Reading the Russian folk tale “The Winter of Animals” in the older group. Abstract of the GCD "Reading the fairy tale "Winter quarters of animals""

Elvira Kuvakina
Abstract of the educational activity “Acquaintance with the Russian folk tale “Winter quarters of animals” in the middle group

Introduction to Russian folk tales« Winter hut of animals»


Introducing children to the world fiction. Dating through a fairy tale with moral concepts: friendship, mutual assistance.


Continue to develop book viewing skills;

To lead to an understanding of the figurative content of proverbs;

Cultivate emotional perception of content fairy tales.

continue to form generalized concepts - wild and domestic animals.

Material: large illustration of a winter forest with a hut, flat figures fabulous animals, geometric shapes, cards with images of logs, wood chips, roofs, moss, bricks; music, fairy tale« Winter hut of animals» .

Progress of the lesson:

Creating a Lead

Guys, do you like to travel? Today I invite you to go to the winter forest. Who do you think might meet there? What animals are these? (children's answers).

“They turned through the left,

We plunged into the winter forest."

Music is playing.

The board reveals a large illustration of a snowy forest.

Here we are in the winter forest. Only no one is visible.

What is that visible between the trees?

The teacher draws the children's attention to the snowy hut.

Do you know who lives there?

And it will help us find out fairy tale.

Preparation for perception

The teacher shows a children's book.

Illustrations for this book were drawn by Yu. Vasnetsov.

What animals are shown on the cover? Are they wild or domestic?

Can pets live in the forest?

Listen to what happened in the forest with the domestic animals. (The teacher reads fairy tale, exposing silhouettes of animals for illustration).

Identifying the level of perception

What would you call this fairy tale(children's answers).

- The fairy tale is called« Winter hut of animals» . What does it mean « winter quarters» ? (a house for winter, a place where you can winter, survive the winter).

Where did it all start?

Let's label the animals with geometric shapes. (The teacher lays out geometric shapes in front of the children different colors and size). What figure will represent the bull? ram? cat? rooster?

For what the animals decided to spend the winter? How did they build it? Who did what? (Children repeat the words from the text and attach the image of a log, wood chips, brick, moss, roof to the geometric shapes).

Let's look at an illustration of how they wintered.

What happened one day? What helped the animals escape? (the wolf got scared). We were delighted animals that everything ended well. The cockerel walked especially proudly, let's portray him.

Physical education minute "Handsome Cockerel"

Oh, handsome cockerel,

There is a comb on the top of the head,

There is a beard under the beak,

Very proud gait.

Raises his paws up.

Nods his head importantly.

The rooster gets up before everyone else,

Sings loudly at dawn:


Continuation of the conversation, explanation of the proverb

There is a proverb “The rhinestone has big eyes”. How do you understand it? (it’s scary when you don’t know the truth; fear makes everything seem exaggerated and terrible). Who can you say this about? say? (about the wolf). Listen to this again.

Who will depict how the ram screamed? How did he bleat in a scary voice? (rooster, cat, bull, pig). Children pretend.

Lesson summary:

From what We met through a Russian folk tale?

The teacher explains to the children that the animals were saved from the wolves because they were together, did not quarrel, but helped each other.

Would you like to continue getting to know this fairy tale?

Which hero from this fairy tales you wish you were?

That's how interesting we heard a fairy tale today, and now it's time to return to group.

“Let’s turn right,

Back in group we will be back».

We're back in our group.

Let's play this game this evening a fairy tale and draw a winter hut. I have prepared stencils of the houses for you, and you will complete the details. (pipe, windows, door) and decorate the hut.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract of the educational activity “Winter quarters of forest animals” in the second junior group Abstract of the GCD on the topic “Winter quarters of forest animals” in the second junior group Goal: - to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, a sense of kindness.

Abstract of the educational activity for introducing the Russian folk tale “Fear has big eyes” with retelling (second junior group) Summary of the GCD for familiarization with the Russian folk tale “Fear has big eyes” with retelling. Age: Second junior group Topic: Familiarization.

Summary of educational activities for children of middle preschool age based on the Russian folk tale “Winter quarters of animals” State Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution kindergarten 1 compensating type of the Kalininsky district of the city of St. Petersburg.

