Garlic: what is the dream about? The magic of numbers

Children's dream book

Garlic in a dream, what does it mean

Garlic - You will be in danger, but you will avoid it without even noticing that it was there - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

Great dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Garlic?

Garlic - Eating garlic in a dream means changing your previous ideals. Weeding a bed of garlic portends taking a prominent position in society. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows an arranged marriage.

Maly Velesov dream book

Dreaming of Garlic in a dream

Garlic - Bad news, tears; eat – health; planting means death.

Garlic (interpretation according to the Ancient Russian Dream Book)

Garlic - See the article onion, this is how you interpret what you are dreaming about.

Seeing Garlic, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Garlic - For a young woman to see GARLIC means marrying not for love, but for convenience. If she dreams that she eats garlic, then in reality she, having taken a prudent life position, will soon abandon her previous ideals and illusions.

Freud's Dream Book

Analysis of the dream in which Garlic was dreamed

Garlic - In a dream, smelling garlic or seeing someone eating it means you like some person, and you believe that he has reciprocal feelings for you. Alas, in fact, this person is indifferent to you and is not at all inclined to communicate. You shouldn’t force things – the object of your dreams simply won’t understand this; Moreover, he may be afraid of you. You yourself ate garlic, which means that thoughts about possible betrayal of your partner are increasingly visiting you, and this happens because married life seems too bland and ordinary to you. Try to change something yourself, bring something new into your bedroom, and then everything else won’t seem boring to you.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Garlic?

Garlic - A woman sees that the housewife is planting garlic heads in a large bed. This meant that the head of the family and the owner would be hidden in the ground, which eventually happened.... Garlic - bad news; eat – health.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Garlic from your dream

Garlic – recovery.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Garlic, what does it mean?

Garlic – Garlic, being a medicine, is a harbinger of illness in a dream. The smell of garlic is a warning against someone's obsession. Eating garlic in a dream means that you will be involved in an unpleasant situation against your will.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Garlic in a dream?

Garlic - Why dream that you are weeding a bed of garlic - foretells an elevation from extreme poverty to a prominent position in society. For a young woman, this dream foretells that she will marry not for love, but for convenience. Why dream that you eat garlic? The dream foretells that, having taken a prudent life position, you will abandon your previous ideals.

Culinary dream book

Features of the dream about the Root Vegetable

Garlic – Eating garlic and tasting and smelling it is a lasting pleasure, although not particularly aesthetic.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Seeing Garlic in a dream as a symbol

Garlic - Seeing in a dream means a dispute, bad news. Collect or buy - do not deal with ill-wishers; eat - health.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing Garlic in a dream

Garlic – Green all matters will be settled; debts will be repaid, both to you and yours. The head, the teeth, there is a thrill, danger, an extreme situation that will make your blood hot.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream about Garlic in a dream?

Garlic - Seeing in a dream - a dispute, bad news - collecting or buying - dealing with ill-wishers - eating - health.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of Garlic

Garlic - Garlic, as you know, is one of the most tried and true remedies against evil spirits, and if you dreamed of it, then soon you will have to engage in single combat with it. This should not be taken literally - you will not fight vampires, drive out evil spirits and talk with devils, but you must take care of your own soul and expel evil thoughts from it. “What does evil spirits have to do with it?” – you ask. The answer to this question is simple: everything bad in a person comes from the devil, and he is an evil spirit. Eating garlic in a dream means you are afraid that your vicious self will prevail over the virtuous half of your soul and you will wallow in sin, thereby destroying your soul. To combat this, you want to find serious helpers. But who, if not yourself, can understand your spiritual life better than others? There are no words, you need help, but do not rely on strangers for everything - you must do the main thing. If you use garlic to protect yourself from evil spirits, then you will have to find a spiritual mentor so that he will not only insist you on the true path, but also explain how, in fact, to find this path.

Why see Garlic in a dream? (according to the Magic Dream Book)

Garlic - planting garlic - protection from evil spirits, seeing garlic in a bunch - confidence in your rightness and strength, green garlic - you are free to do whatever you want.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Meet Garlic in a dream

Garlic - Good health, success in business and promotion. Imagine adding garlic to every dish. Try a piece of each dish.

Great modern dream book

Garlic in a dream - interpretation according to Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Garlic - You seem to be weeding garlic in a dream - you will be very lucky in life; It is in such cases that they say: from rags to riches. A young woman dreams that she is weeding garlic - this woman will marry for convenience. It’s as if you are eating garlic - you will abandon the ideals of youth and be as prudent as possible; you will prefer personal peace to the fight for justice; perhaps you will even stop sympathizing with the fighters for justice, considering them naive people.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What does it mean if you dreamed about Garlic?

Garlic - to a quick and noticeable improvement in health. Imagine shopping malls hung with bunches of garlic. You buy a bunch of the finest garlic, bring it home, and cook dinner, adding plenty of garlic to all dishes.

Dream Book of Calvin Hall

If you see cloves of Garlic, what is it for?

What is garlic for? 1. In ancient times, garlic was given great importance. Because of its shape and many lobes, it was considered a symbol of fertility; thanks to its pungent odor, it is a symbol of protection. Therefore, the dream of garlic is associated with one of these meanings. 2. Garlic as a protective amulet is extremely effective against the forces of evil. From a psychological point of view, it protects the heart area and therefore imparts fearlessness. 3. Magic, magic.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does it mean to dream with Garlic, taking into account your date of birth?

