Children with disabilities in kindergarten. All about education for children with disabilities A child with disabilities in kindergarten

Irina Shchepetinnikova
Sample Agreement of a preschool educational institution with parents of disabled children attending kindergarten

The name of the preschool institution (in accordance with the Charter, carrying out educational activities (hereinafter - MKDOU) on the basis of a license dated (date, year, No., issued by the Regional Inspectorate for Supervision and Control in the Field of Education, hereinafter referred to as the "Executor", represented by the head, Full name acting on the basis of the Charter, and the “Customer” (parents, legal representatives of the Pupil, a disabled child, represented by (full name of the parent (legal representative acting in the interests of the minor (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, residing at (address) place of residence of the child, indicating the place of permanent registration, indicating the index, hereinafter referred to as the “Pupil”, collectively referred to as the Parties, have entered into this Agreement as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement.

1.1. The subject of the Agreement is the provision by MKDOU of educational services to the Pupil in the provision of qualified individual-oriented, psychological and pedagogical assistance, support for a disabled child, correction of existing developmental disorders, maintenance, supervision and care of the Pupil.

1.2. Full-time form of education.

1.3. Name of the educational program: Adapted basic educational program of MKDOU (including the section “Content of correctional work”) for children with disabilities.

1.4. In accordance with individual developmental characteristics and the content of the educational program, the following is provided for disabled children: Individual educational program for a disabled child.

1.5. The implementation period for the Individual Educational Program for a disabled child is calculated for the current academic year.

1.6. The mode of stay of the Pupil in the MKDOU is a five-day work week with a 10.5-hour stay for children. Opening hours: from 7.00 to 17.30; non-working days - Saturday, Sunday, as well as holidays established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. At the Customer's request, it is possible to attend an extended day group (from 17.30 to 20.00). Visits on an individual schedule are allowed (except weekends and holidays).

1.7. A pupil, a disabled child, is enrolled in the group as a matter of priority, in the presence of supporting documents, including a certificate from the VK (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 2, 1992 No. 1157 “On additional measures of state support for disabled people”). Admission is carried out on the basis of an electronic queue, in the presence of a PMPC conclusion, as well as an application and documents proving the identity of one of the parents (legal representatives) and the child’s birth certificate.

2. Interaction of the Parties.

2.1. The performer has the right:

2.1.1. Independently carry out educational activities for children with disabilities and disabled children.

2.1.2. Provide the services of an assistant (tutor) for psychological and pedagogical support of a disabled child, implementation of an Individual educational program and rehabilitation program (if staffing positions are available).

2.2. The customer has the right:

2.2.1. Participate in the educational activities of MKDOU.

2.2.2. Receive information from the Contractor:

On issues of organizing and ensuring proper execution of the services provided for in Section 1 of this Agreement;

About the state of health, behavior, emotional state of the Pupil during his stay in MKDOU, his development and correction.

2.2.3. Get acquainted with the Charter of the MKDOU, the license for the right to provide educational services, educational programs and other documents regulating the activities of the MKDOU, the rights and obligations of the Pupil and the Customer.

2.2.4. Stay with the Pupil in the MKDOU during the period of his adaptation for up to 10 days; in individual cases in agreement with the administration.

2.2.5. Take part in organizing and conducting joint events with children (matinees, entertainment, leisure, etc.).

2.2.6. Take an active part in the activities of collegial governing bodies provided for by the charter of the MKDOU through the Parent Committee, in the work of the pedagogical council with the right of advisory vote. Create various parent clubs and associations; provide all possible assistance in equipping the development environment and improving the territory of the MKDOU.

2.2.7. Take advantage of benefits for paying for the supervision and care of children with disabilities, in accordance with the current legislation (Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ of December 21, 2012, Article 65, paragraph 3): parental fees are not charged.

2.2.8. The Customer agrees (disagrees) to the use of information relating to the life of the Pupil at MKDOU (photos, etc.) in the media, as well as to the processing of personal data.

2.3. The performer is obliged:

2.3.1. Provide the Customer with access to information to familiarize themselves with the charter of the MKDOU, license, educational programs and other documents regulating the activities of the MKDOU, the rights and obligations of the Pupils and the Customer; as well as the availability and openness of information on the MKDOU website, in accordance with the requirements of current Russian legislation.

2.3.2. Ensure the proper provision of services provided for in Section 1 of this Agreement in full.

2.3.3. To ensure the protection of life, strengthening the physical and mental health of the Pupil, his speech, intellectual, physical and personal development, as well as an individual approach taking into account his characteristics, emotional well-being.

