Fortune telling for girls for the old new year. Fortune telling for the old new year

Old New Year falls during the Christmastide period, starting in the period from and ending on. The time on the night of January 13-14 is considered best time for fortune telling, and not only single girls, but also married ladies can take advantage of this opportunity. Orthodox Christians can also guess on this magical night; the church is more radical about the possibility of holding rituals on religious holidays, but it is not.

There are many ways to help you find out what the future has in store for a person. possible for the future, for marriage and even for pregnancy. To carry out the ritual, special spells are used, and the attributes are candles, cards, paper, wax, and even the fortuneteller’s own dreams. Not only women can perform this kind of ritual. Men can also lift the veil of secrecy; they tell fortunes about their betrothed.

Let's try to consider the best ancient and modern rituals. The recommended options for fortune telling are truthful, which is confirmed by the reviews of people who resort to them. Rituals are performed alone or in company; there are no prohibitions in this regard. When conducting a ritual, you need to realize that this is a full-fledged session of appealing to higher forces possessing unknown power, therefore you must follow all the rules for its implementation.

What do people expect in the New Year? Updates, pleasant impressions and making your cherished desires come true. But no one wants to wait all year to see if their dreams will come true, so many people spend Christmas time usefully, resorting to the help of mystical powers and magic. Fortune telling on Old New Year is a traditional Russian custom. Candles, shadows, cards and even dumplings are used for rituals. With the help of these everyday objects, a ritual is provided and a person learns what awaits him in the future.

Attention! For the result to be true, fortune telling for the Old New Year must be done at night, namely at midnight from the 13th to the 14th.

It is very simple to tell fortunes for your betrothed on New Year's Eve; there are rituals that help you see your fate in a dream. To carry out the ritual, matches or thin wooden sticks are used. At the head of the bed, the girl places a stool or a small table, and on it she lays out an even square of sticks - a well. When going to bed, you need to say the following phrase: “My betrothed, my mummer, come to the well of water to drink.” We must try to fall asleep as quickly as possible, not paying attention to the design.

If the groom did not dream, attention is paid to the condition of the chopsticks. If one of them is shifted, you can expect an acquaintance soon. If the guy in the dream still comes, but the well is undamaged, it means that the wedding may fail. Moved sticks promise a quick wedding, perhaps in the coming year.

For fortune telling to be accurate, it must be carried out in a separate room, behind a closed door. No one should go into it until the girl wakes up and inspects the well. It is also necessary to exclude pets that can accidentally damage the structure. There is no need to tell anyone about the ritual itself, otherwise it may lose its authenticity.

A ritual performed using rice or other grains, such as buckwheat, will help you find out what the future has in store. The grains are poured into a deep box and rings are placed in it. One of them should be precious, preferably gold, the second - with natural stone, the third is silver, and the last fourth is jewelry.

  1. Cover or blindfold your eyes with a blindfold.
  2. Dip your hands into the cereal and scoop it up.
  3. Transfer the mixture into a separate saucer and carefully look at what you managed to get along with the rice.

Any precious jewelry: gold, silver or diamonds, promises a “well-fed” and rich life, promotion through career ladder, winning the lottery, receiving an unexpected inheritance. If you come across jewelry, you can’t expect anything good; the whole year will pass in need.

Interesting! With the help of cereal you can get an answer to a question, you just need to design it in such a way that you can clearly say “yes” or “no”. Scoop up the cereal with your hands and count the grains. If the number is even, the answer is positive; if the number is odd, the answer is negative.

Fortune telling in a dream

You can peek into the future and find out who the mummer-betrothed is through a dream. To perform a simple but precise ritual, you will need a thimble, salt and water. The bulk component is transferred to a thimble, filled with liquid and consumed before bed. Going to bed, the following words are read: “Who is my mummer, who is my betrothed, bring me a drink, fulfill my request, give me water.” In a dream, the chosen one should come and serve a glass filled with water.


This fortune telling is often called the “witch’s spread.” It helps you quickly predict the future using one deck of 36 cards. To increase truthfulness, fortune telling is recommended during the Christmastide period. The ritual is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • The deck is mixed well and laid out on the table one card at a time;
  • at the same time they pronounce the names of the cards, from 6 to ace without indicating the suit;
  • if the meaning coincides with what is being pronounced, the card is put aside;
  • the deck is turned over once, you should get 2 pairs of cards;
  • if there are fewer of them, the ritual is not repeated; the resulting number is considered.