In the spring, why dream of eating garlic - a serious illness is approaching.

If in the summer you dreamed of eating garlic, it means poor appetite.

In the fall, why did you dream of eating garlic? It means embarrassment.

In winter, what does garlic mean in dreams - protection.

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Garlic in a dream?

According to the dream book, see Garlic - Garlic is widely considered a magical protective plant. In Southern and Central Europe it has been a symbol of protective power since ancient times. It is believed that it scares away snakes and vampires, and wards off the evil eye and lightning. The custom of hanging bunches of garlic on the walls of the house is also associated with its protective symbolism. Garlic is also one of the varieties of herbs, which at one time was valued almost worth its weight in gold. Therefore, if you dream that you are growing garlic, this means that in life you are busy building a foundation for your comfortable future. If you eat garlic in a dream, then this dream foretells you a romantic relationship, but meetings with the one you fall in love with will be infrequent. If you just see mountains of garlic, then this is an indication of good health - garlic still has remarkable medicinal properties, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Garlic in a dream?

Seeing Garlic in a dream means Garlic. Weeding a bed of garlic - a change from poverty to high position and prosperity. Eating garlic does not prevent you from reconsidering your ideals, life position, and views. For a young woman, caring for garlic is a sign of arranged marriage, although affection may come later, as such a dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Garlic according to the dream book?

Seeing Garlic in a dream - Eating garlic yourself means that you often think about cheating on your partner. You are bored with your ordinary married life and want to experience something new. However, you should not take radical measures - just try to change your married life by introducing some innovations into it. Watching other people eat garlic means that you are experiencing increased interest in a person who, unfortunately, is indifferent to you. You attract his attention in every possible way, but he remains just as indifferent. Don't try to make him interested in you - it's useless. However, over time, perhaps, reciprocal feelings will awaken in him, only this will happen naturally, as the dream book-interpreter predicts.

Ancient dream book

What does it mean to see Garlic in a dream?

According to the dream book Garlic - if in a dream you smelled garlic or saw someone eating it, then you are clearly attracted to some man, and you believe that he is also not indifferent to you. However, you are deeply mistaken in your assessment of the situation. And if you inadvertently start to force things, then what you think is a potential partner will get scared and retreat. If in a dream you ate garlic yourself, it means that you are increasingly thinking that it would be nice to “go left.” And all because your partner clearly does not have enough imagination to diversify your sexual relationship. But only physical satisfaction attracts you little. However, keep in mind that the monotony is partly your fault, so try to change something yourself

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about Garlic:

Garlic - Eating garlic means poor appetite.

Autumn dream book

If you dream about Garlic, what does it mean:

Garlic - Eating garlic means a serious illness is approaching, as the dream book says about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Garlic in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Garlic - If you dream that you are walking between the beds on which garlic is planted, the period of financial difficulties will soon end. For a young woman, such a dream means: when choosing a husband, she will be guided, first of all, by common sense, and not by feelings. A dream in which you eat garlic indicates that when making decisions you will be guided by calculation, not ideological principles.

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Garlic, what does a dream mean:

Seeing Garlic in a dream - If you dreamed that you were weeding a bed of garlic, you would occupy a fairly prominent position in society. A young woman who sees such a dream will marry not out of love, but out of convenience. If you ate garlic in a dream, then you will have to abandon your previous ideals and take a more prudent life position. This dream also means that thoughts about possible betrayal of your partner are visiting you more and more often. And this happens because married life seems too bland and ordinary to you. Try to bring something new into your relationship, and it will stop being so boring. If you ate garlic and felt its taste and smell, there was a long-lasting, but not very aesthetic pleasure ahead. If you smelled garlic in a dream or saw someone eating it, in reality you like some person, and you believe that he has reciprocal feelings for you. However, in reality he is completely indifferent to you.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Garlic:

Garlic - eating garlic means embarrassment.

Why do you dream about garlic: ambiguous interpretations of dreams

Did you know that the “bright image” of this product, beloved by everyone and widely used in cooking, is interpreted differently by different dream interpreters. Why do you dream about garlic and what can such dreams tell or warn about? Let’s look at the conflicting primary sources together, and then you will have to decide for yourself which interpretation of the dream about garlic to choose: and most likely, this will depend on the preferences given to one or another author.

Dream Interpretation by Y. Longo: why do you dream about garlic?

In a collection of interpretations from a famous white magician we read that garlic is the surest remedy, used for a long time against all kinds of evil spirits. And if you dreamed about it, then this may mean that very soon you will have to enter into a fight or confrontation with her. Of course, this message should not be taken so literally, and you will not drive aspen stakes while chasing vampires. But it’s definitely worth taking care of spiritual matters and clearing your mentality of evil thoughts. If you eat garlic in a dream, then it means that you are afraid of someone’s negative influence. This can happen both from the outside and, so to speak, from the inside: with the help of your second self. And destroy everything good in your soul. Why do you dream about garlic in such cases? This is a warning to a person that in this struggle for good he must rely not only on helpers, but also on himself.

