Hair color is dark chocolate with an ashy tint. Chocolate hair color

Dark chocolate hair color is a classic, a noble, elegant, luxurious and at the same time insidious shade. In some cases, it adds years and gives the face a tired look. Who is the dark chocolate shade suitable for, how to choose a paint and what are the nuances of coloring?

Dark chocolate hair color, subject to high-quality dyeing and good care, looks expensive, calm, and noble.

Therefore, despite all the new products in color, many remain faithful to uniform classic toning.

Shades of chocolate

What colors are called chocolate?

There are different shades of chocolate - from soft beige to deep brown.

Chocolate hair color palette:

  • milky (a combination of warm wheat and brown tones);
  • dark (deep chestnut with highlights in the sun);
  • warm chestnut (with chestnut highlights);
  • caramel (deep beige with brown undertones);
  • red (with fiery notes);
  • black (with chestnut highlights in the sun).

Some tones (chocolate nut, chestnut chocolate) contain reflective pigment. In the rays of the bright sun it gives light red highlights. But unlike the Titian range, these highlights are only noticeable in the sun.

The warm palette of chocolate (milk, mocha) cannot cope with gray hair. But it fits well on undyed strands of light brown, ash and chocolate tones.

What is dark chocolate color?

This hair color is well suited for a business style. It attracts attention with its strict expressiveness. At the same time, it does not suppress femininity, but, on the contrary, reveals character from the side of sexuality.

The shade is similar to deep brown. But more intense and shines slightly in the sun.

Who is it suitable for?

When choosing a new hair color, you need to take into account many nuances. Even the most beautiful tone will ruin your appearance if it is not chosen taking into account your appearance.

What type of appearance is it suitable for?

The concept of color type includes a number of nuances - skin tone, eye tone, natural hair shade. The color of chocolate is ideal for representatives of the winter color type. These are women with light or dark skin, black or brown eyes.

Combination with other color types:

  • Summer (light olive skin, light brown hair, gray, blue eyes)
    To prevent the tone of your hair from drawing attention to yourself, you will have to wear bright makeup every time. Eyeliner, long thick eyelashes, and scarlet lipstick will do. Eyebrows and eyelashes should be the same color.
    If you have a Scandinavian type of appearance with white skin and light eyes, combined with dark chocolate hair, the image will be attractive, but extravagant. Curls will emphasize the brightness of the eyes and the snow-whiteness of the face.
  • Spring (skin with a light light undertone, light eyes)
    The recommendations are the same as in the previous case. But be careful in your choice. Warm hair tones are recommended for warm skin tones.
  • Autumn (strands are golden, skin tone is soft, warm, there are usually freckles on the face)
    Classic dark chocolate will look inharmonious.

Face shape

Consider your face shape. If it:

  • Full, round
    Dark curls will hide the excessive roundness of the cheeks and add slimness and grace.
  • Thin, elongated
    The shade will further emphasize thinness and add age.

What age is dark chocolate best for?

It is ideal for young women aged 20-30 years. Afterwards, with rare exceptions, he gains years. If you are over 40 and want to hide wrinkles and other skin imperfections, choose a different shade.

Because a deep chocolate tone will give you visual fatigue, dullness, that is, it will not work to your advantage. If you're determined to tone your hair, adjust your haircut and makeup.

Other nuances of choice

The best hairstyles for this shade:

  • curled curls on a long cascading haircut;
  • straight flowing hair with even bangs;
  • graduated square;
  • casual short haircut.

The color of your hair affects your sense of self and, accordingly, your behavior. Women who have natural dark hair are usually purposeful and self-sufficient.

Who shouldn't wear dark chocolate?

Dark chocolate emphasizes the virtues of clean, well-groomed skin. If your face is covered with pimples or wrinkles, then it is better to avoid such coloring.

The shade is not suitable for girls with light eyebrows. Eyebrows will need to be darkened every time.

If you have a naturally calm, neutral appearance, but you are not ready to do bright, expressive makeup every day, this color is also not for you.

