What does it mean a person has had a class hour. Class hour "What does it mean to be a real person? Class hour "Be a Man, a Man!"



  • Contribute to the formation of a moral and ethical culture, positive character traits; bring children to the understanding that the conscious improvement of a person is a good deed.


  • Develop the ability to communicate with people, analyze your actions and evaluate them; the ability to make choices consciously.


  • Foster mutual respect, kindness, politeness; moral responsibility for one's actions.

Equipment: green and red cards for the game; cards “heart”, “crybaby”, “indifference”; individual cards.

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Introductory part.

Class hour let's start now

And we'll have a conversation

About important words

Dear, brave,

Labor and strict,

Modest and poor.

I am a man! Can everyone on Earth say that about themselves?

Before answering this question, tell me, what, besides external signs, should a person have? ( a person must have good and pure thoughts, good character qualities, a kind and loving heart, an educated mind, he must do good deeds, a person must be humane)

M.M. Prishvin wrote wise words about the importance of what you just said: “Everything beautiful on earth comes from the sun, everything good comes from man.”

The beauty of nature exists thanks to the warmth and light of the sun, and everything good that exists on Earth was created by good people. Bad things are done by bad people who are not worthy to bear the proud title of man. People, when they want to encourage someone to become better, say: “Be a person!” (“Become human!”). That is, they call for you to manifest everything that you talked about. Thus, we call a person not a body, not an external appearance, but that inner world, that inner person, which we do not see, but which manifests itself in everything that a person does.

Let’s answer the question: can everyone say to themselves “I am a human being!” ( no, only those who are kind, have a loving heart, good character qualities)

Tell me, what will we talk about during the class hour, what topic will it be on? ( about the need to help those who are in difficulty; about the ability to make friends; respectful attitude towards elders; about kindness and a loving heart; about politeness; about performing noble deeds without demanding anything in return).

That is, we will try to answer the question: what does it mean to be... ( a real person). This will be the topic of our class hour. We will talk about those human qualities that help each of us make friends, find mutual understanding, and become a real person.

Doesn't come cheap

Happiness on difficult roads.

What good have you done?

How have you helped people?

This measure will measure

All earthly works.

Maybe he grew a tree

Are you in your city?

Or under the snow powder

Are you saving someone's life?

Doing good things for people -

Make yourself look better!

If you like the class today, you will take something useful and necessary for yourself, pick up a card with a heart; if not, then a crybaby. And whoever remains indifferent is an empty piece of paper.

2. Main part.

To do good to people, you must first of all be a polite person, because... “Politeness” is one of the most important qualities of a well-mannered person. Until the 16th century, “vezha” meant “expert”; this is someone who knows the rules of decency and the form of expressing good attitude towards people. Sometimes guys behave rudely; it seems to them that in these cases they are acting like independent, independent and almost adult people. Listen to A.L. Barto’s poem “Confession” and say what rules of politeness can be learned from it.

1 student

Come find out, come understand,

He all in one unfortunate day

Almost brought me to tears.

His name is - he stands like a stump,

It's like he's grown into the ground.


Be careful, don't drink raw water,

A neighbor advises.

One glass, then another

Andryusha drinks in response.

Come find out, come understand,

What happened to the guy about eight years old?


Will you come for lunch at 3 o'clock, -

His mother told him.

He muttered: - I know myself,

And he showed up at 5.

Well, what's wrong with you, Andryushenka?

And the son confessed to her:

When I don't listen to you

I look more mature.

Guys, do we have people like Andryushka in our class?

Children:- No.

(Study gets up and says):- Maybe I should be like Andryushka?

Children: - Egor, be human!

Guys, what rules of politeness can you name after listening to this poem? ( no need to be rude; don't cause trouble, don't offend anyone; be attentive to people). Can the author A.L. Barto be called a real person? ( Yes; after all, through the example of other children, she teaches us to be attentive to others, listen to the advice of elders, and do only good deeds).

1slide- So, let’s read the rules of politeness in unison.

* Be attentive to people.

*Don't be rude.

