What are the benefits of chicken broth? Chicken bouillon

Perhaps no remedy has any effect better help in fighting disease than chicken broth. Its restorative properties are known to everyone who has ever been sick. Chicken broth is especially beneficial for colds or viral diseases. If in ancient times sick people were fed chicken broth rather according to tradition, today there is scientifically based evidence of the advisability of such nutrition for many diseases.

Fresh chicken broth prepared at home significantly improves bronchial patency in case of viral and colds. The amino acid cysteine ​​helps thin mucus much better than traditional medications that have side effects. The healing combination of hot broth, fatty substances and spicy seasonings has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract. The effectiveness of the broth during epidemics of colds will be increased by grated garlic added to it in small quantities. Antiseptic, bactericidal, antiviral and others have been known for a very long time.

Chicken broth is extremely useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The extractive substances included in its composition have a beneficial effect on the “lazy stomach” and make it work more intensely. With gastritis, chicken fibers “pull out” excess acid from gastric juice; it helps with peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

Fresh chicken broth is also useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system, as it contains substances that significantly contribute to normal heartbeat. It also contains peptides that help restore the heart muscle.

Some housewives quite rightly believe that in order for chicken broth to bring even greater benefits, in addition to chicken meat, it is necessary to add onions, sweet potatoes, parsnips, turnips, celery stalks, and parsley. Salt must be excluded.

Thanks to its inclusion in the diet chicken broth the patient receives a loading dose of vitamins. Chicken contains a large amount of proteins that affect the body’s metabolic processes and take an active part in the regulation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism. These vitamins normalize the activity of the central nervous system, participate in the process of hematopoiesis, and increase the body’s resistance to negative impact environment.

One of the important factors confirming the benefits of chicken broth is the high content of iron it contains in an easily digestible form. The same applies to its constituents magnesium, selenium, calcium, and copper. Chicken broth promotes maximum blood thinning when high level hemoglobin.

Of course, the healthiest and most delicious chicken broth comes from village chickens, and there is nothing surprising in this, since these birds are not stuffed with antibiotics and other additives in order to increase their body weight at an accelerated pace. For a sick person, if possible, try to purchase poultry. During the cooking process, it is necessary to remove the resulting foam, and after cooking, the broth should be strained. If all of the above conditions are met, you will get a truly tasty and healthy broth. Bon appetit!

Chicken broth is a rather controversial dish. Some attribute to it wonderful healing properties, while others talk about its harm to the body. So who is right?

Chicken broth is a separate nutritious dish and an excellent base for delicious rich soups. But they love and appreciate the broth not only for its taste, but also for the medicinal properties with which it is endowed. Didn’t your loving grandmother treat you with homemade chicken broth as a child?

Most often, a cup of hot broth was used to treat colds and general malaise caused by a long illness or serious surgery. But is chicken broth really good for you? Let's figure out together in which situations such a simple remedy can really help, and in which it cannot.

Only natural broth

Before talking directly about useful properties ah chicken broth and its effect on the body, it is important to determine what kind of dish it is and how to prepare it correctly so that it really brings benefits. Poultry broth can be made from either white meat or whole chicken. In the first case, you will get a more dietary option, and in the second - rich broth with large circles of fat.

To make the broth clear, add peeled onions and carrots. This will give the broth a beautiful color and additional flavor. But it’s better to avoid salt and spices. If you want to make the taste of the dish richer, it is better to throw a few sprigs of parsley during cooking or chopped herbs into the prepared broth.

The longer the chicken is cooked, the more beneficial properties are transferred from it into the broth. But keep in mind that when cooking, the broth should not boil too much, but only gurgle slightly. And no bouillon cubes. This option is acceptable if you need to quickly prepare soup, and not fill the body with additional strength.

Cold treatment

So, we can definitely say that chicken broth helps cope with the symptoms of flu and colds. Hot broth clears the upper respiratory tract and reduces nasal congestion that occurs with a runny nose.

In addition, the fat contained in chicken broth softens the throat, reduces inflammation and relieves sore throat and severe cough. painful sensations in the nasopharynx. If you feel that you have caught an infection, do not rush to run to the pharmacy for expensive medicines, but try drinking hot broth at night, and the next morning you will feel much better.

Improved digestion

Hot chicken broth has the property of stimulating digestion and promoting the secretion of gastric juice. Thus, this dish is recommended for those who suffer from gastritis and those who have not been able to eat well for a long time due to health problems.

Stimulates liver and gallbladder function

Despite the fact that homemade chicken broth has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, people with diseases of the pancreas, gallbladder and liver are not recommended to consume this dish more than once a week. It can provoke inflammation of the bile ducts and duodenum and lead to a deterioration in the health situation.