Abstract of the GCD in the second junior group “Acquaintance with the Russian folk tale “Geese and Swans” Topic: “Introduction to the Russian folk tale “Geese and Swans”. Goal: introducing children to fairy tales using the example of Russian folk tale.

Notes on mathematics in the middle group “Winter quarters of animals” Topic: “Winter quarters of animals” Program content: “Quantity and counting.” Form an idea of ​​ordinal counting (its purpose, rules);

GCD for speech development “Winter quarters of animals in central Russia” in the preparatory school group Goal: Development of coherent speech in children. The goal is achieved through a number of tasks: 1) development of children’s coherent speech, speech hearing, creative perception;

Presentation “How animals winter.” Telling the Russian folk tale “Winter quarters of animals” Teacher of GBDOU No. 36 of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg Uskova Tatyana Vladimirovna Presentation: “How do animals winter?” Storytelling.

Olga Tyumentseva
Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group. Reading the fairy tale “Winter quarters of animals”

Target: deepening children's interest in fiction.


1. Educational:

Continue to teach how to listen to a work of art, evaluate the behavior of the characters;

Develop the ability to answer questions and maintain a conversation;

Activate children's vocabulary: winter hut, cut down a hut, cut poles, tear up wood chips, caulk walls;

Enrich children's vocabulary: “Fear has big eyes.”

To lead to an understanding of the figurative content of proverbs;

2. Developmental:

Develop attention and monologue speech;

Develop visual perception

3. Educational:

Cultivate children's interest in reading work of art, the desire to listen carefully.

Material: chest, book “Winter Quarters of Animals”, tape recorder, recordings of music “Fairytale”, “Magic”, sounds of a steam locomotive, music of the animals, presentation for a fairy tale.

Preliminary work: Introduction to the fairy tale “Winter Hut of Animals”, discussion of the distinctive features of each hero.

1. Stimulating interest(surprise moment)

(children enter the group to the music “Fairytale”)

Guys, do you like to travel? Today I invite you to go to a fairy tale. But how will we go there? How do we get into it? (by train, plane, ship, bus, steam locomotive, etc.)

Or maybe we can build a magical locomotive that can take us?

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, the guys “build” a steam locomotive, taking each other by the shoulders, and ride off. Having stopped, they close their eyes and say in unison: “One, two, three, get into a fairy tale.”

Here we are in a fairy tale. But which one? You know ("Winter quarters of animals")

To find out, try to guess the riddles:

1. Pink back, bristles on the back, hooked tail, and a snout on the nose?

2. Big, horned, moos, tail like a panicle?

3. Has a tail with patterns, and boots with spurs, gets up early, sings songs loudly?

4. Soft paws, scratchy paws, walks easily, loves milk?

5. Does he wear a fur coat in both hot and cold weather?

6. Who walks through the forest hungry in the cold winter?

Well done, you solved all my riddles. Did you find out which fairy tale the heroes are from (answers)

2. Preparation for perception

(Music "Magic" sounds)

Guys, can you hear the music? I wonder where she's from?

Guys, look, there is a magic chest here. What's in it? (The teacher takes out the chest). Says the words:

One, two, three, Magic chest,

Give us something!

(The teacher takes out a children's book from the chest)

Guys, what is this? (book) What should you do with it (read)

(Children sit in a semicircle.)

3. Reading the fairy tale “Winter quarters of animals”(reading a fairy tale is accompanied by showing ICT illustrations)

What is the story about? (about how animals built a winter hut)

How did you understand what the word “winter hut” means? (house)

Why did the animals build themselves a house? (to live, winter)

Who did what?

(the bull “hewed the pillars” - leveled the logs;

the ram “pulled wood chips” - finely chopped wood into chips;

the pig “kneaded clay” and laid bricks;

the cat carried moss, “caulked the walls” - plugged the cracks in the walls;

the rooster covered the roof.)

What does it mean to “cut down a hut”? (build a house)

What happened one day? (the wolves came)

How did the animals manage to escape? (the animals scared the wolves)

Did you like the fairy tale?

The animals were happy that they had escaped from the wolf and, in joy, they sent off to have fun and dance. Guys, let’s be happy for the animals and dance a little.

