The number 108 what does it mean.

My friends! You all know the cleansing tool I received a few years ago and was told to share with everyone. It . He came to me as an assistant in connection with God, because he personifies the infinite connection of man with the Creator. Sometimes it is used on its own, like this - 108. And this means, "I connect with God, I am in contact with Him." By the way, I often sign letters like this. And if it is applied next to any other tool, then it increases its use by 108 times, for example: thank you 108!

I have searched the net and found a lot of evidence that the number 108 has always been sacred and magical.

The average speed of rotation of the Earth in an elliptical orbit around the Sun is approximately 108 thousandVolume of the Earth ~ 108 ∙1010 km3.The distance from the Earth to the Sun is equivalent to 108 diameter of the sun.

108 - the number of minutes that the first human flight in space lasted.

The collection of sayings of the Buddha, consists of 108 volumes.

Buddhist rosary has 108 beads.

Hyperfactorial: 1 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 = 108
2 2
3 3 3

In most tantra and mantra practices, it is recommended to chant a certain amount of recitations or repetitions of actions. The highest of which is the number 108 once.

108 when adding numbers (1 + 0 + 8) is the number 9 - which symbolizes integrity. Why? Because if you multiply any number by 9, then the sum of the digits of that number will still be 9.

108 it is the product of 9 planets and 12 signs of the zodiac.

We drink and use in everyday life water, which consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. And what? The fact is that the angle between two hydrogen atoms with respect to the oxygen atom is 108 degrees, and the expansion of the volume of frozen water (liquid - ice) is 108%. In this case, the ratio of hydrogen bond lengths is 0.618, while 1 divided by the golden ratio (1.618) is exactly equal to 0.618.

To meet the number 108 is considered an auspicious sign.

According to Buddhist beliefs, a person is burdened 108 harmful worries that interfere with enlightenment, so the appropriate practice, performed so many times, is freed from each of them.

According to ancient texts, the universe is built from 108 elements. In the periodic table of chemical elements, their number is slightly more 108 .

108 - an unusual number, it opens the inner vision. Therefore, if a person 108 once he has heard about what he cannot see with his eyes, he begins to see it with his heart. The number 108 is in its own way the key to understanding the entire universe.
Number 108 in the Vedas it is considered the magic number of perfection and success. Having made 108 attempts in any kind of activity - training, repetitions, etc. - a person reaches a certain level of perfection. (Vyacheslav Ruzov)

In Islam, the number 108 used to refer to God.

In the human body there are 108 pain points.

108 - a sacred number in Buddhism, it symbolizes everything that exists.

Repeating information three times puts it in our temporary memory for reflection, but if we 108 once we repeat it, it will remain there forever.

The universe does not like to wait, it needs an immediate, permanent, moment-to-moment result! And such a result is reflected precisely in the number 108 .

In spiritual numerology, the number 108 - the number of endless, lightning-fast results that we achieve with any of our actions, regardless of the level of consciousness.

With gratitude, from various sources in the Internet!

108 x 108,

Hello, dear readers - seekers of knowledge and truth!

Anyone who is in any way connected with Eastern philosophy, and in particular with Buddhism, must have noticed that the number 108 is often found there. This is not accidental. And today we will find out what the number 108 means in Buddhism.

Today's article will help you figure out what this sacred number means, what it is connected with and why it pops up so often in. Onward, in search of answers!

Where is found

In the Buddhist tradition, and in all its directions, the number 108 can be called sacred. This can not be called a coincidence - judge for yourself. Many amazing things, events, patterns and phenomena are associated with the magic number, for example, it corresponds to:

  • The number of volumes in the anthology of the sayings of Buddha Shakyamuni - Kangyur.
  • The number of sinful passions and desires that stand in the way to. This figure consists of five sensory organs and consciousness, multiplied by three types of sensations: positive, negative and average. The resulting figure of eighteen is doubled because sensory experience leads to pleasure or moves away from it. Thirty-six must be multiplied by three possible times: past, present and future. Simple arithmetic indicates the sacred number 108 in the work.
  • The number of strokes on the bell during the service or.
  • The number of bows during penance prostration, which was common during the heyday of Chinese Chan Buddhism, which subsequently leaked into South Korea. Now prostrations are familiar to Korean laity firsthand, and the religious scripture “108 prostrations of repentance” is contained in poetic form.
  • That's how many beads they have. More precisely, there are only 109 beads, but the last of them is outside the general circle. Each circle of mantras is repeated 108 times, and the 109th bead represents the highest degree of mastery of practices.

