Quotes from famous people about women. Quotes from Great Women

The long-awaited day has come for all the girls. It’s March 8th on the calendar, there’s spring in my heart, the apartment is full of a pleasant floral aroma, and it doesn’t matter at all that there’s slush and frosty wind outside. I sincerely congratulate all users of our site on this wonderful day! Always be beautiful, kind, caring, sweet, funny, surprising, charming, enchanting. In general, remain Girls and Women with a capital letter! And most importantly, love and be loved!

As usual, I decided to make a selection with quotes. Today these are quotes from beautiful famous women.

“Learn to use your brain as deftly as you use your powder compact, and then, perhaps, you won’t need a powder compact anymore... Know that men notice smart women, they snatch beautiful women from the crowd with their eyes, and only the charming ones are not forgotten.”

- Sophia Loren

“There is no harder work than looking beautiful from eight in the morning until twelve at night.”

“It is better to be unfaithful than to be faithful without the desire to be.”

- Brigitte Bardot

“When taking care of beauty, you must start with the heart and soul, otherwise no amount of cosmetics will help.”

Restraining yourself when it’s offensive and not making a scene when it’s painful - that’s what it’s all about ideal woman.

- Coco Chanel

“Never go back to what you decided to leave. No matter how much they ask you, and no matter how much you want it yourself. Having conquered one mountain, begin to storm another.”

“Don’t worry, but worry.”

- Marilyn Monroe

“God created women beautiful so that men could love them, and stupid so that they could love men.”

How many times does a woman blush in her life?
- Four times: on the wedding night, when you cheat on your husband for the first time, when you take money for the first time, when you give money for the first time.
- And the man?
- Twice: the first time - when the second cannot, the second - when the first cannot.

— Faina Ranevskaya

“Love is when you want the best for the people you love, when you put their interests and well-being above your own. Always."

Even strong people you need a strong shoulder. I'm talking about women and men.

- Angelina Jolie

"For real beautiful woman always kind to other women and to people in general. She does not accept rivalry, intrigue and meanness.”

— Sharon Stone

“It is better to die standing than to live on your knees.”

— Dolores Ibárruri

“Don't be shy about your curves. Everything that the Lord has given you is beautiful. And if it’s beautiful, you need to emphasize your shape. The main thing is to do it competently and tastefully.”

— Evelina Khromchenko

“To understand how you live, you have to live. Don’t think about it, but live with it.”

— Helena Bonham Carter

“Never let your heart take over your mind, otherwise you will have problems.”

- Whitney Houston

“If a woman shows character, they say about her: “Harmful woman.” If a man shows character, they say about him: “He’s a good guy.”

- Margaret Thatcher

“To make your lips beautiful, say kind words. To make your eyes beautiful, radiate goodness. The beauty of a woman is not in her clothes, not in her figure or hairstyle. A woman’s beauty is in her eyes, because eyes are the gateway to the heart where love lives.”

— Audrey Hepburn

“For a woman, beauty is more important than intelligence, because it is easier for a man to look than to think.”

- Marlene Dietrich

“When I have no enemies, then I will understand that I am no longer worth anything.”

— Maria Callas

"Life is not heaven, you don't have to be perfect."

— Gia Carangi

“It’s much easier to make people cry than to laugh.”

— Vivien Leigh

“Loneliness and the feeling that no one needs you is the worst kind of poverty.”

—Mother Teresa

“Love is the best cosmetic.”

— Gina Lollobrigida

“Anyone who wants to achieve anything must work hard.”

— Meryl Streep

"I never said, 'I want to be alone.' “I just said, ‘I want to be left alone,’ and that’s not the same.”

— Greta Garbo

“If you don’t love yourself, then no one will love you. You need to love yourself."

— Alla Pugacheva

“Anger and anger cannot solve any problem.”

— Grace Kelly

“I am a mother, and a mother is never lonely.”

Quotes about women that show what the world really thinks about them...

