What will happen in August of the year in the theory of hierarchical catastrophes

According to many predictions, 2017 will be a turning point in people’s minds, because the difficult five-year period will end this year. In August, astrologers warn against emergency situations and excesses. At the same time, many soothsayers of the past said that 2017 would be a very difficult year for the planet - among them the famous Vanga and Matrona.

2017 will be a variable year for Russia and Europe. Psychics see the future of countries differently, and one can only guess what to expect this year. Vanga's predictions for 2017 are slightly different from the words of other soothsayers, which is why they arouse much more interest.

The identity of the Bulgarian female fortuneteller is well known. A powerful gift that was revealed after the tragedy in childhood, which led to loss of vision, allowed her to do a lot of good for other people.

The first fame about it spread during the Second World War. Her ability to point out where the bodies of fallen warriors were buried gave her great fame. Her literal predictions benefited many officials and influential people. Since 1967, she was included in the staff of civil servants with the appointment wages. Unfortunately, her gift and Money not enough to fight breast cancer, from which Vanga died. People lined up to see her, but she didn’t accept everyone.

Those she helped did not have to pay. Therefore, the clairvoyant lived very modestly. She gave the funds that came to her to those in need or spent them for the benefit of her country. Her loved ones recall that she often waited for certain people who needed to seek help. After all, Vanga saw them long before they met.

This unique woman predicted more than one event that managed to come true. That is why her personality and predictions inspire confidence among Russians.

In general, Vanga predicted a lot, but the most memorable moments include the following:

  • By the year 2000, one of the Arabian states will disappear and a large city will be flooded. Kursk is a direct confirmation of this.
  • In 2014, people will begin to die due to cancer or skin problems.
  • In 2018, China will become a world power.
  • In 2028, a new source of energy will be discovered.
  • In 2046 there will be a big step in medicine; it will be possible to transplant any human organ.

Whether this will come true or not, only God knows. But history also knows such predictions that were not destined to come true. Although, perhaps they were simply translated incorrectly.

Vanga's unfulfilled predictions

  • The beginning of a nuclear war in 2010.
  • The extinction of animals and plants in 2011 and the beginning of the chemical war between Muslims and people on the planet.

According to the seer, the following will happen in Russia:

  • development of a new type of weapon will begin in 2017;
  • A few years later, the inhabitants of the planet learn that in 2017, experimental development of a new energy source began. Vanga predicted that it would appear in Russia in the 20s of the 21st century;
  • despite the economic crisis, Russia will be able to avoid problems with hunger and other negative phenomena, unlike many countries;
  • Russia will avoid military action on its territory in 2017.

What in the world:

Russia's closest neighbors - Ukraine and Belarus - seeing how their influence is growing Arab countries and non-traditional religious movements, according to the seer, will want to come under the wing of Russia.

In Vanga’s predictions for 2017, they will face a crop failure, which will affect the economic situation.

They will be visited by a wave of migration, but Europe will not be happy with this turn of events. After all, they are already wary of strangers.

The seer said that religious differences would become a reason for local conflicts to suddenly break out. Because of mere trifles, people will begin to shed blood. And no one in Europe or America will feel as safe as before.

According to Vanga, 2017 also promises:

  • the readiness of countries for war, where not only tanks or airplanes will be used;
  • numerous provocations;
  • deterioration of food products, many of which will no longer be beneficial;
  • increase in cancer incidence;
  • the emergence of new religious movements that will be aimed at uniting peoples;
  • loss of moral compass in many countries;
  • the emergence of new technologies in the fight against deadly viruses.

Vanga did not say anything about the Apocalypse in 2017 - it was predicted by another soothsayer, Matrona of Moscow. The miraculous old woman Matrona of Moscow is remembered and loved to this day. The saint left behind many prophecies that continue to come true.

Matrona of Moscow had a special prediction, but it is deciphered in different ways. August 19, 2017 she shows as a turning point. Astrologers believe that a celestial body may fly close to the earth, causing widespread epidemics. Matrona also believed that people had gone far from God, morality had fallen, and the spiritual was replaced by the material.

The death of humanity will not happen all at once, but the summer of 2017 is called the turning point.

According to Matrona, all human troubles come from the fact that people turn away from God en masse, good deeds and intentions are replaced by greed and thirst for profit, moral values ​​are replaced by material ones, humanity destroys itself.