The appearance of allergies

Earlier we said that the cooking time of the broth is directly related to its beneficial properties. Unfortunately, there is also an inverse relationship: the longer the chicken is cooked, the more harmful substances from it pass into the broth itself. And even draining the first boiled water, as many housewives do, does not save the situation.

If you buy chicken from a trusted farmer who feeds the birds only natural food, without using antibiotics or hormones, then this is unlikely to cause allergies. But if you buy the original product for broth in a regular store, you risk doing more harm to the body than helping. Effect on salt deposition

If you have gout or urolithiasis, you should avoid chicken broth forever. These two diseases are associated with the accumulation of urate crystals, a type of salt, and eating chicken broth exacerbates this process.

How to reduce the harm of broth?

Of course, when choosing chicken and vegetables for broth, give preference to natural farm products. It is best to cook broth from lean chicken, since they contain much less extractive substances that affect the secretion of gastric juice and the deposition of salts.

If you are still not sure about the quality of the chicken, we advise you to first remove the oily skin from it and separate all the bones, since it is in them that heavy metals and antibiotics accumulate. Cook the broth only from meat, draining the first water that boils and removing any fat that appears on the surface. These simple rules will help you prepare healthy dietary broth.

The benefits and harms of chicken broth have been the subject of much debate and research by scientists for quite some time. Doctors prescribe it for patients with gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Caring housewives feed household members who have a cold or flu, but there are also people who, on the contrary, protest against the beneficial properties of chicken broth, calling it a big misconception of modern medicine. Next, I will try to cover all aspects of this topic.

Benefits of chicken broth

Benefits of chicken brothFirst of all, it reduces acidity in the stomach. Due to this fact doctors recommend it for people with gastritis, ulcers and increased acid-base balance.

In theory, healthy chicken broth is quickly absorbed and digested . Organism quickly filled with fluid and energy, receiving proteins, fats and carbohydrates in fair quantities. This fact allows you to satisfy your hunger and not lose weight even during illness.

By overusing thick chicken broth, which is harmful for those losing weight, you can gain fat mass due to the relatively high fat content.

Vitamins contained in broth

IN chicken meat contains vitamins (B1,B12,B2,B6,B9,E, H) Andmineral substances (potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, fluorine, chlorine, zinc), beneficial to a weakened body and even lowering blood pressure.

Quickly delivered minerals and vitamins contained in chicken cartilage and bones have a positive effect on the rate of fracture healing.

People have long used broth as a cure for colds and flu. Contained cysteine thins mucus and relieves condition of people suffering from diseases of the respiratory system. And the enzyme lysozyme suppresses the activity of bacteria and viruses.

The dangers of chicken broth

But since my article is called the benefits and harms of chicken broth, it’s time to talk about back side medals, specifically about harm of chicken broth to the bodyperson. Whoever doesn’t like to eat delicious meat soup these days, I can safely say that they are vegetarians.

It seems to me that they everyone knows exactly about meat broths, and if not, then they definitely do not expose the body to undue risk. Knowing that essential minerals and vitamins can be obtained from plant foods, without participating in the violence that they believe occurs on chicken farms.

We, dear reader, live in the age of information and technology. Thanks to this you can find out all about chicken broth . The developed pharmaceutical and chemical industries create miracles, unfortunately, sometimes these miracles are more negative than positive.

What is the main harm of chicken broth?

The main harm of chicken broth is, firstly, that the substances contained in the meat are drawn into the broth during the cooking process. Probably, the question has now arisen in your head, what substances? Or you remembered the first part of the article, concluding that this refers to vitamins and minerals.

You are absolutely right, albeit partially. Let's take a closer look, what harmful and what beneficial substances are contained in the broth.

It's simple. Like all living organisms, a chicken is born, that is, hatches from an egg that the mother chicken gave birth to. By the way, what do you think comes first, the egg or the chicken? Ay, okay, that's not what we're talking about. After all, my article is about the harmful and beneficial properties of chicken broth.

Vitamins and minerals, like all living organisms, chicken gets from plant foods, like vegetarians. And grain crops, as we know, are now treated with pesticides and other chemicals to protect them from pests that claim minerals and vitamins, and to reduce the profits of agricultural farms.

What does this have to do with chicken broth, you might ask?

The most direct. The chicken grows up eating feed consisting of grain and food additives, and throughout life, accumulates in the body pesticides and chemicals , accumulated in the grain. So that the chicken grows big and fat stuffed growth hormones , naturally not very useful for humans.