“Being a woman is very difficult, mainly because they have to deal with men all the time.” Joseph Conrad, writer

“A woman must, in spite of everything, live her life as she wants, or she will have to admit that she has not lived at all.” David Lawrence, writer

“A woman who knows how to feel passion does not need makeup.” Yves Saint Laurent

“The problem with some women is that they first get very excited about nothing, and then they get married for that nothing.” Cher, singer

“A woman becomes a complete person only when someone loves her.” Alexandre Dumas, writer

“A woman cannot be defeated. If you don’t like trouble, you won’t even try.” William Faulkner, writer

“Women who only know how to love are boring. Much more interesting are those who also know how to hate.” Oscar Wilde, writer

“If a man thinks that he has beaten a woman, then he is just a fool and did not notice how she beat him two moves ago.” Gary Oldman, actor

“If women knew how to read men’s characters, they would never get married.” George Bernard Shaw, writer

“Women who are just trying to be equal to men have little ambition.” Marilyn Monroe, actress

“A woman can make a man softer, she can make him weaker, and she can decide for herself what to do with him. That’s what makes her scary.” Sigmund Freud

A smart woman is one in whose company you can act as stupid as you like. P. Valerie

A woman's guess is more accurate than a man's confidence. R. Kipling

Without a woman, the dawn and evening of life would be helpless, and her noon would be without joy.
Pierre Buast

If you want to know what a woman really thinks, look at her, but don't listen. Oscar Wilde

Women's hatred is, in fact, the same love, only changed direction. Heinrich Heine

A woman is both an apple and a snake. Heinrich Heine

For some women, it is enough to walk down the street once to remain in a man’s memory forever. Kipling R.

A man wants to be a woman's first, while a woman wants to be a man's last.

Anyone who has not seen a woman in love cannot say what a woman is. T. Gauthier

A man who reads morals is usually a hypocrite, and a woman who reads morals is certainly an ugly woman. Oscar Wilde

Night gives shine to stars and women. Byron

You can kiss a beautiful woman endlessly and never end up in the same place. Janusz Makarchik

I don’t know why women demand everything that men have. After all, women, among other things, have men. Coco Chanel

To understand women, you need to become a woman, and if it is impossible for her to become one, then all that remains is to accept women as they are - full of mysteries and sweet charm in their individuality. Gray

Most disagreements between representatives of different sexes arise when aphorisms about women begin to be discussed. Why is this happening? Probably because they are not always truthful, which many representatives of the fair sex do not like. Actually, any dogma is ever refuted by someone. Let's look at this issue.

Aphorisms about women: are they always accurate?

Even in antiquity, one sage expressed the thought: “Every rule has exceptions. And a woman is like this rule: she is exceptional, correct, but sometimes goes beyond these very rules.”

Men find it difficult to understand women. And it's easy to explain. After all, the psychology of people of different sexes is different. It is no less difficult for a woman to understand a man. However, due to some natural stubbornness, most ladies will never admit this.

This is where aphorisms about women arise, where they are presented as devoid of logic, strange creatures. But this is a myth: women’s logic is often much smarter than men’s. And every lady's oddity can be explained. Another thing is that the ladies themselves use this myth to justify their rash or incorrect, erroneous actions.

Is it possible to argue with a woman?

The fact that women are stubborn and impossible to argue with was noted by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. He told the world about this in his epigram.

Shame a liar, make fun of a fool
And arguing with a woman is still the same,
How to scoop water with a sieve:
Deliver us from these three, O God!..

  • The best way to end an argument with your wife is to play dead.
  • In a dispute between spouses, one is always right, and the other... the husband!

In fact, the reason here lies in the fact that women's vocabulary is many times larger than that of men. And there is also more patience to argue. Therefore, for many men, even if they are confident that they are right, it is easier to agree with the lady or leave the battlefield in silence, keeping their opinion to themselves.

Is birthday a holiday?

The worst thing for every woman is the approach of old age, the loss of external attractiveness. It’s funny, but men are no less susceptible to this same phobia. It’s just that the stronger sex diligently hides this weakness. However, in the centers plastic surgery men are not much smaller than women. And they buy up cosmetics at the same speed as the ladies.