4. Physical education - dance(children perform movements to the music)

5. Explanation of the proverb, continuation of the conversation.

There is a proverb: “Fear has big eyes,” how do you understand it? (It’s scary when you don’t know the truth; fear makes everything seem exaggerated and terrible).

About whom can this be said in our fairy tale? (about the wolf)

What did the wolf see?

I will read about it again (we read the fairy tale again, the passage about the wolf)

So, guys, don't be afraid of what doesn't really exist.

Well, guys, we visited the fairy tale, read the fairy tale, and now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

Let's close our eyes and say the words: “One, two, three, come out of the fairy tale.”

(A steam locomotive is being built, on which the guys return to the group.)

6. Summary of the lesson.

Guys, let's remember where we were today? (in a fairy tale) What did you do? (read a fairy tale) What fairy tale did you read? (“Winter quarters of animals”) Why are books needed? (to learn a lot of new and interesting things) Did you enjoy traveling today? Was it difficult to answer the questions? Why?

(Teacher sums up)

If you liked it, then take a book with a smiley face on it. If you don’t like it, then take a sad emoticon (children take emoticons and explain their choice).

Abstract of GCD on ecology in the middle group. “Winter quarters of animals” Goal: O. o. “Cognition” Create conditions for expanding children’s ideas about the world around them. Continue to introduce the characteristics of objects, improve the ability to determine their color and shape. Develop the ability to compare and group objects according to these characteristics. Introduce the species of wild animals living in central Russia (squirrel, hare, bear, hedgehog, wolf, fox, their appearance and their living conditions. O. o. “Communication” Promote the development of curiosity. Improve dialogic speech: learn to participate in a conversation, answer questions clearly for listeners. Improve intonation expressiveness of speech when reading a poem by heart. O. o. " Physical culture » Form correct posture. Strengthen and develop the ability to walk, coordinating the movements of the arms and legs. O. o. “Socialization” Introduce didactic games aimed at improving the ability to compare objects by external characteristics, group, and make a whole from parts (cubes, mosaics, puzzles). O. o. “Music” Enrich your musical experience. Develop skills in the culture of listening to music (don’t get distracted, listen to the piece to the end). Develop singing skills without musical accompaniment (with the help of a teacher). Develop the ability to dramatize songs. Material: Decoration of a forest clearing (trees, animals, birds). Colored postcards with images of wild animals. Wonderful bag. Snowflakes, costumes. Progress of the lesson: The teacher invites the children to play the game “Add and Name.” Teacher: Guys, you will find out who we are going to talk about today when you add up the elements of the pictures that are on the table. I will ask you to come to the table and choose one of the fragments. Now look at the other side. The “shirts” of the pictures are of different colors. Those guys who have pictures with an orange “shirt”, go to the table marked with an orange circle, those with a white one - go to the white table, etc. Children complete the task. Educator: Who do you see in the collected pictures? /animals/. Name them. Where do these animals live? /in the forest/. What are the names of the animals that live in the forest? /wild/. Guys, winter is in control of nature now. She went out for a walk in the fields, steppes, and looked into the forest. I invite you for a walk in the winter forest. The teacher draws attention to the beauty of the winter forest, music sounds, and reads a poem by S. Yesenin. Bewitched by the invisible, The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep. The pine tree covered itself like a white scarf. Educator: Silent, enchanted by the forest, I want to walk, listen to the snow crackling under my feet from the frost. Quiet in the forest. Calmly. No one seems to live here. But it only seems so. Did you guys notice that while we were walking along the forest path, we didn’t meet a single animal? It's sad in the forest without them. Where are the animals? Why are they not visible? Who will help us find them? The Old Man appears - Lesovichok. Educator: What do you guys think, who is this? /Children's answers/ Old man Lesovichok, why is the forest clearing empty? Sad in the forest? Old man - Lesovichok: in order to meet forest animals, you need to guess riddles about them. You and I will recognize the animal by these two signs: He is wearing a gray fur coat in the winter, And he is wearing a red fur coat in the summer. /Squirrel/ A child appears - a squirrel. She talks about her life in the forest in winter. Squirrel: I, squirrel, am a cheerful animal, hopping and hopping through the trees. But in winter I change, I change into a gray fur coat. You have to jump and gallop less, you need to save and conserve your strength! All autumn I insulated the hollow, Pooh, and carried straws there. I was preparing a supply for winter: mushrooms, berries, nuts. So as not to starve in winter. Where can I get food in winter? It is difficult for a squirrel to spend the winter. When the winter is long, when it’s snowy, when there’s severe frost, then I rush to people and ask them for help. Educator: Guys, why does the squirrel change into a gray fur coat? /Children's answers/ The teacher clarifies: this is how a squirrel hides from enemies, for example, from a bird of prey - a hawk or a marten animal. In winter, the trees are bare and gray. The gray squirrel coat is almost invisible against their background. A child reads a poem about a squirrel: Winter is still far away, But not