Diet Napoleon with apple filling. Delicious Napoleon for a small company Note for the hostess

For diabetes and cake? Yes, and very tasty and low-carb. We have a whole section on our website with. Diet cake Napoleon will please both diabetics and their families. It is very easy to prepare, only 1.6 per 100 grams and only 135 kcal. A great option for a snack is a cake with tea or brewed coffee.

I found this recipe from fans of the Dukan diet. This diet is based on minimizing carbohydrates in food. This principle is suitable for a diabetic. So why not take the best from different power systems?


  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tbsp cornstarch
  • 3 tbsp skim milk powder
  • 310 grams low-fat milk
  • 6 grams powder

How to prepare dietary Napoleon cake:

  1. To be honest, the recipe is not the easiest. I only got the cake 3 times. But for sweet tooth lovers, this is not a hindrance, is it? Moreover, the dessert really turns out very tasty.
  2. First you need to prepare the cakes. They will look like pancakes. Mix 2 tablespoons of starch, eggs, half of the sweetener and a little vanilla for flavor.
  3. We fry pancakes. In a 12 cm frying pan you should get about 10 pancakes. Fry the last shortbread harder, pressing down with a spatula. We will need it for powdering.
  4. Now prepare the custard. Mix milk, milk powder, 1 tablespoon of starch and the remaining stevia. Place on the stove and cook over low heat until thickened. Don't forget to stir constantly.
  5. Crumble the dry shortbread into fine crumbs for sprinkling the cake.
  6. We collect dietary Napoleon. Spread the cakes with cream, pressing lightly. Sprinkle crumbs on top. The cake is ready.

Calorie content of Napoleon diet cake (click to enlarge)

Let it sit in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to soak. You can leave it overnight.

This dietary dessert, like the one, serves as moral support for people with diabetes. After all, it is very difficult to give up your favorite sweets, especially for some celebrations.

This cake is so delicious that no one will guess that it is dietary. Therefore, feel free to help yourself and treat your loved ones.

In this case, you can maintain a slim figure with the help of prototypes of your favorite baked goods developed by nutritionists. All of them are less calorie and sweet compared to the original Napoleon. True, the delicacy still remains satisfying and nutritious, so it is not recommended to abuse the cake, even with a reduced carbohydrate content.

Diet Napoleon: recipes

Recipe No. 1

The ingredients of dietary Napoleon include the following products:

  • one hundred grams of bran,
  • four glasses of flour,
  • a tablespoon of vegetable oil,
  • glass of water,
  • salt.


To obtain the cream, mix two glasses of coconut or soy milk, a sweetener and a bag of vanilla sugar in a separate container. The prepared mass is sent to simmer over low heat until it boils. Dilute the same amount of flour in half a glass of water and stir. Gradually add the prepared mixture into the milk mass and stir thoroughly. Cook the cream over the fire until thickened for another five minutes.


To prepare the dough, combine bran, flour and salt. Add vegetable oil and mix everything. Pour in water and start kneading the dough. The elastic flour mixture is cut into six to eight equal parts and rolled out into thin layers. Bake the cakes one by one in the oven for twenty minutes at 180 C.
The finished cakes are trimmed as necessary, cooled and soaked in cream. Sprinkle the cake with nuts and crumbs on top.

Recipe No. 2

According to the rules for preparing dietary Napoleon, prepare:

  • three chicken eggs,
  • a glass of milk (low fat),
  • five sweetener tablets,
  • seventy grams of milk powder (skimmed),
  • seventy grams of corn starch.


For the dough, beat the eggs into a deep container, add starch (two tablespoons) and add two sweetener tablets. Mix the ingredients together, but do not beat them. Pancakes are baked from the prepared flour mixture in a dry frying pan.


To create the cream, milk is slightly heated over a fire. Powdered milk is combined with the remaining sweetener (3 pieces) and starch (approximately a tablespoon). Warm milk is poured into a container with dry ingredients, stirred until smooth (no lumps). All connected components are heated over low heat. Cook the cream for another five to seven minutes until it thickens (like condensed milk). Cover the cakes with warm cream and leave the cake to soak overnight.