It is clear that representatives of both sexes want to look younger. And the fact that they hide their age in righteous and unrighteous ways is no secret to anyone. That is why aphorisms about birthdays are born so often.

  • After thirty, a woman turns twenty-nine every year.
  • This thirty-five-year-old lady, like all women on Earth, was only twenty-eight years old.
  • Girl, girl, young woman... Young woman, young woman, young woman... And then the old woman died!
  • An ideal husband always remembers his wife's date of birth, but does not know how old she is.

Even great people often came up with catchphrases about a woman's birthday. For example, Joseph Kossman, a famous American entrepreneur, once said this: “There is no surer way to remember your wife’s birthday than to forget about it at least once!”

And again about the birthday

Some catchphrases contain slight irony over how much effort a lady spends preparing a feast. Sometimes the holiday itself is no longer a holiday for her. And this is what birthday aphorisms are dedicated to.

  • A woman’s birthday is as difficult as a gypsy horse’s wedding: her head is covered in flowers, but she’s all covered in soap!
  • Why does everyone around you wish you health on your birthday, but they themselves make your liver and heart suffer by loading your body with alcohol?
  • What does the man who came up with the idea of ​​celebrating a woman’s birthday deserve? Death is not enough for him - that's a fact!

A woman's strength is in her weakness

Highly in demand in modern world short aphorisms about strong women. This happens because today they have to solve too many worries and problems. But everyone understands that this is the wrong approach to life. There must be someone next to a woman who will lend his shoulder in difficult times. And in any other too...

  • Next to a woman there should always be that man who will solve all her problems at any moment and will never create new ones for her.
  • The woman they love is always happy. And only losers and lazy people have it strong...

Oh, even in past years aphorisms have been formed. Let us at least recall a phrase from Nekrasov’s poem about a Russian woman who is the first to rush into a burning house and does not cower even in front of a horse rushing forward.

And what about the ditty written during the Great Patriotic War?

Me and the horse, me and the bull,

I am both a woman and a man!

In fact, a woman’s inner strength, her patience, and perseverance often surpass even male qualities. But, as mentioned above, this is rather an exception rather than a rule. A woman cannot always be strong. In her nature there is a need for affection, tenderness, and care. And therefore, “from time to time, even a very strong woman gets tired of being a man.”

Many men tend to compare lovely ladies with some animals. In the positive version, these are deer, bees, fish, cats, birds, bunnies and others. Probably, such a desire arises because these animals evoke a feeling of tenderness or admiration.

But aphorisms about cats and women do not always arise from positive emotions.

  • Baba is a cat that purrs to everyone who strokes her.
  • Don't trust a woman when she purrs: she can show her claws at any moment.
  • A cat, like a woman, can be petted and touched by its reciprocal purring. But it is impossible to force either one or the other to carry out your commands if they are not in the mood.
  • A woman is a cat who will always walk on her own and return to you when she needs it.

Family and love are the main thing in a woman’s understanding of happiness

Aphorisms about a woman’s happiness say a lot. Even the most confident ladies in their hearts dream of leaning against a stronger man and forgetting that they are self-sufficient and successful. These are the aphorisms about a happy woman that the people themselves composed.

  • The success of a businesswoman who has her own plane and a villa in the Canary Islands is worth nothing in comparison with the quiet happiness of her beloved wife who prepares breakfast for her husband and children in the morning.
  • When a woman has problems, she only needs to hug her child: feeling that he is healthy, he is nearby, she will understand that she is happy, that now she has no problems, and everything that worries her is just the little things in life.

Who is the most important person in the family?

They say that a wise woman is not the one who can do everything and knows everything, but the one whose husband can do everything and knows everything. This is probably true. It’s not for nothing that everyone knows such aphorisms about wise women.

  • A woman is only a neck. And the husband is the head! It's up to him to decide. And the woman just has to turn her head in the right direction...
  • A woman’s wisdom is to be able to remove and shake off the noodles from her ears in time.

There is also an opinion among people that the weather in the house always depends on the woman. And this is partly true. You can't build a family alone. And a lot depends on the man.