If a chicken starts to get sick from all this chemicals, it is treated with antibiotics that are even less useful for humans. And the most terrible and harmful thing in broth, which is so useful, in addition to the concentrate of pesticides and chemicals, there may be drugs that extend the shelf life of “fresh” meat.

folding benefitand the harm of chicken brothsonmeat or bones we get what we get. The broth is quickly absorbed in the digestive system, loads the liver with all the chemicals and vitamins , she can't cope with as much as any filter becomes clogged and begins to let past itself what is not filtered and causes harm to the body and internal organs.

How to cook broth correctly and make it less harmful?

You can cook chicken broth in a less harmful way. For this it is necessary drain water containing harmful substances after the chicken has been cooked in it for 10 minutes and so on three times. This will not completely rid the broth of everything harmful, but it will make the meat dietary and reduce the chemical content in it.

In addition, to make meat broth less harmful you can buy proven meat, but it's hard to find.

You are incredibly lucky if your relatives have happy chickens running around their garden, and they are then humanely deprived of their lives. But how humanely can one take a life? But the article is neither about humanity nor about vegetarians, specifically mentioned.

What can you replace chicken broth with when you are sick?

I mention them for two reasons. Firstly, many of them know that Meat contains the most pesticides and chemicals .

Average content mentioned additives in fermented milk products, milk and cheese. AND the least amount of harmful substances in plant foods , or perhaps none at all, depending on the product supplier.

Secondly, they know that An excellent alternative to chicken broth are vegetable soups, which is better to replace this dangerous decoction for various diseases, and even more so for everyday use.

I hope that I was able to adequately highlight the issue of the benefits or harms of chicken broth for humans. And I want to wish you, dear reader, good health, regardless of your diet. Z take care of your health and try to watch what you eat. The main thing is to be happy.

Chicken bouillon is the main product during the period therapeutic nutrition. The broth is a decoction made from chicken bones, meat and cartilage. The fat that forms on the surface must be removed. On average, it takes up to 2 hours to cook chicken broth over low heat. It looks like a transparent liquid with a slight yellowish and greenish tint (see photo).

Beneficial features

The benefits of chicken broth include the presence of various vitamins and minerals. IN folk medicine It is recommended to use it for colds and flu. The liquid contains the amino acid cysteine, which helps cope with colds, and it also thins phlegm and helps remove it. The broth helps to recover faster from fractures, as bone healing occurs faster. Chicken broth activates the secretion of digestive juices and bile. Considering this property, traditional healers It is recommended to use broth for hypoacid gastritis and pancreatitis.

Warm broth helps improve performance digestive system, as it improves the activity of the stomach and duodenum. In addition, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It is recommended to include it in the diet of people with gastritis. Low-fat versions of chicken broth can be consumed by people who want to lose weight or are watching their weight.

Use in cooking

Chicken broth is an excellent independent product, and it can also be an ideal basis for preparing a huge number of first courses, including puree soups. Chicken broth is also included in the recipe for various sauces, aspic, and it is also added when stewing vegetables and when preparing porridges.

Secrets of making homemade chicken broth

Even this one simple dish How chicken broth has its own characteristics in preparation:

How to cook deliciously?

Each housewife has her own broth recipe, we suggest considering the most popular one. To prepare it you need to take chicken leg, approximately 300 g, 2 liters of purified water, an onion, carrots, celery root, some herbs, a couple of bay leaves and the same amount of black peppercorns, as well as salt. Chicken meat must be clean if you want to get dietary dish, then remove the peel and fat. Wash and peel the vegetables. If you need broth without vegetables, then you can not chop them, but use them whole.

Take a pan, put the chicken in it, fill it with water and bring to a boil. Periodically remove any foam that forms on the surface. Add vegetables and spices to the pan, do not forget to reduce the heat. Cook the broth for 45 minutes, with the lid slightly open. Make sure that the liquid does not boil too much, otherwise the broth will be opaque. Add the greens at the end. After cooking, it is recommended to strain the broth. It should be stored in the refrigerator for 5 days.

Harm of chicken broth and contraindications

Chicken broth can be harmful due to the presence of extractive substances, which can cause complications with ulcers, acute pancreatitis and gastritis. It may cause heartburn in some people. It is forbidden to eat broth if you have gout or urolithiasis. It is also worth considering that too fatty broth can lead to weight gain, as well as the accumulation of cholesterol.

This in turn increases the risk of intestinal and stomach tumors. It is worth mentioning that chicken broth and dishes prepared on its basis should be excluded from the diet if an individual intolerance is detected. Chicken broth made from cubes is considered harmful.