It is interesting! Similar rosaries are used not only in Buddhist, but also in Hindu, Shinto, Vaishnava, Sikh, Zen rituals.

  • The number is also interesting from a mathematical point of view: multiplying the factorials of the digits 1,2 and 3, or the hyperfactorial, gives 108 in the product: 1*2*2*3*3*3=108
  • Sanskrit contains fifty-four letters, which in turn have a masculine and feminine expression, which adds up to 108.
  • It is believed that the chakras in human body exactly 108.

  • The body has the same number of points of pain.
  • In many monasteries and temples, exactly this number of stupas is installed.
  • Two more sacred numbers: five - corresponding to the number of natural primary elements - and seven - used to describe notes, colors of the rainbow, days of the week - form a total of twelve. Each lama can take only nine things with him on the road, which, in a work with twelve, again forms 108.
  • The magic of numbers is also associated with one of the favorite places of Buddhist pilgrims - the mountain of the Tibetan ridge. It has a kink of 108 degrees, and its northern foot bends at thirty and seventy-eight degrees (78+30=108).
  • In the life cycle of even an unborn child, a sacred figure takes place: a mother carries a child for nine months, and he can be born under one of the twelve constellations.

What does

The explanation of the mystery of the number 108 originates in several patterns that will help open your eyes to the reasons for such sacredness.

To begin with, let's analyze the number by components and consider from the height of the views of numerologists:

  • one - the beginning, the starting point, in some interpretations - the divine number, which indicates the singularity of God;
  • zero - nothing, emptiness, absence, abyss;
  • eight is infinity.

In a general sense, one hundred and eight personifies the birth, which leads to infinity through the void. One hundred and eight is a symbol of order, life, harmony, space.

All three numbers add up to nine, which in itself is also sacred.
Moreover: if you multiply nine with any number, the sum of the digits of the resulting product will again be equal to nine:

  • 22*9=198 1+9+8=18 1+8=9
  • 6*9=54 5+4=9
  • 10*9=90 9+0=9

Nine is the number of known planets, and twelve is the number of zodiac signs. Multiplying the numbers associated with the cosmos again leads to the number one hundred and eight.


One hundred and eight is an amazing number in world numerology. It carries within it positive energy, hides secrets behind itself and can be traced in many laws of science and philosophy. The Buddhist worldview is inseparable from this number, as the rosary is inseparable from the reading of mantras, and overcoming worldly desires is from the path to the highest goal.

Thank you very much for your attention, dear readers! May miracles and amazing discoveries never leave you.

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See you soon!

Many may know that there is such a sacred number in India. 108. Here is the sacred - and that's it. Many people who are fond of India include it in their nicknames and logins. But, speaking seriously, this number really plays a special role in a religious cult, various practices, and, finally, in the foundation of numerology. Let's try to figure out where it came from.

To begin with, let's find out what it is from a mathematical point of view, and how it is remarkable compared to, say, the "round" number 100. First, let's start with the fact that in Indian astrology - Jyotish - the number 108 is declared the sacred number of steps Shiva in the guise of the patron of the Sun, who passes a full circle in the sky in a year, making exactly so many steps.

What does it mean? Let's first see what divisors it has. Those who are at least a little familiar with Jyotish know that 108 is 4 times 27, where 27 is the number of Nakshatras, or Lunar stations (among the Arabs they are called Manazil, i.e. "houses"). Lunar parking is the sector of the sky that the Moon passes through the sky in one solar day. Its angular size is 13 degrees 20 minutes (on average). For certain astrological purposes, it is accepted that each such Nakshatra, which according to legend is the palace of one of the wives of the moon god Soma (aka Chandra), consists of four parts, or Pads. Each such pada has a size of 3 degrees 20 minutes of arc.

If you forget about the Sun for a moment, then you can figure out that the Moon passes a whole Nakshatra in a sunny day. In this case, the division of the parking lot into four parts initially had to correspond to the division of the day itself into 4 parts - morning, afternoon, evening and night. As we know, in the ordinary, light rites of the Vedas, intended for all people, three of these four periods were used - with the exception of the night. These are well-known facts, which, however, do not bring us closer to understanding the physical and astronomical origin of this piece of numerology (and we must remember that what in the later tradition is a mystical abstraction, initially always had a deeper, but more tangible and specific meaning).