To interpret the layout, you can use the following table:

Map Card No. 1 Card No. 2 Card No. 3 Card No. 4
Your own serious illness or loss of a close relative. Any suffering. Friends spread gossip about you, expose what should be secret to everyone. There is anxiety and doubt about an important event ahead.
Long distance is expensive, a work trip or relocation is possible. There is an ill-wisher around you, he is planning a deception and is trying to harm you. Prepare for your own marriage or for the wedding of a close relative. Expect a promotion up the career ladder.
The death of a friend. Look forward to a holiday or other pleasant surprises. Someone will try to offend, humiliate or insult you. An addition to the family is possible.
Serious financial expenses that will not be repaid soon. Soon you will be disappointed (the reason is your partner or close friend). Expect a surprise from a friend. It is possible to receive unexpected profits.
Obstacles form along the path of life. Wait for the news. Avoid excesses and monitor your health. Changes in quality of life in better side, provided that other cards in the layout have a positive interpretation.
There is a man around who is spreading gossip. To matchmaking. You are about to meet an interesting person who can change your life. You will get irritated and nervous over trifles.
Lady A serious rival (for love) is on the way. A scandal with an older woman I know (mother, mother-in-law, boss). Luck follows on your heels. Don't try to harm anyone, otherwise evil will work against you.
King True love. Beware of deception, the enemies are up to something. Expect good news. There is a meeting with an old acquaintance.
Ace Spiritual or material losses. An important relationship in your life will soon end. Wealth is nearby, look carefully. Quick wedding.

It is quite simple to interpret the layout according to this description; the main thing is to follow the basic recommendations. Remember that fortune telling will only be true when using new cards. The deck must not be used if it has been played.

This ritual requires serious preparation. Many fortune telling can be done in a playful manner, but not this one, because it involves working with wax from church candles. The principle of the method is that you need to melt a piece of wax using the flame of another candle, and then pour it into a prepared container with water. When the wax hardens, pay attention to the resulting pattern; the main thing to evaluate is the shape of the figure. Round – good sign, the “white” stripe begins. The pointed shape indicates that not everything will be smooth in life; there are envious people and ill-wishers around you.

The ingot must be examined carefully; perhaps there are clear patterns on its surface. They can be deciphered as follows:

  • arrow - expect a new novel;
  • mountains are likely obstacles in various endeavors;
  • depressions are enemies, by their number you can determine the number of ill-wishers;
  • the key is a promising proposal;
  • clouds - measured, calm and happy life;
  • tree - well-being and prosperity;
  • a piece of wax has separated from the main mass - pregnancy will soon occur;
  • castle - you will soon find out and keep an important secret;
  • slits in wax are obstacles that can actually be overcome;
  • stars - personify desires and guarantee their fulfillment;
  • rose - there is a secret admirer with prospects;
  • dog - don’t forget about friends;
  • a cat or several of its guises - you have enemies;
  • house - change of place of residence, quick move;
  • human face - changes in life.

Attention! The wax cast should be examined when it has completely hardened. Until this moment, the interpretation will not be correct.

Surprisingly, men are also inquisitive and try to peek into the future no less often than women. But they will not perform complex rituals; everything should be extremely simple and understandable. The easiest option for fortune telling for men is from a book. All you have to do is take any work, guess the page number and line, then ask a question and read the answer. Interpretation may be difficult. If you didn’t succeed in drawing the correct conclusion the first time, you can repeat it again. You can guess using this method repeatedly, the main thing is to ask different questions so that there is no confusion.

Another simple method suitable for fortune telling for men and women. They write the names of representatives of the opposite sex on paper, fold the received notes and put them in a hat or deep box. This must be done in the evening, after going to bed. On the morning of January 14, take the notes and choose one of them - the one that will go into your hands. The chosen one will have the name written on the paper.

The easiest way to guess with money is to use ordinary pebbles. A festive evening and night are best suited for this. The ritual is simple and carried out without tricks. The only thing is that you need to believe in its strength and effectiveness. You need to fill a large container with water, prepare several pebbles in advance - as many questions as you want to ask about material wealth with a “yes” or “no” answer. Then voice your desire, throw a stone into the water and see how many circles it creates. An even number indicates that it will come true, an odd number does not.

Fortune telling using this method is recommended for married women. To carry out the ceremony, you will need a glass filled with water and a wedding ring (necessarily smooth). You need to throw the decoration into the vessel and leave it in the cold overnight, and evaluate the icy surface in the morning. The resulting tubercles indicate how many boys there will be in the family, while the depressions indicate girls. If the ice is smooth, it means the couple will not have children.

Attention! Isn't the weather outside frosty? Do you think this method is impossible to apply? In vain, because the house has a freezer. The container can be placed there, because the main thing in the ritual is not the source of the cold, but the magical time that falls on the Old New Year.