  • There are several ways you can reduce the harm from consuming chicken broth:
  • It is best to use not chicken, but young chicken, which contains much less extractive substances.
  • Choose breast or fillet that is lower in cholesterol.
  • The skin and any visible fat should be removed from the chicken you use. During cooking, remove any fat that forms on the surface.
  • Do not use offal for cooking, as they contain quite a lot of cholesterol.

The benefits and harms of chicken broth should be taken into account first, since due to personal intolerance to some components there is a possibility of causing harm to the body. Chicken broth today is a unique, useful find in cooking. This dish is quite simple to prepare; in addition, it has an excellent taste and has healing properties.

Chemical composition of chicken broth

Chicken meat contains a large number of various substances and vitamins. A special place is occupied by:

  • thiamine;
  • vitamin B12;
  • folic acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • pyridoxine;
  • vitamin N.

It is also worth considering that chicken meat contains mineral elements that are also found in bones, skin, and cartilage. That is why different parts are used for cooking. Most useful mineral elements are:

  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • sulfur;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • fluorine;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • chlorine.

When preparing decoctions, you should avoid adding large amounts of salt.

Advice! The broth will be much tastier if you add onions, carrots, and celery to it during the cooking process.

Beneficial properties of chicken broth

Since ancient times, it was believed that chicken broth has medicinal properties, it is used as medicine for many diseases. It is of great benefit during various illnesses and with a weak immune system.

Due to its properties, broth can remove mucus from the respiratory system, which is very important for pneumonia and asthma. Since the decoction has bactericidal properties, it can be used to destroy harmful bacteria in the human body.

Important! Chicken broth is often prescribed to people who have digestive problems.

Chicken broth for colds

The significant benefits of chicken broth during illness are undeniable. Its use allows you to cope with colds and prevent the development of influenza. Hot chicken broth can improve breathing when you have a runny nose and cleanse your airways.

Since the finished product contains a large amount of fat, this helps soften the mucous membrane of the throat, reduce pain during coughing, and also helps relieve inflammation during sore throat.

Once you have the feeling that you have contracted the virus, the first thing you should do is not run to the pharmacy to buy medications. All you need to do is boil the chicken and drink the prepared broth before bed. In the morning the condition will improve significantly.

Benefits of broth for the stomach

Also, do not forget about the benefits of chicken broth for the stomach. Hot broth stimulates digestion and promotes the secretion of gastric juice. Consequently, this product is recommended for use by people who have gastritis or those categories of people who cannot eat well for a long period of time due to health problems.

It is worth considering that despite the fact that chicken broth has a beneficial effect on digestion, it is not recommended to use it for diseases of the pancreas and liver. This is due to the fact that this product can provoke inflammatory processes in the duodenum and thereby cause harm to health.

Chicken broth for hangover

Chicken soup is good for large quantities diseases. At the same time, many people know that with the help of hot chicken soup you can effectively fight a hangover, which is important after holidays. Prepare the soup in in this case You can use the standard method: boil the meat and add vegetables.

It is noteworthy that in the Caucasus there are special institutions, which start working from 04-00 hours. Anyone can visit this establishment and try the fatty meat broth called khash. At home, khash can be prepared from fatty hams or replaced with chicken broth.

Which broth is healthier?

It is impossible to give a definite answer which broth is healthier, because each option has its own beneficial properties. As a rule, chicken broth is used for colds and asthma.

Other options are also useful. For example, broth made from suckling pig is recommended for use for migraines. If you cook partridge after removing the skin, this can lead to constipation, while the skin can relieve this ailment.

There are adherents who try to adhere to the diet of ancient people, as a result of which they value decoctions prepared on bones. In their opinion, such broths were consumed by hunters and gatherers.

Is it possible to drink chicken broth while losing weight?

You should always consider the possible benefits and harms of chicken broth for weight loss. Undoubtedly, it is possible, even necessary, to use chicken broth during a diet. Many nutritionists recommend doing weekly fasting days, during which the main product is chicken broth.

It is necessary to boil the chicken; if possible, it is best to use domestic, small-sized poultry. You need to cook the future broth in 5 liters of water, after adding celery root. During fasting day You should completely stop eating other foods. It is recommended to take chicken broth 5 times throughout the day, each meal is 250 ml of chicken broth. As a rule, they switch to their normal diet the next day.

Chicken broth diet

The benefits of chicken broth for weight loss are enormous. This method of eating assumes that for 5 days the diet will include only the broth and the meat from which it was cooked. The preparation method is as follows:

  1. Take a small chicken carcass.
  2. Cut out the brisket.
  3. Boil until completely cooked in 3 liters of water.
  4. Add salt to taste.
  5. You can add herbs to improve the taste.

