; another year has passed - another one has been added: so by the number of knees you can find out how many years it has been eaten.
- Oh, if only I were as big as other trees! - the Christmas tree sighed. “Then I would spread my branches wide, raise my head high, and I would be able to see far, far around!” Birds would make nests in my branches, and in the wind I would nod my head just as importantly as others!
And neither the sun, nor the singing of birds, nor the pink morning and evening clouds gave her the slightest pleasure.
It was winter; the ground was covered with a sparkling carpet of snow; no, no, yes, a hare ran through the snow and sometimes even jumped over the Christmas tree - what a shame! But two more winters passed, and by the third the tree had grown so much that the hare had to go around it.
“Yes, grow, grow and quickly become a big, old tree - what could be better than that!” - thought the Christmas tree.
Every autumn, woodcutters appeared in the forest and cut down the largest trees. Each time the Christmas tree trembled with fear at the sight of huge trees falling to the ground with noise and crackling. They were cleared of branches, and they lay on the ground so naked, long and thin. You could barely recognize them! Then they were laid on firewood and taken away from the forest.
Where? For what?
In the spring, when swallows and storks arrived, the tree asked them:
- Do you know where those trees were taken? Have you met them?
The swallows didn’t know anything, but one of the storks thought, nodded his head and said:
- Yes, perhaps! I met at sea, on the way from Egypt, many new ships with magnificent, high masts. They smelled of spruce and pine. That's where they are!
- Oh, I wish I could grow up and go to sea as soon as possible! What is this sea like, what does it look like?
- Well, that's a long story! - answered the stork and flew away.
- Enjoy your youth! - the sun's rays said to the Christmas tree. - Rejoice in your healthy growth, your youth and vitality!
And the wind kissed the tree, the dew shed tears over it, but the spruce did not appreciate any of this.
Around Christmas, several very young trees were cut down; some of them were even smaller than our Christmas tree, which we so wanted to grow faster. All the trees that were cut down were very pretty; They were not cleared of branches, but were placed directly on firewood and taken away from the forest.
- Where? - asked the spruce. - They are no more than me, one is even smaller. And why did they leave all the branches on them? Where were they taken?
- We know! We know! - the sparrows chirped. - We were in the city and looked into the windows! We know where they were taken! They will be so honored that it’s impossible to say! We looked through the windows and saw! They are placed in the middle of a warm room and decorated with the most wonderful things, gilded apples, honey gingerbread and lots of candles!
“And then?..” asked the spruce tree, trembling with all its branches. - And then?.. What happened to them then?
- And we didn’t see anything else! But it was incredible!
- Maybe I’ll follow the same brilliant path! - the spruce rejoiced. - It's better than sailing on the sea! Oh, I’m just languishing with melancholy and impatience! I wish Christmas would come soon! Now I too have become as tall and spreading as those that were cut down last year! Oh, if only I were already lying on the firewood! Oh, if only I were already standing, decorated with all these delights, in a warm room! And then what?.. Then, surely, it will be even better, otherwise why would you dress me up!.. But what exactly will happen? Oh, how I yearn and am torn from here! I just don’t know what’s wrong with me!
- Rejoice at us! - the air and sunlight told her. - Rejoice in your youth and forest freedom!
But she didn’t even think of rejoicing, but kept growing and growing. Both winter and summer she stood in her green attire, and everyone who saw her said: “What a wonderful tree!” Christmas finally came, and the first tree was cut down. Burning pain and melancholy did not allow her to even think about future happiness; It was sad to part with her native forest, with the corner where she grew up - she knew that she would never see her dear friends again - firs and pines, bushes, flowers, and maybe even birds! How hard, how sad!..
The tree came to its senses only when it found itself together with other trees in the yard and heard someone’s voice near it:
- Wonderful tree! This is exactly what we need!
Two dressed up servants appeared, took the tree and carried it into the huge, magnificent hall. Portraits hung on the walls, and on the large tiled stove stood Chinese vases with lions on the lids; Rocking chairs, silk-upholstered sofas and large tables littered with albums, books and toys worth several hundred dollars were placed everywhere - at least that’s what the children said. The tree was planted in a large tub of sand, the tub was wrapped in green material and placed on a colorful carpet. How the Christmas tree trembled! Will something happen now? Servants and young girls appeared and began to dress her up. Here, on the branches, small nets filled with sweets, cut out of colored paper, hung, gilded apples and nuts grew and dolls swayed - like living people; The tree has never seen anything like it before. Finally, hundreds of multi-colored small candles were attached to the branches - red, blue, white, and at the very top of the tree was a large star made of gold leaf. Well, my eyes just ran wild looking at all this splendor!