2.3.4. When providing services provided for in this Agreement, take into account the health status, individual capabilities, characteristics, and needs of the Pupil.

2.3.5. When providing services provided for in this Agreement, show respect for the personality of the Pupil, protect him from all forms of physical and psychological violence, provide conditions for strengthening his moral, physical and psychological health, emotional well-being, taking into account individual characteristics, tolerance among peers and adults.

2.3.6. Create safe conditions for training, education, supervision and care of the Pupil, his maintenance in the MKDOU in accordance with established standards that ensure his life and health, as well as special conditions that take into account special needs.

2.3.7. Train the Pupil according to the Individual Educational Program for a disabled child, provided for in paragraph 1.3 of this Agreement.

2.3.8. To ensure the implementation of the Individual educational program of a disabled child with the means of correctional and developmental and individual training and education necessary for organizing the correctional process and creating a subject-spatial developmental environment, including barrier-free and special.

2.3.9. Notify the Customer about the advisability of additional examination and treatment of the Pupil in the event of a lack of dynamics in development, due to his state of health, individual characteristics and capabilities, as well as about the further prognosis of development.

2.3.10. Provide the Pupil with the necessary balanced nutrition in accordance with the provided menu.

2.3.11. Carry out the basic staffing of groups, including groups for visiting children with disabilities, in accordance with the documents regulating the activities of preschool educational institutions in this direction.

2.3.12. Expel a disabled child if there is a medical certificate about a health condition that does not allow his further stay in the MKDOU.

2.3.13. Ensure compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data” regarding the collection, storage and processing of personal data of the Customer and the Pupil.

2.4. The customer is obliged:

2.4.1. Comply with the requirements of the Contractor's constituent documents, internal regulations and other local regulations, generally accepted norms of behavior, including those relating to the placement of photographs of children in accordance with current legislation and the ethics of public viewing, and also show respect for teaching staff, administrative, economic, and medical personnel and other personnel of the Contractor and other students.

2.4.2. Upon admission of the Pupil to MKDOU and during the period of validity of this Agreement, promptly provide the Contractor with all the necessary documents provided for by the Charter.

2.4.3. Within 10 days, inform about changes in passport data, contact phone number and place of residence.

2.4.4. Ensure that the Pupil attends the MKDOU in accordance with the internal regulations of the Contractor and the regime of stay. If you contact by phone (telephone number), to the manager, teachers, politely introduce yourself: indicate your last name, first name, patronymic and last name, child’s name, group.

2.4.5. Inform the Contractor about the Pupil's upcoming absence from the MKDOU or his illness no later than 8 hours 30 minutes by phone (telephone number) on the first day of absence. If the Pupil becomes ill, confirmed by the conclusion of a medical organization or identified by a nurse working under an agreement with the Contractor, take measures to restore his health and prevent the Pupil from visiting the MKDOU during the period of illness.

2.4.6. Provide a certificate after an illness, as well as the absence of the Pupil for more than 5 calendar days (not including weekends and holidays), indicating the diagnosis, duration of the disease, information about the lack of contact with infectious patients.

2.4.7. Provide a written application to reserve a place in the MKDOU for the Pupil in the case of: a full medical examination with subsequent treatment (interval: 3-6 months, sanatorium treatment, quarantine of any kind, vacation and temporary absence of a parent (legal representative) for valid reasons, for during the summer period, for a period of up to 75 days, and in other cases (home regime, holidays, etc., provided for by law.

2.4.8. Bring the Pupil in a neat appearance, clean clothes and shoes, in accordance with the season and weather conditions. Bring to the MKDOU the child’s personal belongings that are necessary for him to ensure his normal life (including a change of clothes and shoes, a handkerchief).

2.4.9. Do not bring the Pupil wearing various jewelry (earrings, chains, crosses, etc.). In case of failure to comply with this point, the administration and employees are not responsible for the safety of the jewelry.

2.4.10. Do not bring toys to the Kindergarten in order to comply with SanPiN and safety requirements.

2.4.11. Personally transfer and pick up the Pupil from the teacher, without entrusting the child to persons under 14 years of age, if the Parent trusts other persons to pick up the Pupil from the MKDOU, provide an application indicating the persons who have the right to pick up the Pupil or a power of attorney certified by a notary or the head of the MKDOU .

2.4.12. Interact with MKDOU in all areas, providing all possible assistance in the implementation of a full-fledged educational process, correctional and developmental work in accordance with the Individual educational program of a disabled child.