Alternatively, for dietary cream, you can mix a tablespoon of chocolate pudding and three tablespoons of dry milk, three yolks, and a glass of fresh skim milk. Boil everything over a fire until thickened, and then soak the cake in cream.

Recipe No. 3

To prepare the flour mixture for dietary Napoleon according to the recipe, combine in a separate bowl:

  • two tablespoons of milk (powdered),
  • two tablespoons of crushed wheat bran,
  • two chicken eggs,
  • two teaspoons cornstarch,
  • fifty grams of cottage cheese without additives,
  • half a glass of milk,
  • sweetener.


Beat the mixture with a blender until smooth. Waffles are baked from the finished dough.


The cream is made from three hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese, a teaspoon of berry syrup (cherry or strawberry), five grams of coffee (instant) and four sweetener tablets. The cottage cheese is divided into two approximately equal masses: Sweetener and coffee are added to one part, syrup and sweetener are added to the other. Each waffle is coated with two types of cream, and then the cake is left for two to three hours to soak.

Recipe No. 4


  • two glasses of skim milk,
  • two glasses of flour,
  • two tablespoons of condensed milk,
  • two tablespoons amount of cornstarch,
  • one hundred grams of apricot confiture (low-calorie),
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil,
  • a pinch of salt.


They are preparing the cream. For the process, fifty grams of milk is poured into a container and starch is diluted in it. The remaining milk is combined with condensed milk and brought to a boil over low heat. Pour starch into the hot liquid, stirring occasionally, and boil the mixture until thickened. Remove from heat, cool the mixture at room temperature and add confiture to it, stir. To make the cream completely homogeneous, grind the mass in a blender. Cover the container with the cream with film and put it in the refrigerator.


Mix flour with salt and butter, add a glass of warm water. Knead the flour mixture. Place the dough in a bag and immerse it in warm water for ten minutes. The dough is divided into five parts. To prevent the remaining pieces from weathering, cover them with a towel or film. Roll out the sheets thinly and bake them on a lined baking sheet in the oven. At the end of the process, coat the cakes with cream and decorate the cake if desired.

Recipe No. 5

This option for making a cake is ideal for those losing weight. The calorie content of dietary Napoleon per hundred grams is 190 calories.

The following ingredients will be required:

  • three glasses of flour,
  • glass of water,
  • two chicken eggs,
  • half a tablespoon of vinegar,
  • two hundred grams of butter (82.5%),
  • four hundred grams of cottage cheese (low-fat),
  • four hundred grams of sour cream,
  • sweetener to taste.


Dilute the vinegar in a glass of water, pour the mixture into a deep container and pour the eggs into the bowl, stir. Combine flour with softened butter. Mix the two masses and knead the dough. Divide the flour mixture into twelve parts, cover with cling film and refrigerate for one hour.


Combine sour cream and sweetener for cream, beat with a mixer. Add cottage cheese, beat the mixture with a fork until smooth. Place the cream in the refrigerator.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll it out. They pierce the layer in several places with a fork and begin to bake the cakes one by one. Assemble the cake and soak each layer with cream.

    Ingredients for preparing low-calorie diet Napoleon:

  1. Break and whisk 1 egg.

  2. (banner_banner1)

    Add 1 glass of milk to the egg and mix with a whisk until smooth:

  3. Add 0.5 packets of baking powder and vanillin, mix.

  4. Sift whole grain flour through a sieve and add it to the egg-milk mixture. Beat until smooth and thick.

  5. Add a little (about 10 grams) coconut oil to the dough and mix.

  6. For a small Napoleon, bake cakes about 10 cm in diameter in a preheated frying pan, which does not need to be greased with anything beforehand.

  7. We bake 8-10 cakes, about 0.5-0.7 cm thick.

  8. (banner_banner2)

    Preparing cream for Napoleon. Take 1 tablespoon of regular wheat flour and place it on foil, as in the photo:

  9. Bake the flour in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

  10. Pour a glass of milk into a saucepan, add 2-3 tsp. stevia, mix and place on low heat.

  11. Take the heated flour out of the oven and add it to 1 whisked egg and mix.

  12. Pour milk and stevia into the egg-flour mixture and mix.

  13. Place the mixture on low heat and, stirring constantly, bring until thickened. The cream should look like very thick sour cream.