- How the Christmas tree will sparkle and shine in the evening when the candles are lit! - they said everything.
“Ah!” thought the tree. “If only evening would come sooner and the candles would be lit! What will happen then? Will other trees come here from the forest to admire me? Will sparrows fly to the windows? Or maybe Will I grow into this tub and stand here so elegant, winter and summer?”
Yes, she knew a lot!.. From intense anticipation, her bark even ached, and this is as unpleasant for a tree as a headache is for us.
But then the candles were lit. What brilliance, what luxury! The tree began to tremble with all its branches, one of the candles set fire to the green needles, and the tree was painfully burned.
- Ay-ay! - the young ladies shouted and hastily put out the fire. The tree did not dare to shake anymore. And she was scared! Especially because she was afraid of losing even the slightest of her jewelry. But all this brilliance simply stunned her. Suddenly both halves of the doors swung open and a whole crowd of children rushed in; you would have thought they intended to cut down the tree! The elders came in behind them sedately. The kids stopped dead in their tracks, but only for a minute, and then there was such a noise and uproar that their ears were simply ringing. The children danced around the tree, and little by little all the gifts were torn from it.
“What are they doing?” thought the tree. “What does this mean?”
The candles burned out, they were extinguished, and the children were allowed to rob the tree. How they attacked him! Only the branches cracked! If the top with the golden star had not been firmly tied to the ceiling, they would have knocked down the tree.
Then the children began to dance again, not letting go of their wonderful toys. No one else looked at the tree except the old nanny, and she was only looking to see if there was an apple or date left somewhere in the branches.
- A fairy tale! A fairy tale! - the children shouted and dragged a small, plump man to the tree.
He sat down under a tree and said:
- Here we are in the forest! And by the way, the Christmas tree will listen! But I will tell only one tale! Which one do you want: about Ivede-Avede or about Klumpe-Dumpe, who, although he fell down the stairs, still became famous and got himself a princess?
- About Ivede-Avede! - some shouted.
- About Klumpe-Dumpe! - others shouted.
There was a cry and noise; one tree stood quietly and thought: “Don’t I have anything else to do?”
She's already done her job!
And the plump man told about Klumpe-Dumpe, who, although he fell down the stairs, still became famous and got himself a princess.
The children clapped their hands and shouted:
- More, more! - They wanted to hear about Ivede-Avede, but they were left with only Klumpa-Dumpa.
The tree stood quietly, thoughtfully - the forest birds had never told anything like this. "Klumpe-Dumpe fell down the stairs, and yet he got the princess! Yes, that's what happens in this world!" - thought the tree; she fully believed everything she just heard, since such an honorable man was telling it. “Yes, yes, who knows! Maybe I’ll have to fall down the stairs, and then I’ll become a princess!” And she happily thought about tomorrow: she would again be decorated with candles and toys, gold and fruits! “Tomorrow I won’t tremble!” she thought. “I want to properly enjoy my splendor! And tomorrow I will again hear the tale of Klumpe-Dumpe, and maybe also about Ivede-Avede.” And the tree stood quietly all night, dreaming about tomorrow.
In the morning the servants and the maid appeared. “Now they’ll start decorating me again!” - thought the tree, but they pulled it out of the room, dragged it up the stairs and shoved it into the darkest corner of the attic, where daylight did not even penetrate.
“What does this mean?” thought the tree. “What should I do here? What will I see and hear here?” And she leaned against the wall and kept thinking and thinking... There was enough time for this: days and nights passed - no one looked at her. One day people came to put some boxes in the attic. The tree stood completely to the side, and it seemed that they had forgotten about it.
“It’s winter outside!” thought the tree. “The ground has hardened and is covered with snow; that means it’s impossible to put me in the ground again, so I have to stand under the roof until spring! How cleverly thought out! What kind people! If only it weren’t so dark here and it’s so terribly empty!.. There’s not even a single bunny!.. And it was so fun in the forest! There was snow all around, and bunnies were jumping in the snow... It was good even when they were jumping over me, even though it made me angry! It’s so empty here!”
- Pee-pee! - the little mouse suddenly squealed and jumped out of the hole, followed by another, small one. They began to sniff the tree and scurry between its branches.
- It's terribly cold here! - said the little mice. - Otherwise it would be absolutely good! Is it really an old tree?