for fun. The squirrel drags into the bins Berries and nuts. The little animal knows: You need to stock up on time. The teacher asks the Old Man - Lesovichka to make the following riddle. Good-natured, businesslike, covered with needles. Can you hear the patter of nimble feet? This is our friend. /Hedgehog/ A child appears - a hedgehog. Tells about the life of a hedgehog in the forest in winter. Hedgehog: In winter I sleep soundly, Buried in a warm hole. I've been preparing a stock since the fall: I've stocked up on mushrooms and berries. He worked, he wasn’t lazy! They woke me up, and invited me to you guys, so that I could tell everything about myself. I would call the bear here, but he is fast asleep in the den, and you can’t wake him up. He has been accumulating his fat since the fall, eating a lot and drinking a lot. The bear and I have the same job in winter: sleep soundly and wait for spring. Educator: Guys, what do hedgehogs need needles for? / Children's answers / Why does a bear sleep in winter? /Children's answers/ Children read poems about a bear and a hedgehog. First r-k: The gray hedgehog is covered in needles, as if he is not an animal, but a Christmas tree. Even though the forest is prickly and silent, the hedgehog is kind, not evil. Second district: Through the rubble, through the ravines He walks with a master's step. The bear loves sweet honey and picks raspberries from the branches. The next riddle of the Old Man is Lesovichka: Cross-eyed, small, in a white fur coat, in felt boots. /Hare/ A child, a hare, appears and talks about how difficult it is for hares to live in the forest in winter. Hare: I, hare. I'll tell you how I live in the forest. By winter, guys, he turned white and put on a new fur coat. I’ll sit under a bush and hide under a pine tree. The forest beast will not see me, will not recognize me. Although I’m not a coward, I’m afraid of everything - everything. It’s very difficult in winter - When there’s severe frost and there’s not enough food. And I eat bark, frozen berries, What a hare finds under the snow - Everything will do him good. Don’t hurt the bunnies, you better help them. Where to save food, don’t scare, don’t drive. Educator: Guys, what is the bunny asking you for? /Children's answers/. What kind of house does the hare have? /Children's answers/. The teacher clarifies: the hare does not build a separate hole for itself. In winter, during the day, he usually sleeps in a snow hole or buried in a snowdrift, and at night he gets food: he gnaws the bark of trees. A child reads a poem about a hare: The noise of the forest rolled through - The scythe fell silent under the bush. Long ears flattened. It lay there for a long, long time. The old man - Lesovichok asks a riddle about the fox. What dangerous animal walks around in a red fur coat, shovels snow, grabs mice? /Fox/. A child, a fox, appears and talks about his life in winter. Fox: I’m not afraid of winter, I dress up in a warm fur coat, What a beautiful tail, I like it myself! I live in a hole. I sleep there, rest, and then begin to hunt. I'm looking for a field mouse or some kind of living creature. I want to catch a hare, but I can't catch him! Probably few people know about this. But it’s difficult for me in winter too. Sometimes I run all day and there is no food at all. The teacher asks the children why a fox has a fluffy tail? /Children's answers/. Why don't the fox's paws freeze? /Children's answers/. The teacher clarifies the children's answer: in winter, thick fur grows on their paws so that it is not cold for them to step on the snow. The fox walks in the snow as if wearing felt boots. A child reads a poem about a fox: The little fox knows the fox: All its beauty is in its fur coat. There is no red fur coat in the forest. There is no more cunning animal in the forest. Physical education minute. “Animal exercise” We checked our posture And brought our shoulder blades together, We walked on our toes, And then on our heels. Let's go softly, like little foxes, And like a clumsy bear, And like a little bunny - a coward, And like a gray wolf - a little wolf. The hedgehog curled up into a ball because he was chilled. The ray touched the hedgehog, the hedgehog stretched sweetly. The old man - Lesovichok makes a riddle about the wolf, and he himself tells about it. Old Lesovichok: And there is also a forest animal, guys, he is very angry. You haven't even met him! You'd be scared of him. Guess? /children's answers/This is a wolf. He doesn't walk alone; wolves roam in packs. Gray, thin, hungry and angry. They howl loudly at night, even scary for animals! It’s better not to come across them, you have to beware of them. But it’s also difficult for a wolf in winter. There is not enough food and he is starving. The child reads a poem about a wolf: Day and night he prowls the forest, Day and night he searches for prey. The wolf walks and wanders silently, Gray ears erect. The teacher thanks the animals for telling about their lives. Educator: Guys, how do animals live in the forest in winter? /Children's answers/ It is difficult for all animals to winter, they lack food, warmth, and danger lurks. Guys, how should we treat animals and the nature around us? /Children's answers/. What proverbs and sayings do you know about animals and nature? /Children's answers/. Protect birds and animals and always help them! He who destroys nature does not love his land! He who knows how to be kind will be able to protect and love nature! The teacher invites the children to treat the animals. Game “Wonderful Bag” The bag contains an apple, nuts, honey, carrots, cheese, etc. Children take out treats for the animals, guess who it is for, and treat the animals. Then the children stand in a round dance and sing the song “At the Forest Edge.” The guys say goodbye to the animals, Old Man - Lesovichok and leave the forest clearing