  14. For flavor, add a little (about 10 g) coconut oil to the cream and mix.

  15. We collect the cake. Carefully coat each cake with custard, do not forget to grease well around the edges.

  16. Cover with the next layer of cake. And so we continue.

  17. We generously grease the last cake with cream, as in the photo:

  18. Sprinkle with coconut flakes, as in the photo:

  19. Diet Napoleon is ready! Place it in a cool place for some time to soak.

Napoleon with nut topping

Napoleon made from chopped dough with cream without butter.

Recipe with photo and calorie calculation.

Lazy puff pastry for shortbreads.

A small Napoleon for introducing chopped dough.

For the last six months I have been baking this little Napoleon of chopped dough for five layers with custard without butter very often. I decorate with scraps and grated walnuts. Guests love it, and before their next visit they ask for just such a cake.

When there are no nuts, I bake 7 cakes and break 1-2 cakes into crumbs for sprinkling the cake. That’s why I wrote two versions of the recipe with and without nuts.

The cake is moderately sweet and moderately fatty. It is light on the stomach. Unfortunately, not everyone’s health allows them to enjoy cakes with a lot of rich cream. And the calorie content is lower, which is nice for those watching their weight.

I prepare the dough in a 2:1 ratio (flour to butter). There is enough oil to make the cakes crumbly and the dough to roll out easily.

For some reason, many are sure that there should be more butter in the dough for Napoleon: at least 4 parts flour and 3 parts butter. Optional. It's just a matter of taste.

I bake with good butter 72% fat. I had to bake with medium quality oil, and everything worked out fine too.

If the Napoleon cakes are generously lubricated with cream, the taste will not be affected in any way. If you use cream with oil, the difference cannot be replaced.

And the layering of the cakes, in my opinion, rather depends on the amount of liquid in the dough. A drier dough ball produces more brittle and flaky cakes. That's why I prefer less water rather than more.

Therefore, the main enemy of chopped dough is bad oil, which in a frying pan turns into a spoonful of fat and a puddle of milky liquid. Then it’s better to bake with baker’s margarine.

I wrote in great detail about the peculiarities of preparing chopped dough.

I always advise beginners to try a recipe in a small portion, as in this recipe for 200-240 grams of flour.

You can also get acquainted with chopped dough, if you bake it, there are very few ingredients, just enough to try and not get tired or scared.

The weight of the finished cake with nuts is about 870 grams, in the second recipe up to 1 kilogram. Calorie calculation at the end of the article.

Small Napoleon with custard without butter

Option #1

for 5 cake layers with a diameter of 22 cm for a cake with nuts


  1. Wheat flour – about 1.5 cups – 200 g
  2. Salt - a pinch
  3. Butter 72% – 100 g
  4. Egg yolk – 1 pc.
  5. Ice water – 30 ml
  6. Vinegar 9% – 1 teaspoon
  7. Custard* per serving 150 g sour cream
  8. Nuts – 50‑80 g

100 grams of cake: 391 kcal

Option No. 2

Makes 7 cake layers with a diameter of 22 cm for a cake without nuts


  1. Wheat flour – about 1.8 cups – 240 g
  2. Salt - a pinch
  3. Butter 72% – 120 g
  4. Egg yolk – 1 pc.
  5. Ice water –35 ml
  6. Vinegar 9% – 1 teaspoon
  7. Custard* according to recipe for 225 g sour cream

*Instead of liquid cream, you can use the same amount of milk in the cream.


All foods must be cold from the refrigerator: eggs, butter, water. If you forgot to put the water in the refrigerator, you can keep it in the freezer for about 10 minutes.

The main thing is to do everything quickly, do not knead the dough with your hands for a long time, so that the warmth of your hands does not melt the lumps of butter in the dough.

1. Mix the egg yolk and salt in a cup. Add vinegar to ice water and pour into a cup with an egg. Mix. Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator.

2. Chop the butter and flour into fine crumbs. You can use two knives, one knife or a large fork on the table.

I prefer to grate the butter on a coarse grater in a large bowl. To do this, put the flour in a bowl, put a piece of butter on top, roll it in flour and grate, dipping it into the flour.