Freud's Dream Book

According to this, also quite well-known and respected source, if you ate garlic in a dream (or someone who was next to you) felt its aroma, you have sympathy for this person and are sure that the feelings are mutual. But do not rush to make hasty conclusions: perhaps the object of your affection and love is not inclined to show feelings and such rapid developments of events. So there is no need to force it: let everything take its course. Why do you dream about garlic according to Freud? If you eat garlic yourself in a dream, there is a secret hidden desire to cheat on your regular partner. Reason: cooling of the relationship and the fact that you consider life together too boring, devoid of adrenaline and zest. And if you add it, then marital duties may no longer seem like a chore to you.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream of a bed of garlic that you are weeding, then this may mean that your life path will be paved from despair and worries, from bitter need to a fairly high status in society or at work. As they say: through thorns to the stars. Therefore, do not be discouraged and dare (especially young people)! But for a girl, dreaming of garlic means a quick marriage, but not out of love, but out of convenience. You will abandon your current ideals and acquire new, more prudent and practical ones.

A few more interpretations

If you plant?

Why do you dream of planting garlic? In the Ukrainian dream book, for example, this means evil. If a housewife plants heads of garlic in a garden bed, then soon the head of the family will face trouble and even death. The same version of the interpretation is reflected in the Small Dream Book.

If you clean?

Why do you dream about peeling garlic? There is also no clear answer to this question in dream books. For example, Felomena’s dream book says that these actions in a dream predict large and unexpected profits in finance, personal and family. But at the same time, this can also mean the emergence of health problems. But in general, peeling garlic means money.

If you dreamed that you were looking at garlic, then very soon you would be in danger, but you would calmly pass by it because you would not immediately recognize the complexity in an ordinary situation.

What did you do with garlic in your dream? How much garlic did you see in your dream? What did you dream about with garlic? What kind of garlic did you dream about?

What did you do with garlic in your dream?

Peel garlic Plant garlic Buy garlic

Harvesting garlic in a dream

If you dream that you are harvesting garlic in the garden or buying it at a retail outlet, it is better to stay away from obvious ill-wishers so as not to become a victim of their tricks.

If you cut garlic in a dream

If you dreamed about cutting garlic, then don’t be afraid of any problems, quarrels or other troubles that have accompanied you lately, because they will all quickly and easily dissolve without a trace.

Dreaming of eating garlic

The interpretation of a dream about eating garlic is to cool marital feelings. Due to constancy and boredom in family relationships, you are increasingly thinking about committing infidelity.

If another person ate the plant, then you are deluded in reality, thinking that the partner of your dreams is also madly in love with you - most likely, he is indifferent to your feelings.

Why do you dream of stealing garlic?

The dream book's predictions about your dream of wanting to steal garlic call for patience, since soon you will have to experience the unpleasant consequences of difficult events, and luck will turn away from you for a short time.

I dreamed about pulling out garlic

Pulling garlic in a dream means the plans you have made will not come true. Achieving the desired results will not work out from the very first days, which will give reason to try to change what was planned.

How much garlic did you see in your dream?

A lot of garlic in a dream

People who have health problems dream about a lot of garlic, as a sign that their illnesses will soon recede. For healthy people, the dream means emotional turmoil or disappointment.

What did you dream about with garlic?

Seeing onions and garlic in a dream

If you dreamed that onions were planted in a garden bed next to garlic, this means that one problem after another awaits you, unpleasant events that require a quick solution.

What kind of garlic did you dream about?

Seeing peeled garlic in a dream

A dream in which you saw peeled garlic promises that you will find yourself in a dangerous situation, you will have to experience extreme emotions, which will make the blood in your veins boil more intensely.

Why do you dream about garlic?? ? I dreamed of 2 cloves of garlic in my hand...


Yulyashka Kudinova

Dream interpretation of those born from September to December

Garlic - Eating garlic means a serious illness is approaching.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Dream Interpretation Garlic – Eating garlic means poor appetite.

Children's dream book

Garlic - You will be in danger, but you will avoid it without even noticing that it was there.

Women's dream book

Why do you dream about Garlic - Eating garlic in a dream means changing your previous ideals. Weeding a bed of garlic portends taking a prominent position in society. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows an arranged marriage.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Garlic - Bad news, tears; eat – health; planting means death.

Dream interpreter. Dream interpretation

Garlic – See article onions.

Dream book for the whole family

Garlic - For a young woman to see GARLIC in a dream means marrying not for love, but for convenience. If she dreams that she eats garlic, then in real life she, having taken a prudent life position, will soon abandon her previous ideals and illusions.

Freud's Dream Book

Garlic - In a dream, smelling garlic or seeing someone eating it means you like some person, and you believe that he has reciprocal feelings for you. Alas, in fact, this person is indifferent to you and is not at all inclined to communicate. You shouldn’t force things - the object of your dreams simply won’t understand this; Moreover, he may be afraid of you. If in a dream you ate garlic yourself, it means that thoughts about possible betrayal of your partner are increasingly visiting you, and this happens because married life seems too bland and ordinary to you. Try to change something yourself, bring something new into your bedroom, and then, perhaps, everything else will not seem boring to you.

Ukrainian dream book. Dream interpretation

Garlic - A woman dreams that the housewife is planting garlic heads in a large garden bed. This meant that the head of the family and the owner would be hidden in the ground, which eventually happened.... Garlic - bad news; eat - health.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Garlic - Eating garlic means embarrassment.