You should get about 2.5 liters of broth, which is divided into 5 servings and consumed throughout the day every 4 hours; you can also use boiled chicken breast.

As practice shows, in 5 days of such a diet you can lose up to 5 extra pounds. Due to the fact that there is a wide variety of diet-friendly menus, everyone can choose exactly what they need.

Attention! The broth must be simmered over low heat, skimming off the foam as necessary, otherwise the liquid will be cloudy with an unpleasant aftertaste.

How to properly prepare chicken broth

  1. The chicken carcass is washed under running water.
  2. Fill with water.
  3. After boiling, cook for 20 minutes.
  4. Then drain the water.

To preserve beneficial properties, you can use another method:

  1. Poultry is washed thoroughly. According to the recipes of old healers, it is best to use the meat of an old rooster.
  2. Add to water with poultry onion, carrots, herbs.
  3. Place the pan on low heat.
  4. After the water has boiled, remove the foam and turn the heat to maximum.
  5. After 10 minutes of active boiling, remove the vegetables.
  6. Cook the meat over low heat for about 3 hours.
  7. 30 minutes before cooking, add salt and spices to taste.
  8. The broth should be strained and cooled, only after that it can be consumed.

If the broth is used for a cold, it is recommended to break it egg and pour hot chicken broth over it.

The dangers of chicken broth

Chicken broth can be beneficial or harmful to the human body, depending on individual characteristics and intolerance to certain components. If we consider this situation as a whole, then a decoction of meat is not capable of causing much harm if the product is consumed in moderation. Harm can be caused if a low-quality product is taken.

It is worth considering that some manufacturers add special additives to chicken feed that stimulate rapid growth. As a result, it is unknown how the bird was raised.

During the growth process, animals are vaccinated, preventing the occurrence of many diseases. It is important to understand that these drugs have a significant impact on the quality of the finished product.

Broth fat content

Almost 40% of the fat found in chicken ends up in ready dish. Love for rich soup can lead to some consequences:

  • the amount of cholesterol in the blood increases, as a result of which the blood vessels begin to become clogged;
  • Excessive consumption can increase weight, while in limited quantities it has effective impact on the body when losing weight;
  • the likelihood of stomach and intestinal tumors increases.

Thus, excessive consumption of this product can cause harm to the body. That is why chicken broth is useful only in small quantities.

Attention! The calorie content of chicken broth per 100 grams can vary from 50 to 250 calories.

The occurrence of allergies

It is important to understand that cooking time affects the quality of the final product. Thus, the longer chicken is cooked, the more harmful substances it releases into the water.

If you purchase poultry from farmers who do not add special additives to the animals’ diet to accelerate growth, but use exclusively natural feed, then you should not be afraid of the appearance of allergic reaction. The body can only be harmed if long time cook broth from store-bought chicken.

Important! For gout and urolithiasis, you should completely stop using decoctions.

How to make chicken broth healthier

Undoubtedly, to make the broth healthier, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing products. When choosing vegetables and chicken, it is best to give preference to natural food products grown on a farm.

Lean chicken is used for the broth. This is due to the fact that they contain much less extractive substances that affect the deposition of salts. If you are not sure that the purchased chicken is of high quality, then it is recommended to remove the skin and separate the meat from the bones, since they contain a large amount of heavy metals that are harmful to the body.

Meat is used for cooking; after boiling, the water is completely drained and refilled. Remove foam as necessary. By following these recommendations, you can prepare a healthy low-calorie broth.

How can you replace chicken broth when you are sick?

Many people know about the beneficial properties of chicken broth, as a result of which they use it for a number of diseases. Do not forget about the individual intolerance of the body to certain components, as a result of which there are categories of people who cannot consume this product. In this case, you can either take medications or look for an alternative solution. You can replace chicken broth with vegetable soups, which do not harm the body if consumed daily.

Are there any benefits to bouillon cubes?

Despite the fact that chicken cubes contain vitamin B, the benefits from such a decoction will be much less than from a natural one. During cooking, the meat releases all its beneficial substances, which helps normalize digestion. These properties are completely absent from bouillon cubes.

A decoction prepared using cubes can cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Also, do not forget about the large amount of salt in the cube, excessive consumption of which has a detrimental effect on human health.

Attention! Many doctors claim that if you use chicken cubes daily, it is almost impossible to avoid the appearance of gastritis.


The benefits and harms of chicken broth are the first thing to consider before you start consuming this product. Undoubtedly, chicken broth has big amount beneficial properties, thanks to which it can be used for colds and a number of other diseases. But we cannot rule out individual intolerance to some components by the body, which can result in irreparable harm.

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