To prevent butter shavings from gathering in the grater in one ball, periodically lift the grater and mix the butter shavings with the flour using the bottom of the grater or a fork.

3. Rub flour and butter a second time. This is already done by hand. Using your hand, scoop up the butter shavings with the flour and grate them again.

The books say that the lumps should be the size of a pea. This doesn't mean they will all be the same. The main thing is that there are no large pieces of butter left.

And there is no need to strive for all the flour to turn into lumps. You should get a mixture of butter crumbs and flour.

4. Make a well in the center of the flour mixture and pour the egg mixture from the refrigerator into it.

5. Stir with a fork to moisten the flour. Although there may be some dry flour left.

6. Quickly gather the dough into a bun with your hands.

7. Place in a plastic bag, flatten into a flat cake, this way it will cool faster and then it will be more convenient to divide the dough. Leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

I usually make the dough in advance, that is, the dough sits overnight or even a day in the refrigerator. This test is easier to work with.

Roll out the cakes:

8. Divide the dough that has rested in the refrigerator into pieces according to the number of cakes, preferably using a scale, form balls or flat cakes, put them in a bowl, if it’s hot in the kitchen, put them back in the refrigerator.

You can roll out the cakes on the table and on baking paper. If the dough sticks to the table, lightly flour the table.

If the kitchen is hot, take out the dough balls one at a time. I first flatten the ball into a flat cake and roll out the cake to about half the desired size. Transfer to baking paper and roll out as thin as possible. It is possible until transparent, if the dough allows.

Sometimes the dough does not roll out well on paper and sticks. The reason is poor quality paper or the dough is a bit runny. Then you need to sprinkle the cake with a little flour, or rather, powder it, turn it over, then it will stick less. If it sticks to the rolling pin, powder the top side.

If, when rolling out on paper, you get wrinkles on the cake, you can periodically lift and straighten the edges of the cake. You can ignore this, and at the end of rolling, it’s good to roll the parts with folds with a rolling pin.

The easiest way for beginners: roll out all the cakes on paper, trace them around the plate with a knife, do not remove the trimmings, prick the cakes with a fork and put them in a stack in the refrigerator. I cover the top one with paper. Take out one at a time and bake.

During the cold season, it’s 20 degrees in our kitchen, I stack the cakes on paper on a tray and place them on a stool away from the radiator and stove.

Don't forget to prick the cakes with a fork, otherwise they may swell into one big bubble.

9. Bake at 200-210ºC until golden brown.

In the oven of a gas stove, it takes me 10-15 minutes to bake one cake. To make the cakes more golden brown, I turn them over. After 5-7 minutes, I take out a baking sheet, turn the cake over with paper and scraps and finish baking on the other side. It usually sticks to the paper a little. If not, then I turn it over with a spatula and return it to the oven with the paper.

If the trimmings are already well browned before turning over, I remove the trimmings and finish baking only the cake on the other side.

Your baking time may vary. Depends on the oven.

In an electric oven, where there is top and bottom heating, I bake these cakes for 5 minutes; I rarely turn them over, but take them out to remove the scraps and put them back into the oven. I make sure they don't burn.

Place the finished cakes on a flat surface so that the edges do not lift up.

10. The cream can be cooked in advance while the dough is in the refrigerator. The recipe for custard without butter using liquid cream is in a separate article. Can be prepared without oil.

Apply cold cream liberally to the cakes. I lay out all the cakes one by one on the table and first lay out two tablespoons, then add more. Leave 3-4 tablespoons of cream for greasing the sides of the cake.

If the edges of the cakes are too raised, then spread and fold one at a time and gently press the cake with your hand. It will crack, but this way the cake will soak in faster and stick together better.

11. From 5 cake layers, when rolled out thinly with a diameter of 22 cm, not enough crumbs are obtained, so first sprinkle with crumbs. Then crush the nuts with a rolling pin on a board and sprinkle on the top and sides of the cake.

You can grind the nuts with a blender, but I advise you to try with a rolling pin. Crushed and chopped nuts differ in taste. Crushed ones give a richer nutty taste.

