What can you eat with diabetes? Products for diabetics. Nutrition for diabetes - prohibited and permitted foods

The goal in the treatment of type 1 diabetes should be to keep the blood glucose ratio as close as possible to the levels of those who are healthy. The main means for this should be considered the observance of an optimal diet. It is also a low-carbohydrate diet, because it is she who is able to keep the elevated sugar level of diabetics under constant control.

Diet principles

The main principle of a low-carbohydrate diet is to eat only those foods that contain the least amount of carbohydrates. At the same time, it is desirable to maintain an ideal body weight - that is, the weight should not be large. Also allowed:

  • consume carbohydrates, especially in foods with a low glycemic index;
  • getting the body enough fiber;
  • the use of salt, sugar and alcohol, but only in moderation.

Thus, it is extremely important for each diabetic to adjust the dose of "short" type insulin before any meal.

A person needs to learn how to think carefully about the optimal diet for type 1 diabetes, as well as ensure that it is consistent with the scheme of individual insulin replacement therapy.

All meals eaten are evaluated according to a system known as XE, that is, bread units. One unit is equal to 12 grams of carbohydrates, which is the amount found in 25 grams of bread.
It is permissible to use no more than 30-50 XE per day, the optimal dosage is set by the endocrinologist and it depends on many factors: age, gender, stage of development of the disease. As a rule, in type 1 diabetes, the XE norm is from 40 to 50.

About sweeteners

Every diabetic eats sweeteners. They are divided into glucose substitutes without calories and analogues with a certain number of calories. These are xylitol, sorbitol, isomalt and fructose. It is she who, less than the usual glucose, increases the ratio of sugar in the blood, but in terms of the number of calories, they are not much inferior to him. In this regard, high-calorie glucose analogues are not desirable for diabetics with an excessively high body index in their usual form, and even more so in meals.
As for non-calorie sweeteners, they are allowed to be consumed every day in portions with such an extreme limit:

  1. saccharin - up to 5 mg per kg of body;
  2. aspartame - up to 40 mg per kg of body;
  3. cyclamate - up to 7 mg per kg of body;
  4. acesulfame K - up to 15 mg per kg of body;
  5. sucralose - up to 15 mg per kg of body;
  6. The stevia plant is a natural sweetener with a minimal calorie ratio and can be consumed in the largest quantities.

Also recently, experts have come to the conclusion that it is not desirable to impose bans on sugar consumption in type 1 diabetes. That is why it is possible to use it up to 50 grams daily, if a person's "sugar" disease is stably compensated.

Proper nutrition schedule

The most important thing is to correctly combine the dishes consumed every day. This is what will enable each of the diabetics to maintain an optimal state of health. A well-thought-out modern diet for type 1 diabetes is to bring the patient's diet closer to the proper nutrition of a healthy person.
This is all the more important because the regulation of appetite according to the specific costs of the body is quite the same in healthy people and in those who have diabetes, but do not have excessively high body weight. Therefore, the more flexible the diet, the more likely each diabetic will be able to maintain it.
Dinner should be four to five hours before going to bed. Before the injection of prolonged insulin, which is done at bedtime, be sure to measure the sugar ratio with a glucometer. Thus, how exactly the dishes and the injection of forced insulin before eating worked are evaluated. If four or five hours have not passed, then there is no way to assess the state of affairs, because the insulin that was injected before dinner has not yet stopped reducing the blood sugar ratio.
In total, there are two schedule options for type 1 diabetes. The first is as follows: breakfast at 8 am, lunch from 13 to 14 pm, dinner at 18 pm, an injection of prolonged insulin, which is given in the evening - from 22 to 23.
The next option looks like this - breakfast at 9 am, lunch from 2 to 3 pm, dinner at 7 pm, and an injection of prolonged insulin from 11 pm to zero hours. Thus, fluctuations in time can be one hour, but no more.
At the same time, during each meal, it is necessary to eat such dishes that contain protein. This is especially important in the morning, that is, for breakfast.

It is desirable to take morning food as much as possible, while eggs are excellent.

They should be cooked both boiled and fried. For diabetics of this type, the first option is more preferable.

About the five product groups

All foods, as well as dishes that contain carbohydrates, can be divided into five main groups:

  • foods that contain starch. This list should include bakery products, legumes, pasta, potatoes and cereals. It is advisable to consume grain bread with bran, because it has a lower glycemic index. For example, if for white bread one XE is equal to 25 grams, then for bread with bran it is already equal to 30 grams;
  • dairy products. If we talk about liquid products from milk and at the same time not sweet (for example, kefir), then one XE is 200-250 milliliters of the product. Cottage cheese, on the other hand, is such a product that is allowed to be consumed without fear for one's own health, because one XE is about 700 grams of the presented ingredient;
  • fruits and juices. Almost all fruits are characterized by a significant sugar content, and therefore their excessive use is undesirable. Apples, feijoas, some plums, pomegranates and pears should be considered less harmful in type 1 diabetes. The presented fruits contain a significant amount of fiber - a specific carbohydrate, a significant part of which does not remain in the intestinal area. Also, all fruit juices, in addition to tomato, are characterized by an impressive glycemic index;
  • sweets and sugar. These products and dishes with them in type 1 diabetes can only be consumed in case of a sudden drop in the blood sugar ratio (symptoms of hypoglycemia);
    vegetables that do not contain starch. Such a group should include cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, radishes, eggplants, zucchini, onions of all types, herbs and tomatoes. These products and dishes with them can be consumed in large quantities, and there is no need to calculate such an indicator as XE.

Thus, nutrition in type 1 diabetes involves a proper diet while maintaining a minimum amount of carbohydrates. At the same time, you should adhere to a strict schedule and use only permitted foods and dishes with them.

What fruits can be eaten with diabetes: food table

Diabetes mellitus at any age cannot be a sentence, because you can live a full and high-quality life even with such a serious illness. It is not at all necessary to deny yourself the usual foods and fruits, it is even more so that they become the main source of minerals, vitamins and vital fiber.

