Traditional recipes after mosquito bites. Folk remedies for mosquito bites

As long as I live, alcohol tincture calendula has always lived in my medicine cabinet. Don’t think, I don’t take it internally, but usually gargle with it, since all kinds of sore throats haunt me quite often and the diluted tincture helps relieve inflammation very well.

This summer I discovered calendula tincture in a completely different capacity.

It relieves itching and irritation of skin rashes and diapers. Calendula is gentle enough to be used on a child. Comfrey stimulates new tissue growth and helps heal wounds. It is sometimes used with calendula in medicinal oil. Neem treats wounds, cuts, ulcers, poison oak or ivy and has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Raw honey Can be used as an antibacterial treatment and dressing for a minor cut or scratch. It's also great for bee stings.

When the wound is covered with honey, hydrogen peroxide is naturally produced in contact with body fluids and has an antiseptic effect. Make sure the honey is raw and not processed or pasteurized. This is a great way to calm a stressed child.

We all know how many flying and biting individuals make our country life simply unbearable, and in our village there are a great many mosquitoes, horseflies, midges and bees and wasps.

And the wasps went completely crazy this year, not only were there an incredible number of them, but they almost ate from the same plate with us.

So, it turns out my favorite Calendula tincture copes well with the bites of these same insects.

It is good for stress, anxiety, impatience, irritation, agitation, tantrums and general crises. Tea tree oil is famous for its antifungal and antiseptic properties. It speeds up healing and has a mild analgesic effect, reducing pain and inflammation. Tea tree oil can be used for burns, cuts, rashes including diaper rash, psoriasis, eczema, fungal infections such as athletes foot and ringworm, poison ivy and insect bites. It kills germs that cause acne, warts, and boils and suppresses infection.

Firstly, the itching disappears almost instantly, it all depends, of course, on who bit.

Secondly, redness and inflammation go away faster.

Apply with a cotton swab directly to the affected area. Apply 1 to 2 drops of tea tree oil, undiluted, directly to ringworm, athlete's foot, warts and boils. Do not apply undiluted to the face. Distilled witch hazel is a mild astringent and has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It's great for skin irritations and insect bites. It can be used as a base for diluting essential oils. Witch nut should not be taken internally.

If you want to make your own natural remedies for your first aid kit, here are some recipes. Yield: Enough for 1 or 2 poultices. As the clay mixture dries on the skin, it draws out toxins and pus from bites and stings to prevent the pain from spreading.

Here are some examples:

1. I was bitten by bees, one bite on the chest, another on the nose, scarlet cakes immediately grew, that’s it, I thought: “Hello, natural beauty!

I didn’t take Suprastin, I was afraid that it would make me sleepy, so I kept cotton wool with calendula tincture on the site of the bites for several minutes and wiped it several more times during the day. The itching went away quite quickly, and the redness went away the next day, although it couldn’t be called redness, slightly pink bumps.

Place the clay in the container where the poultice will be stored. Gradually add the tinctures, stirring between each addition to allow the clay to absorb the liquid. Sprinkle in the lavender oil, stirring to distribute it evenly throughout the clay mixture. If the clay dries out, sprinkle it with a little distilled water to restore it. Directions for use: For children aged ten years and above: Apply to affected areas, allow to dry and wipe off with warm water.

Combine aloe vera gel and essential oil rolls. Directions for Use: For children 10 months and older: Apply to insect bites every few hours to soothe and relieve pain. Yield: Enough for dozens of doses. This remedy also works for adults who are receiving a hike—adults can take the same dose as older children.

2. My neighbor was also bitten by a bee, albeit in the eye (in the eyelid), she also didn’t use anything other than tincture, it all went away quickly.

3. My one-year-old child was bitten by wasps twice, once in the inner thigh, the other time in the palm, the swelling was decent and there was apparently pain too, since after the bite there was a scream...

I immediately applied a cotton swab with calendula and kept it like that for several minutes, didn’t give any antihistamines, everything went away by itself.

½ cup dried chamomile flowers ¼ cup dried mint leaves ¼ cup pepper dried leaves lemon balm 2 tablespoons dried hop flowers. Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl and mix well. Stored in a sealed jar at room temperature, motion sickness mixture will keep for 6 months. To use, add 2 tablespoons of the mixture to 1 cup of boiling water and swirl for 15 minutes. Give the first dose 30 minutes to 1 hour before travel.

What are your favorite natural remedies to keep in your medicine cabinet?

For children six months to two years: Get medical help. For children from three to five years old: ½ cup, 1-2 times a day. For children aged 6 years and older: up to 2 cups per day. This is a great book that offers a lot simple recipes for home remedies, as well as great information on remedies for common childhood illnesses. We'd love to hear about natural remedies that have worked well for you.

Naturally, I wiped all mosquito and horsefly bites on both myself and my child. We go to the river or for a walk and take the tincture with us to quickly process everything.

It’s funny, but our whole village started buying calendula tincture, it helps so quickly and now we don’t need any newfangled expensive remedies for bites.

Mosquitoes are not my favorite part of summer. This recipe does a great job of keeping corpses at bay without the overpowering smell offered by other mixes. This formula also works to repel other biting insects such as mosquitoes and fleas. Most mosquito repellents have oil or chemicals that make the repellent last a long time. These oils and chemicals either stain clothing or cause Negative influence to your health. The bride was bitten by a distraction during rehearsal and asked if I had any mosquito repellent that she could safely use while wearing her lace Wedding Dress.

AND price amazing, only 15 rubles.

So, come a new summer, remember my review!

For those interested, there is another proven remedy for mosquito bites, which is suitable even for infants.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by!

Mosquitoes are very sensitive to various aromas; they are repelled by the smells of basil, cloves, anise, and eucalyptus. They cannot tolerate tobacco smoke and valerian. Camphor, bird cherry, and vanilla are irritants for bloodsuckers. To prevent mosquitoes from biting, you can use various oils from the listed plants for rubbing. A little vanillin can be added to baby cream, or a decoction of wheatgrass or wormwood roots can be spread on the skin. Essential oils can also be added to cologne, just make sure they are cosmetic and can be used to lubricate the skin. There is an opinion that it repels mosquitoes yellow, therefore, for a trip to the country or to the forest, you should choose clothes in sunny shades.

How to make a fumigator using folk remedies for mosquitoes

You can pour 100% eucalyptus extract into an empty fumigator bottle. Sprigs of elderberry, chamomile and tomatoes placed in the house repel mosquitoes. To protect yourself from bloodsuckers on the street, you can brew a samovar with spruce or pine cones, or throw juniper into the fire.

Folk remedies for mosquito bites

Itching at the bite sites can be relieved with a solution of ordinary baking soda(half a teaspoon per glass of water), ammonia or potassium permanganate. You can lubricate red spots with kefir or yogurt. Pain and itching are well relieved by fresh leaves of parsley, bird cherry, mint, and plantain. To use the mashed leaves, rub the skin.

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