Naturally, for a cake of 7 cake layers, depending on how many scraps you have, use one or two cake layers to crumble, sprinkle the top and sides of the cake.

12. I wrap the finished cake in film. The cake turns out more even, sticks together faster, and the sprinkles don’t fall off. If there is not enough sprinkles, you should not wrap it.

13. The cake gets soaked very quickly. After 2-3 hours it can be served or refrigerated.

By the way, the temperature in the oven for baking cakes is of great importance. It is better if you are sure that it is really at least 200 degrees. At low temperatures, the oil melts and spreads into wet, greasy spots, which reduces the layering. Honestly, you won’t have to throw away the cakes, they will be soaked in cream and everything will be tasty, but not so great.

I advise everyone, if the stove does not have a thermometer, to buy an oven thermometer, because quite often the temperature does not correspond to what is written in the passport. I only found out with the help of a thermometer what level my temperature was at 200ºC.

Calculation of calorie content of a dish

"Little Napoleon with custard without butter"

Products Weight In 100 g




Wheat flour for dough 200 334 668
Butter 72% 100 665 665
Vinegar 9% 5
Egg yolk 16 296 47
Water 30
Total in the test: 351 1380
Custard with liquid cream 758 1560
Walnuts for sprinkling 70 647 453
Total: 3393

In 100 g of chopped dough: 1380: 356 × 100 = 387 kcal

Weight of finished cakes (216 g) and trimmings (57 g): 273 g

In 100 g of finished cakes: 1380: 273 × 100 = 506 kcal

Weight of the finished cake on the scale: 867 g

Calorie content of 100 grams of cake: 3393: 867 × 100 = 391 kcal

If instead of nuts you add 2 cake layers and break them into sprinkles, the calorie content will hardly change.

Average cake weight 41 g, 2 cakes: 418 kcal

© Taisiya Fevronina, 2017.

Greetings, comrades! Napoleon cake... Who doesn't love this flaky deliciousness with a creamy layer?! In the classic variation, Napoleon is very high in calories and quite dangerous for the figure - about 380 kcal per 100 grams. I suggest preparing a dietary and healthier version of Napoleon without butter or sugar. This is an incredibly quick recipe for making a delicious cake.

Note! Diet pita bread differs in taste from classic one, since the ingredients used are different. And rather, it is a layered diet cake. And yet, Napoleon’s recipe was taken as a basis, which is why I gave it the appropriate name.

About Napoleonic layers

There is a separate class of quick, simplified options for preparing Napoleon. In most cases, Armenian lavash is used as the thinnest crust. We use it in this recipe too.

When purchasing, I advise you to pay attention to the calorie content and composition of the lavash. You can take whole grain, but I have yeast-free sheet lavash with a calorie content of 220 kcal made from premium flour.


  • Armenian lavash – 120 gr;
  • Soft low-fat cottage cheese (I don’t recommend using yogurt - it’s sour) – 200 g;
  • Apples – 100 g (weight of the finished mass – written about it further);
  • Low-fat cottage cheese in a briquette – 220 g;
  • 1 egg;
  • Soda – ½ tsp;
  • Vanillin – 10 g;
  • Salt and sakhzam - to taste.

Cooking Napoleon

The peculiarity is that when frying, the apple mass begins to caramelize (a pleasant aroma will be released and a barely noticeable fry will form). This gives the filling a special taste, reminiscent of apple pie.

  • The final layer should be made of curd cream. The cakes will be a little awkward and tough at first. But after some time they will absorb the cream, become softer, swell and become closer to each other.

Once the cake is assembled, place it in the refrigerator. My cake sat there all night because I made it in the evening. But I think an hour or two will be enough so that you can cut the napoleon and serve it for tea.

The taste is amazing! Caramel apple aroma from the fruit layer, pleasant softness of the lavash layers, creaminess of the cheese and delicate airy curd cream... Mmm... Devotion!

I’ll tell you a secret: while eating, I had the idea to add a little caramel syrup on top (low-calorie, from Mr. Djemius, it seems) - it’s even tastier!

Nutritional value and calorie content of dietary supplement Napoleon:

Publications on the topic