Everyone knows that in all cultures in all ages, the Sun and the Moon were revered as the main Visible Gods - the givers of good for everyone. In almost all cultures, there was a similarity and some contrast between the Sun and the Moon. This is due to the astronomical fact that the angular size of the Sun averages 31.6-32.7 arc minutes (about half a degree), and the angular size of the Moon ranges from 29.3 to 34.1 arc minutes, but on average is equal to the same size. In simple terms, the Moon and the Sun are the same size for the human eye and, at the same time, are quite large. Is it a coincidence? After all, the Earth, together with the Moon, spinning very close, rushes around the Sun at a distance of 149 million kilometers. And the moon is much smaller than the sun. How did it happen that the Sun and the Moon accidentally, having absolutely incomparable sizes and being at completely different distances, have the same visible sizes for an earthling? Let's check.

First, let's take the size of the moon. The average diameter of the moon is 3,474.2 kilometers (the word "medium" simply means that the moon is a little oval, not round, but this is not noticeable to our eyes). The average distance from the Earth to the Moon is 384,399 km (it is also called in astronomy the "major axis of the ellipse"). If we divide the second number (the distance from the Earth to the Moon) by the first (from the Moon to the Earth), we get 110 kopecks. It may seem that we missed and are looking in the wrong place. But let's finish the job.

What are the dimensions of the Sun? 1,392,000 km (more than a million kilometers!). And we already know the average distance from the Earth to the Sun - this is 149,000,000 km. If we divide the distance from the Earth to the Sun by its diameter, then this time (according to modern data) we get 107. That is, a number that again differs from the SACRED NUMBER 108 we are studying by no more than 3%.

From these two observations, the following conclusion can be drawn. By a strange coincidence, our two Luminaries, by a strange coincidence, in an environment filled with other objects (planets - inside our solar system and stars - around, in the Galaxy), turned out to be located from the Earth all the time at such distances that are about 108 times greater than their own linear sizes. That is why they appear to us as having the same size. However, this is not all.

If this time we take the diameter of the Earth itself - and this is 12742 km - and divide by this value the diameter of the Sun (indicated earlier), then we again get 109, i.e. a value even less different from the sacred number. In other words, the diameter of the Earth is 108 times smaller than the Sun (the exact value is 109). The Moon is about 3.7 times smaller than the Earth. If rounded - then 4 times. Thus, although it seems that the ancients could not know the meaning of distances, it turns out that there is no chance here. Since it is very difficult to invent the number 108 from the ceiling. It doesn't have any special properties. As we can see, the number 108 is in our solar system should be the “Seal of Harmony”, because over the billions of years of its existence, the Earth, the Moon and the Sun began to move in such stable orbits that give the inhabitants of the Earth the feeling that it has two “suns” - Hot and Cool.

The most interesting thing is that the Sun and the Moon really have the maximum effect on the Earth - of all visible objects and bodies that are outside the Earth. About why these two Luminaries and other planets are considered "deities", you can read in the book of the author of this article called "Rediscovered Gods". And here we will summarize our thought: in the Universe there is harmony, manifested in the form of secular continuous and coordinated movement. This harmony is such that it indicates the presence of mind as a principle of order in the composition of matter itself. And this mind, of course, must be Universal. For thanks to him, each of us can comprehend the principles and laws of time and existence itself and, observing them, generate or restore harmony in ourselves.

Here is what I found about it on the internet. This is a compilation of links on demand, plus in some places I made my own additions, based on the statements I know. So...

Ordinary rosaries from the East, always consist of 108 beads. This number is found not only in the Hindu tradition, but also in the Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains and in almost any tradition that has its roots in India.

If you have ever been trained in mantra practice, you have probably been told that the mantra should be repeated at least 108 times a day, not 15 minutes a day. Why?

In Japan, the Zen Temple bell rings 108 times to announce the New Year. Obviously, this number has some meaning. But why isn't a rounded number used, like 100?

15,000 years ago, the influence of the Brahmins was so great that temples in honor of Vishnu and Shiva were built in each locality 108 times.
The first Vedic saints were famous mathematicians and actually invented our number system. As you know, the decimal system came to us from India. However, the same wise men who developed the decimal number system singled out the number 108 separately.

The number 108 was definitely singled out for one reason:108 represents all existence.And here are some arguments proving why this is so:

one). The number 9 represents wholeness, and the number 108 adds up to 9. 1+0+8 = 9.