- I'm not old at all! - answered the spruce. - There are many trees older than me!
-Where are you from and what do you know? - asked the little mice; they were terribly curious. - Tell us, where is the best place on earth? Have you been there? Have you ever been in a pantry where there are cheeses on the shelves, and hams hanging from the ceiling, and where you can dance on tallow candles? You'll go in skinny and come out fat!
- No, I don’t know such a place! - said the tree. - But I know a forest where the sun shines and the birds sing!
And she told them about her youth; The little mice had never heard anything like this, listened to the story of the tree and then said:
- How much you saw! How happy you were!
- Happy? - said the spruce tree and thought about the time she had just talked about. - Yes, perhaps, life was not bad for me then!
Then she told them about that evening when she was decorated with gingerbread and candles.
- ABOUT! - said the little mice. - How happy you were, old tree!
- I'm not old at all! - the tree objected - I was taken from the forest only this winter! I'm just about time! Just started growing!
- What a wonderful story you tell! - said the little mice, and the next night they brought four more with them, who had to listen to the stories of the tree. And the more the spruce tree itself talked, the more clearly it recalled its past, and it seemed to it that it had experienced many good days.
- But they will return! They'll be back! And Klumne-Dumpe fell down the stairs, but still he got the princess! Maybe I will become a princess too!
Then the tree remembered the pretty birch tree that grew in the forest not far from it - it seemed to him like a real princess.
-Who is Klumpe-Dumpe? - asked the little mice, and the spruce told them the whole fairy tale; she remembered it word for word.
The little mice jumped with pleasure almost to the very top of the tree. The next night several more mice appeared, and on Sunday even two rats came. These did not like the fairy tale at all, which greatly upset the mice, but now they, too, have ceased to admire the fairy tale as much as before.
- Is this the only story you know? - asked the rats.
- Only! - answered the spruce. - I heard it on the happiest evening of my life; At that time, however, I was not yet aware of it!
- A most pathetic story! Do you know anything about fat or tallow candles? About the pantry?
- No! - answered the tree.
- So happy to stay! - the rats said and left.
The little mice also ran away, and the spruce sighed:
- But it was nice when these playful little mice sat around me and listened to my stories! Now this is the end... But now I won’t miss my chance, I’ll be very happy when I finally go out into the world again!
It didn't happen so soon!
One morning people came to clean the attic. The boxes were pulled out, and behind them was the spruce tree. At first they threw her rather roughly on the floor, then the servant dragged her down the stairs.
“Well, now a new life will begin for me!” - thought the tree.
There was a whiff of fresh air on it, a ray of sun flashed - the spruce found itself in the yard. All this happened so quickly, there was so much new and interesting for her around her that she didn’t even have time to look at herself. The courtyard adjoined the garden; Everything in the garden was green and blooming. Fresh fragrant roses hung over the hedge, linden trees were covered with blossom, swallows flew back and forth and chirped:
- Queer-vir-vit! My husband is back!
But this did not apply to spruce.
- Now I will live! - she rejoiced and straightened her branches. Oh, how they have faded and turned yellow!
The tree lay in the corner of the yard, surrounded by nettles and weeds; at the top of it the golden star still shone.
The same children who jumped and danced around the dismantled Christmas tree on Christmas Eve were playing happily in the yard. The youngest saw a star and tore it off.
- Look what’s left on this ugly old tree! - he shouted and stepped on its branches; the branches crunched. Spruce looked at the young, blooming life around, then looked at herself and wished to return to her dark corner in the attic. She remembered her youth, and the forest, and a merry Christmas Eve, and the little mice joyfully listening to the fairy tale about Klumpe-Dumpe...
- It’s all gone, gone! - said the poor tree. - And at least I would have rejoiced while there was time! And now... it’s all gone, gone!
A servant came and chopped the tree into pieces - a whole bunch of kindling came out. How hot they burned under the big cauldron! The tree sighed deeply, deeply, and these sighs were like weak shots. The children came running, sat down in front of the fire and greeted each shot with a cheerful “bang! bang!” And the spruce, letting out heavy sighs, recalled clear summer days and starry winter nights in the forest, a merry Christmas Eve and the fairy tale about Klumpe-Dumpe, the only fairy tale she had ever heard!.. And so it all burned down.
The boys were playing in the yard again; On the youngest’s chest, the same golden star that adorned the Christmas tree on the happiest evening of her life shone. Now it has passed, sunk into eternity, the tree has also come to an end, and with it our history. The end, the end! Everything in the world has its end!