MKU MGO "Education"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 98"

Abstract of GCD

for middle aged children

"Winter quarters of animals"


Lesson objectives: Create conditions for consolidating counting within 5, knowledge of numbers within 5, indicating the number of objects with a number; consolidate the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle); continue to teach children, when comparing two objects, to highlight the parameter of length, width, height, to use the words “more - less”, “higher - lower”, “wider - narrower” in speech; develop logical thinking, attention, memory.

Equipment: demonstration - a flying carpet, a letter from animals, 2 Christmas trees, 2 paths of different widths, snowflakes with numbers, 3 large and 2 small cones, counting sticks, heroes of the fairy tale "Winter Lodge of Animals", Whatman paper with a drawn house, geometric figures (patches for magic carpet)
Preliminary work: Reading the fairy tale “Winter Hut of Animals”, neighbors of numbers, use of prepositions before, after, parts of the house.

GCD move:

Educator: Children enter the group and stand in front of the guests and teachers in a semi-circle of children in a circle.

Hello! You tell the person.

Hello! He will smile back.

And you will be healthy for many years.

Educator b: Let's, guys, wish health to our guests and say hello!

Educator: Guys, I came to the group this morning and found a letter, let’s see what it says and who it came from. Opens. And they write to us about a bull, a ram, a cat, a rooster and a pig, what fairy tale are these animals from?

Guys - “Winter quarters of animals”.

What kind of animals are these? Use questions to lead to the answer - pets. Let's read the letter.
- Hello guys. We left the house for the forest. But winter is coming, and we have nowhere to live. Please help us build a warm home.

Q: Well, guys, let’s help the animals?

Re: Let's help.
To help the animals and build a house, we need to complete tasks, all together, overcoming difficulties together and helping each other. (Repeat the rules of behavior in the forest with the children).
Well, guys, let's get down to business?

Then let's go on a trip to the fairy forest! And we will go there on a magic carpet.

(The teacher shows the “flying carpet”)

Educator:- Oh, guys, what happened? The mice chewed it up. Let's fix the magic carpet. I have patches on my tray, look what the patches look like?

Re: to the figures.

Q: What geometric shapes do you see?

Re: circle, square, triangle.

Q: Let's try, are the patches suitable for mending an airplane carpet? Every re. He takes the piece and finds the hole he needs. Does the teacher ask each person what the name of your figure is?

(Children take turns applying and identifying those “patches” that are suitable for repairing the carpet.)

Educator:- Our carpet is ready to fly. And now, friends, all aboard.

(The teacher and children stand on the carpet and imitate the movement of flight).