Interestingly, multiplying ANY number 9 times, when summing all the numbers, you get 9! 1x9=9. 2x9=18. 1+8=9. 285x9=2565. 2+5+6+5=18. 1+8=9. 8543x9=76887. 7+6+8+8+7=36. 3+6=9.

The logic behind all of this is that the 9 represents wholeness or God and everything is God, tk. God is in everything!

2). 9 planets move through 12 signs and form the whole existence. 9 x 12 = 108

3). The 27 nakshatras or lunar constellations have 4 parts (padas) each. 27 nakshatras are also divided into 4 elements - fire, earth, air, water. This also structures the whole existence. 27 x 4 = 108

four). According to ancient texts, the universe is made up of 108 elements. In the periodic table of chemical elements, their number is slightly more than 108.

5). The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth (plus or minus a few miles).

6). The approximate distance from the Earth to the Sun is equivalent to 108 Suns aligned (plus or minus a few miles).

7). The approximate distance from the Earth to the Moon is equivalent to 108 Moons lined up (plus or minus a few miles).

From Wikipedia:
In mathematics
The average between two simple twins is 107 and 109.
Interior angle of a regular pentagon in degrees.
Included in the discriminant in the Cardano formula used in solving cubic equations.

in science
Hassium atomic number
The average speed of the Earth's rotation in an elliptical orbit around the Sun is almost 108,000 km/h (107.15). But as it approaches the sun, closer to perihelion, it reaches this value. The volume of the Earth is ~ 108∙1010 km3 (108.32073×1010). The distance from the Earth to the Sun 1.496 1011 m is equivalent to 108 diameters of the Sun 1.392 109 m, or to be exact - 107.5.

in religion
Sacred number in Buddhism:
Kangyur (Kanjur, Gandhur), a collection of sayings of the Buddha, consists of 108 volumes;
Buddhist rosary has 108 beads;
108 passions - based on the fact that a person has five types of sensations through the senses, plus consciousness. Each of these ways of understanding the world around us includes three sensations from sensory experience - pleasant, unpleasant and neutral. Total - 18=(5+1)*3. Let us double this number by the fact that each of these sensations either leads to bliss, or, on the contrary, repels one from it. We get the number 36. But since this experience exists in the past, present and future, we multiply 36 by 3. Total, (5 + 1) * 3 * 2 * 3 = 108 passions.

108 Prostrations of repentance

Sacred number in Hinduism:
108 names of Shiva
108 names of Vishnu
108 is the total number of gopis in Vrindavan
108 - the number of beads in the mala used to repeat mantras
108 blessed Polish martyrs

108 is a sacred number for all Buddhists, it symbolizes several concepts:
The number 108 connects 9 intrauterine months and 12 signs of the zodiac.

9 is an honored number, especially among the esotericists of Buddhism. Any lama can only have 9 items with him, setting off on a journey, and 12 symbolizes the seed (seven stars in the big dipper, seven days of the week. seven notes, seven colors, seven objects of ancient astrology for our Planetary Chain i.e. without Neptune and Uranus, but with the Sun…) and five (5 primary elements of nature).

108 is the sum of twelve nine months equal to 9 solar years and, constituting a full circle of conceptions and births, then repeated (from some particular point of departure) constantly from year to year in the same order. 108 primary elements located in 6 Buddhist worlds.

the number 108 + 1 = 109 has a meaning in Brahmanism 108 galaxies (including our solar system) + 1 is a symbol of the Creator God who created this system of 108 galaxies.

The number 9 coincides with the period of maturation of a person in the womb, but in fact it is a symbol of 9 "windows" in a person, a woman did not belong to the category "person" because she has many "windows" i.e. 10. The Chinese also have a calculus of "windows"
Bhagavad Gita can find a definition about women.
The number 7 symbolizes the number of planets that were known as symbols of time and the dominant planet is Saturn, its cyclic circle around the Sun is 29 years and 11 months, approximately 7 + - several months each, (see Kepler's tables, the author of Ephemirides) years Saturn is in one of signs of the 12 zodiac!

In mathematics:
The internal angle of a regular n-gon is 180o(n-2)/n.
In particular, in the "gold-bearing" pentagon it is 108o.
In this case, the value 2sin(108o/2) is exactly equal to the number of the golden ratio Ф = (√5+1)/2 ≈ 1.618.