  • A bad husband's wife is always a grumpy fool and incompetent. But for some reason the good one is beautiful and smart.
  • A fool scolds his wife, a smart one teaches him how to live. And only the wise love the way she is!
  • A real man will never be offended by his chosen one. He will just wait until she calms down and continue to love her further.

When there is no agreement in the family...

The worst thing is the troubles between spouses. With the years spent together, the former love and admiration for one’s other half sometimes flows away somewhere in an unknown direction. And such aphorisms appear.

  • They often say about those who are dissatisfied with their husbands, they say, they saw the eyes of whom they led to the registry office by the arm...

They also make fun of both spouses, who after a few years life together begin to express their negative attitude towards marriage.

  • You shouldn’t slaughter an innocent goose on your wedding anniversary - the one who once introduced the two unfortunate people is to blame...
  • Inside every woman sleeps a witch, a fool, a bitch, an angel and a beautiful princess. The husband’s task is to awaken in his wife the one whom he deserves.
  • An ideal family: she calls him to drink vodka, and he asks him to wait until he finishes the floor...
  • Ridiculous phrase: all women are the same. Why then do the men keep running and running from one to the other?

The greatest thing God created is a woman!

This beautiful and wise saying often causes a storm of indignation on the part of some “pants wearers”. They attack women with a stream of dirty and vulgar aphorisms with which today’s social networks are teeming. Among them, “a chicken is not a bird, a woman is not a person!” - most kind.

These elements probably became embittered towards all representatives of the fair sex because of their failures on the love front. But, unable to see their mistakes, they took the simplest path: they began to blame all women en masse, without thinking about the fact that the only one who gave birth to them, cherished them and loved them, also belongs to this half of humanity, which they mercilessly revile .

The following popular saying may be interesting in this sense: “You should never believe vile things said to a woman. They come either from a man who failed to win her, or from a woman who is jealous of her!” That is, lucky men who have met a worthy woman on their way and managed to win her heart, friendship and devotion, will never stoop to such baseness as to speak badly about all representatives of the fair sex, including their chosen one.

Meanwhile, even the great Solomon used to say in the distant past: “A woman is sweeter than life and more bitter than death.” With this phrase he emphasizes precisely his ambiguous attitude towards women. When everything goes well between two people, there is nothing more beautiful in the world! But if there were discord, a quarrel - and there is no more terrible test than this...

Coco Chanel also spoke about love: “No matter how you look at it, there is only one woman in the life of every man, and the rest are just her shadows.”

and a woman - does she exist?

Everyone knows everything about love - at least they think so. But there are disagreements about opposite-sex friendships. That is why aphorisms about friendship between a man and a woman have the opposite meaning.

  • There cannot be friendship between a man and a woman, because in this case one of them is necessarily in love with his “friend”.
  • Friendship between a woman and a man is love postponed to a later date.
  • The friendship between a woman and a man weakens greatly when night falls.
  • If a woman is friends with a man, it means that one of them would like to, but cannot achieve more.

We're joking about something serious

There are also funny aphorisms about women. It is now difficult to say who their author is. But these people are certainly not stupid.

  • God first created man, and then woman, only because before creating a masterpiece, a sketch is always made, a draft, in other words...
  • All men are assholes! Everything! And my husband - first of all. But why did I marry him then? So we have proven the basic rule of life: all women are fools!
  • If a woman said that she will be there in five minutes, then you need to wait calmly and not call her every half hour!
  • The first rule of doing all household chores is cleaning. And you need to start by cleaning your computer... away from yourself.
  • A quiet man is a thoughtful person, and a quiet woman is a lady who has already thought of something.
  • To the question “Girl, are you alone?” the majority should answer: “No, I’m quirky!”
  • A woman, like a fire in the forest, cannot be left unattended for a minute. There are two options: either it will fade away completely, or it will burn everything to hell!

Perhaps someone will not find the aphorism funny, but there is some irony in it.

  • A woman always sees double meaning everywhere, even where there is none. Where it is, the woman doesn’t see the point at all.

The list of aphorisms can be continued indefinitely. After all, comedians and philosophers continue to compose them and publish them.