2.4.13. Treat the Contractor's property with care, compensate for damage caused by the Pupil to the Contractor's property, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract, procedure for resolving disputes.

3.1. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, the Contractor and the Customer bear responsibility under the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Agreement.

4. Grounds for amendment and termination of the contract.

4.1. The conditions under which this Agreement is concluded may be changed (extended, supplemented) by agreement of the Parties. The basis for the extension of the Agreement is the decision of the PMPC, a certificate of health of the VC.

4.2. All changes and additions to this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties.

4.3. This Agreement may be terminated by agreement of the Parties. At the initiative of one of the Parties, this Agreement may be terminated on the grounds provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Final provisions.

5.1. This agreement comes into force from the day it is signed by the Parties and is valid until the Pupil is released from the institution or in accordance with Section 4.

5.2. This Agreement is drawn up in copies having equal legal force, one for each of the Parties.

5.3. All disputes and disagreements that may arise during the implementation of the terms of this Agreement, the Parties will strive to resolve through negotiations.

5.4. Disputes that are not resolved through negotiations are resolved in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.5. Neither Party has the right to transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement to third parties without the written consent of the other Party.

5.6. When fulfilling the terms of this Agreement, the Parties are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Details and signatures of the parties


MKDOU (full name in accordance with the Charter)

Legal address

Actual address

INN, KPP, UFK, l/sch, r/sch, BIC

Manager: full name, signature, seal, transcript of signature


Last name, first name, patronymic of the Customer

Passport: series, number, when, by whom issued

Registration address

Address of the actual residence

Phone: home, work, cell

Unfortunately, not all children are born in good health, and this is very sad to realize. It’s good if the disease can be quickly overcome and the child, as a rule, simply outgrows this period.

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But if not, and the illness becomes part of his life, then the parents have to accept a lot with difficulty and overcome all these difficulties.

The state provides social payments to support families, benefits, etc. to disabled children. This means they are trying to care.

But parents have to solve most of the issues themselves, on their own. This question concerns the choice of a preschool educational institution - a kindergarten for a child with disabilities and problematic health.

General points

Undoubtedly, there are differences between a regular kindergarten and a kindergarten for children with disabilities, for example, with musculoskeletal disorders.

The latter are referred to as preschool educational institutions (preschool educational institutions), where the upbringing and education of a child is carried out according to the level and state of his health.

For each case, specialists develop training programs that include the presence of health problems of the student and the procedure for his rehabilitation.

Important Concepts

You should not be afraid of such institutions, because even if in your group, where there are absolutely healthy children, there are some with disabilities, this does not at all mean that there is a threat to your child.

The selection of the composition of the group is carried out in accordance with acceptable standards for the health of children among themselves, contact and maturation.

Typically, a kindergarten for children with disabilities takes no more than 10-15 children into a group, and in more complex situations - up to 5 people

The educators are teachers of the highest category who have undergone training regarding these children's health problems and how to correct them in the future.

Kindergartens of this type are subject to specialized support from the state and sponsors, and parental support goes without saying.

Types of institutions

Kindergartens in the Russian Federation are divided into types, according to which parents and the commission already determine where to send the child:

Combined type Kindergartens of this type accept children who are healthy and have minor health problems, but within normal limits. It is clear that a blind child will not be accepted into an absolutely healthy group of children. Groups are formed in a standard manner, and the same rules and requirements apply to all students. For children with poor health, a slightly individual education and training program is developed, but not much different from the rest.
Compensating type This includes children who have significant health deviations - poor or absent vision, hearing or musculoskeletal system, impaired mental state (severe excitability, nervousness, etc.), speech impairment. Global training programs are conducted with such pupils, the methodology of which is designed specifically to maximize the elimination of defects in the child’s health and contribute to further social adaptation

The teaching staff is also selected based on the type of preschool educational institution:

  1. Speech therapist.
  2. Therapist.
  3. Psychologist.
  4. Masseur.
  5. Defectologist.
  6. Doctors of physical health, etc.

Requirements regarding the education group are applied to each teacher and educator.

Current standards

Following, at the level of law, the procedure for conducting organizations for the education of children with disabilities is established.

The understanding of a pupil with health limitations, a separate training program for each, and the adaptation process are normatively established.

Each compensatory kindergarten for children with disabilities undergoes annual certification. The main thing is compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in preschool educational institutions (decree of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 26 of July 10, 2015).

The training program is carried out according to 08/30/13.