What worries girls most of all is, naturally, love, which is why fortune telling about it is especially popular. Let's consider a simple option. To perform the ceremony, you will need a gold chain worn by a woman and a few minutes of free time. Fortune telling should be done in silence, preferably with dim lighting. The chain must be removed from the body, the lock on it must be opened so that it is unfastened, held in the palms of the hands and thrown on the floor. Next, evaluate the result:

  • the resulting vicious circle symbolizes serious difficulties;
  • stripe - represents the onset of the “light” stage;
  • knot - acts as a symbol of difficulties, illnesses and even losses;
  • triangle - promises love success, but the girl will have to decide which of the “angles” is superfluous;
  • bow - hints at a possible wedding in the coming year;
  • a snake is a sign warning of unexpected betrayal;
  • heart - love awaits the girl ahead.

The method is very simple, but reviews of girls who have experienced it themselves confirm that the answers are truthful. The main thing is to follow the basic recommendations so that the ritual goes according to all the rules.

To carry out the ritual, you will need a regular deck of cards, preferably one that has not been used for gambling. It is carefully shuffled and set up for the ceremony. It is better to write in advance all the questions that need to be answered. Then they shuffle the deck again and say the question out loud. They take out one of the cards and look at the suit: red - the answer is positive, black - negative.

To carry out this ritual, you need to take a small mirror from a lady's cosmetic bag and go outside with it. First, its surface must be doused with water, saying: “I water it with water, I want to know the truth.” Go out into the yard with the ritual object and place it on the ground for 10-15 minutes, after which you can read the answer. We need to consider the pattern on the surface:

  • multiple lines indicate that the girl will have more than one child;
  • circles on the surface are a symbol that the long-awaited pregnancy will occur this year;
  • square - an heir will be born;
  • triangle - wait for a girl.

Wavy and zigzag patterns can also be interpreted. He says that a fateful meeting is just around the corner, soon the girl will meet her companion, tie her life in marriage, give birth to a child from him and become a happy mother.

Fortune telling about your betrothed in a dream

For this method from the deck playing cards 4 kings must be taken away - if the girl is free and awaits a fateful meeting. Place them under the pillow and simply, in your own words, ask higher powers to show her your betrothed in a future dream. According to reviews, you will dream of a king, but in his image there will be a real person, perhaps with familiar facial features. If there is a guy in mind for whom there are feelings, only the king of diamonds is put into bed and the question is rephrased in relation to a specific guy.

The simplest method to find out your fiancée's name is to ask passers-by on the street. The young man should turn to the first lady he meets and find out her name. According to legend, this will be the name of his new lover, and possibly his wife. To carry out the second ritual, which helps clarify what exactly awaits you in the new year, you need to go home. For fortune telling you will need sheets colored in different colors, you can take single-sided colored paper. It is cut into pieces of equal size and turned over with the white side up. They close their eyes, shuffle and take out the first ticket that comes to hand, examining its shade.

The interpretation is as follows:

  • red - a passionate romance awaits, a wave of feelings will overtake you;
  • orange - you will fall in love, but your partner will only consider you as a reliable friend;
  • yellow - there will be a romance, but a rival can interfere with its development;
  • green - an older girl will fall in love with you;
  • blue - existing relationships will deteriorate and it will be difficult to restore them;
  • blue - likely separation;
  • purple - promises a quick wedding.

Attention! All of the listed shades must be laid out in front of you, otherwise the fortune telling will be inaccurate.

This method of fortune telling is serious and even dangerous, so you should prepare for the ritual. The principle of the method is to create a corridor of mirrors with additional lighting from wax candles. The mirrors are placed opposite each other, and a candle is placed between them and set on fire. There should be no one in the room at this moment; it is better if the girl is left alone, but if she is scared and afraid to perform the ritual herself, it is permissible to invite a friend, but she should sit quietly on the sidelines.

Everything needs to be prepared by midnight from January 13th to 14th. When everything is ready, you need to carefully look into the corridor resulting from the reflection of the candles. You should concentrate your attention on one of the mirrors, but try not to block the second one. You need to peer into the flame, it will show the image of your betrothed or his face. Be careful, in the light you can notice not only your loved one, but also evil spirits. If something goes wrong, put out the flame and say: “mind me.”

To perform a magical ritual, you will need an item - these are ordinary matches. You will need the box itself and a couple of matches. The box should be opened slightly by pulling out central part, and place matches on its sides, pointing them at each other. One of the matches represents the girl, and the second represents her boyfriend. You need to try to set them on fire at the same time, and then watch the combustion; if in the process they lean towards one another, the pair will form and a family will be formed. Fall apart - this year there will be a separation.

This option involves collective fortune telling. Unmarried girls get together. Regardless of whether they are in a loving relationship. Each fortuneteller ties her hair to a small church or ritual candle. Then he attaches it to the walnut shell with wax, making sure that the structure is fixed.

