Fortune telling in love. Fortune telling “Finding love” for new relationships

A person’s happiness largely depends on how his personal life, relationships in love and marriage develop. But very often, periods when a loved one is not around drag on for a long time. And it also happens that a relationship seems to be starting, and then suddenly something happens, everything unexpectedly begins to collapse, and in the end all that remains is a broken heart, unfulfilled dreams and loneliness, which are more and more difficult to experience each time.

When this situation constantly repeats itself, questions begin to arise: “Why is my personal life not working out?”, “Why am I unlucky in love?”, “Why are relationships with men (women) not working out?”, “Why can’t I get married?”. Some explain everything by their bad luck, unhappy fate, while others explain it by incompatibility or the fact that in life “you always come across the wrong ones...”.

In fact, the reason for an unsettled personal life most often lies within ourselves, it hides in our subconscious, and we don’t want, can’t, or are simply afraid to get it out of there. Sometimes the cause of loneliness is past negative experiences or mental trauma, due to which a person internally pushes away all new potential partners along the way. Sometimes your personal life doesn't work out because of low self-esteem or simply because you don't believe that happiness is still possible. Some people, on the contrary, value their freedom so much that they cannot find family happiness for fear of losing their independence. And there can be very, very many such reasons...

To understand and figure out what the problem is, you can try to look at it using online fortune telling on Tarot, get an answer to a question “Why isn’t my personal life working out?” and determine what is stopping you from finding your happiness. This rather complex layout of 12 cards will help not only reveal the reasons for the unsettled personal life, but also tell you what needs to be changed in yourself in order to find a partner and build a long, reliable relationship with him. In addition, the cards will give a forecast for the future and determine your chances and prospects of entering into an official marriage. Fortune telling is carried out using Tarot Manara cards, which are very well suited for readings on love and relationships, analyzing situations and problems in personal life and love.

Select 1st card

The first block is cards No. 1 and No. 2. Analysis of unconscious, subconscious desires and fears in relationships.

Card No. 1. Shows what you want to get from a relationship, why you need it, and for what purpose you are starting a new relationship.

Card No. 2. Reveals what you are afraid of when starting a new relationship, what you are afraid of, what you do not want to get in the process of the relationship.

The second block - cards No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6. Analysis of past relationships.

Card No. 3. Indicates what you yourself give to your partner during the relationship, what you can sacrifice for the sake of the relationship.

Card No. 4. Indicates what you cannot (do not want) to give up in the process of a relationship, what you are not ready to sacrifice.

Card No. 5. Reveals character traits and nuances of your behavior in relationships that interfere with their positive development. This is something that needs to be changed in yourself, something that should be abandoned.

Map No. 6. Indicates those qualities of your character, nuances of behavior that contribute to the positive development of relationships. This is something that you need to develop and improve in yourself.

The third block is cards No. 7, No. 8, No. 9, No. 10. Analysis of the present.

Map No. 7. Shows how you are trying to solve the problem of loneliness, what you are doing for this.

Card No. 8. Indicates that on your part it is preventing you from starting new relationships.

Card No. 9. Indicates that on your part it contributes to the beginning of a new relationship.

Card No. 10. Tells you what you need to do to find a partner for a personal relationship.

The fourth block is cards No. 11 and No. 12. Forecast for the future.

Map No. 11. What are your chances of starting a new relationship within 1-2 years?

Card No. 12. What are your prospects for entering into an official marriage?

How ready are you for love to appear in your life?

This court card symbolizes a witty, insightful, straightforward person (usually a woman, but can denote a man) with a sense of humor, impartial, and exuding a sense of inner strength and confidence. These qualities, however, are not always conducive to deep emotional contact, and the Queen of Swords can mean sadness, grief, tears due to separation, loneliness, misunderstanding.

What are you not ready for when love comes?

The card symbolizes an important obstacle to change in your personal life.

Arcanum Strength symbolizes internal energy, pressure, confidence, perseverance, the desire to show “who’s boss”, the desire to achieve the realization of one’s intentions. In relationship layouts, this card may indicate a certain advantage of one of the partners over the other (depending on the position in the layout), and can also show special significance sexual relations. Passion not only enlivens communication, making it brighter, but sometimes creates the ground for drama and jealousy. In this case, the Force may be on the side of instincts, before which human reason and logic retreat.

How to find love

The card gives recommendations on how to attract love into your life, what to do for this

This card means happy or long-awaited changes for the better, escape from difficulties. Often these events are associated with changes in some specific external conditions in life: a trip, new people, new job, moving to a new place of residence or other changes. Sometimes the Six of Swords means the need to adapt to changes or events that happen in life loved one and affect your destiny.

What repels love

The card indicates what actions on your part repel the possibility of happy changes in your personal life, what should not be done

The Five of Pentacles speaks of a difficult period in a relationship, of dissatisfaction with the existing situation, of a feeling of exile, rejection, of the desire to give up everything, to go in search of something or someone else. Unsuccessful romance. It is necessary to carefully consider your desires and aspirations, since the solution to the problem, the card says, is closer than it seems.