Special properties are attributed due to the possibility of representing 108 in the form of a "magic triangle" (108 is obtained as a product of numbers):
2 2
3 3 3

The number 108 in the Vedas is considered a miraculous number of perfection and success. Having made 108 attempts (training, repetitions, etc.) in any kind of activity, a person reaches a certain level of perfection. And information about this is securely fixed in permanent memory and is stored throughout human life.
The number 108 clearly denotes something global and all-encompassing.
In the East, everywhere you look, in ceremonies and rituals, the number 108 is found every now and then:
In Islam, the number 108 is used to represent God.
In the Indian tradition, there are 108 forms of dance, and in hatha yoga there are 108 basic "asanas" (poses) of therapeutic yoga.
There are 108 pain points in the human body.
108 especially revered temples in India.
108 prayer cylinders are installed around the Bodhnath stupa in Kathmandu, which pilgrims go around 108 times, there are also 108 niches with deities.
In the precious necklaces of the gods - 108 strands of pearls, 108 stones.
In Japan, the Zen Temple bell rings 108 times to announce the New Year.
According to beliefs, a person has 6 main vices: greed, anger, stupidity, frivolity, indecision and greed. Each of the vices has 18 shades. As the bell strikes, there is a gradual purification from these vices,
Sacred number in Buddhism:
It symbolizes everything.
Canon Kanjur (collection of sayings of the Buddha) consists of 108 volumes.
In Buddhist temples, the bell is struck 108 times to overcome the 108 passions that prevent people from reaching Enlightenment.
The classical number of beads in a Buddhist rosary is 108 (sometimes there are others with divisors 108: 54, 27 or 18), which codifies certain provisions of the teaching.
They symbolize 108 kinds of desires that darken the spirit of a person and interfere with his path to enlightenment:
desires associated with the six senses: sight, touch, smell, taste, hearing and mind (6);
in relation to objects of the past, present and future (3);
to internal objects and external objects (2);
three ways of manifestation: in thoughts, in words and in deeds (3).
From here follow the canonical numbers of Buddhism: 6∙3 = 18; 18∙2 = 36; 36∙3 = 108.
It should be said that the rosary is not only a cult accessory.
In Buddhism, they also play the role of an object in which information related to the main philosophical and practical aspects of the Buddha's teaching is codified.
And they are such that Buddhism is reasonable and scientifically based, which greatly attracts the modern world.
The Buddha said, "Don't take anything I say for granted just out of respect for me, but check it out for yourself, investigate as if you were buying gold." Many people like this non-dogmatic approach.
“Now don't believe my words just because the Buddha said them, but check them properly. Be your own light."
Modern science has learned that the number 108 prevails in the Sun-Earth system:
The average speed of the Earth's rotation in an elliptical orbit around the Sun is almost 108,000 km/h (107.15). But as it approaches the sun, closer to perihelion, it reaches this value.
The volume of the Earth is ~ 108∙1010 km3 (108.32073×1010).
The distance from the Earth to the Sun 1.496 1011 m is equivalent to 108 diameters of the Sun 1.392 109 m, or to be exact - 107.5.
The diameter of the Sun is approximately equal to 108 + 1 diameters of the Earth (1.274 107 m).
108 min is the flight time around the Earth in the most stable orbit. It was this time of Gagarin's flight that brought a person to the next level of understanding of reality.
One of the first explanations can be seen in the possible admiration of ancient calculators for a certain "universality" of the number 108.
So, according to Plato, a number equal to half of 108 is obtained by adding the following numbers: one (1); the first two full numbers (2, 3); two square numbers (4, 9); two cubic (8, 27) - total: 54 = 1+(2+3)+(4+9)+(8+27) = 108/2.
Of course, there is some invisible "spring reason" in the widespread use of the number 108. It simply cannot be that it was chosen purely by chance or "appointed" by some high priest"by order", forcing everyone to worship this number.
A kind of constant for the universe.

The main thing in my opinion in the mystery of the number 108 is expressed in its "geometry":
The number of the 3rd section is directly related to the internal angle of 108 degrees.
regular pentagon.
The length of the opposite side of an isosceles triangle opposite an angle of 108 degrees will be related to its other sides according to the golden ratio.

The number 108 establishes a connection between a continuous arc and a discrete degree measure.

The numerous and varied properties of the number 108 indirectly confirm this, and it can be assumed that the worship of the number 108 is a premonition of the mathematical phenomenon of the "golden section".