Dream Book of the Wanderer. Dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Garlic – Protection; recovery.

ABC of dream interpretation

Garlic – Garlic, being a medicine, is a harbinger of illness in a dream. The smell of garlic is a warning against someone's obsession. Eating garlic in a dream means you will be drawn into an unpleasant situation against your will.

Miller's Dream Book. Dream interpretation

Why dream about Garlic - To dream that you are weeding a bed of garlic - foretells an elevation from extreme poverty to a prominent position in society. For a young woman, this dream foretells that she will marry not for love, but for convenience. If you dream that you are eating garlic, then the dream foretells that, having taken a prudent life position, you will abandon your previous ideals.

Culinary dream book

Garlic – Eating garlic and tasting and smelling it is a lasting pleasure, although not particularly aesthetic.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse. Dream interpretation

Garlic - Seeing is a dispute, bad news. Collect or buy - do not deal with ill-wishers; eat - health.

Esoteric dream book

Garlic – Green all matters will be settled; debts will be repaid, both to you and yours. The head, the teeth, there is a thrill, danger, an extreme situation that will make your blood hot.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Garlic - Seeing - dispute, bad news - collecting or buying - dealing with ill-wishers - eating - health

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Garlic - Garlic, as you know, is one of the most tried and true remedies against evil spirits, and if you dreamed of it, then pretty soon you will have to engage in single combat with it. This should not be taken literally - you will not fight vampires, drive out evil spirits and talk with devils, but you must take care of your own soul and expel evil thoughts from it. “What does evil spirits have to do with it? - you ask. The answer to this question is simple: everything bad in a person comes from the devil, and he is an evil spirit.


To tears and grief.

Jan A.

I’m not an expert (!!!) on dreams, but it’s not for nothing that they talk about garlic (as protection against vampires) - it is a very strong Antioxidant - it strengthens the immune system (slows down aging, etc.).

I try to chew it constantly.. :)


in your actions there appears more calculation than is required...

Galina Kravets

Everything will be fine for you!


Head, cloves - thrill, danger, extreme situation that will heat your blood


//....domestic quarrels or the disclosure of some unpleasant secret....

Planting garlic

Dream Interpretation Planting Garlic dreamed of why you dream about planting garlic? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see planting Garlic in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Garlic

Garlic - “a woman dreams that the housewife is planting garlic heads in a large garden bed. This meant that the head of the family and the owner will be hidden in the ground, which eventually happened...”. Garlic - bad news; eat - health.

Dream Interpretation - Garlic

Growing garlic portends abundance and prosperity; picking it means finding strong marital happiness. Peeling garlic means receiving money. Buying garlic means being deceived in your best expectations.

Dream Interpretation - Garden

a green garden in which trees, flowers, and plants grow, in a dream symbolizes Islam and faith. And if someone is in a beautiful garden or walks in a dream, it means that he can go to Paradise in the next world. If someone sees himself watering a garden, then he will be with his wife in love and harmony. If fruits or leaves grow on the trees, then the one who sees the dream will have a child. And if he sees that a stranger is watering his garden, then this is not good. If someone sees in a dream that one part of the gate of his garden has been removed, then he will divorce his wife. Unknown gardens symbolize Paradise, and whoever sees himself walking in such a garden will go to Paradise. In a dream, any green garden or field is the religion of Islam, and if one sees himself walking in this garden, it means that he is fulfilling the requirements of Islam correctly, and he will receive benefits from Islam. It is also believed that the garden seen in a dream symbolizes a woman, since what they have in common is that a woman, like a garden, is “irrigated,” the “seed” grows and produces offspring. If someone who sees a garden in a dream fights on the Lord’s path (i.e., commits Jihad, Ghazavat), then he will be awarded a great degree of martyrdom (i.e., becomes a Shahid) and especially if he sees in him a girl calling him to her place or that he drank in no milk or honey. A garden can also mean wife, children, wealth, prosperity and relief from worries and problems. To see in a dream that a person comes out of a beautiful garden onto bare ground, a desert or a dark place means that a believer in life may renounce his faith or commit a sin, an unbeliever may die and go to Hell after death.

Dream Interpretation - Garden

Seeing a magnificent garden with flowering trees is a quick marriage that will turn out to be extremely happy. If such a dream is seen by a person who is already married, it means that all his dreams will come true. If you dreamed of bright flowers in the garden, the dream foretells the pleasure of successful purchases. A garden consisting of trees of the same type (cherry, apple, apricot) - a dream promises prosperity and well-being. Picking flowering branches from trees in the garden means victory awaits you in a difficult and confusing task. Seeing a garden in early spring, when everything is just beginning to bloom, is a good period for planning and starting new things. Whatever you undertake will be a success. Caring for trees in the garden (digging, greasing, grafting) - your efforts today are of great importance for the future. Try to do your job as best you can: the time will come when you will enjoy the wonderful fruits of your labors. A garden filled with summer sun means great joy awaits you. If in a dream you were not alone in the garden, in reality share this joy with your friends. Seeing ripening fruits in such a garden is a sign of pleasure and good health. An autumn garden full of ripe fruits - all your efforts were not in vain, the time has come to enjoy the results of your labors. Financial profit, stable income, and the implementation of all your plans await you. A leafless garden is also considered a favorable sign. May you currently see no prospects and feel lonely. Very soon you will realize that all paths are open to you, and your friends are wonderful and successful people who will help you in any matter. A garden covered with snow is a favorable time for relaxation. Put all your business aside and go on vacation. You deserve it. All trips during this period will be successful. If you are walking in the garden and it rains at this time, the dream means that your affairs are moving in the right direction. Well, if the rain gets you wet, it's a profit. If the trees in the garden bend under a strong wind, this foreshadows life's adversities, which you will overcome thanks to your friends. Winter garden (indoors) - your well-being is protected by influential people. You have nothing to fear. Eden (Garden of Eden) - a return to a stable and calm life. Harmony and comfort will reign in the family, and good luck will accompany you in business.