* Do not cause trouble or offense to others.

A disrespectful attitude towards people is a sign of poor upbringing. Not only boys, but also girls are ill-mannered, angry, and rude to their parents, their comrades, and complete strangers. Listen to A.L. Barto’s poem “Lyubochka” and tell me what kind of person you need to be?


Who doesn't know Lyubochka? Everyone knows Lyuba.

The girls will gather in a circle at the holiday.

How Lyubochka dances! Best of all friends!

Both the skirt and the ribbon in the braid are spinning.

Everyone looks at Lyubochka, everyone is happy.

But if you come to this Lyubochka’s house,

There you will hardly recognize this girl.

She screams from the doorway and announces as she goes:

I have a lot of lessons, I won’t go for bread!

Lyubochka is riding on a tram - she doesn’t take a ticket.

Pushing everyone apart with his elbows, he makes his way forward.

She says pushing: - Ugh! How cramped!

She says to the old woman: “These are children’s places.”

Well, sit down,” she sighs.

Blue skirt, ribbon in a braid.

This is Lyubochka in all her glory.

Sometimes girls can be very rude

Although they are not necessarily called Lyubs.

Guys, do we have people like Lyubochka in our class?

Children:- No.

(the student gets up and says):- Maybe I can be like Lyubochka?

Children: - Egor, be human.

Guys, what kind of person should you be? ( be hardworking and responsive; help kids, respect elders; do not insult people; help those who find it difficult).

Slide 2:- Let’s read it in chorus, remember it and be the same.

* Help someone who is having a hard time.

* Be hardworking and sympathetic.

* Respect your elders, help your kids.

* Do not insult people either in word or deed.

Respect your elders, your comrades. What is respect? (a friendly attitude towards a person). Respecting a person means:

* be ready to help him;

* talk politely;

* sit at the same desk in class;

* play together during breaks;

Now let’s play a little and find out your knowledge of the magic words. Think about what conclusion can be drawn? We answer in unison.

Game "Dictionary of magic words".

  1. Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word...( Thank you).
  2. The old tree stump will turn green when it hears...( Good afternoon).
  3. If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom …(Thank you).
  4. A polite and developed boy speaks while meeting …(Hello).
  5. When you are scolded for pranks, say...( sorry, please).
  6. In both France and Denmark they say goodbye...( Goodbye).

What conclusion can be drawn? ( always be polite).

Let's read in chorus. 3 Slide

* Be polite in word and deed.

Guys, do we have children in our class who don’t know magic words?

Children:- No.

(Study gets up and says):- Can I be such a person?

Children:- Egor, be a polite person.

Tell me, can a polite person be evil?

Children:- No.

Why? (learn the answers).

Of course not. After all, politeness is real when it is sincere, natural, which means it is next to kindness, a friendly attitude towards each other, towards all living things. It’s not for nothing that the Russian folk proverb says, “It’s good for those who have a good heart.” After all, kindness helps people live.


It’s not at all easy to be kind,

Kindness does not depend on height.

Kindness does not depend on color.

Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.

Kindness does not age over the years,

Kindness will warm you from the cold.

If kindness shines like the sun,

Adults and children rejoice.


Thin threads circled the earth

Threads of parallels and green rivers.

Reach out your hand, reach out your hand

Warm with a word, caress with a glance,

A good joke even melts snow.

A gloomy person will become kind and cheerful.

Guys, do we have angry, rude children in our class?

Children:- No.

(the student gets up and says):- Could I be like this?

Children:- Egor, be a kind person.

Slide 4:

  • Be kind.
  • “Sow what is reasonable, good, eternal...” - the poet N.A. Nekrasov once said. These words can be a great motto for you.
  • Give joy and smiles. Let's now smile at each other and sing V. Shainsky's wonderful song “Smile”.

The song “Smile” is performed.

To do good, you must first of all possess it. Each person has their own path to kindness. It is not given to us from birth, it is not inherited. You must try hard, day after day, to cultivate kindness in yourself. Kindness begins with loving people. Breathe in with your heart, do not lose the joy of love, the power of goodness.

