Fortune telling by tarot cards for a woman. Tarot card - Queen description

This complete tarot layout provides an opportunity for a woman who has reached the age of thirty to understand herself, taking into account all the nuances and features of her maturity. Particular attention in this full tarot reading is given to what a woman can expect from her near future, both in the external world and in the internal

Technique for fortune telling the full tarot spread for a woman after 30 years

In order to perform a full tarot reading, you will naturally need the entire deck. But before you start fortune-telling, take out the Major Arcana “Empress” from it and place it to your left. It will symbolize the starting point of all complete tarot readings.

After this, thoroughly mix the deck, trying not to think about anything during this process, so as not to “knock down” the subtle energies.

Then lay out all the Major Arcana, one at a time, to your left, starting from the starting card. Now you can begin the interpretation.

Interpretation of the full tarot spread for a woman after 30 years

Key card of the full tarot reading: The Empress

1st position: the full tarot layout begins with a position indicating the hidden causes of internal anxiety, which led to the fact that a woman needs to carefully and deeply study the current state of her affairs, both from the outside and the inside.

2nd position: this senior lasso demonstrates the “shadow” features of relationships with the men around a woman, shows all the nuances and shades of psychological states that escape her attention.

3rd position: this position is a mirror of the previous one, that is, here we are talking about women.

4th position: this card “reveals” the nature of relationships within the family (if one already exists) or relationships with parents.

5th position: this card demonstrates the nature of intimate relationships, that is, how a woman actually perceives her sex life, and not what she tells herself or others about it.

6th position: the full tarot layout especially highlights this card, since it is the “key” to how a woman can achieve harmony between her inner and outer world.

7th position: this senior lasso indicates what a woman needs to do so that she can intuitively make the right decisions in life, what prevents her from using her intuition and trusting her heart more.

8th position: This position of the full tarot reading demonstrates the hidden aspects of relationships with colleagues at work, as well as how a career generally develops (or does not develop). You should pay close attention to this card, since for a mature woman, financial situation is more important than for a young woman.

9th position: this card reflects important nuances of relationships with children or with people much younger than the woman. Moreover, the features relate more to what is not visible at first glance, that is, deep psychological moments.

10th position: this senior lasso makes it possible to look at the subtleties of a woman’s relationship with herself, with her inner world, because the nature of the development of her future will depend on this.

11th position: in the full tarot reading, this card and the next one reflect the adjustment of the internal states of a mature woman. In particular, this senior arcana shows what deep moments should be developed in order to become happy. Therefore, even a negative card in this position is of a strategic nature, for example, the death card suggests that you should not be afraid to sacrifice something in order to get more. The main thing is not to make a mistake.

12th position: this card shows which character traits should be abandoned, or used as little as possible, since because of this a woman often suffers and causes suffering to those she loves.

13th position: an important card in a full tarot reading, because it demonstrates a woman’s inner fears, those moments that she is afraid to say even to herself, but which always influence her life choices.

14th position: this senior lasso indicates ways out of the internal crisis and the opportunity to free yourself from mental fears.

15th position: this position indicates the hidden causes of disturbances in the health of a mature woman.

16th position: this card shows what you should expect in the near future from close men, what the nature of their behavior will be.

17th position: the major lasso of this position demonstrates the features of future relationships with women, especially in the field of psychological nuances

18th position: the card in this position predicts the financial future and the nature of its development.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards is a popular way to find out your future and get answers to many questions. But the most difficult thing in this process is the interpretation of meanings. The Tarot deck contains 78 arcana. When fortune telling, one should take into account not only specific cards and their meanings, but also their combinations. In order to learn this, you need to put in a little effort and patience. In this article we will look at a detailed description of Tarot cards and learn how to interpret them correctly.

Major Arcana

The most key figures in the entire deck of Tarot cards are the Major Arcana. They not only describe the situation, but also show the root of the problem. In predictions for the future, the Major Arcana show the full development of the matter with all that it implies. In some layouts, only these cards are used. So, the deck contains 22 Major Arcana. Each of them has its own order. This image shows all the Major Arcana in the correct order.