Imagine that you and your loved ones are walking through the garden and picking ripe fruits from the trees.

Dream Interpretation - Garden

Seeing a green and blooming garden in a dream is a sign of joy and pleasure. For lovers, such a dream predicts the fulfillment of a secret desire. If in a dream you see a garden blooming before your eyes, then big changes in life await you, which will bring you success and recognition. A garden with fruit trees dotted with ripe fruits, seen in a dream, portends wealth and happiness. See interpretation: trees, fruits, leaves.

Collecting fruits from the garden is a harbinger of great profit if the fruits are ripe and not rotten. An autumn garden in a dream means the end of some relationship, the end of happiness. To see a bare garden in a dream with trees without leaves is a sign of sadness and failure.

If you dream that there are many dead or cut down trees in the garden, then failures in business, failure of plans, and collapse of hopes await you.

Walking through the garden in a dream is a sign of satisfaction with the progress of your affairs, peace and well-being. An abandoned garden in a dream is a harbinger of failure and poverty.

Getting lost in a garden in a dream foreshadows confusion and grief. See interpretation: flowers, plants (and by name).

A gardener in a dream symbolizes an assistant, patron, friend. The success of your business or your personal happiness depends on his behavior. If in a dream the gardener is angry and looks at you suspiciously and slyly, then you should be wary of a trick and not trust false words and promises.

Putting your garden in order (pulling out weeds, etc.) means that you should put your own affairs in order and get rid of everything (and everyone) that interferes with the implementation of your plans. A dream in which you saw that someone was damaging trees, tearing flowers or stealing fruits warns you that you may suffer losses. If you dream that some kind of natural disaster has destroyed your garden, then you will face ruin and the collapse of hopes for a better future.

Dream Interpretation - Garden

To dream that you and your beloved are walking through a flowering garden is a sign of the delightful conclusion of a long courtship. If the garden is full of ripe fruits, this foretells a reward for faithful service or full leadership in entrepreneurship.

For women, such a dream foreshadows a happy home, a devoted husband and obedient children.

If you dream that you see pigs in the garden eating fallen fruit, this is a sign that you will lose property.

Picking ripe fruits is a lucky sign of abundance for all people.

To wander into a blackberry tree while passing through a garden means warning you about jealous rivals or noisy scandals.

If you dream that you see a barren garden, then you will not have the opportunity to climb higher on the ladder of life.

If you see a garden devoid of foliage, this means that while you enjoy the present, you will be frivolous in relation to the future.

Seeing a garden under a hurricane wind is a sign that an unwanted guest or unpleasant responsibilities will appear.

Dream Interpretation - Garlic

Garlic - In a dream, smelling garlic or seeing someone eating it means you like some person, and you believe that he has reciprocal feelings for you. Alas, in fact, this person is indifferent to you and is not at all inclined to communicate. You shouldn’t force things - the object of your dreams simply won’t understand this; Moreover, he may be afraid of you.

If in a dream you ate garlic yourself, it means that thoughts about possible betrayal of your partner are increasingly visiting you, and this happens because married life seems too bland and ordinary to you. Try to change something yourself, bring something new into your bedroom, and then, perhaps, everything else will not seem boring to you.

Dream Interpretation - Garlic

For a young woman to see garlic in a dream means marrying not for love, but for convenience. If she dreams that she eats garlic, then in real life she, having taken a prudent life position, will soon abandon her previous ideals and illusions.

Dream Interpretation - Garden

Walking through the garden with your lover is a sign of happy love and complete mutual understanding. Planting trees in the garden means ensuring your well-being; bushes mean profit, a new addition to the family; flowers mean fulfillment of desires.

Weeding in the garden - expose the machinations of enemies; watering - to new love affairs. Picking flowers means illness; picking berries means success in business; collecting a bountiful harvest of fruits means you will take a leading position among your like-minded people.

A blooming spring garden portends prosperity and satisfaction with one’s own business; full of bees and butterflies in the summer - a sign of family happiness; an autumn garden with falling leaves - for marriage; to see a winter garden covered with snow - in reality you will fall into the blues and do nothing.

Fighting insect pests in the garden by spraying them with some kind of smelly chemical rubbish will expose you to danger and risk. A withered garden means the futility of your endeavors; abandoned and wild - do not forgive betrayal; knocked out - you will be deceived and abandoned by an insidious seducer.

Dream Interpretation - Garlic

Growing garlic is a good time to improve your health. Seasoning a dish with garlic means good health, success in business and a promotion.