5 slide:


Good people, nothing will cool us down,

And don’t slam open doors.

We will be kind, and the world will be kinder,

We will be kind, and life will be kinder.

Perform a miracle, extend your hand.

A person must believe in friendship.

It's so wonderful to be with you

The unfamiliar gloomy man smiled.

Having done good, enjoy the fact that another person feels good and comfortable. “They don’t seek good from good,” says a Russian folk proverb. It would be good to learn to sincerely give kindness, without expecting any benefit or response. If you learn this, you are a real person.

3. Final part.

Now let’s check how much you have learned and how much you remember the rules of a well-mannered real person. I will name the situation, and you will determine whether the actions in it were polite, well-mannered or not. If yes, raise the green card; if no, raise the red card. We work in pairs.

Game "Polite - Impolite."

  • Say rude words.
  • To offend the little ones.
  • Play with your younger sister or brother.
  • Say hello when you meet.
  • Push, don't apologize.
  • Help an elderly person cross the road.
  • Pay for travel on the bus.
  • Wash the dishes at home, go to the store.
  • Complain about others.
  • Do not give up your seat on the bus to an adult.
  • Say “thank you.”

Well done, they have learned the rules of good manners well. But should a real person only be polite, kind, and good? (study answers)

Remember the work of S.Ya. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero”. Who is this work about? (about a simple guy who saved a girl during a fire)

Why does the author call him a hero? (having seen the fire, he rushed to the aid of a complete stranger; he suddenly appeared and disappeared the same way, without expecting gratitude or beautiful words addressed to him; not everyone is capable of this)

What can you say about this guy? What is he like? ( brave, daring, modest)

So what should a real person be like? There are pieces of paper in front of you, underline the words that characterize a real person ( ind. Job) Examination 6 slide.

What are you like in life? Give examples of your current actions? (study answers)

I wish each of you to grow up to be a good, polite, kind, real person.

7 slide:

8 students

Wherever the wind blows, so will the clouds.

An obedient river flows along the bed.

But you are human, you are strong and brave.

Make your destiny with your own hands.

Go against the wind, don't stand still.

Understand that there is no easy road.

Now they don’t trust miracles as much as before.

Don’t hope for a miracle, command your own destiny.

In the suffocation of cities in our troubled age

Feel the breath of nature

A real person is capable

In love with a state of freedom.

A real person is not rich in money,

He doesn’t know how to see an idol in them.

The treasures of the soul are his priceless treasure,

Which will never become scarce.

A real person knows how to give

And that’s why he becomes richer.

A real person will not lose heart

Solving complex problems in life.

A real person only does good deeds,

Rejecting petty passions.

A real person cannot do evil.

And that’s why I wish everyone happiness.

I would like to know your opinion. If you liked the class hour and learned a lot of useful things for yourself, then pick up a card with a heart. If not, then a crybaby. And whoever remained indifferent to what we talked about is an empty piece of paper. 8 slide(small conversation about choice).

I want to thank you for listening and trying to understand what you heard, for your help. When I say “thank you” ( on the board “I give thanks”), this means that I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart. Try to thank people for all the good things they do to you. I hope that each of you will be a real person and give only joy to those around you.

Slide 9:

I would like to end the class hour with the words of the great Russian writer K. G. Paustovsky “A person must be smart, simple, fair, brave and kind. Only then does he have the right to bear this high title - man.”

Literature used.

T.V. Volkova “The Science of Being Human”, Volgograd, 2008. (materials for classroom hours grades 1-4).

  1. I.V. Persidskaya, G.A. Fonova, N.V. Lobodina and others, “Classroom hours in elementary school,” 2007.
  2. O.E. Zhirenko, E.V. Lapina, T.V. Kiseleva “I am a citizen of Russia” (class hours on civic and patriotic education).
  3. S.Ya. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero” (excerpt).
  4. Y.L.Barto “Lyubochka” (excerpt).

Class hour in 2nd grade

Subject: “What kind of person can be called cultured?”