Interpretation of the Major Arcana

So, let's look at the description of Tarot cards in order.

The first is considered a card with a value of 0. It is called the Jester and denotes frivolity, carelessness, inspiration, and creativity. So, for example, if this lasso appears in the question of what preceded the situation, then, most likely, the fortuneteller behaved too frivolously. But if, for example, it points to future events or to the solution of an issue, then this will mean that the situation can only be solved if you approach it creatively.

I. The magician symbolizes a young man, strong and confident. In classical fortune telling, the lasso in the upright position denotes will, diplomacy, energy and readiness for decisive action. The opposite is that it is precisely these qualities that a person lacks.

II High Priestess - wisdom, extrasensory abilities, mysteries and secrets. In addition, it can personify a girl or woman surrounded by a fortuneteller. If the card falls on a personality characteristic, it means that the person has a hidden talent that will soon manifest itself.

III Empress - harmony, growth, prosperity. In any scenario, the card symbolizes stability and a favorable outcome of events.

IV Emperor - power, protection, authority. This card indicates that a person has a reliable protector or must find one. As a personality characteristic, the lasso means that a person is a protector. He is always ready to help.

V Hierophant (in some decks - Priest). This card has quite a lot of meanings. First of all, this is the opposite of the High Priestess. Denotes enslavement, the learning process, the need to gain knowledge. It can also indicate their deficiency.

VI Lovers - close relationships, friendship, possibly love. In some fortune telling, it can mean self-love. The description of Tarot card VI Lovers is quite succinct. Arcanum also denotes pleasure, temptation, beauty, stability, success, union. So, for example, if a card falls on the future, it may mean that a person is in harmony with himself and everything will work out for him.

VII Carriage - anxiety, defeat. This is one of the few cards that denotes an action, and not its result. If the Carriage lasso appears in fortune telling, it means that the time has come for thoughtful actions. In an inverted position it is definitely a failure.

VIII Strength - the name of the card largely determines its meaning. So, it means strength, power, power, action. The map indicates that the time of calm has already passed. Now we need to act very boldly.

IX Hermit - patience, the need to wait. Unlike the previous lasso, this one indicates a slowdown and decline in activity. In the upright position it can also mean solitude, loneliness. Inverted - health problems.

X is a lasso that has many meanings. They all depend on the cards that will be next to each other in the layout. The basic description of the Fortune Tarot card is as follows:

  • change;
  • a gift from above;
  • punishment;
  • success;
  • fate;
  • abrupt turn of events.

XI Justice - deliberate decisions, court cases. In general, the lasso indicates that it is necessary to find balance.

XII Hanged Man - lasso denotes intuition, a hopeless future, hard work. The card symbolizes the framework in which a person will be placed, and he will have no other choice but to obey. Arcanum also means refusal, testing, self-sacrifice.

XIII Death is one of the worst cards in the deck, representing loss, completion, separation. However, in some fortune telling, the description of the Tarot card is as follows - the end of the black stripe.

XIV Moderation - means balance, the need to find a middle ground in a situation.

XV Devil - greed, greed, inability to stop.

XVI Tower - changes in life, and they can be both good and bad. Everything will depend on the nearby cards.

XVII Star - a good sign, hopes and plans. This card signifies calm, good news, and routine.

XVIII Moon - solitude, loneliness, loss of control. The card gives advice that it is time for a person to rethink his life.

XIX The sun symbolizes fame, success, universal recognition. In love scenarios it can mean passion, lust.

XX Judgment is a card that is very similar in its meaning to the lasso XI Justice. May mean new unexpected events, rewards, punishment, unnecessary worry. XX Judgment, the Tarot card whose description and meaning we are looking at, can also mean a strong feeling of fear and anxiety.

XXI World is the last major arcana in the deck. The card signifies completion, a journey, perhaps an escape from oneself.

Minor Arcana

This part of the deck consists of 56 cards and is divided into 4 suits: Pentacles, Cups, Swords and Wands. Each of them belongs to one of the four elements. Depending on the suit of the arcana, the Tarot cards are interpreted. The description of the card as a whole also depends on the numerological meaning of each of them. So, there are 14 cards in each suit:

  • numeric (from 2 to 10);
  • Knight;
  • Queen;
  • King.