Imagine adding garlic to every dish. Try a piece of each dish.

If you have leafed through a dream book, then you know that it contains decodings and interpretations of a wide variety of dreams and symbols, even those that sometimes seem insignificant to us. For example, garlic. It would seem like such a familiar, well-known product. But you will be surprised, because seeing garlic in a dream is a real sign from above, and this dream can foreshadow many interesting events in the near future.

To find out what garlic is in a dream about, you need to remember what it was like, where, and how. What did you do with it, and so on. In a word - all the details, which, believe me, mean a lot. So, “garlic” dreams can be divided into the following plots:

  • Seeing just garlic in a dream is from the outside.
  • It grows in the garden.
  • See it in large quantities.
  • Plant, weed or harvest it.
  • Peel, buy or eat garlic in a dream.

There are many options - different nuances, little things, details. Take into account everything you remember and decipher it, the dream book will help you find the answers.

Vision in a dream

If you don’t remember your own actions, and only saw garlic, or in your dreams, you need to remember what it was and where it was. This is the key to deciphering the dream.

So, why do you dream about garlic, what does it indicate? The symbol is ambiguous. Interpreters point out that this portends news - but not the kind you expect, but unpredictable. This does not mean that you should expect bad news. But to avoid disappointment, it’s better to just live in this moment and don’t create illusions about what the events of your future should be like.

If you dreamed of onions or garlic in the garden, all the dream books, including Miller’s dream book, promise big profits in the near future. More precisely, soon you will start a profitable business, or receive a good offer that will bring you a lot of money. If you dream of garlic in large quantities, this is a very favorable sign. Prosperity and an excellent financial situation await you. In addition, you will be valued and respected, and you will take a good place in society.

If you dreamed of the smell of garlic, then perhaps you will soon experience strong sympathy for someone, an attraction that may even develop into a feeling of falling in love. But if your heart is already occupied, then this dream could mean a new friend, a person with whom you will have a real spiritual connection.

Green, young garlic in a dream, according to Miller’s dream book, foretells good events for you in reality, in the near future. Your affairs will begin to improve. If you have problems in any area or area of ​​your life, you will soon find a simple solution to correct and resolve them. Things will start to improve!

If the garlic in your dream was heads, or you dreamed of just one head, you will soon experience the thrill that you so miss in reality. Allow yourself some bright experiences, but know when to stop and don’t do anything you’ll regret later!


And if you remember what you did in your dream, if you had to peel, buy garlic or onions, or do something else, then be sure to check what the dream book says. After all, every such action is an interesting metaphor.

Miller’s dream book will tell you why you dream about the garlic that you had to pick in your dreams. He warns that your activities will begin to bring great success, but do not be careless and remember that you can cause the envy of ill-wishers. Be careful, don't trust your plans to just anyone.

The dream in which you had garlic promises you good health. You will soon make a full recovery if you are sick now. If you have psychological problems and stress, this too will soon pass. Take care of yourself and take care of your health, and the Universe will definitely help you! If you are healthy now, you will soon feel a new surge of incredible strength and vigor.

Why do you dream about garlic that you weeded in the garden, or otherwise cared for the seedlings? This is a symbol of the good position that you will occupy. But buying it is a warning. Avoid dishonest, unkind people, flatterers and gossips. Surround yourself exclusively with those you trust.

As the dream book says, the garlic that you happened to plant in a dream indicates a good deed. You can make a wonderful contribution to the future, start a business that will bring excellent results. If you have cleaned it, know that a lot of hard work will pay off in full and will bring you many benefits.

Dreams do not control your destiny, only you control it. But let the dream help you not to stumble and take the right step towards happiness!

Why garlic is dreamed of will be interesting to many who have encountered a similar vision, because the interpretation in various sources is ambiguous. Of course, the interpretation depends on the accompanying actions, as well as the type of cloves and quantity. What a dream portends for a man and a woman should be understood based on the general impression that remains after awakening.

The interpretation of a dream in which a person saw garlic is varied. Based on the most popular sources, this vegetable crop does not promise anything bad, but is only a small warning for those who are afraid of negative influence from the outside. According to Vanga’s dream book, garlic is a sign of a person’s deep moral organization. Such a vision means high religiosity, a sincere approach to any matter.

Miller's dream book interprets vegetable crops as an unpleasant situation or embarrassment that a person will have to face. This can portend either a minor misfortune or a serious problem. The modern dream book promises a quarrel for everyone who sees garlic. If it is wrinkled and small, then the conflict can be quickly resolved.

Olga Smurova's source interprets garlic as an unfavorable sign, but keeping it with you is good news. When interpreting, it is important to take into account the appearance of the cloves. If they are juicy and aromatic, then most likely the trouble will pass. Grishina's dream book interprets garlic as unpleasant news, as well as unfriendly personalities.

According to Fedorovskaya’s source, the purchase of this vegetable portends a quarrel with a loved one. Also, such a sign in a dream promises danger that can be avoided. Maly Velesov interprets garlic as tears and bad news.

Interpretation depending on gender

If an unmarried woman dreams of garlic and can’t arrange her personal life, it means that she will be disappointed in some friend of hers. Such dreams foreshadow troubles in finding a life partner, as well as excessive emotionality. For a married woman, this vegetable crop promises a quarrel with her husband and conflicts that will be temporary.