Goals: 1. Educational: the ability to form a moral and ethical culture, positive character traits; 2. Developmental: develop the ability to communicate with people;

3. Educational: instill in children the need to be a cultured person;

Form: cool hour.

Class: 2

Progress of the class hour.

Organizational point:

Teacher: Hello, guys! We begin our conversation on, in my opinion, an important topic. Today we will talk about politeness, about ethics, about treating people kindly. I would like you to be active and speak your mind.


- Guys, before the start of our lesson, I invite everyone to come to the board and make a small circle.

Guys, I suggest you play the game “Impulse of Good”. To play, let's stand up and hold hands. Look at each other, feel the warmth of the hand of the person standing next to you. Smile at everyone. After all, you want to smile back at another person’s smile. Thank you!

Is it difficult to be kind?

Do you think a cultured person is kind?

Now let's create an image of a cultured person (on the board there is a graphic image of a person in the middle, situational pictures; pictures with words).

Well done.


- And now, at the present time, what kind of person can be called cultured?

- Where and how does a person acquire his first etiquette skills? Who can tell me what etiquette is? (Etiquette translated from French is the rules of cultural behavior that every person needs to know).

- Is a child born polite and well-mannered?

- What do you need to do to be considered polite?

- Is it good to be polite or is it something to be ashamed of?

Okay guys.

What does it mean to be a cultured person?

- (this means observing the rules of cultural behavior).

Do you want to be cultured people?

(Children answer in the affirmative).

Now, guys, pay attention to the board (students must correctly match the pictures that relate to a cultured person and not to a cultured one).

Students come to the board.

So, a cultured person is a person who knows and follows the rules of behavior and knows etiquette.

Work in groups “Problematic issues”

- Guys, the rules of cultural behavior are called etiquette. There are a lot of etiquette rules: there are rules of behavior at the table, at a party, at the theater, at work. In this regard, I have several questions for you. They will answer in groups.

First group: Why is it uncivil to walk on the sidewalks in a crowd?

(This is disrespect for people walking towards you: the crowd blocks the entire sidewalk and interferes with the oncoming traffic of people).

Second group: Why is it uncivil to talk loudly and laugh in public places?

(This is disrespectful to others: they may be in a completely sad mood, and your laughter may irritate them).

Third group: Why is it uncivil to litter on the streets?

(This is disrespectful to the work of janitors and to other people who are unpleasant to see garbage).

Fourth group: Why is it uncivil to talk with your mouth full and wave your fork at the table?

(This is disrespect for others, since you can hit a person with a fork).

Summing up.

Let's summarize our practical part of the class hour.

Respect is earned by the person who, following the established rules and norms of behavior, does not forget that the main thing is not only what he does, but also how he does it, in what form. Be kind and sensitive to people. Help people in word, deed and deed. After all, everyone is pleased to deal with a kind, cultured, educated, polite person.

(Cards are distributed where students must indicate their mood after class.)

Class hour “Successful person. Who is he?

Target: introduce students to the concept of success, a successful person; reveal the qualities necessary for a successful person.


Fostering a desire for self-improvement, determination, and self-realization.


regulatory AUD: stages in the implementation of the class hour;

cognitive UUD: working with the information received during the conversation, extracting useful information from it, to realize the image of a successful person;

personal educational skills: self-education and self-organization skills;

communicative: the ability to hear and listen, conduct a discussion, draw conclusions and conclusions.

Type of lesson: round table.

Progress of the class hour

Good afternoon

I am glad to welcome you all.

Guys, do you have any hobbies? Tell us about them.

Have you achieved success in your business?

Children's answers.

What is success? I associate the word success with the word happiness. And happiness is always sun, warmth, care. Therefore, our word success will be in the form of the sun, from which rays will emanate.

What words do you associate this word with?










Well done!

We talked about what success is. We identified the components of success. If a person has all these qualities, then what kind of person is he?

Children's answers.

Well done! Fine!

The topic of our class hour is “Successful person. What is he like?