In such a situation, the main condition will be a careful selection of these very fruits. You should focus only on those vegetables and fruits with diabetes that have a low glycemic index, and you should not forget about the serving size.

Important! The glycemic index should be understood as the rate of conversion of glucose from carbohydrates that have entered the human body.

What is the best choice for a diabetic?

Speaking about what fruits you can eat with diabetes, we note that these are those whose glycemic index does not exceed 55-70. If this indicator is over 70 points, then the product is contraindicated in diabetes of any type. By following this simple recommendation, it is quite possible to keep blood sugar at a normal level. In addition, it is necessary to take into account also the volume of the portion eaten.

It is the glycemic index that makes it possible to understand the speed with which the resulting carbohydrates will be broken down into sugar and enter the bloodstream. This is extremely important for those who suffer from diabetes, because a sharp jump in blood glucose levels is dangerous for the well-being and health of a sick person.

The peculiarity of type 1 diabetes is that it occurs at a fairly young age, and that is why patients are well aware of which foods are allowed to them and which are completely prohibited. Type 2 diabetes is a slightly different picture. The disease affects older people who find it quite difficult to adjust to the new realities of their lives and make an adequate menu of fruits.

In order to make the right choice, you should use only sour or sweet and sour varieties. Juicy and sugar varieties of fruits can have an extremely negative impact on health, causing a sharp jump in glucose in the blood of a diabetic patient.

We must not forget that juices from fruits and vegetables are several times heavier in terms of glycemia than the products from which they were extracted. This picture is observed due to the fact that juice is a liquid without fiber, which plays an important role in the absorption of sugar. The presented table displayed the main vegetables, fruits, juice from them, as well as their glycemic index.

Apricots / dried apricots (dried apricots) 20 / 30
cherry plum 25
Orange / orange juice 35 / 40
Bananas are green 30-45
Grapes / grape juice 44-45 / 45
Pomegranate / pomegranate juice 35 / 45
Grapefruit / grapefruit juice 22 / 45-48
Pear 33
figs 33-35
Kiwi 50
Lemon 20
tangerines 40
Peach / Nectarine 30 / 35
Plum / dried plums (prunes) 22 / 25
Apples, juice, dry apples 35 / 30 / 40-50

What should diabetics eat?

Patients with diabetes can pamper themselves:

  • grapefruits;
  • apples;
  • oranges;
  • pears;
  • near some fruits growing on a tree.

You need to be a little more careful with mangoes, with the consumption of melons, watermelons and pineapples, these fruits are not entirely recommended for diabetes.

Those fruits for diabetes that have been thermally processed will have an even higher glycemic index. Patients with diabetes of any type are categorically not recommended to use any variation of dried fruits.

It will be quite useful to include in the diet not only vegetables, fruits, but also berries:


  • cranberries;
  • gooseberry;
  • hawthorn;
  • cranberries;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • red currant.

Moreover, you can eat these fruits not only raw, but also give them various processing. You can cook all kinds of desserts, but at the same time exclude the addition of sugar to dishes. Just a perfect option would be to use a sugar substitute. However, it is best, of course, to eat vegetables and fruits in their natural form.

If you really want a forbidden fruit, then you can treat yourself by dividing it into several doses. This will not only bring joy to the stomach, but also cannot cause an increase in blood glucose levels.

How to calculate the ideal portion for yourself?

Even the safest fruit in terms of glycemia can become harmful to any type of diabetic if it is consumed in unlimited quantities. It is very good to choose for yourself one that fits easily in the palm of your hand. In addition, you can simply divide a large apple or orange, melons, into parts if you could not find a smaller fruit.

As for berries, the ideal portion would be a small cup filled with them. If we talk about melon or watermelon, then you should not eat more than one slice at a time. There is another trick that will help reduce the rate of conversion of carbohydrates into sugar. This can be done by eating vegetables and fruits or berries along with low-fat cheese, nuts, or biscuits.

The right choice for a diabetic

At first glance, it may seem that a diabetic of any type should deprive himself of everything, but this opinion is fundamentally wrong! There are ideal fruits that will saturate the body with the necessary amount of vitamins and fiber.

Apples. They can and should be eaten with type 2 or type 1 diabetes. It is apples that contain pectin, which is able to qualitatively purify the blood and thereby help lower the level of glucose in it. In addition to pectin, apples contain vitamin C, potassium, fiber and iron in sufficient quantities. These fruits are available all year round and can help fight depression, remove excess fluid and relieve swelling. By the way. along the way, with diabetes, it is good to know what you can eat with inflammation of the pancreas so that the diet is balanced.

Pears. If you choose fruits that are not very sweet, then they, like apples, will be digested for a long time in the stomach, and also contribute to weight loss.

Grapefruit. Everyone has long known that this particular citrus contains a huge supply of vitamin C, which protects the body from viruses, which is quite important during the period of massive colds. The glycemic index of grapefruit is so low that even a fairly large fruit, eaten in one sitting, will not lead to an increase in blood glucose levels in a patient with diabetes of any type.

But what about dried fruits?

As already noted, dried fruits in patients with this disease are strictly prohibited. But, if you show a little imagination, then it is quite possible to prepare a drink that is not only tasty, but also harmless in terms of glycemia. To do this, it is necessary to soak dried fruits for 6 hours and then boil twice, but each time changing the water for a new portion.

Ideal berries for a diabetic

Cherries are truly priceless. The berry contains such a huge amount of coumarin and iron that this is quite enough to prevent the formation of blood clots. Even sweet cherries cannot lead to excessive formation of glucose in the blood.

Gooseberries, especially unripe ones, will be quite useful for this category of patients. It contains a lot of fiber and vitamin C.

Blackberries, lingonberries and blueberries are a real storehouse of B, P, K and C vitamins, pectin and special tannins.

Red and black currants will also be an excellent option for patients with diabetes of all types. Not only berries can be eaten, but also the leaves of this amazing shrub. If carefully washed currant leaves are brewed in boiling water, you get just a great tea.