Let's look at each of the suits in more detail.


This suit has a lot of names. So, in some interpretations you can find the following: Scepters, Staves, Spears, Clubs, Sticks. But this does not change their essence. The suit of Wands represents the element of Fire, the masculine principle. It symbolizes energy and vitality, ambition. If we consider the Staves from the astrological side, they correspond to the following zodiac signs: Leo, Sagittarius, Aries.

Suit of Staves: meanings

In layouts, most often the Wands indicate a business or area of ​​work where the result depends only on the person himself. If more than 3 Staff cards appear in a person’s characteristics, this indicates that this person achieves everything in her life on her own.

Each of the 14 cards of the Wands suit, of course, has its own meaning. It depends on the adjacent cards and the layout itself. Let's look at the full description of Tarot cards of the Wands suit.

The Ace of Staffs symbolizes luck and success, career growth. What you put so much effort into will now bear fruit. In a love reading, the meaning of the card depends on the gender of the fortuneteller. So, for a man this is success in a relationship with his beloved. If a guy is single, it means that one girl really likes him. If this lasso lands on a woman, it means that it’s time for her to find a lover.

The following cards are quite easy to interpret. So, the Two of Wands is plans, the Three is the beginning of a new stage, the Four is the first fruits, and so on. Nine of Staves will mean completion of affairs. The Ten of Wands has the most negative meaning. It means the failure of all plans. Figure cards (page, knight, queen, king) respectively mean business connections, professionalism, patronage, power.


This suit is also called Cups. Element - Water. They symbolize peace, solitude, love experiences, relationships with other people. Ace of Cups - ideal relationship.

Two - reciprocity.

Troika is a holiday.

Four - tension in relationships.

Five - regret.

Six - sincerity.

Seven - temptations.

Eight - new relationships.

Nine - pleasure, prosperity.

Ten - happiness in the family.

Page - imagination.

Knight - strong feelings.

Queen and King - stability.


Another name for the suit is Coins, Denarii. Element - Earth. So, this suit is responsible for the financial sphere of a person’s life. Each of the cards symbolizes either profit and prosperity, or loss. In the image of each of the arcana you can clearly see the description of each Tarot card. So, if you look at the Ace, it becomes clear that it means profit, but the Five of Pentacles means losses.


This suit symbolizes the spiritual benefits of a person. This is the area that is hidden from prying eyes. This is the most dangerous suit of the deck, which symbolizes feelings and emotions: anger, passion, enmity. It is in it that the greatest number of negative meanings exist. Three, five, eight, nine and ten of Swords are interpreted as loss, powerlessness. These cards indicate emotional decline and emptiness. Ace, two, four of Swords symbolize victory over your emotions. All other cards reflect power, alliance, patronage.

Basics of interpretation of the major and minor arcana

First of all, by looking at the layout, you should determine which suits have the largest number. This way you can find out in which area a person has a lot of problems. The meanings of the Major Arcana should be interpreted first, because these are the key cards. Of course, it is impossible to imagine a complete description of Tarot cards without a combination of some arcana.

For example, the Wands together with the Major Arcana, which have a positive meaning, strengthen each other. The Empress and the Ace of Staffs is one of the most successful combinations. It means happiness, success, the fulfillment of all plans and hopes. The Jester card and the suit of Cups can mean a relationship without obligations. In general, in order to fully understand the essence of the layout, you should look not at each individual card, but at all the arcana at the same time.

Interpretation for beginners

For those who are just learning to tell fortunes, it is recommended to write down descriptions of Tarot card layouts in a separate notebook. So after some time you will be able to create your own interpretation of each of the cards. It is for this reason that in various literature the detailed description of Tarot cards differs from each other.

The fortuneteller must become one with the deck. Only in this case will he learn to understand the meaning of each of the cards. At first, of course, you should focus on the data presented in this article, but soon you will see that in each specific fortune-telling they can differ significantly.