They collect in a large and wide basin clean water, light candles and place peculiar boats on the water. Whoever's candle burns out first will get married. If two “ships” collide, the relationship is likely to be difficult, and a rival may appear. If the flame goes out, marriage will not come soon, it will be late. For the purity of the experiment, the candles must have the same diameter and height.

Fortune telling for your betrothed at night

Using the method of fortune telling in a dream at night, it is possible to find out not only the image, but also the character of the future husband. For the ritual you will need playing cards, or rather, only kings should be taken from the deck. Put them under your pillow, without getting out of bed in the morning, without looking to get one of them. According to the suit of the image, the following interpretation is provided:

  • spades - the suitor will be an older man, quarrelsome, petty and jealous, you won’t have to wait for happiness with him;
  • Crusader - a middle-aged guy with a rank, serves in law enforcement or as a doctor, enjoys authority;
  • hearts - guarantees true love, a woman will connect her life with the desired man and will be happy;
  • Diamond is a rich and young guy.

Attention! There is no need to take the results of fortune telling to heart. Man decides his own destiny and its outcome depends on him.

Not only girls, but also men, and most often all family members, participate in the ritual. Gathered at the festive table. Such predictions are a kind of game that helps predict fate and find out what awaits in the coming year. Dumplings are made according to classic recipe, but different fillers are used as filling to help interpret the prediction:

  • millet - a good harvest or material well-being;
  • buckwheat – no health problems;
  • coin - sudden enrichment;
  • peas - good luck in many endeavors;
  • beans - pregnancy;
  • ring - marriage;
  • peanuts or other nuts - matchmaking;
  • a piece of dough - the fulfillment of a cherished desire;
  • greens - good health;
  • raisins - masculine strength, for women - beauty and youth;
  • olive - travel;
  • match – purchase of real estate;
  • bay leaf - career advancement;
  • cheese change of occupation;
  • garlic - disease;
  • black thread - death or serious loss is possible;
  • pepper - to wars and disasters, catastrophes.

The finished dumplings were put into a common dish, a few regular dumplings were added to them: with potatoes or cabbage, and sent to the table. All guests took turns taking 1 dumpling from the dish and watching the prediction. At the festive table it is customary to report only good news.

This fortune telling for a betrothed is considered simple; to carry it out you will need a new comb. In the evening, on the night of January 14, the girl combs her hair with it before going to bed so that hair remains on the comb. He puts it under the pillow and says: “My betrothed, my mummer, come and comb my hair in my sleep.” Immediately after this you need to go to bed and not talk to anyone until the morning. If in a dream a young beauty sees a guy doing her hair, he will become her husband. No one showed up - don’t be upset, perhaps your fate has not yet been determined. Bad sign, if the coming image took a comb and hurt with it, the marriage will be difficult, the spouse may use force.

Fortune telling for my betrothed, will I get married?

In the old interpretation, the answer to the question whether the girl would get married was received as follows. The friends went out into the yard and took turns blindfolding each other with a scarf. Then they circled, and on the count of 3 they released the girl and watched where she would go - if towards the gate, they were waiting for the wedding, she would return to the threshold - she would stay in her father’s house. Girls who are in a relationship and are absolutely free can guess this way.

How to correctly tell fortunes for the Old New Year at home

In order for predictions and answers to questions to be truthful, you need to properly prepare for the rituals. First you need to realize that this is a sacrament, so it is better to tell fortunes in a quiet environment, alone with yourself or in a small company of friends.

Before you find out your fate, you need to prepare:

  • find a quiet place in the room, retire there and prepare for the ritual, no one should distract attention or disturb;
  • set dim lighting, it is better to use candles, they will create an atmosphere;
  • remove the cross and remove the icons; according to Orthodox traditions, fate cannot be disturbed;
  • loosen your hair and do not cross your legs and arms during the ritual, otherwise higher powers will not be able to get close to the fortuneteller and tell him the answer;
  • remove pets from the room, because they are able to see entities and do not know how to react;
  • For card fortune telling, you need to use a new deck that no one has picked up.

Attention! The answers to questions may be unexpected and even bad; you need to be prepared for this. It is better to “let go” of such results and not take them to heart.

And finally, one more fortune telling can be seen in the video. As the author states, it is very powerful for attracting money into your life.

Predictions of fate received in the Old New Year have a special energy, so the result is most likely to come true. To increase this probability, work in the necessary direction, following the clues of fate. If you are not satisfied with the answer, you should not dwell on it and the bad things will pass by.