The prediction says that with the onset of critical days, there will be no war, there will be no catastrophe and mass death of people from a global cataclysm... no. Humanity has turned away from God, lost faith and will destroy itself.

Literally, Matrona’s prediction for 2017 looks like this:

“At sunset, all people will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise, and the world will become different. And great sorrows await people, which they have never experienced before.”

However, another date for the “end of the world” was previously named according to Matrona’s predictions - February 10, 2017. But, as we see, everything is in order.

Perhaps in a prediction we're talking about about global natural disasters - an earthquake or a meteorite falling to Earth. Or perhaps we were talking about the spiritual degradation of humanity

Just type “all the dates of the end of the world” into a search engine and you will get a huge list of queries. However, the references to predictions and versions of conspiracy theorists in this case looked so deliberate that I wanted to get to the bottom of the truth, which turned out to be quite interesting. Using this example, we were able to find out how, sometimes, another such “end of the world” occurs.

August 19, 2017: the end of the world, what will happen, Matrona’s predictions, true or false

So, according to a number of statements that appeared on the Internet, Saint Matrona allegedly said that on August 19, 2017, “at sunset all people will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise, and the world will become different. And great sorrows await people, which they have never experienced before.”

If you search the Internet for the source of this quote, you may come across a discussion on one from forums in 2012. Where was the program about the saint, which aired on January 7, 2012, discussed? And supposedly it was there that this quote was heard, which is attributed to Matrona herself.

Meanwhile, the network has a copy of the same program, which came out on Christmas Day in early 2012. And now this quote sounds a little different:

“Without war, everyone will die. There will be many victims. All the dead will lie on the ground. In the evening everyone will be on earth, and in the morning they will rise. And everything will go into the ground." And she allegedly said that it would be in 2017, the program says.

At the same time, in the same film about Saint Matrona the following is said literally 10 seconds after the uttered quote:

Not a single person can know and indicate the timing of the coming of the Savior. The Gospel directly says: “And not a single person who remains within the bounds of the church faith will ever undertake such a thing.” Therefore, if we have some texts that have come down to us, where Blessed Matrona is supposedly given an indication of a specific year, then this is no more than in other cases an error, and in other cases - falsification, says Archpriest Maxim (Kozlov) in the frame. , rector of the House Church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana at Moscow State University.

So where did this quote attributed to Saint Matrona come from? The “correct” quote from this program is already in the book “The Legend of the Life of the Blessed Elder, Mother Matrona”, which was published in 1993. And it sounds like this:

There will be no war, without war you will all die, there will be many victims, you will all lie dead on the ground. And I’ll also tell you: in the evening everything will be on the earth, and in the morning you will rise - everything will go into the ground. Without war, war goes on.

These words are spoken in the book by Anna Fillipovna Vybornova, who was the headwoman of the Sebenskaya Church during the life of Blessed Matrona. And it doesn’t say at all that these words of hers are read as any kind of prediction. And in many sources that supposedly talk about this “prediction” of Matrona, for some reason the phrase “Without war there is a war” is missing.

It was from this quote, with minor changes, that the alleged predictions that the end of the world was coming in 2017 soon began to “sprout.” And what’s more, it will happen on August 19th. But even here, not everything is so smooth.

A slightly modified quote, the same one from 2012, is periodically found in search engines and launched as another horror story about the coming end of the world. This year, for example, there were a number of reports that it was Elder Matrona who predicted the end of the world, which was supposed to take place on February 10, 2017. And then they also remembered the quote that “at sunset all people will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise, and the world will become different.”

However, as we see, nothing happened. How exactly the world will not end on August 19, 2017.

August 19, 2017, what will happen, will the end of the world happen, prophecies: hundreds of years ago, famous clairvoyants predicted a worldwide tragedy on this date. Their predictions make it clear that there is no chance of surviving during a global catastrophe. The number of deaths of humanity differs, but the month is still August.

Predictions about the end of the world

Since ancient times, people have tried to unravel the mystery of humanity, to understand where we came from. But the most pressing topic was and remains further fate inhabitants of the planet. Everyone knows that nothing lasts forever, so people from time immemorial have been trying to understand whether the end of the world will happen, which will entail the massive death of all living things, or whether our race will never die out.