In each of these suits there are 4 cards that depict people - Pharaoh, Lady or Queen, Knight and Princess. Each of them plays a huge role in the interpretation of fortune telling. In this article we will focus on Dame tarot and we will try to find out what these cards symbolize.

The meaning of the Queen of Swords card

Queen of Swords

The Lady of Swords represents the lightness and femininity of the air. She is a symbol of intelligence, openness, imagination, independence and intelligence. Its interpretation says that a person should not get lost from a huge number of ideas or doubts, but should only move forward towards his goal, guided by his own logic, which will suggest the right option for resolving the troubling problem.
When, during fortune telling, you pull out the Queen of Swords in an upright position, that is, the way it should look, it means that you are taking your first step in the direction you need. Now you can’t look back, because a huge road ahead opens up before you - to your true goal.
But if you pulled out the Queen of Swords upside down, then this symbolizes unjustified risk and wasted effort to achieve your goal. This tarot card can also symbolize a person who is guided by his emotions, but in this case they are directed against you.

The meaning of the Queen of Wands card

Queen of Wands

The Lady of Wands represents an independent, financially secure woman. She loves money and knows how to get it. She has ambitions, she loves luxury, beautiful clothes, jewelry, and with her own efforts she ensures that all her requests are always fulfilled. This tarot card indicates the practical mind of a woman who always calculates her every step, both on the career front and on the personal front.
The Queen of Wands tarot card, which fell upright during fortune telling, symbolizes a caring, sociable, friendly woman who loves her family and strives for success in her career. This card can represent both the one for whom the current tarot card layout is taking place, and the person who will help him in resolving his situation. It means that you now need to come to grips with your financial affairs.
Inverted, the Lady of Wands is a woman who is aware of her superiority over others, she is overly thrifty, punctual and self-confident. This card symbolizes a domineering, tough woman who is selfish and has too high an opinion of herself. She is easily offended and can become the worst enemy of anyone who tries to contradict her. If you get an inverted Lady of Wands in fortune telling, beware, a serious threat hangs over you.

The meaning of the Queen of Cups card

Queen of Cups

The Lady of Cups is the personification of the water element, which symbolizes intuition, sincerity, imagery of feelings and strong empathy for the feelings of others. If it appears to you in fortune-telling, it means that you should not be guided in business by your mind, but you need to do what your heart tells you, and this is the only way to achieve success.
When the Queen of Cups appears in an upright position during fortune telling, it means that you should not take any decisive action now, but rather spend some time understanding yourself and your own feelings. Also, this tarot card foreshadows the appearance of a caring friend in your life who will lend a shoulder to you at the right time.
When reversed, the Lady of Cups predicts difficult times. You will have to go through a period of loneliness, tears and loss in life. But this should not make you angry or deprive you of your positive spiritual qualities, and only then will you be able to recover from these terrible events.

The meaning of the Queen of Pentacles card

Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles represents wealth - both spiritual and material. This is a man who has already seen a lot in his lifetime, done a lot, and now he only has to reap the fruits of his deeds. If this card fell out to a woman during fortune telling, then it represents her as an excellent mother and housewife, for whom everything always goes well.
If the Queen of Pentacles appears in a direct form in fortune-telling, then it means that you strive to achieve perfection in absolutely everything, which is why your closest people who are deprived of your attention suffer greatly. She also foretells that soon you will have some desire that you will fulfill with all your might, but you should understand that while doing one thing, you should not forget about other aspects of your life. This card can also predict pregnancy.
The Queen of Pentacles in reverse indicates your laziness and wastefulness. You need to stop being jealous of your friends and getting annoyed about everything. This means that you should work harder so that you don’t have time for anger and envy. Also, this tarot card may mean that there is a man in your life whom you completely trust, but, unfortunately, in vain.


Waite's Empress is the second version of the Virgin Mary in the Tarot after the High Priestess, revised and expanded edition. The map focuses on symbols that are in one way or another connected with the idea of ​​nature as a life-giving force, prosperity, and well-being. The map also shows a huge number of symbols that in one way or another relate to Venus. Venus symbol on the shield, on the cushion, pearl necklace.