By the way, I forgot to mention one more interesting statement. The main cycle of human existence is connected by a 60-year cycle, which owes its existence to 12 reasons for being and 5 elements of manifestation.
At the time when a person reaches the age of 60, he experiences his nidana - the cause of birth, already having a baggage of life impressions and experiences. According to Kalachakra, at the age of 60, the consciousness of a person in this stream of Tanha (immersion in the cycle of birth and death) has already existed for 108 years. Of these, 48 years before birth

108 is a mystical number from Vedic numerology, more specifically from Vedic culture. The Vedic culture is the oldest on the planet and has thousands of different scriptures from various spheres of life: religion, economy, society, family, health, life, self-knowledge. The number 108 in the Vedas is considered the magic number of perfection and success.

Having made 108 attempts in any kind of activity: training, repetitions, etc., a person reaches a certain level of perfection. This is due to the fact that human memory consists of two parts: temporary and permanent. Temporary memory is designed for short-term storage of information during the period while an action is being performed, permanent memory stores information throughout our lives. By repeating a long number, for example, your phone number 108 times, information about it is forever placed in the internal memory. For this reason, the classic rosary consists of 108 beads, so the prayer repeated 108 times on them becomes part of a permanent memory.

The number 108, like any other physical phenomenon, can be analyzed using additional Pythagorean numerology numbers. According to the method of numerological calculation, the digital record of this number will be written as:

The basis of the number 108 is 7.7
The purpose of the number 108 is 9.9

The number 7 in the square of Pythagoras means: luck, success, changing the world, knowledge of the world and nature, creativity, world knowledge, understanding, etc. The number 9 means what is in the mind or in other words: memory, experience. In this example
7.7 - will mean - changing the world or successfully influencing the world;
9.9 - fixing what is seen or heard in the subconscious.

The effect of influencing the human mind, with repeated repetition, is used in almost all areas of human life, from advertising to education and training. It is known that the maximum effect in advertising is achieved when it is shown at least 100 times. 108 repetitions, translate what is seen or heard into the subconscious. Seeing the advertised item in the store, we get an incentive to make a purchase, since the image of this item or the name of the brand makes us trust it.

The completed Pythagorean table shows that in order to activate the magical influence of the number 108, minimum number skills and abilities: no need to have energy (2), means and skills of work (3), health or strength (4), intuition (5), manual skills (6). In the matrix, this number activates the line of determination (1.77) and the line of talent (77, 8, 99).

Astrology has penetrated into the nature of the East in very curious forms. The arrival of the New Year in a number of Eastern countries is associated with a rather strange, at first glance, sacred number. This is the number 108! In Japan, the coming of the New Year was announced by 108 strokes of the bell, reaching at midnight from the temples. Now the bell ringing is broadcast on radio and television. According to Japanese beliefs, a person has 6 main vices: 1) greed; 2) anger; 3) stupidity; 4) frivolity; 5) indecision; 6) greed. Each of the vices has 18 shades. As the bell strikes, a gradual cleansing of these vices takes place, the field of which is supposed to immediately lie down and sleep until dawn. Something similar is happening in China. “In rich Beijing houses, at the moment when the head of the family began to bow to the stars, 108 bowls were lit at once on the sacrificial table and around it. East Asia. New Year" (M.: Nauka, 1985). - On the one hand, it brings to mind the "108 passions and delusions" or "108 strikes on the bell" in the Buddhist tradition (...). On the other hand, it is equal to the sum 12 months, 24 half-month periods (qi) and 72 five-day periods (hou) in the Chinese lunar year..." In Mongolia, a special musical instrument, "gandi", was used to call lamas to serve on New Year's Eve, a four-sided log of red sandalwood, with a carved image of a frog at the ends. Calling lamas on a log was a special herald. He beat 3 times for one and 3 times for 36 blows. That is - 3 and 108. Again - 108.

Number 108. The most perfect number. Success Numerology.