A striking example of the fact that at all times there have been soothsayers who predicted the death of all living beings and the planet as a whole are presented below:

  • The Mayan calendar says that with the death of the Fifth Sun, planet Earth, as well as all its inhabitants, will perish. The priests claimed about the end of the world and even set its date - 12/21/2012. Fortunately, their predictions did not come true.
  • The predictions of Isaac Newton, a world-famous physicist, show that the end of the world will come in 2060 due to the fact that people will violate the Laws of God and behave inappropriately. He put forward his forecast on the basis of astrological observations and data set out in the Book of the Prophet Daniel.
  • The sacred scripture of the Zoostrians (information from the Avesta) prophesied the destruction of all living things for the year 2000. The Great Zarathustra wrote that our world will plunge into chaos. Let us note that many inhabitants of the planet took this forecast seriously. The media was full of bright headlines that the end of the world was just around the corner. People were frightened by large-scale disasters, plane crashes, and lack of electricity.
  • The famous clairvoyant Vanga predicted that the Apocalypse would still set foot on our lands. Exact date This frightening event was never found out, although she said that in 2378 a huge asteroid would fall on Earth, which would provoke a global flood, followed by the death of all living things. It’s hard not to believe the predictions of this soothsayer, because many of the things that she saw in her visions have already come true and continue to come true.
  • Nostradamus also repeatedly said that the end of the world was near. His legacy is poetic predictions, difficult to interpret, but some of them were still deciphered. According to the most common version, the world will plunge into darkness in 2250 after a devastating nuclear war. However, not everyone will die in this battle. The survivors will survive until 3797 - at which time the planet will collide with a cosmic body. It is this event that will trigger the end of the world.

Vanga's predictions for 08/19/2017

All clairvoyant predictions are rather vague, and usually become clear only after the predicted event occurs in reality.

Regarding August 19, 2017, there are memories of a friend of the seer Vanga, Todor Todorov. He recalls how Vanga said that Russia “will face difficult and difficult times, it will be tormented like wolves...”

There is no exact certainty that the words of the great soothsayer refer specifically to this year, because on August 19, 1991 (to August 21, 1991) a tragic event for our country already happened. There was an attempt at a coup by the State Emergency Committee, which failed, as a result of which the USSR collapsed.

What did Matrona say about the end of the world?

Almost before her death, Matrona saw the events that were about to happen in 2017. Her words “Without warriors, everyone on earth will die and this will happen back in 2017” are already beginning to send waves of fear through people. Matrona calls on humanity to turn to God before it’s too late, and not to stop praying, because the end of the world is just around the corner. She argued that difficult times would come, filled with sorrow and pain.

The great clairvoyant even named the approximate date of the Apocalypse - autumn 2017. According to her, everything will happen in the evening, there will be a war without war and thousands of lifeless bodies will simply lie in the streets.

Indeed, her prophecy inspires chilling horror and I want to believe that Matrona was wrong after all. Of course, avid skeptics do not believe such predictions and rush to turn to science to find a reasonable explanation for the clairvoyant’s statements.

But even modern scientists cannot give an absolute guarantee that in the near future our planet will not collide with some celestial body that will start the process of destroying all life on Earth.

Despite the pessimistic mood of Matrona’s predictions, humanity never ceases to believe in better times. After all, even the great fortuneteller said that after the Apocalypse there will be peace and tranquility. The surviving people will build new, happy states without aggression and hatred.

Whether the world will end in 2017 is hard to predict. Only time can help in this matter!…

Since ancient times, man has wanted to know the future: personal, of relatives and friends, of his country. This desire has not disappeared in the age of electronics. What are the predictions for 2017 for Russia from psychics, saints, hermits - those who managed to lift the veil of a foggy future? It is not entirely clear what awaits us in 2017 - the prophecies are numerous and ambiguous, but issues of war and peace, global disasters and the fate of national leaders occupy the main place.

Will World War III start in 2017?

She left many prophecies about Russia, which the seer loved very much. She herself was born in Yugoslavia and lived in Bulgaria, but she always said that Soviet Union will become Russia. She prophesied the role of a spiritual leader in the numerous trials that will befall humanity in the 21st century. Vanga's previous predictions came true, so we have no reason not to trust these words.