Despite modern innovative technologies, ancient customs and signs have not lost their relevance. Girls want to know their future. It is worth knowing that on January 13, on the old New Year, it is customary to tell fortunes about the betrothed; you can do this in 2020. Since ancient times, it has been believed that rituals performed during this period have magical powers. Let's consider only true fortune telling, we’ll tell you how to tell fortunes in a dream and before going to bed.

Preparing for the ritual

Christmas fortune-telling does not tolerate careless attitude and jokes. The matter must be approached with all seriousness, otherwise it is better to abandon this idea.

What you should definitely pay attention to:

  • during the ceremony you need to let your hair down;
  • if fortune-telling involves asking questions, then they should be brief, clearly formulated, suggesting an unambiguous answer;
  • clothing should be loose, without buttons or fasteners, that is, pajamas or a shirt are ideal;
  • you must remove all jewelry and accessories;
  • Before starting the process, you must close the curtains, turn off the lights and light the candles.


The ritual can be performed both in your own and in someone else’s house or apartment. The main thing is that there are no men in the room during the mysterious ceremony.

Fortune telling before bed

You can look into the near future with a thimble, salt and water. It's very simple. In the evening, closer to midnight, pour salt and the same amount of water into a thimble, mix everything and eat. Before going to bed, say the words: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink!” The chosen one must appear in a dream and fulfill the girl’s request.

On a glass of water

Neither before nor after fortune telling, you cannot tell anyone about your idea, otherwise nothing will come true. The ritual is carried out immediately before bedtime. For midnight divination you will need:

  1. Place a candle in two glasses filled with salt, pressing down well so that they stick better.
  2. Draw a circle around both glasses with chalk and say three times: “Let my candle go out if the Servant of God (name) has another. Wax, fire and treasured candles, tell me the whole truth, don’t hide anything.”
  3. Immediately after saying these words, light the candles.
  4. If your candle goes out, it means your loved one is cheating.
  5. A burning candle means that the chosen one is faithful, therefore, there is nothing to worry about.

On a piece of paper

This ritual will allow you to find out the name of your betrothed by fate. In the evening, before going to bed, the girl, dressed in loose clothes and letting her hair down, should write on small pieces of paper by candlelight male names and put them under the pillow. When you wake up in the morning, take out the first leaf you come across. The future spouse will be called as written on paper.

This fortune telling is carried out a little differently. Girls go out into the street at midnight and ask the first man they see what his name is. The name heard will belong to the betrothed.

With a comb or comb

In order to see her betrothed in a dream, the young lady must let her hair down five minutes before midnight, comb her hair and say: “Betrothed, come to me in a dream, comb your hair.”

After saying this, put the comb under your pillow and immediately go to bed. With a high degree of probability, the young lady will see her soulmate in a dream. It is not for nothing that hair is considered an intermediary between otherworldly forces and the cosmos.

With matches

The ceremony for the betrothed must be carried out in private, in all alone. Place a chair at the head of the bed; a stool is also suitable. Make a square out of matches or wooden sticks. Conventionally, this will be a well.

Looking at him, being completely concentrated, say the phrase: “My betrothed, mummer, come to the well of water to drink.” Immediately after this go to bed. It may happen that the young man does not dream, in this case you need to look at the matches:

  1. If at least one stick is moved, it means the well is open, and soon fate will lead you to meet a young man.
  2. If the guy still came in a dream, but the well is closed, the wedding with the groom may fail.
  3. Moved sticks predict a wedding. Moreover, a happy event is just around the corner; it will happen this year.

With a towel

In fortune telling for the betrothed for the old New Year on the night of January 13, 2020, several girls are expected to participate. They must get together and spend the night in the same house, since they will need to go out into the yard.

Each girl brings a new cotton towel and hangs it on a rope outside, saying the following words: “Come, my betrothed, wash yourself with well water and wipe yourself with my towel.” Having said this, you need to go to bed, and in the morning check the towels for moisture. This year, those whose towel turns out to be wet or standing (due to frost) will get married.


You cannot cheat and secretly wet the towel yourself. The ritual loses its meaning.

On a shoe

This ritual is performed strictly at midnight. For this fortune-telling for your betrothed, it is best to go to the village on the old New Year 2020 on the night of January 13-14. Upon entering the threshold, girls must throw their shoes (shoes, felt boots, boots) over their shoulders.

If the sock points in the opposite direction from the door of the house, you will soon be walking down the aisle. If, on the contrary, the toe of the shoe is turned towards the door, it is too early to think about marriage. In any case, this year, the girl will not have the chance.

With a mirror

According to astrological luminaries, fortune telling on January 13, that is, on the old New Year, has special power. Therefore, this is the best period to perform a ceremony for your betrothed in 2020.