Our carpet flies and rushes,

We are not afraid of difficulties.

In a fairyland

We will find ourselves!

Educator: So we arrived in the fairy forest! But he won’t let us go further until we complete his task. Look how beautiful it is here. What trees do you see in front of you?

Re.- Christmas trees.

Q: - What height are the Christmas trees?

Children: tall and short.

Educator: What kind of tree do the cones hang on?

Children: on high.

Educator: Let's count the cones.

Children: one, two, three, four, five.

Educator: how many cones are there in total?

Children: 5 cones.

Educator: What size are the cones?

Children: Big and small.

Q: How many big buds?

Q: How many small cones?

Educator: Which cones are there more?

Children: There are more big shots.

Educator: Which cones are smaller?

Children: There are fewer small bumps.

Q: How can I make sure there are equal numbers of cones?

D: add a little. Remove the big one.

Educator: Well done. You did it.

Walking in a circle is accompanied by the words of the teacher: we walk like bears, we walk like a fox, we jump like bunnies, we fly like birds.

Educator: - Guys, look at the snowdrift we have grown here? What is this?

D: there are snowflakes.

Q: What is written on them?
D: - numbers
Q: Are the numbers in the right place?
D: no
Q: Let's arrange them correctly.
D: arranged and spoken in order from 1 to 5. Be sure to name these numbers.

Q: name the neighbors of the numbers 2, 3, 4.

Re: 2-1 and 3, 3-2 and 4, 4-3 and 5.

Q: Let's say the numbers in reverse order.

Re: 5,4,3,2,1.

Q: Well done guys, we completed the task! Let's move on!

Educator: What is this in front of us? These are snowy paths along which animals walk in the forest.
Q: How wide are the paths?
D: wide, narrow.
Q: Which way should we take to get to the animals faster? How many children can walk along the road at the same time without falling? (Working on the concept of wide, narrow) Children visually try on how many children can fit on a wide and narrow one.

The guys walk along a wide path and find themselves at the edge of the forest.

Educator: - Guys, we found ourselves at the edge of the forest, where animals are waiting for us.
Let's go to the table. Look, on our table there is a Whatman paper with a picture of a house. What parts of the house will we build? (Children clarify which animal is which part) What material will we build the house from?

D: - counting sticks.

Educator: Distribution of children, which part of the house I will build.
We will place the animals in our part of the house.
We admired the work done.
Educator: Well done, guys! We are returning home. We closed our eyes and counted to 5, and found ourselves back in our group.
Who did you guys help?
What happened to them?
How did we help them?

Where is the home of the animals?
What tasks did you perform in the fairytale forest?

How did you overcome the difficulties?
What was difficult for you to do?
Who will we thank?
And the animals also say thank you, now they will be warm in the winter forest.

Lesson summary for the middle group

Winter hut of animals.

Software tasks:

Develop speech, auditory perception, attention, imagination, speech breathing. activate children's vocabulary, form moral feelings preschoolers through familiarization with the animal world.

Strengthen knowledge about wild and domestic animals. Learn to make a description from a picture.

Educator: This morning I received a parcel.

Guys, who do you think this package is for?

Children: - To us

Educator: How did you find out?

Children: On the box is the emblem of our garden

Educator : Do you want to know what's there?

Children: - Yes

Educator: Sonya open the parcel! What's there? (the child takes out a camera and a letter)

LETTER Hello boys and girls. I ask you to help me photograph the inhabitants of the forest and make an album “Inhabitants of our forests.” I invite you to visit. In the winter forest.


Educator: Guys, the forester invites us to visit and asks for help. Do you know who a forester is?

Children: - No

A forester is a person who takes care of the forest, of animals so that no one harms them, feeds them in winter, plants young trees, protects the forest from fire, saves cubs if their parents are killed

Guys, what does a forester do in the forest? (consolidate new knowledge)

Educator: Guys, what does the forester ask us in his letter?

Children: help photograph animals and make an album

Educator: Do you want to help the forester?

Educator: Where can we take pictures of animals?

Children: In the forest

Educator: Then we need to go to the forest. What rules of conduct in the forest do you know?

Children: You can’t make noise, take animals home, or break trees. Litter.