There was a wonderful Christmas tree in the forest. Her place was good, there was plenty of air and light; Older friends grew all around - both spruce and pine trees. The Christmas tree really wanted to grow up quickly; she didn’t think about the warm sun or the fresh air, she didn’t care about the talkative peasant children who were picking strawberries and raspberries in the forest; Having collected full mugs or strung berries, like beads, on thin twigs, they sat down under the tree to rest and always said:

- What a nice Christmas tree! Pretty little one!

The tree did not want to listen to such speeches. A year has passed - and the tree has added one knee; another year has passed - another one has been added: so by the number of knees you can find out how many years it has been eaten.

– Oh, if only I were as big as other trees! - the Christmas tree sighed. “Then I would spread my branches wide, raise my head high, and I would be able to see far, far around!” Birds would make nests in my branches, and in the wind I would nod my head just as importantly as others!

And neither the sun, nor the singing of birds, nor the pink morning and evening clouds gave her the slightest pleasure.

It was winter; the ground was covered with a sparkling carpet of snow; No, no, a hare ran through the snow and sometimes even jumped over the Christmas tree - what a shame! But two more winters passed, and by the third the tree had grown so much that the hare had to go around it.

“Yes, grow, grow and quickly become a big, old tree - what could be better than this!” - thought the Christmas tree.

Every autumn, woodcutters appeared in the forest and cut down the largest trees. Each time the Christmas tree trembled with fear at the sight of huge trees falling to the ground with noise and crackling. They were cleared of branches, and they lay on the ground so naked, long and thin. You could barely recognize them! Then they were laid on firewood and taken away from the forest.

Where? For what?

In the spring, when swallows and storks arrived, the tree asked them:

– Do you know where those trees were taken? Have you met them?

The swallows didn’t know anything, but one of the storks thought, nodded his head and said:

- Yes, perhaps! I met at sea, on the way from Egypt, many new ships with magnificent, high masts. They smelled of spruce and pine. That's where they are!

- Oh, I wish I could grow up and go to sea as soon as possible! What is this sea like, what does it look like?

- Well, that's a long story! - answered the stork and flew away.

- Rejoice in your youth! - the sun's rays spoke to the Christmas tree. – Rejoice in your healthy growth, your youth and vitality!

And the wind kissed the tree, the dew shed tears over it, but the spruce did not appreciate any of this.

Around Christmas, several very young trees were cut down; some of them were even smaller than our Christmas tree, which we so wanted to grow faster. All the trees that were cut down were very pretty; They were not cleared of branches, but were placed directly on firewood and taken away from the forest.

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