Apart from a round or oval mirror in a metal frame, nothing else is needed. Before you begin the mysterious process, you need to take off all your jewelry, loosen your hair, and comb it. Dress in loose clothing – a nightgown, for example. If there is no one in the room, undress completely.

10 minutes before midnight, cover the table with a clean tablecloth, place a lighted candle and a mirror on it. After turning off the light, sit on a chair and carefully peer at your reflection. At midnight, the silhouette of your betrothed will appear over your shoulder.

Regardless of the result of fortune telling, you need to understand that to a greater extent, each person decides his own destiny. Ancient rituals help to tune in to a positive mood and give a good mood. But they must be taken seriously.

When the next New Year comes, people want updates, impressions, and associate hopes and dreams with this date. The peculiarities of Russian traditions allow you to look through time, try to find out what will happen! This is why fortune telling was invented. You can treat them with distrust or humor until you check. As soon as a person receives the first result, the attitude towards them usually changes radically.

The traditional time for divination is a special Russian holiday - the Old New Year. Its existence is the mystery of our “mysterious” soul. In fortune telling you need to rely on this. The egregor of the Slavic people is an excellent assistant for lifting the veil of secrecy over the next year.

Fortune telling methods for the Old New Year 2021

It must be said that January 13, 2021 is a magical time in which almost everything is allowed. Any object can become a sign, an event can become a hint of the future. Well-known methods are fortune telling using candles, shadows, cards, candles, and so on. The ritual with mirrors is very interesting. When they light candles and look into the “corridor” of mirrors arranged so that they are reflected in each other. They say it's scary. You never know what you can see there!

Shadow fortune telling

If you are not very comfortable looking into the eyes of the future, then you can choose a simpler ritual. For example, see what the shadows tell you. Take a piece of notebook paper. They divide it into two halves and list down all their desires and fears. Then the sheet needs to be crumpled into a ball (not tightly). A lit candle is placed at some distance from the screen (white wall). Between the screen and the candle there is a plate on which a leaf is placed and set on fire. The light in the room should not be on.

When most of the sheet is burned, shadows will appear on the screen. You need to watch them carefully: this is your future. Sometimes the picture is straight. For example, in this fortune telling you can see your own wedding, travel or new job. Sometimes it is associative. Use your imagination here.

Prediction for the Old New Year by ring

On the Old New Year, girls often told fortunes about the groom. You can conduct an impromptu quiz. Ask a friend married lady wedding ring. (You can’t just pass it from hand to hand. This is a bad omen. It is believed that if a girl takes her wedding ring from the hands of a married lady, then fate will give her only a lover who is not a free lover, and the lady will get divorced. Neither of them needs this.) It is better if the owner of the ring is in your company (you can call your mother).

Fortune telling is done like this. You need to prepare cups, one per girl. The lady should place them upside down on the table. Place a ring under one. Naturally, everything needs to be done so that no one spies. Now the fortune tellers must choose a cup for themselves. Not necessarily different. It’s quite possible to wish for one. When all the girls have decided, the secret of the ring's location is revealed. The one who wished for the cup under which it was can expect a marriage proposal in the new year. The rest of us can rejoice in the fact that there is time to enjoy youth and life without obligations!

What will the Old New Year tell on wax?

This ritual requires a serious attitude. If other methods can be carried out in a playful manner, then wax is a different matter. Church candles are often used to carry it out. The result is not only a prediction for current year, and also work with energy. It is known that evil eyes and damage are “poured out” with wax.

You need to melt a piece of candle in the flame of another. This is done in an ordinary tablespoon. The melted wax is poured into a previously prepared cup of water. When it hardens, you need to examine the resulting pattern. The main thing is the shape of the figure. If it is round, this is a good sign. The person will be lucky. If there are a lot of “sharp” elements, it means he has enemies and envious people.

Then you need to see what the figure looks like. Explanation of symbols:

  • arrow - get ready for a new romance,
  • ledges (mountains) - there will be obstacles in business;
  • depressions or holes - enemies will trip you up (or several according to the number of depressions);
  • the key is a promising proposal;
  • cloud - dreams, calm but boring life;
  • tree with crown - well-being;
  • trunk only – stability;
  • bare branches - poverty;
  • a piece of wax comes off - pregnancy, birth of a child (cannot be interrupted, this is a warning from the Lord);
  • animal - indicates a certain person who will play a big role in your life this year. It should be recognized by one’s own attitude towards the animal seen in the wax (positive, negative, neutral);
  • castle - a secret will be revealed;
  • grooves in wax are roads, if they are interrupted, something will not work out;
  • star - dream come true;
  • rose - someone loves you; next to the profile, it means you know this person;
  • house - to a change of residence;
  • aircraft (plane, rocket, helicopter) – acceleration, something will happen quickly;
  • man is new in life.