Variety of colors

How to choose the right paint

Basic tips:

  • Buy quality proven products
    A deep chocolate shade looks noble if it is obtained as a result of using a high-quality coloring composition. Don't skimp on paint. Buy only proven professional ones. Otherwise, no effect of nobility will be achieved, and it will take more time and money to restore the strands.
  • Read the composition
    It should not contain lead acetate or coal tar. They damage the hair structure and skin. It is advisable that the composition contains UV filters that will protect your strands.
  • Consider the base tone of your strands
    The result will be the same as the package if your strands are natural and light. If your hair is dyed, the results may vary. To prevent it from upsetting you, try dyeing one strand first.
  • Choose the product individually
    You shouldn’t rely only on the advice of your friends. The structure of the strands is different for everyone. Therefore, the dye of the same company on different hair appears lighter or, conversely, darker.

The best paint manufacturers

The best reviews regarding the dark chocolate shade were received by paints from the following brands:

  • L'Oreal (L'Oreal Prodigy - 3.0);
  • Garnier (Garnier Color Naturals - 3.23);
  • Palette (Palett W2);
  • Schwarzkopf Perfect Mousse – 365;
  • Syoss (Syoss Mixing Colors – 3-8);
  • Wellaton (Wellaton – 4.0).

Features of dark chocolate coloring

To get “dark chocolate”, the natural shade of hair can be different. But sometimes the result does not live up to expectations. Here's what happens:

  • The ideal tone will come out on natural brown or blond hair.
  • If the strands are colored, you may end up with an unexpected undertone.
  • If you are a brunette, without first bleaching your hair, your strands will simply acquire a subtle chocolate tint. It will only be visible in the sun.

Women who regularly tint their hair a chocolate shade notice that it becomes darker over time. The pigment is firmly integrated into the hair structure and is no longer washed out when washing your hair.

Take this feature into account before changing the natural color to chocolate.

Easily matches with light natural hair color

If your hair is naturally light and has not been dyed, applying the composition will be very easy. The paint will apply evenly, will give a good effect.

All light shades of natural hair - from light blond to light brown - are well colored with chocolate. But due to the different intensity of natural pigment, the result will be slightly different.

And one more thing: the lighter your natural curls, the more often you will need to dye your roots.

It is not advisable to dye previously treated hair.

If the strands are colored in other dark shades(mahogany, black, blue black, mahogany, eggplant), then before applying the composition, the old paint must be washed off. This is the only way to get an even tone along the entire length of the strands.

More than one wash may be needed. And this greatly injures the hair. Therefore, it is not advisable to dye strands that have already been treated with other dark, rich tones.

Secrets of excellent coloring from professionals

To get a beautiful deep chocolate tint, professionals prepare the coloring composition by hand., based on the characteristics of your hair.

If the strands are black, a color neutralizer is used, then neutralization of the red tint is used, only after that the pigment is applied.

There are difficulties when dyeing red hair. They can get a greenish tint, so several stages are used here too.

To predict the result, you can:

  • do a preliminary test on a thin, inconspicuous strand;
  • during the test coloring, note the time to understand how many minutes it takes for the hair to acquire the desired shade;
  • repaint chocolate gradually (in several procedures, possibly through highlighting), achieving the desired color over and over again;
  • Do not apply dye to newly bleached hair, otherwise you may end up with a red tint.

It is worth considering that the chocolate color will wash out faster from lightened strands than from dark ones.

Features of caring for chocolate-colored hair

In order for the shine and richness of chocolate to stay on your curls for a long time, you need to properly care for them:

  • Immediately after the dyeing procedure, the strands should be thoroughly rinsed using a special balm. It covers each hair with the thinnest transparent film. Thus, it fixes the color and protects against aggressive factors. environment, adds shine to hair.
  • Shampoos, conditioners, mousses and other care products from the “for dark curls” series help preserve the shade. Ideal – moisturizing, restoring.
  • Plant-based products are good for rinsing: oak bark decoction, etc. They soften the water, nourish, and moisturize the structure of the strands.
  • Dry your curls without a hairdryer, use a straightener and curling iron less often.
  • Avoid getting a perm for at least the next two weeks.
  • Make sure that your curls do not fade in the sun. Under the influence of sunlight, the color quickly fades, and the hair dries out and loses its shine. Therefore, either hide them under a hat or treat them with an SPF factor.
  • Use toning products. Can be natural. For example, extract walnut, decoction of onion peels, coffee.