For a representative of the fair sex in this position, sleep is interpreted as a fear of the evil eye, damage or illness. The larger the garlic, the more tense the woman’s subconscious. In this case, it is recommended to monitor your health and stabilize your emotional background: be less nervous and not take everything to heart.

For a married man, the dream promises troubles around the house and a negative attitude on the part of his wife. For a bachelor, garlic portends danger that a woman can cause him. You should be more careful when choosing a partner.

Interpretation depending on the description

If you dream about many heads of garlic, then you will have to solve a large number of problems at once. The larger the vegetable, the more difficult the situation will be. When in a dream the head is divided into many teeth, then in real life a person will have to literally burst apart in order to manage everything. However, such actions will only be for the good.

Peeled garlic promises results that the dreamer will receive literally on a silver platter. Several heads portend ill-wishers who may be conspiring against a person. One vegetable that has green shoots is a symbol of prosperity. However, before this you will have to work hard.

If you dream of one large head that a person plans to eat, it means that some minor illness may arise in life, or deception may occur. It all also depends on the appearance of the vegetable. If it is nondescript, then the disease will bring a lot of discomfort. When the garlic is juicy and beautiful, it means that the illness will go away very quickly.

Interpretation of sleep depending on location

The place where a person saw garlic in a dream also plays a role. If there were a large number of heads in the box, then most likely news will come that will be unexpected in some way. Seeing a few cloves promises minor chores around the house, which are not alien to every housewife. However, for men it is a symbol of some financial losses, albeit minor ones.

Garlic planted in beds, which has green shoots, symbolizes material and career growth. Moreover, the longer the inflorescences, the higher the success will be. If at the same time a lot of vegetable crops are planted, then soon you will have to reap the fruits of your labors.

When the cloves lie on a plate, this promises unpleasant information that may upset the dreamer’s close relatives or friends. Perhaps this is gossip about a person or just some news that is not very positive. However, do not be upset, as nothing bad will happen.

Large heads scattered on the floor promise vanity, which will stress the dreamer. It is advisable to be patient and not exaggerate the situation, because this sign does not foretell serious difficulties, and you will have to tinker a little with pressing problems. In addition, you should be attentive to your health and do not neglect rest.

Interpretation depending on the action

When interpreting dreams, it is necessary to take into account actions with garlic:

  • cleaning and folding neatly means that you will have to make efforts to achieve your goals;
  • planting - promises labors that will bear fruit;
  • collect - enter into conflict situations on one’s own initiative;
  • to see - to minor problems (one head is a minor difficulty, and a bag of garlic is a large number of problems);
  • buy - create problematic situations and conflicts out of nowhere;
  • sell - a negative attitude towards a certain person;
  • cut - quickly get rid of an unpleasant situation;
  • eat - get some health problems;
  • sniff - desire for change;
  • to hide - to be ashamed of oneself.
  • Interpretation of other dreams of a similar nature

    Sometimes you can have very unusual dreams about garlic. If you smell it, you will soon have to be disappointed in a loved one or relative. Feeling the burning taste of a clove is an unpleasant conversation that will upset you and leave a corresponding aftertaste. However, when in a dream a person enjoys the taste and smell of garlic, then all unpleasant situations will only be beneficial and will serve as a good lesson.

    Adding garlic to your food means having high potential, but an unstable emotional component. Such a person is advised to control himself and not cause trouble. Putting a clove in someone else's food is a desire for revenge. Such visions warn a person against these risky actions.

    Throwing away rotten garlic is interpreted as getting rid of one’s complexes and the severity of the past load. This is a very favorable sign, especially if you managed to completely get rid of the spoiled vegetable. The dreamer will face personal growth through some difficult tasks, but it will be worth it.

    Interpreting dreams about garlic is not always easy. When interpreting, it is better to approach from several sides. It is advisable to remember all the details of the dream. In most cases, garlic does not promise major troubles and in some situations it is interpreted as a positive sign.

    It portends that, having taken a prudent life position, you will abandon your previous ideals.

    Dream Interpretation of Medea

    Garlic as a medicine- is a harbinger of illness in a dream.

    If in a dream you ate garlic yourself- this means that thoughts about possible betrayal of your partner are increasingly visiting you, and this happens because married life seems too bland and ordinary to you. Try to change something yourself, bring something new into your bedroom, and then, perhaps, everything else will not seem boring to you.

    Dream book of lovers

    If a girl dreams that she is weeding a bed of garlic- this promises her a marriage of convenience, not love.

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

    See young garlic growing in the garden- a sign of good health and a life rich in various emotions.

    Heads of garlic- foretell not very significant troubles and suggest that you should think about how to insure against them.

    Eating garlic in a dream- a sign of possible grievances and difficulties in communicating with others.

    Women's dream book

    Garlic seen in a dream- portends that when choosing a husband, you will pay main attention to his wallet and position in society, and not to your feelings for him. The dream in which you eat garlic has the same meaning.

    Dream book for the whole family

    For a young woman to see garlic in a dream- means to marry not for love, but for convenience.

    If she dreams that she eats garlic- in real life, having taken a prudent life position, she will soon abandon her previous ideals and illusions.