Now let's watch the video clip and answer the question: What is a successful person like?


Have you seen a successful person here?

Is this the first time you’ve seen this person or have you already heard of him?

What qualities does he have?

Children's answers

Did he come to this success easily?

Can you name people around you who have achieved success?

Student answers.

Success is different for each person, and what is a sign of success for one person will not necessarily mean success for another. Everything is in your hands.

Video "Everything is in your hands."

Do you agree with this statement?

Children's answers

Do you think it really all depends on you?

Do you want to be successful?

Let's stand in a circle and create an image of a successful person.

I will start first, and you will express your wishes to your classmates with the same phrase as me, adding to it the quality of a successful person.

In order for you to be successful, I wish you to be happy...

So we have the sun of a successful person.





I would really like you to be successful people in this life!



Target class hour: introduce students to the concept of success, a successful person; reveal the qualities necessary for a successful person.

At the beginning of the class hour, a problematic question was posed, to which the children gave an answer.

(easy, slow, intense, with someone’s help, independently).

The next stage was watching a video clip about Roshal, and based on what they saw, the students answered the question I posed.

The next stage of the conversation is about people around the students who have achieved success.

During the conversation, we came up with the formula “EVERYTHING IS IN YOUR HANDS.”

We turned to the video based on the famous parable.

We ended the class hour with reflection using elements of the training.

There was a favorable atmosphere in the class, the children were friendly, active, and frank.

The set goals have been achieved.

“Class hour in 4th grade Class hour in 4th grade “What does it mean to be a good person?” Goal: 1. Formation of ethical standards and rules of behavior in society. 2. Correction of the emotional-volitional sphere on...”

Class hour in 4th grade

Class hour in 4th grade “What does it mean to be a good person?”


1. Formation of ethical norms and rules of behavior in society.

2. Correction of the emotional-volitional sphere based on exercises in choosing between what is easier and what needs to be done when building relationships with other people.

3. Consolidating the idea of ​​moral behavior in society.

Progress of the lesson

1.Introductory conversation.

The topic of our class hour is “What does it mean to be a good person?” The answer to this question is already written on the board: “It’s difficult to be a human being. Becoming Human is a lot of work.” - said the poet E. Mezhelaitis. The word "Man" is capitalized, but this is not a mistake. A man with a capital M is a truly good person. But if it is difficult to be good, then why be good? And how to distinguish good from bad? We will answer these questions in today's lesson.

A small, defenseless man was born. He still doesn’t know anything and can’t do anything. But everyone loves him. Valentin Berestov's poem is about this.

They love you for no special reason:

Because you are a grandson,

Because you are a son,

Because baby

Because you are growing,

Because he looks like mom and dad.

And this love until the end of your days

It will remain your faithful support.

But a person grows, learns to speak, walk, do something. He learns to communicate first with his parents, and then with other people in kindergarten, at school, on the street and in other places. And therefore, what actions he commits, what he does, we can say he is a bad person or a good one. After all, a person is judged by his deeds and actions.

But a little person does not always know which actions and deeds are bad and which are good. He still needs to be taught this. He is taught, first of all, by his parents, teachers, educators and his comrades. Books teach this too. This is the answer to the question of what is good and what is bad, given by the poet V.V. Mayakovsky.

2.Reading text

The little son came to his father, and the little one asked: - What is good and what is bad? - I have no secrets, - listen, kids, - I’ll put my dad’s answer in the book. - If the wind tears the roof, if there’s hail, - everyone knows - this is bad for walking. The rain fell and passed. The sun is in the whole world. This is very good for both adults and children. If the son is blacker than night, dirt lies on his face, it is clear that this is very bad for the child’s skin. If a boy loves soap and tooth powder, this the boy is very nice, he does well. If a crappy fighter beats a weak boy, I don’t even want to put this in the book. This one shouts: - Don’t touch those who are smaller! - This boy is so good, it’s a sight to see! If you tore the book and the ball in a row, they say: he’s a bad boy. If a boy loves work, points his finger at a book, they write about him here: he’s a good boy. The little one ran away from the crow, groaning. This boy is just a coward. This is very bad. This one, even though he’s an inch tall, argues with the formidable a bird. A brave boy, well, he will come in handy in life. This one got into the mud and is glad that his shirt is dirty. They say about this one: he is bad, a slob. This one cleans his felt boots, washes his galoshes himself. Although he is small, he is quite good. Remember this every son. Know every child: his son will grow up to be a pig, if the son is a pig, the boy went joyfully, and the baby decided: “I will do well, and I will not do bad.”