Rules for organizing the work of kindergartens for children with disabilities

The learning process is determined in accordance with the child’s capabilities identified earlier or during learning.

After that, the entire educational procedure goes through the following principles:

  1. An individual approach to each child.
  2. Supporting the child’s desire to learn, develop, and keep him active.
  3. Interaction in a social environment.
  4. Diverse development of the child.
  5. Respect for the individuality of the child, but when combining a common group of pupils.
  6. Support for the child’s family and relationships within it.
  7. Dynamics of child development during the entire educational process.

Drawing up individual programs

Kindergarten for children with disabilities appears to be a new world for them. The relationship there should be friendly and conducive to the child’s development towards adulthood.

Teachers of such institutions must do their best when working with such a child, help him understand the world around him

Regarding the individuality of each child in the kindergarten, the management develops educational and training programs.

These programs are established by preschool specialists based on previous communications with the child and his family.

What are these programs? It is a document on the basis of which the procedure for working with children is established after identifying specific health problems and its causes.

The programs include a number of investments:

  1. Understanding of personality and one’s place in the world, perception of the world - emotions, curiosity, behavior, etc.
  2. Speech therapy involves helping to correct a child’s speech. Perhaps he does not pronounce hissing or growling sounds, there are many examples.
  3. Pedagogy, teaching children independent behavior and self-care, showing interest in learning and learning new things.
  4. Study of human rights, his place in society.
  5. Therapeutic and health education, understanding the essence of hygiene, maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  6. Labor discipline.

Usually, such children have a difficult time getting used to kindergarten. Especially if a child is susceptible to a mental disorder, then his reaction to new people, when he is accustomed only to his mother, things and walls, can manifest itself emotionally.

An adaptation program helps you cope with the procedure for adapting to kindergarten. On average, teachers will need about 2 months to establish contact with the child and bring his trust closer to himself.

After which it becomes easier and you can begin the main directions of education. After getting used to the kindergarten, a rehabilitation program comes into play.

Preschool teachers work on the child’s perception and understanding of society, teaching basic skills and self-care.

What else can be attributed to rehabilitation:

  1. The spiritual development of a child, the manifestation of his creative nature, curiosity about something.
  2. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, personal hygiene.
  3. Self-analysis of what is happening.
  4. Development of yourself as a person.
  5. Society.

Regarding the education of law, special attention is paid. Here the specifics of the work are carried out in several areas, namely:

  1. The surrounding society.
  2. Child.
  3. Family.

When developing this program, which is not as simple as it seems, some nuances must be taken into account:

Most importantly, such kindergartens must have health programs. First of all, help develop in the child an understanding of the essence and importance of leading a healthy lifestyle, prevent or help prevent the possibility of illness, and carry out preventive measures.

At the proper level, provide support for the baby’s physical health, physical education and health procedures.

Who should visit such institutions?

Only doctors and the commission that issues a decision on the child’s health can say for sure which kindergarten is right for you.

If there are no strong deviations, then it is quite possible to attend combined type kindergartens. If there are serious violations, only kindergartens with a specialized area

Features of the classes

Classes are held in the general education program for children. Their perception and understanding of what is happening, what they are required to do, etc.

Of course, following the order of the rules for conducting lessons, but at the same time, not forgetting about the approach to each child as he or she achieves.

Distribution of preschool educational institutions for disabled people in Moscow

In Moscow today there are about 235 kindergarten institutions of this type. This number is growing every year.

Teachers who work in such kindergartens strongly insist on support and government support for their kindergartens, because children with disabilities need a special, individual approach.

The younger generation studying pedagogical specialties should be involved in activities in such preschool educational institutions.

Gardens for the disabled are preschool institutions where special assistance is provided. It happens that some children require special attention. This may be associated with serious health problems. Every child should develop fully. Therefore, attending preschool is a necessity.

Which children need to attend kindergartens for the disabled?

There are separate types of establishments. They are also called compensatory kindergartens. In other words, this is a place where disabled children can be helped to develop. By attending such a kindergarten, they will adapt to life, acquire the necessary skills, knowledge and skills.

But first, you need to figure out who can attend kindergarten for disabled children:

  • kids who get sick often;
  • orthopedic kindergartens are intended for children with chest deformities;
  • children with visual and hearing impairments;
  • children with speech delay or other serious speech disorders;
  • children with mental retardation. This category includes children with different degrees of mental retardation, Down syndrome, autism;
  • children with cerebral palsy. If other children can still be accepted into a regular kindergarten, then this category of disabled people will not be accepted.