Red, appetizing and juicy raspberries can also become a welcome guest in the diet of a diabetic, but still you should not get carried away with them because of the high content of fructose in the berry.

Diabetes mellitus in no case cancels a full and varied diet. It is only important to keep a constant record of what you eat and choose only those foods that are not capable of harming an already weakened body. If the patient is not quite oriented in allowed fruits, then you can get a special notebook where you can record everything eaten and the reaction to it every day. This approach to business will help not only to remember foods with a low glycemic index, but also to qualitatively diversify your diet.

What can you eat with type 2 diabetes: a list of products for diabetics

To learn more…

What can you eat with diabetes? This question is asked by each patient who is recommended to adjust his menu. After all, it is diet that is the basis of therapy that helps to avoid jumps in glycemia in the body.

Diabetes mellitus is called an endocrine pathology, due to the course of which glucose metabolism is disturbed. Treatment is focused on the normalization and stabilization of blood sugar levels through changes in diet, physical activity, and medication.

Many underestimate the importance of nutrition in the face of a "sweet" disease, and this is fundamentally wrong. In the case of a disease, especially of the second type, this should not be disputed at all, since it is based on a violation of metabolic processes, which is primarily provoked by wrong eating habits.

Let's find out what you can not eat with type 2 diabetes, and what is allowed? We will make a list of products that should be discarded, as well as announce a list of acceptable foods.

It is important to reduce the consumption of provisions, replete with a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates. In the presence of excess weight, it is necessary to reduce the intake of calories per day, ideally up to 2000 kilocalories. Calorie content may vary depending on the physical activity of the patient.

Due to the restriction of many products in the diet, the patient should additionally take vitamin or mineral complexes that make up for the deficiency of the necessary substances for normal life.

Type 2 diabetes requires certain dietary changes:

  • Reducing calories while maintaining the energy value of food for the body.
  • The energy value should equal the amount of energy spent.
  • To normalize metabolic processes, it is recommended to eat at the same time.
  • In addition to the main meals, you need to have a snack in order to prevent feeling of hunger and a possible breakdown with overeating.
  • In the second half of the day, the intake of carbohydrates is reduced to a minimum.
  • To quickly get enough on the menu, include as many vegetables and fruits as possible, rich in dietary fiber (choose food from the list of allowed foods).
  • To remove excess fluid from the body, reduce salt intake to 4 grams per day.
  • When choosing bakery products, it is recommended to choose products made from rye flour with the addition of bran.

Rational nutrition helps to neutralize the negative symptoms of a hyperglycemic state, helps to reduce glucose levels and improve overall well-being. And also, getting rid of bad eating habits normalizes metabolic processes in the body.

It is necessary to focus on fruits, vegetables, dairy and sour-milk products, lean meat.

After all, the absolute exclusion of glucose as the only source of energy is a rapid depletion of natural energy reserves.

What can you eat with type 2 diabetes?

What to eat for patients with diabetes, how to make your daily menu and many other questions are of interest to diabetics when compiling a diet. If patients of the 1st type on insulin can eat almost everything, with the exception of fried and fatty, then with the second type everything is somewhat more complicated.

When compiling the menu, one should take into account the glycemic index of the product - an indicator of how the concentration of sugar in the body increases after eating a particular food. The Internet presents a complete table even with exotic products.

Based on the table, the patient will be able to compose his diet so that it does not affect glycemia. There are three types of GI: low - up to 49 units, medium ranges from 50 to 69 units, and high - from 70 and above.

What can you eat with type 2 diabetes:

  • Bread is better to choose in the department for diabetics. The daily norm does not exceed 300 grams.
  • The first courses are prepared on vegetables, as they are characterized by a lower calorie content, have a small number of bread units. It is permissible to use first courses based on the second fish or meat broth.
  • Diabetics are allowed to eat only lean meat or fish. Steamed, baked. The main thing is to exclude frying.
  • Chicken eggs are allowed, but in limited quantities, due to the fact that they increase the content of bad cholesterol in the blood. We are allowed to eat one per day.
  • Dairy products should be low fat. As for fruits / berries, then give preference to raspberries, kiwi, apples, which not only help reduce sugar, but also reduce cholesterol in the blood.
  • Vegetables such as tomatoes, tomatoes, radishes, parsley can be eaten without restrictions.
  • It is allowed to use butter and vegetable oil, the norm for people with diabetes is 2 tablespoons per day.

Regardless of the type of diabetes, the patient is advised to control his sugar several times a day - after waking up, before breakfast, after meals / physical activity, and so on.

Medical practice shows that already on the fifth day of proper and balanced nutrition, the symptoms of hyperglycemia subside, general well-being improves, and glucose approaches the target level.

The following drinks are allowed for consumption: homemade fruit drinks with cranberries, lingonberries, compote with dried apples, weakly brewed tea, still mineral water, decoctions with the addition of medicinal herbs to reduce sugar.

What can not be eaten with diabetes?

When compiling a diabetic menu, one should take into account the list of products that negatively affect the course of the pathology, increase the harmful symptoms of the disease, as a result of which its progression is observed.

Along with categorically prohibited foods, there are foods that can be consumed in limited quantities. It includes hard salted cheeses, fatty milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, fatty fish. It is recommended to enter the menu no more than 2 times a month.

If a patient with an endocrine disease of the second type is prescribed insulin therapy, then it is necessary to take into account the dosage of the hormone with the nutritional characteristics of a diabetic. With a competent approach, it is possible to significantly reduce the doses of medicinal substances, while achieving stable compensation for the pathology.