Educator : That's right guys, please tell me what time of year it is now?(winter) . Do you like winter? Why do you like her? What do you like to do in winter? Winter can be different - with a slight frost, quiet, a little snow falls. In this weather you want to go for a walk, sledding, skiing, or skating. And sometimes winter is cold, angry, with strong winds and snow.

Educator: And so that we can go to the forest, let’s figure out how to get there, because there are deep snowdrifts on Winter Street and in the forest.

Children: you can go skiing.

Educator : Let's put on our skis, pick up our ski poles and go on our hike. (Children imitate the movements) An audio recording of sounds is turned on winter forest : the sound of the wind, the howling of a blizzard, the creaking of snow.

We're going skiing into the forest,(Children wave their arms as if using ski poles)

We climb the hill.

Sticks will help us walk,

The road will be easy for us.

Suddenly a strong wind rose,(Rotation of the body to the right and left)

He twists and turns trees

AND rustling among the branches.

The snow flies, flies, flies. !

At least it's nice to ride here,

We need to study again

Leads the children to the decoration to the music winter forest, on "winter snow" There are scattered drawings with animal tracks.

Educator: Here comes the winter forest ! How beautiful! The snow glistens in the sun! Listen to the sounds of the winter forest. What do you hear? (Recording starts - woodpecker, tit)

Children: birdsong, wind.

Educator :What is that visible in the snow?

Children: Traces!

Educator : Whose tracks do you think these are?

Children : Traces of forest animals.

Educator: Look at the tracks, they lead to that Christmas tree.

But we will find out whose trace this is by solving the riddle.

Not a lamb or a cat

Wears a fur coat all year round

Gray fur coat for summer,

A fur coat for winter of a different color. ( hare )

Educator: How does a hare prepare for winter?

Children: Changes his gray coat to white

Educator: Why.

Children: disguised.

Educator: Here comes the bunny, let's take a photo of it.


The little white bunny sits and wiggles his ears

Like this (sitting on your haunches with your arms above your head pretending to have bunny ears)

The bunny is sitting cold and needs to warm his paws (rubbing his palms while standing)

The bunny is standing cold, the bunny needs to jump (they jump like bunnies)

Someone scared the bunny

The bunny jumped and galloped away.

Educator Guys, do you hear someone rustling? Let's go and have a look.

(Children and their teacher are searching). Look, that's who was rustling here. Who is this? (The teacher takes out the squirrel).

Educator: Let's take a photo of it and remember how a squirrel prepares for winter?

Children (Squirrel is stocking up : collects cones, nuts, acorns in the hollow; changes his red fur coat to a gray one)

Educator Oh look, are there any other traces here? Guess who it is? (Make a riddle).

Red-haired cheat

Hid under the tree

The cunning one is waiting for the hare.

What's her name? (Fox)

Educator: also offers to photograph the animal.


Let's play "Give me a word".

The hare is white in winter, and in summer...(grey)

The hare has a short tail and ears...(long)

At the squirrel's hind legs long, and the front ones...(short)

- The hedgehog is small, and the bear...(big)

The hare is fluffy, and the hedgehog...(barbed)

The squirrel has a long tail, and the hare...(short)

The fox has soft fur, but the wolf….(hard

Educator: Guys, who else can we meet in the forest?

You and I will find out by putting together the puzzles.

Picture: Boar.

Educator Guys, what other animals can you find in our forest?

Children: list (elk boar hedgehog lynx)

Educator let's look at pictures of animals. (Special pictures depicting wild animals are attached to the magnetic board).

Educator: Guys, it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's take ski poles (children imitate).

We are going to the garden on skis, (Children wave their arms as if they are using ski poles)

We climb the hill.

Sticks will help us walk,

The road will be easy for us.

Suddenly a strong wind rose, (Rotate the body to the right and left)

He twists and turns trees

AND rustling among the branches.

The snow is flying, flying, flying

Educator : So we returned to our kindergarten

Educator : Guys, we photographed animals in the forest, look how many photos we got! We have a string, let's connect all the photos into an album. This is how our album “Inhabitants of Our Forests” turned out

Educator What animals live in the forest?

Wild children.

Educator: Why are they called that (wild)

Children: Because they get their own food, take care of themselves.

Educator: Guys, did we complete the task that the forester asked for? (Yes).


Publications on the topic