Will there be war in Russia in 2017?

After many years of crisis, one of the states (presumably Russia) will be spiritually reborn, and other nations will follow it - this is the opinion expressed by Vanga. Such a role for Russia will become real because it has enormous natural resources. The country will not suffer from crises as much as other states. But natural disasters will not bypass any country, and the reason is human carelessness, disrespect for nature and the decline of morals.

What awaits us in 2017, according to the predictions of modern soothsayers? Pavel Globa, a modern astrologer, has a favorable prognosis for Russia. In his opinion, it is not worth even talking about whether there will be a war in Russia in 2017 - the opposite will happen. In 2017, the country will become a member of new international unions and interethnic associations. In contrast, old unions, such as the European Union, will begin to collapse due to the withdrawal of economically strong states from them. Globa thinks so, and the recent events of Brexit clearly demonstrate this.

War in 2017: predictions of the saints

One of the most respected seers in Russia is. She was born blind in 1881, and at the age of 17 the girl lost her legs. These troubles did not embitter the woman’s heart; she believed religiously and helped people. Matrona foresaw her own death three days in advance, and in 2004 she was canonized as an Orthodox Saint. Among the people, Saint Matrona is known for her prophecies.

If we consider the problem of war in 2017, the Saint’s prophecies paint a different, but no less bleak picture. Matrona said that people would fall dead in the evening, and in the morning they would go underground. “Without war, war goes on,” is the literal prediction of St. Matrona. What is it - an earthquake with displacement earth's crust and the preliminary release of underground gases to the surface? This a natural phenomenon or a large-scale terrorist attack? One can only guess and build versions.

Orthodox believers are concerned about the words of the holy old woman, but perhaps her predictions, like the words of other soothsayers, are allegorical images. Maybe they should not be taken literally, but rather interpreted? Allegory is characteristic of many who foresaw the future, it is likely that Matrona is no exception.

Putin in 2017: predictions

Russia is the largest state on the planet, and it is logical that the influence of this country in the world is considerable. Russian President Vladimir Putin is today the most discussed and influential person on Earth. Many people think about Putin’s future, because it is inextricably linked with the fate of the country. Regarding Putin in 2017, prophecies vary greatly depending on the country of residence of the predictor. Thus, psychics from Ukraine, as if by agreement, paint the future of Vladimir Vladimirovich in the darkest colors. Russian astrologers give diametrically opposite forecasts. Let us not indiscriminately accuse the soothsayers of fraud. It is more likely that the personality of the seer leaves some imprint on his perception of the future. It makes more sense to consider the prophecy of someone who in no way has any antipathy or sympathy for Putin. Ideally, such a person died many years ago, did not see the modern leader of Russia, and did not hear about the country of Ukraine.

Such a person is Vanga, already familiar to us, the blind Bulgarian seer. She is neither a supporter nor an enemy of Putin, but she has said important things about him. The oxbow's prediction was recorded by the writer V. Sidorov in 1979. At this time, young Volodya Putin was studying at a university and was unknown in wide circles. The USSR was led at that time by Leonid Brezhnev, but Vanga firmly stated that in the future the country would be called Russia, as in the old days. The blind woman predicted that Vladimir had already been born, whose destiny was to glorify the Motherland and unite Bulgaria, Russia and other Slavic states against the enemy who trampled Christian values. Vanga said that under Vladimir’s rule, the people would have to overcome many difficulties with him. These sacrifices are not in vain - the people will overcome everything, achieve prosperity and leadership in the world. In difficult times, Russia will not lose anything, but will gain new things (are we talking about Crimea?). Vanga’s words are surprising; she assured that Vladimir is destined to rule.

Is it worth believing?

Can you trust the words of a blind old woman? Everyone decides for themselves, the argument in favor of Vanga: she foreshadowed the collapse of the USSR 12 years before this event, when no one thought about such a thing. She spoke about the revival of a new Russia, about the inextricable connection of the great country with her beloved homeland, Bulgaria. As an attentive reader has noticed, the predictions for 2017 for Russia by psychics, astrologers, and saints are different. This gives hope to humanity that the future is not entirely predetermined - with a great desire, the dark pages of the future can be corrected and rewritten. The past cannot be changed, but the future is in the hands of humanity itself!

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