The color is dark chocolate – classic, noble. To be satisfied with the result, make sure it suits you.

After this, it is better to contact a specialist. He will perform the coloring procedure taking into account the condition of your curls. Remember, the shade will delight you with richness and shine only with proper care.

Video: Hair color dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is a beautiful, luxurious, noble shade that is ideal for girls with a winter color type. In our videos you will see two options for dyeing your hair dark chocolate.

Chocolate hair color has always been in fashion.

Chocolate hair color has always been in fashion. It gives the image a special mystery, romance, mystery and at the same time some kind of severity and rigidity.

Chocolate color is a classic color, which at all times was considered one of the most popular. The color of chocolate has many shades and tones, from delicate milk chocolate to brown-black dark chocolate. Warm and cool tones and a variety of shades make this color very popular.

Stylists select hair color depending on the color type to which one or another representative of the fair sex belongs. Color types are distinguished by time of year.

To the “winter” color type include girls with very light or, on the contrary, dark skin, dark hair and bright eyes. The color of very dark chocolate, with a pronounced steel or black sheen, definitely suits such girls. Don't forget to complete the look by highlighting your eyes and lips. For special occasions, you can use bright red lipstick; this will add attractiveness, romanticism and passion to your look.

Towards the “spring” color type include those with ash or golden hair, soft peach or pinkish skin and light eyes. Choose chocolate hair shades This color type of women should be treated very carefully. The best option is a neutral, cool tone, not light, but not too dark. The most acceptable color is a mixture of white and milk chocolate. If you have light eyebrows and eyelashes, then you can use hair dye and give them the same shade as on your hair. Well-groomed hair and spectacular makeup will make you irresistible and attractive.

“Summer” color type slightly brighter than “spring”. It includes girls with light brown hair, gray or green eyes, and delicate olive skin. “Summer” girls can afford to dye their hair a bright chocolate shade, and both warm and cold shades will suit her. To ensure that your image is not too contrasting and provocative, your everyday makeup should be somewhat muted and light.

Red-haired girls with transparent skin, freckles, brown or turquoise eyes are classified as the “autumn” color type. In order not to emphasize the pallor of your skin and the presence of freckles, you should not choose dark shades. The most acceptable for this color type would be a warm shade of milk chocolate; a reddish or reddish tint is possible. Makeup should not be bright. The use of beige, coral and caramel tones, as well as a bright accent on the eyes, will make your look complete and stylish.

How to achieve the desired hair color?

Hair coloring already does not cause any problems, and most women carry out this procedure at home. However, it is not always possible to get exactly the shade you wanted. The final result depends on the initial hair color, the quality of the dye, as well as on previous dyeing. For example, the usual chocolate shade on many hair may simply be invisible. After dyeing, you may notice slight changes, a barely noticeable shade will appear and then, for a more effective result you will have to buy a more intense tone and dye your hair again.

If the previous paints had red shades, then as a result chocolate coloring the result may be quite unexpected. As a result, you can get a burgundy or emerald shade. In order to avoid unexpected results, we recommend that you color a small section of hair first as an experiment. If the resulting color suits you in the end, then you can paint your entire head. Or we recommend that you grow your hair and then achieve the desired shade.

Women with blond hair rarely encounter such problems. Chocolate shades are easy to apply to such hair. Don't forget to use various balms to restore and nourish your hair after multiple colorings. Remember that any shade looks attractive only on healthy and well-groomed hair.

Chocolate shades of hair - photo

Shiny, shining chocolate-colored curls are the dream of many girls. However, choosing the right tone that perfectly matches your skin type is not always easy. Today we will describe its main shades and tell you who would suit chocolate hair color. So let's get started.