Theoretically, the Empress should be pregnant. However, you cannot tell this from the female figure on the map. But as Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin write, during the creation of the deck, pregnant women were advised: “During this period, you should dress comfortably, attractively and tastefully, which helps you to be happier, more peaceful and more cheerful; one must do everything possible to maintain a joyful, optimistic and satisfied state of mind. Those who believe in prenatal influences should understand the importance of comfortable and attractive clothing." The curved back of her seat also hints at the Empress's pregnancy.

And of course, when describing the Empress, it is impossible not to mention her diadem, decorated with twelve stars. The magical number twelve made it possible for authors to attribute very different attributions to the stars. Naturally, the signs of the zodiac and as exotics are the twelve tribes of Israel.

My opinion is this: the more Waite interfered with the plot of the card, the more pretentious and lifeless it became.


  • Fertility
  • Gestation
  • Pregnancy
  • Result
  • Stability
  • Woman

Key Ideas

  • Hidden Wealth
  • Natural vitality
  • Mother Nature, Life and Death
  • Planet Earth as a living being

Basic meaning

As usual, Waite does not give the divinatory meaning of the Empress Tarot in the main text. But he did not forget to mention that “Most of the symbolic meanings previously attached to this card are completely erroneous, for example, its identification with the Word, Divine Nature, Triad, and so on.”

What the Word and the Triad are is not easy to understand. But one could argue about the Divine Nature, because just above Waite writes: “She is, first of all, material, universal fertility and the external meaning of the World.”

Understanding the meanings of the Major Arcana according to Waite’s system would remain mysterious to us if he were too lazy to write a chapter with divinatory meanings for us. But the industrious Waite wrote us such a chapter. And now we know that in his opinion, the Empress means prosperity, business, initiative, patience. But also difficulty, doubt, ignorance.

The modern meanings of the Empress card are not too different from Waite's. She has lost her aura of power and is migrating from the Empress to the Mistress. But everything also means a woman, everything is also associated with pregnancy and fertility (both on the physical level and metaphorically). The Empress’s connection with nature, vitality, feminine wisdom and housekeeping has not gone away.

It has become commonplace to compare the Empress with Isis, but the understanding of Isis by the ancient Egyptians is very different from the image invented by European intellectuals.

Video: Meaning of katra Tarot - Empress

Meanings of the Empress in combination with the Major Arcana

  • With a map: The process will be long, the result will be insignificant.
  • With a map: Everything will work out in a timely manner and as it should be. There is no need to try to speed things up.
  • With card: Communication with this woman is fraught with danger.

  • Combination of the Empress Tarot card: Fertility, pregnancy.
  • Combination of the Empress Tarot card: everything is going right and in the proper way.
  • Combination of the Empress Tarot card: The matter can bring devilish fruits.

Empress Tarot Meaning in Relationships

Openness and closedness of the Tarot Empress in relationships

After the Empress has established a social circle, she turns into a closed card.

What kind of relationship does the Mistress describe?

The Mistress of the Tarot prefers smooth, calm, stable relationships, without strong positive or negative experiences.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

The emphasis in the meanings of the Mistress is primarily on family relationships, understood strictly according to Marx: “The family as an economic unit of society.” The Mistress is characterized by love of convenience, and she sees nothing wrong with it. Moreover, it is within a socially approved framework, in contrast to the love calculated by the Chariot.

Serious, pragmatic relationship.

Strangely, in the well-functioning economy of the Empress, the Emperor is not needed. And even harmful. Because the Empress is order, and the Emperor is chaos.

In matters of love, the meanings of the Empress place emphasis not on the sensual and erotic side of relationships, but on reliability, material security and stability.

There is a negative aspect in the Mistress's relationship - overprotection.

On the one hand, this is a prosperous relationship, but on the other, it is not associated with warm, pleasant experiences.

The relationship described by the Mistress does not allow for innovation and revolution. Abrupt changes tend to destroy such relationships and sever ties between participants. Especially if the changes concern the material basis of relations (forms of ownership, distribution of resources, changes in technological processes).