The result of fortune telling

This card indicates prospects for changes in your personal life.

This court card symbolizes a person or situation that awakens interest and desire, pushing one to action. This “provocation” can have good or bad consequences, but initially it fuels curiosity, a thirst for adventure or vivid impressions. It is difficult to resist tempting circumstances or not to succumb to the temptation of a charming person! If a reason arises, it is difficult to sit in one place, and actions are often sincere, open, spontaneous, and impulsive.

Fortune telling or a successful initiative - for those who decided to take a risk in some business or endeavor. Whatever you do, or rather, start to do, this is called an initiative, deep down in your soul, you always want the new move to be successful. Therefore, the question of the right time is very relevant.

Alignment Successful Initiative is an opportunity to find out: at a favorable moment, are you starting to do something (important for you), what will be the beginning, continuation and outcome of your idea, business, question, project, even a dream - after all, this is also an initiative that, alas, few dare to turn it into reality.

I advise you to try to tell fortunes about your dream using this layout.

A dream is something that is born with us. It seems impossible to the mind, but the heart whispers that everything can come true if you really, really want it. If you have not yet decided to make your huge dream come true, concentrate on it and click six times on the cards inside the fortune telling!

1. Is now the right time for me to start? 2. What can you rely on? 3. What is worth insuring? 4. First stage: starting a business 5. Second stage: business development 6. Third stage: completion. What will be the result?

  • Is now the right time for me to start?
  • What can you rely on?
  • What is worth insuring?
  • First stage: starting the business.
  • Second stage: business development.
  • Third stage: completion. What will be the result?
Click on the cards to fill out the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning


How to read the layout

The first three points are the conditions for bookmarking an event.

Point 1: whether the time is right will show whether the undertaking is worth doing now or postponing until later. Point 2 is your support. Pay attention to the support map to see if it is stable. Suddenly your support is where you never thought to look for it.

Point 3 - risks. The weak point of your initiative. If there is a figured card there (king, queen, knight, less often a page) - this is a human factor. By the way, the figured cards can point to you too (it’s good if the figured cards fall out in position 2) - some person will help you.

The last three points are the development of the event itself (question, initiative). The first stage is the beginning, the second stage is the continuation, the third stage is the result, completion, result. See at what stage luck awaits you, and where you should be prudent and careful.

If point 4 contains a very sharply negative card, it is possible that the undertaking will be postponed or will not happen. If such a card is included in point 5, then serious tests are possible at the development stage, which the card will show.

If the negative lasso is in position 6, you should think more seriously about the purpose of your initiative, and perhaps change something and add to your fortune-telling question.

By the way, if many points of the layout contain cards with a negative meaning, it makes sense to work with the request itself. And bring it out in such a quality and form that the next layout of cards suits you.

This detailed online schedule The Tarot cards will tell you whether the relationship will be serious and how things will go with money and quarrels for such a couple.

Before you begin the fortune-telling behavior “Finding Love,” get rid of the energy accumulated during the day (to do this, take a cool shower). If you do not do this, then a veil of extraneous energy will distort the real result.

Now tune in to your partner’s energy - to do this, take his photo and look at it for a while. If there is no photo, it is enough to mentally visualize the person.

Questions answered by the cards:

1. Who was sent to you by fate?
2. Is this man ready to make you happy?
3. Will there be problems in the relationship?
4. Will the beloved be able to realize himself as a specialist?
5. Is the relationship capable of satisfying you?
6. How “mature” will the relationship be?
7. Do you agree on religious views?
8. Possible financial problems.
9. How can you keep this person?

Date of publication: 05/17/2017

Happiness is something we all strive to achieve and maintain throughout our lives. For some, it remains an elusive mirage, in pursuit of which they again make mistakes and are left with nothing. Gradually, most blue bird seekers realize that there is more to it than money, career or power. First of all, this is a state of mind when a person is in harmony with himself and the world around him.

The question of what is the secret of happiness is both rhetorical and quite practical at the same time. On the one hand, it lies in the plane of speculative conclusions, and on the other, it requires more than specific answers that would allow us to make certain decisions, form the correct worldview, and tune ourselves in one way or another. Do you know how to become happy? Or are you waiting for happiness to find you on its own? The horoscope will reveal your secret of happiness.

We offer you an objective and impartial answer to this global question. Its root lies in the thorough “tying” of a person’s fate to the position of the planets and stars at the moment of his birth. Our horoscope can really clarify this problem in many ways. And, as a result, he is able to reveal the secret of happiness for each of us.

So, we argue that you need to base the path to personal happiness on your own zodiac horoscope. The main thing is that it represents a comprehensive picture of your state of affairs and future prospects. The horoscope that you see in front of you now is just like that. It will allow you to orient yourself in all aspects of life that are significant to you and correct them (if necessary) in order to take the very correct and necessary path to all prosperity.

Whether you are Sagittarius, Taurus or Cancer, your astrological sign always hides a secret that, if you can apply it, will make you a happy person. Click on your Zodiac sign and discover this secret.

Horoscope "The Secret of Happiness" for each Zodiac sign:

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