Fans of mysticism, among the occult sciences ("occultus" - secrets, secret) highly revered numerology, that is - divination by numbers (however, this has nothing to do with the "Theory of Numbers" in mathematics). Some numbers have long been considered by many peoples as sacred, magical, symbolically reflecting and embodying some secret of nature. There are, for example, many uses of the outwardly simple number "two" (2), these are all kinds of "binars" and "dinars": top-bottom, right-left, light-darkness, day-night, man-woman and so on. The "Trinity" (3) is also used: top-middle-bottom, right-center-left and so on, as, say, in religions - the "Holy Trinity": in Christianity - God the Father, God the Son, God Holy Spirit, in Hinduism - Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, etc. Turning to the number four, to the "tetrad" (4), we can recall the number of elements of ancient philosophers (Fire-Water, Air-Earth), the cross, 4 cardinal points, 4 seasons, 4 times of the day, squares and kuyy, simple and "magic" etc. The number five, "pentad" (5) is very widely used among Asian peoples (the principle of "U-Sin" - five). Five are: 1) 5 elements of the Ancient East (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water); 2) 5 colors(Blue, Red, Yellow, White, Black); 3) 5 planets of Eastern astrology (Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus, Mercury), etc. There is also a magic six (6): 6 pairs of zodiac signs opposite in properties, 6 sides of a cube, 6 axes in a Cartesian coordinate system, etc. In addition, 6 = 2 x 3. There is also a "magic" seven (7): 7 main (visible) "lights" in Western astrology, and hence other sevens, these planets "corresponding": 7 notes, 7 rainbow colors, etc. There are eight, nine, ten. Three times four - the product of two "magic" numbers, giving at least a "magic" dozen (12), dividing, for example, a circle (cycle) into 12 sectors, and hence giving 12 months, 12 two-hour eastern "hours" and so on, other, other. Each number thus connects in very logical chains (where the number of chains is equal to the number) many factors of nature, forming a kind of 12-ary, 7-ary, 5-ary matrices, with which it is very interesting and useful to work with everyone, from inventor to philosopher, and dream up and predict. However, this is still a topic for a separate discussion. Now we are interested in the fact that among this ingenuous, quite accessible for our understanding numerical "gathering", all of a sudden, like a white crow, a completely restless, incomprehensible number suddenly hovers and looms with its strange figure. The number is one hundred and eight. But, why - 108?! When Empress Dowager Cixi died in China on November 15, 1908, among the many rituals performed by her servants and relatives, there were rituals with the number 108: peaches, pears, apricots, melons and other fruits made from jade, as well as on both sides placed 108 gold and jade buddhas. Again - 108. Let's try to analyze, figure it out, and ... as always, put forward our own version!

Number 108. The most perfect number. Success Numerology.

One of the first explanations can be looked for in entertaining mathematics, in the possible admiration of ancient calculators before the limiting "universality" of the number 108. By the way, 108 is ... the famous "psychogony" of the philosopher Plato, so not really understood neither in antiquity, nor in the Middle Ages, nor in our time: "According to Plato's calculations, the desired number, equal to half of 108, is obtained by adding the following numbers: one (1); the first two full numbers (2, 3); two square numbers (4, 9); two cubic (8, 27) - total: 54 ..." One of the explanations is tried to be found in the product of the initial basic "magic" numbers: 1 x (2x2) x (3x3x3) = 108. These numbers, being placed one above the other, form a "magic" triangle (see below). "One way or another, but if there is some rational grain in the veneration of this number, then it is still hidden from us in the esoteric encryption of ancient Indian texts," wrote the historian N. Zhukovskaya (f. "Science and Religion", 1985.3). "Esoteric" means secret, hidden, intended only for initiates (in religious and magical rituals). But it is unlikely that many secrets can be contained in such a triangle, or even a symbolic one. The number 108 clearly denotes something global, "universal", all-encompassing. How, otherwise, to understand what is in the East, everywhere, wherever you look, in ceremonies and rituals, you sometimes meet the number 108, 108, 108 ...? In India, in hatha yoga (Ha and Tha - the Sun and the Moon) there are 108 basic "asanas" (poses) of therapeutic yoga. In China, some schools of "zhn-jiu" claim that there are only 108 main points of therapeutic acupuncture and moxibustion. Among Buddhists, a rosary, touched during prayers, with 108 grains (or a multiple of 54, 27) is common. Indians offer a necklace of 108 seeds of the sacred tree "rudra-ksha" as a sacrifice to Shiva. The famous book of religious hymns "Rigveda" contains 108 hundred verses. In other ancient treatises on the ethics of sex, the number 108 is mentioned in connection with the positions of sexual intercourse, 108 "kinds of love." In the precious necklaces of the gods - 108 strands of pearls, 108 stones. And so on. There is some reason for the massive use of the number 108. It cannot be that 108 was chosen purely by chance, "appointed" by some high priest, "by order" to force everyone to worship this number.

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