The 3rd Arcana of the Tarot is characterized by the “Mother” scenario. The hostess fits completely into this archetype. But this is not a mother lisping with her children, but a tough and domineering one, whose task is to feed, raise and kick them out of the family nest.

Meanings of the Empress in combination with the suit of Wands

  • With a map: There are too many people with conflicting interests involved in this case.
  • With the card: The result of the case is a well-deserved triumph.
  • With a card: You should not show off your achievements.
  • With the card: Too much power and attention to it.

The Importance of the Empress Tarot in Health Matters

Anatomically, the Empress card means the stomach, lower abdomen, and in women, organs associated with pregnancy, primarily the uterus. The Empress is a supporter of traditional methods of treatment. And one of the main ones, in her opinion, is enhanced nutrition. In general, the Mistress indicates good health, the ability to conceive, and excellent functioning of the body.

Psychological and emotional state of the Empress

The Empress demonstrates calmness, self-confidence, and unemotional performance of routine actions. She peels potatoes, washes dishes, and cleans the house without anger or irritation, “because that’s the way it should be.”

Meanings of the Empress in combination with the suit of Cups

  • With card: Women's friendship.
  • With card: This woman is your chance.
  • With a card: This case gives you a serious opportunity to rise to the top.

Meanings of the Empress in matters of work, business and money

Financial stability according to the 3rd Arcana of the Tarot

Managed, controlled, stable.

The Mistress is a slow, dignified, unhurried card. It means a calm but inevitable forward movement.

The Mistress that appears in the layout means that everything that grows and bears fruit can bring income. As a special case, there is a service sector for expectant and first-time mothers: clothes, strollers, toys, everything is very expensive and has a minimal lifespan.

In a broad sense, this is the production and sale of our own products. Grown, processed, sold. Closed production cycle. The desire for autarky.

It is possible to increase income through savings and recycling: when cutting a pig, everything is used except the pig's squeal.

Canteens, food stations - all from saved funds.

The state of finances now and in the future according to the Empress card

Excellent, balanced financial situation. Constant stable income with slight growth. Everything is satisfying, good quality, but without luxury and dust in the eyes. There is no shortage of simple, everyday products, despite the fact that income is divided among everyone, not just the producers. The food basket is calculated for a child, for retired parents, and for a dog and a cat: for those who need it, there is enough for them.

The map is very conservative, there is no novelty or unexpected solutions. The housewife, even in poverty, will follow her habits: save and use everything that is at hand, avoiding risky experiments. But most often the prognosis is favorable - everything is calculated, everything is under control, everything is growing and heading. Holidays at grandma's.

Positive and negative influence of the Empress on money, work and business

In general, the 3rd Arcana of the Tarot means that everything will happen on time and in the right volume. Don’t disturb the seedlings, don’t push them. Although excessive conservatism and the Mistress’s tendency to underestimate the importance of change can slow down the growth process. External circumstances change, market or weather conditions are also not constant, but the Mistress pays little attention to what is outside her sphere of competence, to what she does not consider important for herself. There are time-tested recipes, and she follows them, sometimes to her own detriment.

Meanings of the Empress in combination with the suit of Swords

  • With a map: You will find your happiness on the other side of the river.
  • With a card: If you want to make a profit, you must use cunning.
  • With a card: You are not as skilled at your job as you think.

Today you should do routines, not creativity.

The Empress as Card of the Day - Caution

You're doing better than you think.

Meanings of the Empress in combination with the suit of Pentacles

  • With a card: Your business promises you enormous profits.
  • With the card: Everything will end well, but not as you planned.
  • With a map: The basis of your success is a plan and schedule.

Questions to Ask When Pulling a Mistress

  • How does your relationship with your mother and Mother affect you?
  • What plans do you have?
  • What legacy will you leave?
  • What seeds have you planted and what fruits do you expect to reap?

In Lenormand, Woman is a card corresponding to the Ace of Spades; it is a neutral card, subject to the meaning of nearby ones.

In astrology, it corresponds to Venus and is responsible for the erotic beginning; these qualities are focused on building a family and relationships. If the Lenormand Woman falls out to a man, she points to his companion.