While reading the poem, cards are attached to the board with bad or good qualities of a person written on them in accordance with the passage read.


Clean Dirty

Defender Brawler

Hardworking Hooligan

Brave Coward

Preppy Slob

Let us discuss what you need to be to be considered a good person.

Learning to be kind, fair, and do good deeds is difficult. But we must help our friends make the right decisions, act in such a way as not to harm ourselves and other people.

3. Let's read short stories describing conflict situations. At the end of the story there is a question to which you must answer.

1.Text of the story

“Anna Ivanovna had been retired for a long time, but still worked as a technician at school. Thanks to her efforts, the floor was always clean and comfortable. And now, having done her business, she walked along the corridor and looked with her master's eye to see if everything was in order. Suddenly Anna Ivanovna saw dirty footprints on the floor that led to the sixth grade. She entered the classroom and saw Alyosha Smirnov, who was sitting at his desk in dirty shoes. He never changed his shoes because he was too lazy to do so. Anna Ivanovna asked him to change his shoes and clean up the dirt behind him. But Alyosha rudely replied that it was her responsibility to wash the floors and she was paid money for it. The old woman silently left the class. All the guys heard this conversation, but no one supported Alyosha. They were ashamed of their classmate's action. They decided to talk to Alyosha."

2.Text of the story

“During the lesson, the guys read the story and prepared to answer questions about the text. Teacher Natalya Sergeevna asked the first question, and all the guys raised their hands in unison. Vasya really wanted to be asked first. He stretched his hand higher than everyone else, shook it, and tried in every possible way to attract the teacher’s attention. But Natalya Sergeevna looked at him sternly and asked the quiet girl Zhenya. Vasya frowned, slammed the textbook noisily and showed with all his appearance that he was offended. And when the teacher asked him, Vasya refused to answer. The next day he also behaved at the reading. The lesson is over. Natalya Sergeevna let all the guys go, and asked Vasya to stay and talk.”

Do situations like this happen in our class?

Tell us how you help your comrades correct their mistakes.

Is it difficult to get rid of bad habits?

4. Let's guys test ourselves. Do we know how to make the right decisions in a difficult situation? We are now going to play the game “Tricks from a Barrel”.

Texts of "troubles"

“There was a boy in the class who was misunderstood and rejected. Nobody wanted to be friends with him. What advice would you give to your classmates?”

"Sunday. There is an interesting film on TV. But your mother asked you to urgently go to the store for bread. What will you do?

“The boy in the dining room during afternoon tea chose the largest apple and put it next to his plate. What can you say about the boy?

“Your classmate smokes. He needs money for cigarettes. You saw how he took 100 tenge from a first-grader. Your actions"

5.Situation 1:

Mom says to Natasha every day:

– My dear daughter, as soon as school is over, go home immediately, I need help in the garden.

“Mom, but the guys from the class want us to play a little together after school,” Natasha answers.

“You don’t have time to play, you need to hurry home,” says the mother.

What do you recommend? (Natasha and mom.)

Situation 2:

Sasha and mom went to the store. Mom was shopping, and Sasha was looking at the chocolates displayed in the window. He really wanted chocolate Santa Claus.

- Mom, buy me Santa Claus.

“I can’t, son, there’s not enough money left.”

“What an unkind mother you are,” said Sasha and was very offended.

– Return your thoughts to the situations you have analyzed and say: Is it easy to be kind? (hard, you have to learn this).

How should you behave towards loved ones?