Great people are not born and wisdom comes with years and experience, which often falls on one’s head not in the form of rose petals. How to get out of a protracted crisis, increase self-esteem and motivation? - the thoughts and experience of the great and famous people who also experienced similar feelings.

Marilyn Monroe

“I agree to live in a world ruled by men as long as I can be a woman in this world.”

“Give a woman a pair of good shoes and she will conquer the world.”

“The one thing you want most in life, as a rule, cannot be bought with money.”

Faina Ranevskaya

“God created women beautiful so that men could love them, and stupid so that they could love men.”

“Women, of course, are smarter. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs?

“Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you get one, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family.”

“Love is when you want the best for the people you love, when you put their interests and well-being above your own. Always."

“Even strong people need a strong shoulder. I’m talking about women and men.”

“Life is too short to waste it on diets, greedy men and bad moods”

"It's better to be a good man, "swearing obscenities" than a quiet, well-mannered creature"

“Sometimes it seems to me that I am still alive only because I really want to live. Over the course of 53 years, I developed the habit of living in the world. My heart works sluggishly and constantly tries to stop serving me, but I order it: “Fight, damned one, and don’t you dare stop.”

“Many people complain about their appearance, but no one complains about their brains.”

“There are no fat women, there are tight clothes.”

“Everything will come true, you just have to stop wanting.”

“It seems to me that one of the greatest successes in a person’s life is a happy childhood.”

“The smart ones don’t get offended, they draw conclusions.”

"Freedom is worth fighting for."

“Thoughts reach for the beginning of life, which means life is coming to an end.”

Margaret Thatcher

“The home should be the center, but not the boundary, of a woman’s world.”

“The rooster may crow well, but the chicken still lays the eggs.”

“You need to study your enemy well, then one day you can turn him into a friend.”

“To make your lips beautiful, say kind words. To make your eyes beautiful, radiate goodness. The beauty of a woman is not in her clothes, not in her figure or hairstyle. A woman’s beauty is in her eyes, because eyes are the gateway to the heart where love lives.”

Oprah Winfrey

“Do one thing you think you can’t do. Fail. Try again. You'll do better the second time. The only people who never fail are those who don't climb to great heights."

“What God has intended for you is much greater Furthermore what you can imagine"

Joanne Rowling

“Life doesn't have to be comfortable. And in this I find peace - for myself and for everyone who is confused in life."

“You cannot cling to dreams and dreams, forgetting about the present, forgetting about your life”

“After all, a person is not a character trait, but a choice he makes”

“It takes great courage to stand up to your enemies, but much more to go against your friends.”

“We are only as strong as we are united, and as weak as we are divided.”

Coco Chanel

"Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted".

“There are no ugly women, only lazy ones.”

“A man capable of action is doomed to be loved!”

"I do not care what you think of me. I do not think about you at all"

“If you want something you've never had, you'll have to do something you've never done.”

“At twenty years old you have the face that nature gave you; at thirty you have the face that life has sculpted for you; and at fifty you have the face you deserve.”

“Paradox: the more stupid and unlucky a man is, the more claims he has against a woman...”

“To restrain yourself when it’s offensive, and not to make a scene when it’s painful - that’s what an ideal woman is.”

“Not every woman is born beautiful, but if she has not become so by the age of 30, she is simply stupid.”

“If you are struck by the beauty of a woman, but you cannot remember what she was wearing, it means she was dressed perfectly.”

“If you were born without wings, don’t stop them from growing.”

"A woman's best fashion accessory is a handsome man!"

5 Russian Classic Books That Everyone Will Love

Maya Plisetskaya

“Character is destiny”

“No need to diet, just eat less”

“The outer shell sculpts the image. We base our perception of personality on it.”

Hillary Clinton

“The fate of a marriage is determined only by two people - those who are in it.”

“There are no other people’s children.”

“The path out of poverty must start in the head.”

Mother Teresa

“The more love, wisdom, beauty, kindness you discover in yourself, the more you will notice them in the world around you.”

“There are many people in the world who die from hunger, but there are even more who die from lack of love.”

"Peace begins with a smile."

“Love is the best cosmetic.”