Pros and cons of dyeing chocolate hair color

Changing hair color, especially radically, always has its advantages and disadvantages. Let us first list the advantages of this coloring:

  • changing your image will have a positive effect on your mood;
  • hair will become more shiny and look well-groomed;
  • bright and rich colors always catch the eye, and you will not go unnoticed even in a crowd;
  • against the background of chocolate-colored hair (see photo), split ends will be less noticeable;
  • haircut, especially graphic, looks more stylish on dark strands.

Unfortunately, any coloring also has significant disadvantages:

  • you will have to completely change not only your cosmetics, but also your wardrobe;
  • dye always spoils hair, no matter how high quality it is;
  • the curls will very quickly lose their rich color, especially in the sun, so you will have to update it often;
  • It is better not to dye naturally light hair dark colors, as the hairstyle will look unnatural as the strands grow;
  • when dyeing strands a darker color, remember that visually they will appear smaller; Therefore, owners of not too thick hair are better off choosing light shades.

Advice!After forty, you need to be as careful as possible with dark shades. After all, if they only make a young girl brighter and more attractive, then in this case you will look much older.

Milk chocolate color

There are many shades of chocolate hair color. We list only the most basic ones. It is no coincidence that the color of milk chocolate was first on our list. After all, this golden-brown color with a small admixture of gray is as close as possible to the natural range, therefore it looks the most natural. It fits well on light-colored strands, does not give unwanted reflections and practically does not form stains. Warm golden notes add softness to the look and make it more expressive.

Fair-skinned girls with cool skin types and blue, gray, dark blue or green eyes should choose this shade. But those with red curls and freckles should beware of it. It will only bring harm to them, muting their facial features and making them pale and expressionless.

Advice! Since natural colors are in fashion, try to choose a shade that is as close to natural as possible. And after the roots grow, they will not be so noticeable.

Caramel chocolate

Light and delicate caramel-chocolate also refers to light chocolate hair color, therefore it can visually increase the volume of the hairstyle. For fair-skinned girls with equally light eyes, it will help give their image freshness and lightness. It is better for the autumn color type to pay attention to a richer chocolate color with a reddish or reddish sheen.

Advice! Do not attempt to dye bleached or permed hair chocolate shades at home. At best, you will get red hair.

Classic dark chocolate

This rich medium brown color, which has a precise balance between red and yellow, can be used when you have a distinct appearance. Otherwise, only the curls will become a bright spot of color, and the face will simply get lost against their background.

But it will certainly suit dark brown-eyed girls or those with golden-peach skin with bright blue or rich green eyes. Moreover, the classic dark chocolate hair color will only favorably emphasize and highlight the features of your appearance. For them, this color will truly be a godsend.

Advice! Colored hair needs extra moisture, so always use a special shampoo and conditioner when washing. At least once a week, make masks or rinse your curls with a herbal decoction.

Ash chocolate

The stylists managed to achieve an amazingly beautiful, rather complex color that looks like chocolate with a slight ashy tint. Unlike milk chocolate, it is lighter in color and contains much less gold.

Cool chocolate-ash hair color is more suitable for those with summer and winter skin types. Gray, blue, green eyes and delicate skin go perfectly with ash chocolate. This color looks most advantageous in combination with snow-white skin.

Advice! One pack of paint is only enough to color the regrown ends. For thick, medium-length hair, you will need at least 3 packs.

Chocolate chestnut

The “correct” chocolate brown hair color is curls of intense, rich color, having a whole rainbow of shades. This is a mixture of yellow, red, orange in approximately equal proportions, diluted with intense black.

Chestnut with notes of chocolate is a dark shade, so dark-skinned women with “autumn” skin types should choose it. It is unlikely to suit white-skinned women with the “summer” color type - it is better for them to stick to cold ash-chocolate or milk-chocolate tones.

Advice! Since chocolate color fades quickly in the sun, experts advise initially dyeing your hair, especially the roots, in darker colors. In about a week, under the influence of ultraviolet light, they will acquire the desired color.