It’s bad if you see a devil or other evil spirits in your wax. This is not a very good sign!

How to find out your fate with the help of grains?

You know, in the old days, the most ordinary things or products were used to make forecasts for the coming year. We will use any grain. In the old days, maidens (and this is female way fortune telling) went to the barn, and each one grabbed a handful of wheat. Do just that, just for simplicity, you can use any large grains (you can even use coffee).

You should collect as much cereal as possible so that it does not spill onto the floor. Then pour the grains in front of you and count. The resulting number follows by addition components bring it down to a simple number.

Example: you have 274 grains in your handful. Do this: 2+7+4= 13; 1+3=4.

Therefore, you got a four. There is only one exception to this rule: if at some stage of addition the number 66 appears, then you should not continue counting. The ritual will not be truthful. And the rest of the numbers are deciphered like this:

  1. fulfillment of all desires, fate is in your hands;
  2. to be with a couple this year;
  3. the girl will be courted by several fans, you should not decide until next year, as the choice will turn out to be wrong;
  4. moving to another house;
  5. a new dream come true will light up;
  6. boring year;
  7. wedding;
  8. unrequited love;
  9. good changes in fate.

Previously, they only talked about marriage. But nowadays nine is interpreted more broadly. She foreshadows what a woman strives for. That is, you can experience hopes for career growth, realization of talent, wealth, admission to a university, or anything else that was previously planned and leads to serious changes in life.

A modern version of ancient fortune telling

Have you heard about fortune telling on TV? Don’t be surprised, this also exists and is considered one of the most correct. It arose, of course, in our time, after the introduction of modern equipment into life. But the idea used is old. Until now, on Old New Year, in some villages, girls walk along the street in the winter night and listen to the voices of random passers-by. If the name is mentioned, you should remember it. This is what the betrothed will be called. And if you are unlucky, then there is no need to prepare for the wedding. She won't be happy. That's what they thought.

Nowadays there is no need to go to the yard. After all, there are a lot of devices that “talk” to a person right in the apartment.

It is recommended to guess in company. One person holds the TV remote control, the second says the channel number. And the fortuneteller asks a question or makes a wish. You can say it to yourself, but if you want to get advice from friends, then tell them what you have in mind. As soon as the question is formulated, the fortuneteller says: “Done.”

The first assistant calls the channel number, the second one turns on the TV. Everyone should be silent in concentration. The first phrase heard is the answer to what was planned. But how to interpret it will have to be tricky. It all depends on worldview and imagination. Try it yourself. A very exciting activity!

The Old New Year is a time of fortune telling. It has long been believed that it was on the night of January 13-14 that you could find out your fate for the next twelve months. There are a huge variety of fortune telling, but the most popular are candles and mirrors. The main thing, psychics advise, is to start rituals with a bright soul and good feelings.

The winner and judge of the “Battle of Psychics”, an expert in the project “The Investigation is Conducted by Psychics” (STB), admitted that she herself sometimes tells fortunes about the old New Year. The hereditary clairvoyant says that on the night of January 13-14, everything that is prophesied will certainly come true. True, for this you need to follow several rules. Otherwise nothing will work. Alena herself prefers not to tell fortunes on cards this evening, but to use predictions in dumplings. He says that this is a method that has been proven over centuries.

IN exclusive interview“FACTS” Alena Kurilova spoke about the traditions of celebrating the old New Year and revealed the secrets of fortune telling on the festive night.

— The tradition of celebrating the old New Year has taken root quite firmly in our society.

- Well, it has a long history! The tradition of celebrating the Old New Year arose after the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in 1918. When did this happen, January 1st? Julian calendar began to correspond to January 14 according to the accepted Gregorian calendar. Thus, the old New Year began to be celebrated from January 13 to 14.

— What dishes should be on festive table so that the coming year passes happily?

“I think many are waiting for this holiday, when you can put all kinds of dishes on the table without looking back at fasting or any other restrictions. When celebrating the old New Year, you should prepare a generous table on which there will be all kinds of meat dishes- from baked chicken to hearty meat pies. But according to tradition, the main dish of the holiday should be dumplings with a “secret”. These are small objects placed inside products that symbolize our expectations and make predictions for the coming year.

- How does it work?

- It's very simple. The hostess or all the guests can make dumplings together. You just need to select a few dumplings, which will become an object for fortune telling. Place an object in each of them. And during the height of the feast, guests take dumplings and receive a prediction. Each of them has a specific meaning. You just need to know what this or that object means.

- For example?

— If you receive a coin (any small grain in a dumpling can symbolize it), this promises financial wealth in the coming year. If you come across a button (it can be replaced with a grain of rice) - expect new things and major purchases. A bay leaf always portends fame and creative success.