So, if a patient has diabetes, what can and cannot be eaten? The food table will tell you what is prohibited:

  1. Pure sugar. With an irresistible craving for sweets, it can be replaced with sweeteners, presented in a wide range in the pharmacy network and specialized stores.
  2. Baking can not be eaten, it is under a strict ban. First of all, due to the high content of granulated sugar, and also because of the high calorie content of provisions. Therefore, you will have to forget about buns and cakes.
  3. Fatty meats and fish. In principle, it is recommended to completely abandon fatty foods, as it contributes to weight gain, exacerbates the course of the pathology.
  4. Smoked and canned foods. Despite the low glycemic index, such food is replete with fats and calories.
  5. Refuse mayonnaise, mustard, various fatty sauces, etc.
  6. Exclude semolina and all food that includes it in the composition from the diet. Limit pasta consumption.

What not to eat with type 2 diabetes? It is necessary to abandon sweet fruits - bananas, watermelon, fig tree; sweets - cakes, pastries and sweets, ice cream, caramel; exclude fast food - potatoes, hamburgers, chips, snacks.

The use of alcoholic beverages should be controlled, as unlimited consumption can lead to a severe hypoglycemic state.

Nuts and Diabetes

As you know, it is impossible to cure a “sweet” disease, the only way to live a normal and fulfilling life is to achieve stable compensation for an endocrine disease. In other words, normalize glucose values, maintain them within the target level.

Allocate certain food, which literally abounds in useful components, vitamins and minerals. In particular, we are talking about nuts. In the treatment of pathology, they occupy not the last place, as they ensure the normalization of metabolic processes in the body, help to reduce blood sugar.

In addition, it is noted that the use of nuts helps to inhibit the progression of the disease, so any type of product is vital.

Consider the most useful nuts for diabetes:

  • Walnut contains a lot of alpha-linolenic acid, manganese and zinc - these components help to reduce the concentration of glucose. The fatty acids present in the composition significantly slow down the progression of diabetic angiopathy and prevent atherosclerotic changes. It is permissible to eat 1-2 nuts a day, or add to ready meals.
  • Consumption of peanuts helps to fill the daily deficiency of proteins and amino acids in the body. The components contained in the composition cleanse the blood vessels of cholesterol plaques, contribute to the normalization of blood circulation. They eat 10-15 nuts per day.
  • Almonds are the “champion” in terms of calcium content. If sugar has become high, then eating 5-10 nuts will normalize glycemia. In addition, almonds have a positive effect on metabolic processes.

All the nut products listed above are an indispensable food supplement in the menu of each patient. By the way, pine nuts for diabetics will also be useful.

Their composition is represented only by proteins and minerals that contribute to the prevention of diabetic complications.

Features of proper nutrition

Rational nutrition of the patient is the key to a full life without complications. With a mild degree of the disease, it can be compensated by one diet. Against the background of moderate and severe, it is recommended to take medications, the introduction of insulin.

Bad eating habits lead to the fact that the signs of an increase in glucose in the body increase, general well-being worsens, while the risk of developing acute complications such as diabetic coma increases significantly.

Along with the use of exclusively permitted products, the diet is also of no small importance.

Features of proper nutrition are as follows:

  1. To maintain normal blood sugar levels throughout the day, a balanced and nutritious breakfast is a prerequisite.
  2. Each meal begins with the consumption of vegetable-based salads, which helps to restore lipid metabolism and normalize body weight.
  3. It is recommended to stop eating 2 hours before bedtime, as metabolic processes slow down at night. Therefore, an evening snack is 250 ml of kefir, 100 grams of cottage cheese casserole or a sour apple.
  4. It is recommended to eat food warm, as it takes a longer period of time to digest such food.
  5. Each serving should have an optimal ratio of protein and fatty substances, which slows down the digestion and absorption of components in the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Drinks should be drunk 20 minutes before a meal, or half an hour after it; It is not advised to drink during the meal.

If, against the background of a “sweet” pathology, problems with the digestive tract are observed, the stomach does not “accept” fresh vegetables in the required quantity, they can be baked in the oven or microwave.

For all patients, the endocrinologist selects a specific menu, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the severity of the disease, but the basis of the diet is always table number 9. Compliance with all rules guarantees long-term compensation. Eat right and be healthy.

The allowed and prohibited foods for diabetes are described in the video in this article.

  • Stabilizes sugar levels for a long time
  • Restores the production of insulin by the pancreas

To learn more…

Patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are destined to adhere to a certain diet for life. Its essence lies in the exclusion from the diet of products that cannot be consumed with this disease.

And there is nothing complicated about this, just some foods should be avoided, while others are recommended to be included only in limited quantities. In this case, the patient must constantly monitor the body's reaction to a particular food. In addition, different types of diabetes have their own food restrictions.

In both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates should be reduced to a minimum, or even completely eliminated. Ingestion of such carbohydrates in type 1 diabetes should be accompanied by insulin injections.

And the rejection of easily digestible carbohydrates in type 2 diabetes contributes to an effective fight against obesity, which is the main "culprit" of the disease.

Important! The reverse effect of high-carbohydrate foods helps prevent early hypoglycemia. These foods instantly increase the amount of glucose in the bloodstream.

Diet is the main condition for effective control of diabetes. Type 2 can easily bring sugar levels back to normal and maintain it. To do this, they simply must adhere to certain rules, which consist in the rejection of foods prohibited for this disease and include permitted foods in the menu.

Main food items

It is not necessary to completely abandon carbohydrates, since these nutrients are necessary for the full functioning of the body. You just need to correctly calculate their allowable daily intake, and consume only permitted ones. This is the rule for both types of diabetes.

Significant deviations from the prescribed diet can provoke jumps in blood sugar levels and, following this, very serious complications.

Important! Experts advise patients with diabetes to keep a table of prohibited and permitted foods. This table will allow you not to miss a product dangerous for a diabetic in the diet.

The basis for the nutrition of patients with diabetes is dietary table number 9. But there are additions to it, which depend on individual factors.

Some diabetics cannot eat certain foods, while others cannot eat others. The same applies to the size of portions, it takes into account:

  1. type of disease;
  2. patient's weight;
  3. gender;
  4. age category;
  5. physical activity of the patient.