    Dream book for a bitch

    Garlic- after a while you will enter into a marriage of convenience.

    Eating garlic in a dream- the acquired experience and life wisdom will make you reconsider some of your views on life.

    New family dream book

    I dreamed that you were weeding a bed of garlic- take a fairly prominent position in society.

    A young woman who had such a dream- she will marry not for love, but for convenience.

    If you ate garlic in a dream- you will have to abandon your previous ideals and take a more prudent life position.

    Modern combined dream book

    If you dream that you are walking through garlic beds- in reality you will experience a rise from poverty to wealth. A young woman has such a dream- predicts that she will marry for convenience, without attaching any importance to love.

    There is garlic- means that in life you will be guided by cold calculation, and the ideological side will not attract your attention at all.

    Eastern women's dream book

    If you dream that you are walking between the beds where garlic is planted- soon the period of financial difficulties will end. For a young woman such a dream- means: when choosing a husband, she will be guided, first of all, by common sense, and not by feelings.

    A dream in which you eat garlic- indicates: when making decisions, you will be guided by calculation, and not by ideological principles.

    Children's dream book

    Garlic- you will be in danger, but you will avoid it without even noticing that it was there.

    Complete dream book of the New Era

    Garlic- the need to pay attention to health.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

    There is garlic- to poor appetite.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

    There is garlic- a serious illness is approaching.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

    There is garlic- to embarrassment.

    Dream Interpretation of Hasse

    Garlic see- dispute, bad news.

    Collect or buy- do not deal with ill-wishers; eat- health.

    Dream Interpretation from A to Z

    Growing garlic- portends abundance and prosperity, tear it up- find strong marital happiness.

    Peel the garlic- to receive money.

    Buy garlic- to be deceived in your best expectations.

    Women's dream book

    Eating garlic in a dream- to change your previous ideals.

    Weeding a bed of garlic- foreshadows the occupation of a prominent position in society.

    A young woman has such a dream- portends a marriage of convenience.

    General dream book

    Buy garlic- to a quarrel with your beloved (beloved).

    Eat- to parting with your beloved (beloved).

    If you dreamed that one of your friends or relatives bought or ate garlic- Family troubles await this person.

    You dreamed that you rubbed yourself with garlic- you don’t have to be afraid of anything, all family storms will subside on their own.

    Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

    Garlic- as you know, one of the most tested and surest remedies against evil spirits, and if you dreamed about it, then pretty soon you will have to engage in single combat with it. This should not be taken literally - you will not fight vampires, drive out evil spirits and talk with devils, but you must take care of your own soul and expel evil thoughts from it. “What does evil spirits have to do with it?” - you ask. The answer to this question is simple: everything bad in a person comes from the devil, and he is an evil spirit.

    Eating garlic in a dream- you are afraid that your vicious self will prevail over the virtuous half of your soul and you will wallow in sin, thereby destroying your soul. To combat this, you want to find serious helpers. But who, if not yourself, can understand your spiritual life better than others? There are no words, you need help, but do not rely on strangers for everything - you must do the main thing.

    If in a dream you use garlic to protect yourself from evil spirits- you will have to find a spiritual mentor so that he not only insists you on the true path, but also explains how, in fact, to find this path.

    Dream book of lovers

    Eat your own garlic- means that you often think about cheating on your partner. You are tired of your ordinary married life and want to experience something new. However, you should not take radical measures, just try to change your married life by introducing some innovations into it.

    Watch other people eat garlic- means that you are experiencing increased interest in a person who, unfortunately, is indifferent to you. You attract his attention in every possible way, but he remains just as indifferent. Don't try to make him interested in you - it's useless. However, over time, perhaps he will awaken reciprocal feelings, but this will happen naturally.

    Chinese dream book

    Eat garlic- portends a natural disaster, a catastrophe.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer

    Garlic- protection; recovery.

    Culinary dream book

    Eating garlic and tasting and smelling it- lasting pleasure, although not of an aesthetic nature.

    Modern universal dream book

    Why we believe that fragrant garlic cloves can protect us from the demons of the night- Does garlic in your dream symbolize protection? What do you want to protect yourself from?

    Garlic- It is also a symbol of liberation from harmful substances. What do you need to get rid of? What is “toxic” for you – a substance or an emotion?

    Believe it or not, garlic is said to be an aphrodisiac.- Do you want to increase your sexual energy?

    Garlic- symbolizes that you want to attract the attention of others to what you are saying? Do you want your words to have more impact?

    Dream book of a gypsy

    Garlic- symbolizes prosperity.

    Noble dream book by N. Grishina

    Garlic see- bad news.

    Collect or buy- don’t deal with ill-wishers.

    Eat- health.

    Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

    Garlic- bad news, tears; There is- health; plant- death.

    Esoteric dream book

    Green garlic- all matters will be settled; debts will be repaid, both to you and yours.

    Head, teeth, yes- thrill, danger, extreme situation that will heat your blood.

    Ukrainian dream book

    A woman dreams that the housewife is planting garlic heads in a large garden bed.- this meant that the head of the family and the owner would be hidden in the ground, which eventually happened.

    You can find out from our lunar calendar .

    If you had a bad dream:

    Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

    When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

    Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

    Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

    Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

    Turn your bed linen inside out.

    Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

    Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

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