6. Assignment I read out a list of qualities that you must distribute into two columns: in one column write down the qualities that you consider good, in the other - bad.

Accuracy, carelessness, attentiveness, pride, rudeness, caring, isolation, vindictiveness, sincerity, capriciousness, slowness, persistence, indecisiveness, touchiness, sociability, responsiveness, suspicion, irritability, restraint, compassion, patience, haste, cowardice, selfishness.

There are qualities on this list that are neither good nor bad. Try to find them and name them. (Hurry, slowness, isolation, sociability). In what cases are these qualities useful and in what cases are they harmful? Give examples.

Emphasize the qualities that you notice in yourself.

Which qualities were more difficult to recognize as “yours” – positive or negative?

7. Game “Polite-impolite.”

Say rude words.

To offend the little ones.

Play with your younger sister or brother.

Say hello when you meet.

Push, don't apologize.

Help an elderly person cross the road.

Pay for travel on the bus.

Wash the dishes at home, go to the store.

Complain about others.

Do not give up your seat on the bus to an adult.

Say “thank you.”

Task 8 “How developed are your skills?”

Useful skills Always Often Rarely Never

I'll see it through to the end

I'm hard on myself

I can overcome difficulties

I know how to manage time

I take into account the opinions of others

I'm a man of my word

Swap papers with your desk neighbor. Rate each other by putting your own rating next to his (just not according to the principle “you - to me, I - to you”). Compare your ratings with the ratings your neighbor gave you. Are you satisfied with these ratings? How honestly did you evaluate your friend? Maybe you were afraid to upset him? Or vice versa? Who rated you more harshly: your neighbor or yourself?

9. Final part.

In fact, there are no only bad or only good people. Each of us has both good and bad. But in order for there to be more good, you need to try very hard, work on yourself. And then everything will work out in your life.

There is a lot of good in each of you. I’ll give you some pieces of paper now, and you can write on them what good qualities you have.

In today's lesson, we once again clarified what is good and what is bad, discussed what you need to be to be considered a good person.

OF THE SECOND CONVENTION OF DECISION "December 31, 2015 No. 23 On the budget of the Lakha-Varandinsky rural settlement of the Grozny municipal..."

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Class hour “Be a human being.”

Target: Expand your understanding of a person

Objectives: -to help students get an idea of ​​positive and negative qualities, think about their place in life,

To help students develop the right attitude towards moral values.

-develop the ability to analyze your inner qualities.

Develop the ability to listen and hear yourself and others, identify your shortcomings and strengths.

Form: conversation with training elements.

Equipment: solar circle, yellow ray stripes, felt-tip pens, glue stick, clock model, clock mechanism parts, scales, weights, cardboard, envelopes, color pictures symbolizing the circle of social connections and relationships, audio recorder, audio recording.

(Children sit in groups)

Progress of the class hour:

1. Student conversation (come from different sides to the board)

Teacher. What do you guys think? what is the most important thing in life for a person?

1st student. I think strength and courage. After all, a strong person can do whatever he wants.

2nd student. No, it seems to me that the main thing for a person is to be smart. A smart person will be able to avoid troubles and calculate everything accurately.

3rd student. I would like all people to be kind and help each other.

4th student. I believe that the main thing in life is to be a Human.

5th student. How is this? After all, we are all people anyway. We were already born with them. Is there something I don’t understand?

Teacher But really, guys, what does it mean to be Human? What should one be like in this life in order to earn the title of Man? People have been looking for answers to these questions at all times. They tried to understand: what does it mean to be human, what is it like his purpose on the ground what is the meaning of human life and how it must be lived in order to justify this title _ Man. Let us also take a lesson today to reflect on the question of what it means to be human.

What, besides external signs, should a person have?

Trace your palm.

Above each finger of your palm, write down the qualities that you possess using a dictionary of qualities. (Children read out their answers)

-All people are different, everyone has has its own characteristics and character traits . Their set is quite complex and makes every person an individual .

2.Formulation of the topic of the class hour.

Of course, you named mostly good qualities, but are there only positive qualities in a person?

What others?