Dark chocolate color

Since this tone does not have reddish or red tints, it is more suitable for girls whose skin has a platinum tint and belongs to the cold winter or summer type. However, if you choose the wrong dye, there is a risk of getting a dark, almost black color with a bluish tint.

It will be very difficult to achieve this deep, rich and noble color on light strands, so it is better to choose it for owners of dark hair. Since dark chocolate is a cold shade, it is not suitable for autumn and spring girls and red-haired beauties. It is better for them to choose a classic shade of chocolate or chocolate-caramel hair color.

Advice!When early gray hair appears, it is better to use dyes that are a couple of shades lighter than your own hair. Otherwise, the growing roots will be too conspicuous.

If your facial features are naturally inexpressive, when changing the color of your strands you will always have to use fairly bright cosmetics, otherwise you will look expressionless against the background of dark hair. You should not choose the color of dark chocolate if your skin has any defects - age spots, pimples or wrinkles. A dark color will only highlight all these flaws. Older women should be especially careful with it - the skin against its background will look aged, because it will emphasize even inconspicuous wrinkles.

Shab, shatush or balayage in combination with chocolate color

Light strands on a dark background refresh the face and make it brighter. Plus, they add additional volume, which is important if your hair lacks thickness.

Regular highlighting does not look very natural, and it damages the hair much more. To achieve the effect of only slightly sun-bleached curls, it is better to use more complex, but very effective techniques:

  • ombre: uniform stretching of the bleach along the strands, as a result of which the roots look the darkest, and closer to the ends the curls become lighter; to obtain natural colors, the lightening should not be pronounced, only 2-3 tones; for example, if the main tone is dark, then the hair color at the ends is chocolate brown;

  • microhighlighting: refers to the shading technique, the dye is applied very thinly using short strokes;
  • sombre: only some strands are shaded;
  • shatush: to obtain uniform coloring, the strands are pre-combed;
  • balayage(translated from French means “revenge, sweep away”): another type of highlighting, in which the paint is applied with a special brush, shaped like a broom.

Advice! On short hair, it is simply impossible to get color stretching along the entire length. In this case, it is better to use micro-highlighting.

Use of natural dyes

Natural dyes give the strands a more natural shine, plus they do not spoil their structure at all. You can get a chocolate shade using natural ingredients in several ways:

  • mixing ground coffee with cinnamon: you need to brew very strong coffee, add cinnamon (a teaspoon), strain, evenly distribute the infusion over the strands, wrap them in cellophane, a thick towel and walk around with such a turban for about an hour; In order for the dye to stick better, after washing it is better to rinse your hair with water and lemon juice;

  • You won’t be able to get chocolate hair color with henna alone, as it only gives a brownish-reddish tint; V in this case nessesary to use a mixture of henna and basma: proportions are selected depending on the desired result; at large quantities basma can be obtained in a dark chocolate, almost black color; to obtain the color of milk chocolate, 1 packet of henna and 0.5 packet of basma is enough; the mixture is poured with hot water until a thick paste is obtained and evenly distributed over the strands; exposure time – from 30 minutes to 1–2 hours;
  • a slight chocolate tint can be obtained with frequent rinsing of curls with strong brewed tea, however, this composition can dry out the hair.

Advice! When using herbal compositions, especially henna and basma, be very careful and be sure to check the date of manufacture. After all, old dyes may simply not work. For example, if only “basma” works, the hair will turn crocodile green. Only henna without basma will give the locks a red tint.

Wardrobe change

If you decide to dye your hair chocolate color, you should think about changing your style. But this color is not as simple as it seems, and many shades do not go well with it. However, with the right selection of clothes, you will look like a king. So, you can combine with the color of chocolate:

  • most shades of gray;
  • cream;
  • golden;
  • grey-brown;
  • blue;
  • turquoise;
  • mint;
  • emerald;
  • mustard;
  • olive green;
  • rich green;
  • red brick color;
  • plum;
  • cherry;
  • pomegranate;
  • complex red Burgundy;
  • crimson.