This is a beloved woman, a sincere friend and an influential ally. In a negative sense, it can mean a selfish, treacherous, arrogant woman, it all depends on how she is positioned in the reading.

  • This is a female personal card, it is central, if the layout is made for a woman, it needs to be interpreted from her, naturally, you need to pay attention to the surrounding cards.

It signifies the happiness that crowns a relationship. Love goes far beyond passion. If it falls on a woman, then the soul and the unconscious are important to her in a partnership.

She speaks of a strong feminine principle, symbolizes fertility and tranquility. Such a woman can be trusted with even the most secret things.

Such women will never give up and know what they want. Approval is important to them, but they do not need it to be expressed openly. This is a card of great inner strength.

Its historical basis is the abduction of Europa by Jupiter in the region of the bull. She symbolizes all the qualities of women.

The card may indicate the questioner herself, or a friend, mother or sister, if the layout is made for a man. Cards located next to the Lady will show her thoughts, intentions or actions.

Three cards horizontally above her will show her thoughts, desires and hopes, as well as fears. The map can show what place women occupy in the life of the questioner.

If in the layout the card lies in the place of the Man, then it is that the woman is able to protect herself, and if she has a partner whom she can influence.

Near favorable cards, the Lady is a symbol of happiness, love and success, and if there are more gloomy ones near her, then there are clouds and excitement ahead.

If the Lady lies to the right of the Man, then they will find agreement in life, as they look at each other. If the Lady is on the left, then they are standing with their backs turned, which means they have various contradictions and disagreements.

Lenormand Woman in fortune telling for relationships

If the card shows a love alignment, then the woman feels responsible in love and partnership, the relationship will be strong and long.

The woman in this case is the man’s weakness; he forgives her everything like a child. Guardianship is important for him, as self-affirmation, he thinks only about his woman, but on the other hand, his thoughts may include a rival or mother

If it falls in the layout of a profession, then the woman achieves success through femininity; it is also often a card of housewives.

If the health situation showed it, then you need to pay attention to the female genital organs. This is a card of family women, they have good intuition.

If the card is dealt to a woman, then she can completely trust herself, and it shows men that their partner is important to them and they need to pay attention to her. If it is shown, then the answer to the question is not defined. Often the card foreshadows major changes in life.

Lenormand woman in the scenario of money and work

If it was shown, then you need to make illogical, non-standard decisions, make compromises and concessions, and you can achieve success; probably a woman takes a large part in matters.

The card advises relying on instinct and intuition. A man needs play and danger, so he needs a woman.

  • If the Horseman appears with a Woman, then there is a secret meeting ahead with an enterprising, dynamic and younger woman. She is active and travels a lot.
  • Clover talks about a future surprise and a positive, cheerful woman, but the meeting will be short.
  • If a Ship falls with a Woman, then the woman has recently returned from a trip, she often lives far away or likes to keep her distance.
  • If there is a House in the layout, then the woman grew up in a close-knit family, the woman herself is also reliable, a good mother and housewife.
  • If there is a sign in the scenario, then perhaps the partner is sick, she is a constant and very calm woman, she could also be a doctor.
  • If there are Clouds in the reading, then the woman may have overcome insurmountable obstacles, she has gained clarity.
  • If there is a Snake in the layout, the woman is deceiving, for some reason, she is far-sighted and more often than not older than her partner.

If the Coffin appeared, then she experienced a serious loss.

Clouds speak of illness and depression of the questioner; she is going through an important stage of life and is not always confident in herself.

The bouquet, on the contrary, shows a fighting and determined woman, fighting for her ideals; she is an amiable and good woman.

If the Scythe appears in the scenario, then the woman is afraid of something, she herself is tense and aggressive. The broom speaks of a woman's submission to others, and she can also be very eloquent.

If there are Owls in the reading, the questioner often becomes the object of gossip, she is preoccupied, nervous, or maybe just old.

If a Child falls out, then the woman has children, she is naive, infantile, capricious, it could also be a mother, teacher or educator

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