Of course, a person has not only positive, but also negative qualities. Sometimes it can be difficult to evaluate yourself, your actions and those around you. It is impossible to give a correct assessment without comparing yourself with other people. Knowing yourself will help you understand others better.

3. The problem of choice.(There are scales on the table; during the conversation, students place weights on the scales)

How much can a person your age do?

You can plant a tree? (teacher puts a weight on the scale where good deeds are indicated).

Can you break it?

Can you offend a friend? (the teacher places a weight on the other side of the scale, where bad deeds are indicated)

Protect the weak?

Help a friend solve a problem?(the teacher puts a weight on the scale where good deeds are indicated)

Should I copy my homework?(the teacher places a weight on the other side of the scale, where bad deeds are indicated)

Tear the book? (the teacher places a weight on the other side of the scale, where bad deeds are indicated)

Make a feeder?(the teacher puts a weight on the scale where good deeds are indicated)

It depends on what action a person performs that trail which he will leave in this world. For now, the scales are balanced. It's up to you to decide which bowl will prevail. The choice is yours. Remember, if negative character traits predominate in a person, then his life can change for the worse. They will definitely have a bad influence on relationships with people around you, and will certainly interfere with a calm, happy life and the ability to enjoy every day you live.

4. Good deeds.

So everyone a person is responsible for his actions. And “I” is a small particle, like a gear in a clock mechanism. The hands of the clock move, and our whole life is an endless movement, action.

Remember what good deeds you have done in the near future for school, at home, for your friends.

(The guys talk about good deeds . During the conversation, the teacher attaches parts of the clock mechanism to the model of the clock; there are as many of them as the number of good deeds the students can name.)

- How did the people you did good feel?

How did you feel?. (Joy, happiness, delight, tenderness ) .

- How nice it is to have so many polite, well-mannered people next to you, who will come to your aid in difficult times, help solve some problem, always help with kind words and deeds, who know what is good and what is bad.

The teacher draws the students’ attention to the clock mechanism that emerged during the conversation.

Look at the complex mechanism of the watch. Each gear performs its role. It's not just watches that have a complex mechanism, let's make sure of that.

5. Creating a collage.

Have you ever thought what is the place of each of us in this world?

As you get older, your social circle expands.

Who And What surrounds you in this world? (parents, classmates, friends, teachers, interests, hobbies)

In these social relationships a person shows his personality, his I.

I offer you envelopes with a set of different pictures symbolizing the circle of your social connections and relationships. Create a collage on the theme “I am in this world.” You can conventionally designate yourself with a figurine, a symbol.

Students create a collage to the song " YouHuman" from the film "Adventures of Electronics"

Now let's see how multifaceted our world is and where you are in it.

(Students lay out their work on the table, thus creating a large single picture. The teacher briefly talks with everyone, the students tell why they chose these particular pictures to depict their hobbies).

Man is nothing else as the sum of all his relationships with the people around him. What we are in these relationships is what we are as individuals, this is our “I”.

7. Summing up.

So, guys, today we were looking for our way of understanding who a person is and what his place is in this world.

The world that surrounds us, the MODERN WORLD, is complex and difficult. You need to be very strong, smart, quick-witted to live in it.

This topic is vast, but I think that you learned some useful things from our meeting.

Reflection: Please come to me. Close your eyes and stretch out your palms! Everyone has a pea in their palm. What does she look like? (to planet Earth). This is exactly the pea she appears from outer space. Your little world, your Self, is still just as small. Small, fragile, but so beautiful. What this world will become in the future now depends only on you. Everything is in your hands!

What does it mean to be human?

-It is to respect others,

This means the word

- confirm with action.

This is not to say

that I don’t care about the pain of others.

It's about sacrificing personal

for the sake of saving others.











brave, courageous


calm, cool



generous, magnanimous

inventive, resourceful, quick-witted

prudent, judicious

sane, sane

compliant, accommodating


meek, soft

caring, considerate of others




merciful, compassionate



cheerful, cheerful



self-righteous, vain

Publications on the topic