What foods are unacceptable for a diabetic

Although diet planning for diabetes requires an individual approach, there are foods that are excluded in any case in diabetes of any type. Some of them need to be listed.

Products containing sugar

It turns out that you can do without sugar. Today, this product has a large number of alternatives that are in no way inferior to sugar in taste, this

But diabetes, accompanied by obesity, does not allow the use of sweeteners, so they are excluded from the diet.

For those who cannot completely give up sweets, endocrinologists are allowed to eat dark chocolate in small quantities (unless the characteristics of the course of the disease prohibit this).

As for natural or artificial honey, simple sweets and other products containing sugar - they should not be consumed!

Bakery products

Bakery products baked from puff pastry or pastry are also prohibited for any type of diabetes. These foods are rich in easily digestible carbohydrates.

  1. bran bread;
  2. Rye bread;
  3. bread from flour of the second grade.

You can also include in the menu a special one that is allowed to eat.

Fresh vegetables

Not all vegetables are prohibited, but only those that contain a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates. In diabetes mellitus, their use in unlimited quantities is contraindicated. These vegetables include:

  • beet;
  • potato;
  • legumes;
  • carrot.

The use of salted or pickled vegetables in diabetes is strictly prohibited. The best vegetables for this disease are:

  1. cucumbers;
  2. tomatoes;
  3. eggplant;
  4. cabbage;
  5. pumpkin;
  6. zucchini.


Like vegetables, fruits rich in easily digestible carbohydrates are prohibited in diabetes.

For a diabetic, they are the worst enemies. If you eat them, then you must strictly adhere to the portions allowed by the nutritionist.

Type 2 diabetes is a disease characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood. A high level of glucose has a damaging effect on, which leads to strokes, heart attacks and other serious complications that significantly reduce the quality and life expectancy of diabetics. About what you can eat with type 2 diabetes, and what foods you should refrain from, we will tell in this article.

One of the main methods of treatment for people with type 2 diabetes is diet therapy. However, this fact does not mean at all that from the moment you are diagnosed, you will not be able to eat anything other than oatmeal and cabbage. On the contrary, diabetic nutrition may well be varied and include your favorite sweets.

The essence of the diet for type 2 diabetes is to remove excess load from and reduce the patient's body weight.

Basic principles of nutrition

  • A balanced ratio of nutrients plays a huge role (proteins: fats: carbohydrates = 16%: 24%: 60%).
  • The calorie content of the daily diet should correspond to the energy consumption of a particular patient, calculated taking into account his body weight, age, gender, profession.
  • Refined carbohydrates must be eliminated from the diet, replacing them with sweeteners.
  • The daily diet should be saturated with vitamins, trace elements, dietary fiber.
  • Fats of animal origin are recommended to be limited by 50%.
  • Eating is required at least 4-5 times a day at the same time, and each meal should be in the correct correspondence with the intake of hypoglycemic drugs and with physical activity.

Foods and dishes recommended for use in diabetes

People with type 2 diabetes do not need to give up bread completely. They just should use dietary varieties - rye, bran.
  • Bread - special diabetic, protein-bran or rye - a maximum of 200 g per day.
  • Low-fat poultry and meat (up to 100 g per day) or fish (150 g per day maximum) in aspic, boiled or baked.
  • Low-fat fish and meat broths, vegetable soups.
  • Oatmeal, barley, buckwheat groats are preferable, pearl barley, millet groats can be used less often.
  • Occasionally you can afford a portion of legumes, but on this day it is recommended to reduce the portion of bread.
  • Sour-milk products (unsweetened yogurt, curdled milk, kefir), milk - 200-400 ml per day.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese 200 g per day maximum. You can use it both in its natural form and in the form of cheesecakes, cottage cheese, casseroles and puddings.
  • Many vegetables (lettuce, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, cucumbers, radishes) are allowed to be consumed in almost unlimited quantities in raw, baked or boiled form. Limit to 200 g per day should be beets, carrots and potatoes.
  • Eggs, due to their high cholesterol content, are allowed to consume no more than 2 pieces per week. There are also several options for their use: scrambled eggs, soft-boiled, hard-boiled or as part of various dishes.
  • From drinks, preference should be given to black or green tea, if desired, with milk, weak coffee.

Foods to Avoid in Diabetes

  • Products containing a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates: pastry products, creamy ice cream, cakes and cream cakes, chocolate, sweets, honey, jam, sugar, bananas, grapes, raisins.
  • Spicy, salty, fried, smoked and spicy dishes.
  • Fatty and strong broths.
  • Sausages, sausages, sausages, salted or smoked fish, fatty varieties of poultry, fish, meat.
  • Butter, margarine, mayonnaise, cooking and meat fats.
  • Pickled and salted vegetables.
  • Fatty sour cream, cream, cheeses, feta cheese, sweet cottage cheese curds.
  • Semolina, rice cereal, pasta.
  • Alcohol.

Dietary fiber: why are they needed?

Dietary fibers are food particles of plant origin that do not require digestion by digestive enzymes and are not absorbed in the digestive organs. These substances should be present in the diet of diabetics, as they have hypoglycemic and lipid-lowering properties, promote weight loss and are well tolerated by patients. They inhibit the absorption of glucose and fats in the intestines, reduce the need for insulin in patients, create a feeling of satiety.

Dietary fiber is found in large quantities in wholemeal flour, cereal products, coarse bran, rye and oat flour. Especially rich in these substances are nuts, beans, strawberries, dates, bran, figs, raspberries, prunes, mountain ash, sorrel, pumpkin, quince, mushrooms, lemon.

The dose of fiber for diabetics leaves 35-40 g per day, and it is desirable that 51% of dietary fiber consists of vegetables, 40% of cereals and 9% of berries, fruits, mushrooms.

After 4-5 weeks of full adherence to dietary recommendations, the blood sugar level of people with diabetes drops significantly, in some cases down to normal levels.