Indira Gandhi you need to buy with great care, and you can’t wear them very often. However, I understand women who risk making such a purchase. After all, men are always interested in: “Who is this girl in the red dress?”

“If a woman, when dressing, wants to please her husband, she chooses last year’s dress.”

“A man who classifies handbags as luxury goods will face punishment. If there is justice in the world, in his next birth he should be born in the guise of a crocodile and end his life as the most expensive luxury item. Or he should reincarnate as a woman who enters a supermarket, holding a child, a wallet, keys, a driver's license, gloves, and must do a lot of shopping. Then he will understand everything correctly.”

Ancient sages, philosophers, thinkers, writers, artists, artists and politicians of all times and peoples spoke not only about art and governing the country, but also about women.

Their thoughts and relevant statements were also directed towards the philosophy of love and marriage, life in general and individually for each person. Their thoughts were directed towards women.

Female beauty, tenderness and at the same time fortitude, honor and courage, wisdom and self-sacrifice have delighted men at all times. Here are collected not only statements from men, but also women about themselves, about what can be important for everyone. Let us glean the truth and philosophy of their words, whether we agree with them or not, their quotes, quotes from great people about women are worth reading.

Quotes about women

Anyone who has seen the birth of his child, as I did, will never doubt female strength. They are stronger than us. For them there is no nonsense - only the main thing. Life, children, freedom. They see no meaning in eternal life - they continue in children, and that's enough. They are not conquerors - the world already belongs to them, because they are able to create new life. (Johnny Depp)

Isn’t this the eternal mockery of love, that a woman cannot love the one who loves her? (W. Shakespeare)

There are men who are more talkative than women, but not a single man has the eloquence of a woman's eyes. (Carl Weber)

Men make laws, and women create morals. (Francois Guibert)

A woman is nobler than a man; unlike him, she pays attention not only to the beauty of her appearance. (Luigi Tirandello)

Almost all decent women are untouched treasures, which are intact only because no one is looking for them. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)

A woman's guess is more accurate than a man's confidence. (R. Kipling)

A woman who everyone considers cold has simply not yet met a person who would awaken love in her. (Jean de La Bruyère)

Oh, women's tears! You wash away everything: our energy, our resistance, and our anger. (M. Prevost)

A modest girl, a prudent wife, a caring mother stand much higher than all the philosophers in a skirt, all the heroines of novels, whose only occupation is to kill people with the arrows of their minds and the gaze of their beautiful eyes. (O. Goldsmith)

Learned women use their books in the same way as they use watches that they wear to show off to others, even if they are constantly standing or running incorrectly. (I. Kant)

Almost every woman is capable of the highest heroism in love... she kisses, hugs, gives herself up - and she is already a mother. For her, if she loves, love contains the whole meaning of life - the whole universe. (A.I. Kuprin)

There are female souls who are always languishing with some kind of sad thirst for love and who, because of this, never love anyone. (I.A. Bunin)

A man's happiness is called: "I want." A woman's happiness is called: “he wants.” (Friedrich Nietzsche)

A woman with a man's education and even in a man's dress must remain feminine and never neglect the development of the best talents of her feminine nature. (N.I. Pirogov)

A woman who tries to look like a man is just as ugly as an effeminate man. (L.N. Tolstoy)

We call a woman who has fallen out of love fickle; frivolous - the one who immediately fell in love with another; flighty - the one who herself does not know who she loves and whether she loves at all; cold - the one who doesn't love anyone. (Jean de La Bruyère)

There will always be something new to say about a woman, as long as at least one of them remains on the globe. (St. Buffle)

A beautiful woman pleases the eyes, but a kind woman pleases the heart; one is a beautiful thing, and the other is a treasure. (Napoleon I)

Whatever lies under the word “Smile”! It changes color like a chameleon. There is a meaningless, cold, evil, mocking, feigned smile. The loving smile is especially famous. (T. Galiberton)

Since poets have been writing and women have been reading them, they have been called angels so many times that in the simplicity of their souls they actually believed this compliment, forgetting that the same poets called Nero a demigod. (M. Lermontov)