— What if a fateful meeting awaits you in the new year?

- Then you should get raisins. It is he who prophesies love and heartfelt adventures. If an unmarried girl comes across raisins, then she will probably have a fateful meeting. And if a ring is found in the dumpling, then it will certainly indicate a wedding. Beans - for a quick addition to the family. Walnut means success in learning and creativity. Anyone who gets cranberries can count on getting rid of all sorts of ailments. But if an onion is discovered, this means that grief awaits you. Hot pepper- to adventure, and garlic - to disappointment.

— With whom and where is it best to celebrate the old New Year?

— Like all New Year holidays, the old New Year refers to family celebrations. Therefore, it must be spent with family, loved ones and friends. In this way, you will share the wealth of the common table and transfer this abundance throughout the coming year.

- Absolutely, if everything is done correctly. Most often, girls tell fortunes about their betrothed and their fate. To do this, you need to prepare in advance a metal, or possibly a copper, flat plate; a small dish will also do. Take a mirror and a candle in a candlestick with it. On the evening before the old New Year, you need to write your question on a sheet of white paper. Then crumple the sheet with both hands and place it on a tray near the candle flame. The room should be dark. You need to look in the mirror and the reflection on the wall. The picture you see on it will be a prophecy.

—Did you also wonder like that when you were young?

- Certainly! I remember one day my friend, in the reflection of a candle, saw a man sitting in a chair and reading a book. Most likely it was an old grandmother. At that moment, a friend was renting a room from an elderly woman. They promised to give her a hostel only for the next year. But we all believed in a miracle when this grandmother intelligently, over a cup of tea, introduced Natasha to her nephew. It turned out that he became her destiny! Personally, I was a groomsman at their wedding. And, by the way, this couple is still together to this day.

— Are there any rules that must be followed when fortune telling?

- We must remember that fortune telling only comes true for those who take the ritual seriously. It must be carried out in a calm atmosphere, without laughter, in absolute silence. And then the Higher Powers will feel respect for us and reveal all the secrets.

And the famous Ukrainian psychic Khayal Alekperov is confident that next year will be happy for all zodiac signs.

Fortune telling – This is a very serious thing and requires preparation. To get a specific answer during fortune telling, you should remove all jewelry, choose clothes that do not have belts or sashes, let your hair down, and most importantly, get serious!

Fortune telling for the near future

For this fortune telling you will need a gold chain. While everyone in the house is sleeping, rub the chain with your palms, and then, shaking it well, throw it on the table. It is very important that, in addition to the ringing of the chain, there are no extraneous sounds. Next, look at the figure it formed.

  • Bow - quick wedding
  • Smooth streak - good luck
  • Triangle - success in love
  • Circle - troubles and troubles

Fortune telling for a prophetic dream

An interesting, safe and truthful method of fortune telling. Take the king of diamonds from a deck of playing cards and think about the person you would like to see next to you. Then hide the card under your pillow and go to bed. It is very important not to say a word. The dream that comes this night will definitely come true!

Fortune telling with the answer “yes” or “no”

One of the oldest fortune-telling, the answer to which is quite often reliable. But his main feature– You can ask an endless number of questions. Take a can of cereal and, holding your left hand over it, ask a question, the answer to which should be “yes” or “no.” Next, take a handful of cereal, pour it onto the table and count it. If the number of grains is even, the answer is “yes”; if it is odd, the answer is “no”.

Fortune telling by book

One of the most famous types of fortune telling in the Old New Year. Take the first book you come across and ask out loud a question that interests you. After that, give the page and line number. What you read will be directly related to your future!

Fortune telling with cups

For fortune telling, you need several cups (as many as there are people doing fortune telling). A ring, a coin, bread, sugar, onion, salt are placed in cups, and a little water is poured into one. Next with eyes closed Each of the fortune tellers must choose one of the cups.

  • Ring - for the wedding
  • Coin - wealth
  • Bread - to prosperity
  • Sugar - for fun
  • Onion - to tears
  • Salt - unfortunately
  • A cup of water - to life without much change

“It is very important not to use fortune telling for the Old New Year in order to somehow influence your destiny. For example, getting married successfully, buying a house, attracting financial stability, and so on. Take advantage of this unique time to understand what kind of people are around you and what to expect from them in 2019. To do this, you need to take pieces of paper on which to write the names of people who are significant to you. Then, putting the pieces of paper under your pillow, ask a question before going to bed. Questions may vary. For example, who is dangerous to me, who is my true friend, who should I stay away from, and so on. When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is take out a piece of paper with your name on it. Believe me, it works 100%!”.

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