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Dried fruits, which contain a large amount of dietary fiber and vitamins, should also be included in the diet of a person with type 2 diabetes.

If you have type 2 diabetes and would like to learn more about diet and its implications for this condition, ask your endocrinologist where and when the Diabetes School is held. These small lectures for people suffering from such a disease are held in almost all cities where the endocrinological service is developed. Attendance at these classes is free. In addition, an endocrinologist and a nutritionist, as well as a therapist, can talk about nutrition in diabetes.

Diabetes is considered one of the most common diseases in the world. It affects about 3% of the total population of the Earth. It is difficult to cure the disease, but it is quite simple to alleviate its effect on the body. To do this, you must adhere to the basic principles of prevention, including diet. It is very important to know what you can and cannot eat with diabetes. A balanced diet will help to forget about the serious problems of the body for a long time.


This is a disease of the endocrine system. It is characterized by an increase in blood sugar. This process in patients is chronic, so it is impossible to completely recover from it. It is caused by a relative or absolute deficiency of a hormone secreted by the pancreas. Its name is insulin. Deviation from the norm of this particular hormone leads to a fatal metabolic disorder and vascular system, damage to the central nervous system and internal organs.

To date, there are two types of the disease. The first is called insulin-dependent diabetes. It develops mainly in young people or children. The disease "diabetes mellitus type 2" is called non-insulin dependent. It usually develops in people over 40 years of age. One of the main causes of this disease is significant overweight. It occurs in patients in 80% of cases.

The causes of type 1 diabetes are a viral infection (chicken osta, mumps, rubella, hepatitis, etc.) and an autoimmune process in which pancreatic cells are “attacked” by antibodies produced by the body. This variation of the disease is the absolute nature of insulin deficiency.

The primary causes of type 2 diabetes are heredity and obesity. The more overweight a person, the higher the risk of the disease. The most dangerous type of obesity is the abdominal form, when excess tissue is distributed mainly in the abdomen. This type of disease is the relative nature of insulin deficiency.

General principles of nutrition

As you know, diabetes is a cause and effect of chronic metabolic failure. Violation of the functionality of the stomach is directly related to the lack of glucose and poor digestibility of similar substances. That is why proper nutrition plays an important role in disease prevention.

It is worth noting that diet is considered the main treatment for mild type 2 diabetes. During complications and exacerbations of the disease, a balanced diet should be combined with special sugar-lowering drugs. In type 1 diabetes, insulin substitutes remain the mainstay of treatment. A strict diet and a well-balanced daily regimen are of an auxiliary nature.

All recipes for diabetes should be based on one principle - the balance of carbohydrate-containing foods. Diet always implies certain norms of nutrients. In this case, such nuances as the composition of products, their physical properties and calorie content are important. To calculate these parameters, physicians introduced the concept of "bread unit". It is a kind of measuring spoon. Regardless of the amount and type of product, one such unit contains from 12 to 15 g of carbohydrates that are absorbed by the body. A person can consume up to 25 tablespoons per day.

Basic aspects of the diet

Many people know what they eat with diabetes, but only a few adhere to a physically literate diet. The amount of energy obtained from food should always be equal to the needs of the patient's body. It is important not to forget about the balanced use of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. One of the fundamental aspects of the diet is the division of the daily menu into 4-6 times, depending on the type of diabetes.

Overweight patients should include vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, cucumbers, lettuce, peas and tomatoes in their diet to increase satiety. Also, do not forget about the constant prevention of the liver. To do this, you should eat more cottage cheese, oatmeal, soy and limit the amount of fried, fish and meat dishes. The meaning of such a diet is to normalize the work of not only the circulatory system, but also all internal organs.

All diets can be followed at home. To do this, it is enough to know the permitted limits of the diet. The menu is better to make a week.

Proper Diet

Nutritionists are allowed to use such products for diabetes mellitus as bakery products (up to 350 g per day), vegetable soups (1 time in 3 days). With a mild form of the disease, you can make an unsaturated fish or meat broth. It should also be noted that the bread should be predominantly black.

The patient's daily diet may include dishes from veal, beef, rabbit, turkey, but only in boiled form. It is recommended to use only low-fat fish, for example, cod, navaga, pike perch, pike. It is allowed to use garnishes from cabbage, lettuce, greens, radishes, zucchini, rutabaga, beets, carrots for dishes. Vegetables are best baked or boiled, but can also be eaten raw.

Side dishes of their legumes, pasta or cereals will not be superfluous, but only in limited quantities. In parallel with this, it is worth reducing the amount of bread consumed. No more than 2 eggs are allowed per day, up to 200 g of berries and fruits, sweet and sour compotes, kefir, 150 g of cottage cheese, mild sauces, weak tea, juice, butter. Rosehip decoction and baker's yeast are considered very useful.

What you can not eat with diabetes is chocolate, sweets and other confectionery. Contraindicated jam, ice cream, muffins, honey, smoked meats, natural fats, spices, mustard, grapes, raisins, bananas, spicy dishes, alcohol.

Diet for type 1 diabetes

The disease of this classification is accompanied by damage to the pancreas at the cellular level. The introduction of insulin in this case is the most reliable method of treatment. In parallel with this, there is no need for a strict diet. A balanced diet is sufficient.

The table for type 1 diabetes can be full of healthy and tasty foods at the same time. The main thing is to stick to certain amounts of food. Patients can consume 20-25 bread units per day.

Diet for type 1 diabetes

There are no special restrictions on the menu. The main thing is that products for diabetes have a minimum of carbohydrates.

The list of allowed foods includes beans, baked goods, cereals, pasta, bran, and potatoes. In addition to starchy foods, diabetics are shown kefir, cottage cheese, unsweetened fruits (pears, plums, feijoa, apples, pomegranates), juices, and vegetables.

What not to eat with type 1 diabetes? The list of restrictions includes peach, grapes, apricot, pineapple, melon, white bread, tomato juice, sugar, carbonated drinks.