Features of kindergartens for disabled people

There are many specialized preschool institutions in the country.

The total number of them in Russia is more than 3969 kindergartens. In Moscow alone there are 177 such institutions. They work according to special state or proprietary programs that have a license.

Having decided to send your child there, you need to find out everything about him. Each garden for disabled people has its own characteristics. We will name the key ones:

  1. In such places, children receive knowledge in accordance with their mental and physical abilities. The main task of the working staff is not only to teach, but also to provide children with self-service skills;
  2. the entire educational, developmental and educational process takes place according to special programs;
  3. groups of children are small. Maximum – 15 people. But there are also kindergartens where the group consists of 2-3 people;
  4. The length of the visit depends on many factors. There are institutions where children stay for only 3 hours, and there are also 24-hour kindergartens;
  5. these are places where specially trained teachers work: speech therapists, massage therapists, psychologists, defectologists, physical therapy trainers, social teachers and music directors;
  6. In such institutions, work is carried out not only with children. Psychologists provide support to parents;
  7. specialized gardening for a comfortable stay. As a rule, they are based in the building of a regular kindergarten. At the same time, they are specially equipped to make children comfortable. For example, for wheelchair users, ramps are installed, doorways are widened, and corridors are equipped with handrails. And for children with vision problems, a special parquet installation is designed in the form of contrasting stripes;
  8. Such kindergartens have good material and technical support. There are physical therapy rooms, massage rooms, music rooms, sensory rooms, group rooms, a psychologist's office, and a speech therapist's office.

Features of classes in specialized gardens

There are not many well-equipped preschool institutions. Recently, the first kindergarten in Russia for disabled children was opened, which fully met the requirements of the state program for the integration of children with disabilities. It was the Zvezdochka kindergarten in the south of Moscow. It is planned to open several more similar establishments soon.

If you want to send your child to such a preschool institution, you should know what the essence of the state program for the integration of children with disabilities is. We will tell you about the features of the classes:

  • Everyone will have their own place - table and chair. They are practical and easy to move;
  • Each student should have the following set: pencils, markers and paints, at least 12 colors, glue stick, oilcloth for the table, scissors with blunt ends on the blades, paper (plain and colored), plasticine and a board for it, jars for water and brushes of different sizes;
  • In their work, educators use demonstration boards and puzzle-based educational games, which are distributed to all students. The most commonly used manuals are those of the authors M.Yu. Evseev. and Evseeva E.L. – “My first hours”, “My first letters”, “Associations” and others;
  • disabled children are withdrawn, shy, have low self-esteem and have problems in society. The task of specialists is to teach children to respect each other, develop their horizons, and raise self-esteem. For this purpose, numerous activities are carried out, taking into account violations and limitations in the health of children;
  • When visiting specialized kindergartens, pupils must undergo physical therapy courses. This is necessary not only for preventive purposes, but also for educational purposes. Such courses involve physical exercise, visiting a swimming pool, and a massage room.

Question:Hello! I live in Moscow Region. My daughter, according to official medicine, is mentally ill - autism. Yes, she is not like everyone else. However, she is not mentally retarded; she has very, very few autistic traits. She communicates well with her younger and older sister, adults, and peers. She’s almost 6 years old, she’s going to school soon, but she hasn’t even been to kindergarten yet.

Due to the specifics of the disease, for social adaptation we need some kind of special kindergarten. In MO, city ... (edited) there is a garden No. ... of the 7th type compensating. But they refused me immediately, as soon as I mentioned in a telephone conversation that the child was disabled. This decision follows from the Charter of the institution.

It turns out that, on the advice of the district psychiatrist, you will have to take the child to one of the Moscow gardens - Mitino or Strogino (20-25 km in traffic jams).

That alone would be fine. Moscow kindergartens also do not accept children, citing the lack of places; they only offer lekoteka.

Now I have a car, but tomorrow I can transfer to public transport, and then three or four hours on the road, starting, for example, at 7 in the morning, will have a “positive” impact on the child during the precious hour of communication with the teacher.

The question is: is the refusal of the administration of kindergarten No. ... to accept my child legal? As far as I know, whether or not to send the child to a correctional institution is my right.

P.S. I still signed up for the PMPC working in this garden. What legal acts can I refer to in a conversation with the administration of the institution?

Vladimir Korzhov, lawyer, answers:

Hello, the question about the legality of the preschool educational institution’s refusal is incorrect, since this refusal was verbal over the phone, and the decision to issue a voucher to the preschool educational institution is usually made by the founder, and not the preschool educational institution. The social status of a disabled child is not reflected in the current legislation as a sign of a preschool education student, therefore this legal criterion by law does not affect his enrollment in a preschool educational institution.