A woman loves to have dust thrown into her eyes, and the more dust is thrown into her eyes, the more she opens her eyes so that more dust gets into them. (A. Musset)

A woman's honor is like an ermine: at the slightest touch its whiteness fades. (J. Dryden)

If men do not understand a woman’s heart at all, then a woman does not understand a man’s honor. (A. Dumas the son)

A man, even if he wanted to, cannot take away power from a woman, for she rules the world with the power of a despot, although this power is love. (I. Bentham)

Gossip serves as a consolation for a woman who is no longer loved or courted. (Guy de Maupassant)

My wife is sick. She was constantly nervous about problems at work, her personal life, her failures and problems with her children. She lost 15 kg and weighed about 40, at 35 years old. She became haggard, constantly cried and lashed out at everyone and everything. Nothing made her happy. I constantly had headaches, heart pain, and pinched nerves in my back and ribs. She slept poorly, fell asleep in the morning, was tired and did not get enough sleep. Our relationship was on the brink. Her beauty began to disappear somewhere, bags appeared under her eyes, she began to stoop and take little care of herself. She refused to appear in films and any roles in general. I lost hope and thought that we would soon get divorced... But then I decided to act. After all, I got the most beautiful woman of all on earth.
She is the ideal of more than half of the men and women on earth, and I am allowed to fall asleep next to her and hug her shoulders. I began to shower her with flowers, kisses and compliments. I surprised her, made her happy every minute. He gave gifts and lived for her. He spoke only about her in public. I brought all the topics in her direction. I praised her to my and our mutual friends. Believe it or not, she blossomed. She became even better than before. She gained weight, stopped being nervous and fell in love with me even more than before. I didn’t even know that she could love like that. And I understood one thing: a woman is a reflection of a man. If you love her to madness, she will become him. (Brad Pitt)

Beautiful women often look like big cities, which are easy to master but difficult to maintain. (P. Buast)

Whatever one may say, there is only one woman in a man’s life, all the others are her shadows. (Coco Chanel)

There are no fat women, only small clothes. (Faina Ranevskaya)

Women die later than men because they are always late. (Faina Ranevskaya)

Women are crows at home, peacocks in company, and doves when alone with a friend of their hearts. (Carl Weber)

A woman hides an amazing great secret, a great riddle of life, the source of all joys and all worries... (A. Garborg)

To be loved by one who causes everyone's wonder is the best fate that can befall a woman, but this happiness entails a lot of anxiety. (Anna Stahl)

A woman should be dressed in such a way that she would want to be undressed. (Coco Chanel)

To be a lady means to calmly and with dignity accept the blows of fate, to help those you love to the best of your ability and not to complain, even if it seems that you have no more strength. (Agatha Christie)

When taking care of beauty, you must start with the heart and soul, otherwise no amount of cosmetics will help. (Coco Chanel)

To be elegant does not mean to be conspicuous, it means to be etched in the memory. (Giorgio Armani)

Hands are a girl’s calling card; The neck is her passport; Chest - international passport. (Coco Chanel)

Women, of course, are smarter. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs? (Faina Ranevskaya)

Your face at twenty years old was given to you by nature; what it will be like at fifty depends on you. (Coco Chanel)

It is very dangerous to meet a woman who completely understands you. This usually ends in marriage. (Oscar Wilde)

Look for yourself, and you will find a husband. (Jane Austen)

Women who do not wear perfume are very self-confident women, because the trail of correctly selected perfume that follows a beautiful lady always accompanies the image she creates, playing not the last, and sometimes even the first role in creating this image. (Coco Chanel)

I don’t like long jackets - when talking to a man, I don’t see how he treats me. (Coco Chanel)

The worse a girl does, the better she should look. (Coco Chanel)

Every girl should always know two things: what and who she wants. (Coco Chanel)

Restraining yourself when it’s offensive and not making a scene when it hurts is what an ideal woman is. (Coco Chanel)

No matter how strong a woman is, she is waiting for a man stronger than herself. And not so that he restricts her freedom, but so that he gives her the right to be weak. (Angelina Jolie)

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