Weekly menu for type 1 diabetes

The patient should not eat more than 1400 kcal per day. Therefore, the main thing in the prevention of such a disease as diabetes is a menu for a week. The regimen should be based on 4 meals a day.

For breakfast, the best option would be porridge, a sandwich, stuffed cabbage or scrambled eggs, tea. Lunch should consist of a vegetable salad, a slice of bread, a steamed meat or fish product, or cabbage soup. For an afternoon snack, you can use cottage cheese, fruits with kefir, rosehip broth, jelly, baked pumpkin. Boiled meat, stewed cabbage, salad, boiled beans, casserole, unsweetened cookies are ideal for dinner.

It is advisable not to repeat the menu for every day, so it is better to immediately draw up a diet for a week.

Diet for type 2 diabetes

The main goal of a balanced diet is to restore the cells of the body so that they can subsequently absorb sugar. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be in the following proportion: 15%: 25%: 60%. In this case, the calorie content is calculated based on the physical data of the patient: age, body weight, occupation and even gender.

A diet for type 2 diabetes should be saturated with dietary fiber and vitamins. The optimal number of meals is 5-6 times a day. The most useful microcomponents are vegetable fibers and fiber. Therefore, the diet for type 2 diabetes should at least a quarter consist of foods such as nuts, strawberries, beans, figs, prunes, dates, pumpkins, mushrooms, etc. The share of cereals should not exceed 40%.

Diet for type 2 diabetes

It is important to use only special rye or bran bread (no more than 200 g per day). Low-fat poultry, fish and meat are allowed in poisonous or aspic form.

Permissible first courses are weak broths, vegetable soup, buckwheat and oatmeal, legumes.

Dairy products are limited only to kefir and curdled milk. Cottage cheese is allowed to be consumed only in rare cases (1-2 times a week). The permanent menu should include vegetables, casseroles, cheesecakes, eggs, weak tea.

What you can’t eat with type 2 diabetes is rich and confectionery, bananas, honey, grapes, any sausages, mayonnaise, salinity, fried and spicy dishes, semolina and rice porridge. Alcohol is strictly contraindicated.

Weekly menu for type 2 diabetes

For the first and second breakfast, light vegetable salads, oatmeal porridge, an apple, boiled beets, buckwheat, low-fat cottage cheese, and tea are suitable.

Lunch and afternoon tea are the most dense meals. This may include vegetable borscht, stew, stewed cabbage, boiled beans, fruit salad, compote.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease of the endocrine system in which the synthesis of insulin is disrupted (or its production stops altogether). Diabetes treatment includes medication and nutritional therapy to help control blood glucose levels and prevent sugar spikes. It is impossible to neglect the recommendations of a doctor on nutrition, since even the minimum amount of prohibited foods can lead to hyperglycemia or a hypoglycemic crisis.

To avoid such complications, which belong to the group of pathologies with an increased risk of mortality, and to properly compose a diet, you need to know what foods you can eat with diabetes.

Nutrition in diabetes should comply with the principles of restoring carbohydrate metabolism. The products included in the patient's diet should not exert increased stress on the pancreas, the organ responsible for the synthesis of insulin. Patients with this diagnosis should avoid large meals. A single serving should not exceed 200-250 g (plus 100 ml of drink).

Note! It is important to control not only the amount of food eaten, but also the amount of liquid you drink. A standard cup holds about 200-230 ml of tea. People with diabetes are allowed to drink half of this amount at a time. If the meal consists only of tea drinking, you can leave the usual amount of the drink.

It is best to eat at the same time every day. This will improve metabolic processes and digestion, since the gastric juice containing digestive enzymes for the breakdown and assimilation of food will be produced at certain hours.

When compiling the menu, you should adhere to other recommendations of experts, namely:

  • when choosing a method of heat treatment of products, preference should be given to baking, boiling, stewing and steaming;
  • the intake of carbohydrates should be uniform throughout the day;
  • the main part of the diet should be protein foods, vegetables and greens;
  • nutrition should be balanced and contain the required amount of minerals, amino acids and vitamins (in accordance with age requirements).

People with diabetes need to carefully monitor not only the carbohydrate content, but also the amount of fat in the foods consumed. Lipid metabolism in diabetes mellitus is impaired in almost 70% of patients, so for the menu, you should choose foods with a minimum fat content. In meat, it is necessary to cut off all fat and films, in the fat content of dairy products should be in the range of 1.5-5.2%. The exception is sour cream, but even here it is better to choose a product with a fat percentage of no more than 10-15%.

What is good to eat with diabetes?

People with diabetes need to increase the amount of protein in their diet, while it is important to monitor their fat content and the content of essential vitamins and other useful elements. Foods with a high protein content that are approved for consumption by diabetics include:

  • lean meats and poultry (rabbit, veal, lean beef, chicken and chicken fillet, skinless turkey);
  • cottage cheese with a fat content of not more than 5%;
  • chicken eggs (with high cholesterol limited to protein only);
  • fish (any variety, but it is better to give preference to tuna, trout, mackerel, cod).

Important! Nutrition in diabetes should be directed not only to the correction of carbohydrate metabolism, but also to the prevention of possible complications from the musculoskeletal system, heart and blood vessels.

Useful for diabetics are apples (excluding sweet yellow varieties), blueberries in limited quantities, carrots and bell peppers. These products contain a lot of lutein and vitamin A, which prevent pathologies of the visual apparatus. About 30% of people diagnosed with diabetes have an increased risk of developing glaucoma, cataracts and retinal atrophy, so the inclusion of these foods in the diet is necessary for any form of diabetes.

It is equally important to ensure sufficient intake of potassium, magnesium and other elements to maintain the work of the heart muscle. Nuts and dried fruits are traditionally considered the most useful foods for the heart, but they are high in calories, and nuts also contain a large amount of fat, so they are not recommended for people with diabetes. The opinion of doctors on this matter is ambiguous, but most experts believe that sometimes you can add dried fruits to the menu, but you need to do this according to certain rules:

  • you can use dried fruits and nuts no more than 1 time in 7-10 days;
  • the amount of product that is allowed to be eaten at a time is 2-4 pieces (or 6-8 nuts);
  • nuts should be consumed raw (not roasted);
  • Dried fruits are recommended to be soaked in water for 1-2 hours before consumption.