However, simply put, almost everything depends on the PMPC (see Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2009 No. 95), which, according to paragraphs. “b” clause 7 of this Order prepares, based on the results of the survey, recommendations for providing children with psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance and organizing their education and upbringing, confirmation, clarification or modification of recommendations previously given by the commission, and also assists the Federal State Institution MSEC in the development of the child’s IPR - disabled person That is, the PMPK can recommend (taking into account your opinion) to enroll your daughter in preschool educational institution No. .... With this recommendation, you need to directly contact the founder of the preschool educational institution (municipality), who will be obliged to issue you a voucher.

It should also be added that the presence of any compensatory restrictions for disabled children in the preschool charter violates the rights of a disabled child and this can be safely appealed (in practice, it is best to write a statement of violation of rights to the prosecutor’s office).

To summarize, according to paragraphs 4 and 7 of the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2008 N 666):

  • The preschool educational institution creates conditions for the realization of the right guaranteed to citizens of the Russian Federation to receive public and free preschool education;
  • a preschool educational institution can carry out rehabilitation of disabled children if it has appropriate conditions.

That is, the preschool educational institution may not carry out the rehabilitation of disabled children (carry out the usual process of upbringing and education) in relation to an individual disabled child if there are relevant recommendations from the PMPC, the founder’s voucher and your application.


In accordance with clause 7, clause 27 - clause 28 and clause 45 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 27, 2011 N 2562 Moscow "On approval of the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution"

A preschool educational institution can carry out rehabilitation of disabled children if appropriate conditions are available in the institution.

Children with disabilities and disabled children are accepted into compensatory and combined groups only with the consent of their parents (legal representatives) on the basis of the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

When admitting children with disabilities and disabled children to preschool educational institutions of any type, the preschool educational institution is obliged to provide the necessary conditions for organizing correctional work, in groups for the supervision and care of children - conditions that take into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development.

P When children with disabilities and disabled children are included in the composition of the pupils of a preschool educational institution, the material and technical base of the preschool educational institution must ensure the possibility of their unhindered access to the premises of the preschool educational institution, as well as their stay in these premises (presence of ramps, handrails, extended doorways, elevators, special chairs and other conditions). Children with disabilities and disabled children have the right to use the necessary technical means, as well as the services of an assistant (assistant) who provides them with the necessary technical assistance.

That is, a preschool educational institution is obliged to provide conditions for organizing correctional work with your child. In this case, your child has the right to use the services of an assistant (assistant).


In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Article 32, paragraph 2 "o") *3, a preschool educational institution has the right to independently form a contingent of students within the quota specified by the license, unless otherwise provided by the Model Regulations on this type of educational institution and the Law . Admission of children to preschool educational institutions is carried out in the prescribed manner on the basis of an application from parents (persons replacing them). A preschool educational institution is obliged to provide supervision, care, education and training of children, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child. The selection of children into a preschool educational institution and their dropout from it is not allowed. With the consent of the parents and on the recommendation of a psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation, children can be sent to preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type or to other preschool educational institutions that have conditions for correctional work with children. Educational authorities, on the basis of a data bank on the priority order for the placement of children and the availability of free places in preschool educational institutions, inform parents (persons replacing them) about the forms, content and methods of work of various preschool educational institutions and maximally ensure the satisfaction of their educational needs based on existing conditions .

That is, a preschool educational institution is obliged to provide supervision, care, education and training of children, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child. The selection of children into a preschool educational institution and their dropout from it is not allowed. Therefore, the preschool educational institution has the right to recommend that you hire a nanny, but does not have the right to require you to conclude the specified Agreement.


The monthly payment is set at 50 to 110 percent of the minimum wage approved by Federal Law No. 82-FZ of June 19, 2000.
The categories of families and parents (legal representatives) who are provided with benefits in payment for the maintenance of children and exemption from payment are determined. Payment for child support is made according to the actual number of days of his stay in a state educational institution.

According to clause 4- of the Resolution, from fees for the maintenance of children in state educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, implementing general educational programs of preschool education, preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow and preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Social Protection of the population of the city of Moscow in the amount of 100% exempt:

Families with a disabled child under 18 years of age.

That is, you have the right to be exempt from paying for the maintenance of a child in a preschool educational institution.

At the same time, there are no special requirements for the admission of children to preschool educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Sincerely, F. Tamara

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