Advice! After dyeing chocolate colors, dull shades in clothing should be avoided. Since chocolate is a rather strict color, it is better to diversify it with bright colors.

Makeup for chocolate hair color

Even if you dyed your locks in light shades of milk or caramel chocolate, the principle of choosing cosmetics will be similar to choosing makeup for brunettes. The only difference is the intensity of the colors and their brightness.

If there is a radical change in color, you will also have to tint your eyebrows darker. They should be only a couple of tones lighter than the curls themselves. When choosing makeup, naturally, you should also take into account shades of chocolate. So, cold ash chocolate will not go well with warm orange and yellow tones. But intense blue or eggplant is also unlikely to go with it. If there is any doubt, it is better to stick to neutral gray or beige shades.

Black mascara colors are ideal only for dark-skinned women. For other girls, it is better to use brown or brown-gray shades. The lipstick should be bright enough so that the lips do not look too pale against the background of chocolate curls.

If you don't know which shade is best for you, listen to the advice from the stylists given in this video. They will tell you how to choose a dye for chocolate hair color depending on your skin type:

The color “milk chocolate” in hair dye has become very popular. U famous manufacturers this color has a wide palette of shades, where both warm and cold tones are present. The color is suitable for full coloring or for highlighting individual strands using the ombre, balayage and shatush techniques.

The shades of milk chocolate do not have the severity and drama of dark chocolate or black coffee. This shade is often used to create various highlighting and coloring technologies. The color in question is ideal for highlighting strands. The dark color of natural curls is softened precisely by the shade of milk chocolate, which makes the image more feminine and elegant.

Milk chocolate color. Review of the best hair dyes in our article

Thanks to the softness and naturalness of the chocolate palette, the colored strands play with light, conveying the depth of exquisite shades. The warmth of brown brings out the natural beauty of a woman, adding a touch of tenderness to her.

Milk chocolate does not require frequent maintenance in the form of touch-ups, this is explained by its ability to visually preserve well over a long period. Milk chocolate is a special color and it does not suit all girls.

When choosing the variety of its shades, it is necessary to take into account the color type of the skin and eyes:

  • darker shades milk chocolate will emphasize the dark complexion, highlight the skin the color of olive or gold, and combine with dark hair, black or brown eyes;
  • caramel shades the colors are suitable for girls with dark blond curls, giving them airiness, for white-skinned blondes with greenish, grayish-blue eyes.

A successful choice of color transforms the appearance, highlights the eyes, and the skin receives a special glow due to the emphasis on its tone.

Note! When choosing a milk chocolate tone dye, you don’t have to be afraid of making a mistake with the hair color if you use the shade in question not for all curls, but only to highlight individual strands, using modern coloring techniques.

Various shades of milk chocolate, their features

The paint in question has two core tones:

  1. Rich shades Usually called chocolate, they are more chosen by owners of dark curls, this color emphasizes the expressiveness of blue and gray eyes.
  2. Second tone has a name - chocolate caramel, this color has blonde fans. His palette has golden, slightly reddish shades.

Both colors have plenty of appeal. The first tone is darker and more saturated, the second is lighter and more transparent. They can be used separately or together, for example, for multi-layer hair coloring. In addition, the shade in question differs in warm and cold tones.

Warm shades have a deep brown color with a pronounced reddish tint, cold shades have an ashy tint.

However, it is not always possible to find paint whose name is “Milk Chocolate”. Hair dye manufacturers are trying to come up with more original and poetic names: frosty glaze, ash blonde, bleached blonde.

You can choose a milk chocolate color dye and make a color selection for your hair yourself, guided by the table and samples of the palette varieties: each manufacturer has a table of the ratios of paint colors to the original color of the curls.

Hair dye review: milk chocolate color

Milk chocolate is a stylish and fashionable color, so it is in the line of almost every hair dye manufacturer: Garnier, Estelle, L'Oreal, etc. However, brands do not always choose the name “Milk Chocolate,” so before purchasing you need to carefully study the color you choose.