Important! Despite the high calorie content of dried fruits, compotes from dried apricots, prunes, figs (rarely raisins) are not contraindicated for diabetics. When cooking, it is better not to add sugar to them. If desired, you can use stevia or another natural sweetener recommended by your doctor.

What foods can you eat?

Some patients find that nutrition in diabetes is poor and monotonous. This is an erroneous opinion, since the only restriction for this disease concerns fast carbohydrates and fatty foods, which are not recommended for even healthy people. All foods that patients with diabetes can eat are listed in the table.

Products typeWhat can you eat with diabetes?What can't be eaten?
canned foodSome canned fish from pink salmon, tuna or trout in tomato sauce. Vegetable preservation without the addition of vinegar and ready-made pickling seasoningsFruit in syrup, industrial compotes, pickled vegetables with added acids (such as acetic acid), stewed beef and pork
MeatRabbit, turkey, veal (calves no more than 5-7 months old), chicken and skinless chickensPork, duck, goose, fatty beef
FishAll varieties (no more than 200 g per day)Fish in oil, fatty canned food, dried fish
EggsQuail eggs, chicken egg whitechicken yolk
MilkPasteurized milk with a fat content of not more than 2.5%Sterilized milk, powdered and condensed milk
Dairy productsNatural yoghurt without added flavorings, sugar and dyes, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream, bifidok, kefirSweet yoghurts, "Snowball", curd masses, fat sour cream
Pastries and breadUnleavened, pood bread, whole grain buns, bread with branWhite bread, bakery products made from premium flour
ConfectionerySnacks from natural fruits, natural pastille from applesauce, marshmallows (based on seaweed), marmalade with the addition of natural juiceAny confectionery with added sugar and confectionery fat
FatsNatural vegetable oils "premium" class (cold pressed)Salo, butter (5-10 g of butter is allowed 2-3 times a week), confectionery fat
FruitsApples, pears, oranges, peachesBananas, grapes (all varieties), apricots, melon
BerriesWhite currant, cherry, gooseberry, plum, sweet cherryWatermelon
GreeneryAny kind of greens (dill, fennel, parsley) and leafy saladsLimit your intake of cilantro
VegetablesAll types of cabbage, spinach, eggplant, zucchini, radish, boiled or baked potatoes (no more than 100 g per day), boiled beets)Fried potatoes, raw carrots

Occasionally, sunflower or pumpkin seeds can be included in the diet. They contain a lot of potassium and magnesium, necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and nervous system. From drinks, patients with diabetes can use compotes and fruit drinks, kissels, green and black tea. It is better to refuse coffee, carbonated drinks and packaged juices for this disease.

Can you drink alcohol?

The use of alcoholic beverages in diabetes is contraindicated. In rare cases, it is possible to drink a small amount of dry wine, the sugar content of which does not exceed 5 g per 100 ml. In doing so, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach;
  • the maximum allowable dose of alcohol is 250-300 ml;
  • snack on the table should be protein (meat and fish dishes).

Important! Many alcoholic beverages have a hypoglycemic effect. If a diabetic is planning to drink some alcohol, it is important to have a glucometer and necessary medications with you, as well as a reminder about first aid in case of a sudden drop in blood sugar. It is necessary to measure the glucose indicator at the first signs of a deterioration in well-being.

What foods help lower glucose?

There are certain groups of foods with a low glycemic index, the use of which helps to lower blood sugar. It is recommended to include them in the diet daily - this will help control glucose levels and avoid negative consequences in the form of hyperglycemia.

Most of these products are vegetables and herbs. They should make up a third of the total daily diet. The following types of vegetables are especially useful:

  • zucchini and eggplant;
  • Bulgarian green pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage (broccoli, Brussels sprouts and white cabbage);
  • cucumbers.

Of the greens, parsley is considered especially useful. Its glycemic index is only 5 units. The same indicators for all types of seafood. Patients with diabetes are recommended the following types of seafood:

  • shrimps;
  • crayfish;
  • lobsters;
  • squid.

Some types of spices also have sugar-lowering properties, so they can be added when cooking, but in a strictly defined amount. It is recommended to add a little cinnamon to tea and casseroles, and turmeric, ginger and ground pepper to vegetable and meat dishes.

Important! Almost all spices irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, so they are contraindicated in gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Berries have a good sugar-lowering effect. Cherry is especially useful for diabetics. Eating 100 g of cherries 2-3 times a week, you can improve your well-being, lower blood glucose, enrich the body with vitamins and mineral salts. In winter, you can use frozen berries, in summer it is better to buy a fresh product. Cherries can be replaced with gooseberries, currants or plums - they have a similar chemical composition and the same glycemic index (22 units).

Sample daily menu for diabetics

mealOption 1Option 2Option 3
BreakfastSteamed quail egg omelette, diced vegetables (tomatoes and bell peppers), unsweetened green teaCottage cheese and peach casserole, whole grain bun with a thin layer of butter, teaOatmeal on the water with fruit, tea, 2 slices of marmalade
LunchPear juice, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3, 2 cookies (biscuits)Orange and dried fruit compoteNatural juice from fruits or vegetables
DinnerVegetable soup with veal meatballs, potato and cabbage casserole, berry jellyRassolnik, buckwheat with vegetables and turkey cutlet, compotecod fish soup, lean beef pasta and goulash, compote
afternoon teaMilk, baked appleRyazhenka, pearNatural yogurt, a handful of berries
DinnerBoiled fish with vegetable garnish, rosehip brothBaked salmon steak with vegetables and tomato sauceRabbit in sour cream sauce with a side dish of vegetables and herbs, juice
Before bedtimeKefirKefirKefir


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