Paint Garnier Luxurious color

Garnier coloring products have a uniform, soft effect, light composition, fits well on curls, color saturation. The kit includes a balm for care after the coloring procedure, which gives the curls shine and a smooth structure. Garnier milk chocolate is designated as 7.12 and 6.0.

The components of the paint are natural substances that soften the aggressiveness of the procedure, and the coloring agent has an ammonia-free composition. The paint covers gray strands well and has a long-lasting effect of preserving the result.

Paint Estel (Estel Professional)

This brand produces products for professional coloring. The paint has a cream base. The milk chocolate tone is called Hazelnut (No. 7/7).

The coloring composition is made from natural ingredients, which allows you to maintain healthy strands. Thanks to the deep penetration of the pigment included in the composition, the new shade of curls lasts longer than that of paints from other manufacturers. Successfully hides gray locks.

Brown-haired women get a caramel shade, and blondes will not get excessive redness.

Cream paint L'Oreal (L Oreal Paris)

An ammonia-free product called Frosty Beige (No. 713) is the milk chocolate of L'Oreal paint. The manufacturer has a rich palette of milk chocolate shades with a soft, beautiful tone. Thanks to royal jelly, which is part of the coloring agent, the curls after the procedure receive long-term, additional nourishment. The kit includes a caring balm.

The result of coloring is natural, not flashy. For a darker light brown tone, it is better to use Frosty Cappuccino. The dye does not cope well with gray hair, which is its disadvantage for ladies with gray hair.

Schwarzkopf hair dye

This paint covers gray hair well, without harming the structure of the curls (without ammonia). To obtain a chocolate shade, the manufacturer offers a coloring agent called Golden Chocolate (No. 665) or Light Chestnut (No. 600).

It is important to know: the color in question remains at the peak of fashion due to the depth and beauty of the chocolate tone, which will decorate both long flowing curls and elegant short haircuts with styling. At the same time, the chocolate palette does not spoil the appearance and does not emphasize the figure.

Who suits the color milk chocolate?

A harmonious image after dyeing the curls is obtained by those with an autumn color type, with clear skin in warm shades and with curls of a reddish tone. Experts do not advise pale-skinned ladies to use chocolate tones for full coloring; it is better to use them for ombre or nuances.

  • Milk chocolate paint after coloring it will highlight the freshness of the blue gaze of pale-skinned young ladies.
  • Milk chocolate very often used to achieve ombre. The most successful composition is obtained when transitioning from dark to milk chocolate, especially suitable for long-haired brunettes.
  • Tone in question goes well with cherries and caramel. Very light, transparent, skin with a dark shade of curls does not benefit - the hair color clogs the tone of the skin.
  • Brown-eyed girls can highlight the beauty of the color with a truffle shade of chocolate.
  • Brown-haired and dark blond For beauties, the ideal choice would be cold, ashy tones of chocolate, with a warm, tint, caramel effect.
  • Cinnamon, just like coffee, should be paired with hot milk chocolate. The advantage is seen in the chocolate tone with a hint of cinnamon on long curly curls.
  • Black, resin, color An ombre combination with milk chocolate tones is suitable. At the same time, the roots remain black, with a gradual transition to brown shades, and the tips are as lightened as possible. This look is suitable for both mature women and young girls.

How to maintain milk chocolate color on your hair

The chocolate palette has less negative effects on the structure of curls than lightening colors.

Important to remember! Milk chocolate lasts quite a long time on curls, however, to maintain the depth of color and shine, it is necessary to carry out additional care for colored hair.

In addition to basic color care, you must adhere to coloring rules.

Then the effect of the new image will delight you for a long time:

  • the usual hair hygiene products need to be replaced with a series for colored curls;
  • systematic touch-up (approximately once every 1-1.5 months).

Create beautiful image with a hint of milk chocolate lightly. There is a wide selection of this tone on the hair coloring market, from which you can choose the most suitable one. The color in question is suitable both for completely dyeing curls and for highlighting individual strands in popular dyeing techniques.

Milk chocolate color. Hair dye:

Useful video about fashionable hair color: “Milk Chocolate”:

Publications on the topic