Cervical canal: diseases and treatment. Why is inflammation of the cervical canal dangerous? How to cure the cervical canal

The vagina is connected to the uterine cavity through the so-called cervical canal. Quite often, women of childbearing age are diagnosed with inflammation of the cervical canal mucosa, or endocervicitis.

Symptoms of inflammation of the cervical canal

The signs of this disease, which occurs in an acute form, are similar to the symptoms of any other inflammatory processes of the female genital area. There may be itching and burning in the labia area, nagging pain in the lower quadrant of the abdomen, and a woman may experience discomfort during intimate relationships with a partner. Sometimes you may notice scanty vaginal discharge.

Endocervicitis in acute form, in the absence of proper treatment, very quickly turns into and the clinical symptoms of the disease are erased. A woman, without experiencing pain and discomfort, mistakenly believes that the inflammatory process has subsided and she does not require treatment. However, chronic inflammation of the cervical canal leads to serious changes in the cervix and causes serious consequences for the female body, in particular,

Causes of inflammation of the cervical canal

In rare cases, the disease can be triggered by neoplasms, injuries, erosion or prolapse of the cervix, but generally the causes of endocervicitis are infectious. It is the infection of a woman with microorganisms such as ureaplasma, chlamydia, streptococci and gonococci, Candida fungi, etc., that causes an inflammatory process in the vagina, which, in turn, often causes inflammation of the cervical canal.

Of course, pathogenic microorganisms do not always provoke endocervicitis, but against the background of a decrease in general immunity and constant stress, this does not happen rarely.

Thus, if you detect any symptoms indicating an inflammatory disease of the female genital area, you should consult a doctor. After conducting the necessary examination, the gynecologist will be able to diagnose inflammation of the cervical canal in a timely manner and prescribe the correct treatment.

Eva Tikhonova

The cervical canal is located in the cervix, a gynecological organ that connects the uterine cavity and vagina. The cylindrical epithelium covering this organ forms a canal, the internal inflammation of which is called endocervicitis, and with the involvement of surrounding tissues in the process - cervicitis. Exocervicitis is an inflammatory process of the cervix in the vaginal part.

The disease in a mild form can be asymptomatic, but in an acute form it can be quite painful. In the absence of treatment for inflammation of the cervical canal, its symptoms are smoothed out, and the disease becomes chronic.

Causes of inflammation of the epithelium of the cervical canal

Cervicitis can be caused by the following reasons:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system of various etiologies - colpitis, cervical erosion, cystitis, endometritis, adnexitis;
  • sexually transmitted infections - the most dangerous are the introduction of gonococci and trichomonas;
  • nonspecific infections that appear when intestinal flora or staphylococci and streptococci are introduced through lymphogenic and hematogenous routes;
  • diagnostic procedures and surgical interventions;
  • the use of medications - contraception using spermicides that disrupt the balance of vaginal flora;
  • age-related changes - decreased estrogen levels, prolapse of the vagina and cervix;
  • frequent change of sexual partners - albeit healthy ones - if barrier contraception is not used, due to changes in the quality of the flora.

The development of the inflammatory process occurs against the background of a decrease in immune status.

Pregnancy can provoke inflammation of the cervical canal, since during it the hormonal background changes, the nature of the secretion produced and immunity decreases - otherwise the body rejects the embryo and does not allow it to gain a foothold in the endometrium of the uterus.

Another factor influencing the occurrence of the disease is menstruation. Menstrual blood is thrown into the cervix, and if the rules of personal hygiene are violated - rarely changing tampons or pads - pathogenic microorganisms begin to develop in a favorable environment, causing an inflammatory process.

Symptoms of cervicitis

Against the background of chlamydia, the disease most often occurs without pronounced symptoms, and is most acute when gonococci are introduced. The patient experiences severe suffering with acute inflammation of the cervical canal, and moderate suffering with chronic inflammation.

General signs of cervicitis, as well as endocervicitis and exocervicitis.

  1. Discharges of various types - from copious mucous to purulent, foamy.
  2. Itching or severe burning sensation in the vagina, heaviness in the lower abdomen.
  3. Frequent urination.

The temperature may rise and bleeding may occur after sexual intercourse. An exacerbation of the disease is observed after the next menstruation.

With chronic cervicitis, the cervix thickens, small cysts form on it - if erosion was one of the symptoms of the disease.

Self-medication only suppresses the inflammatory process; in order to eliminate it, you should definitely contact a gynecologist to find out the reasons that caused inflammation in the cervical canal and eliminate them with targeted influences.

Diagnosis of cervicitis

The clinical picture of inflammation of the cervical canal of the cervix is ​​quite typical and the doctor can see it during a gynecological examination. But it must be said that many women’s diseases cause visually similar symptoms, therefore, without laboratory and some hardware examinations, the diagnosis cannot be established.

During the examination, the doctor takes smears:

  • flora - a diagnostic measure in which the nature of the flora inhabiting the vagina and cervical canal is determined;
  • for a cytological examination - in order to detect degeneration at the cellular level at an early stage.

If the initial diagnosis is confirmed, a culture of the vaginal microflora is performed to determine sensitivity to antibacterial drugs, an ultrasound examination with an intravaginal sensor is prescribed, and a urine test is taken.

In addition, you may need to find out the result of a blood test for the presence of antibodies to hepatitis, HIV infection, and the Wasserman reaction.

If inflammation of the cervical canal is accompanied by erosive damage, endoscopy is performed. If cervicitis is chronic, then it is necessary to take tissue for a biopsy - this examination is carried out immediately after the next menstruation.

Treatment of inflammation of the cervical canal

Since the disease can be caused by various causes, the therapeutic regimen is prescribed taking into account already discovered factors. They try to start treatment in the acute phase, when the symptoms are most pronounced, preventing the transition to a chronic process.

To eliminate pathogenic bacteria, systemically antibacterial, antiviral or hormonal drugs are used systemically. If the concomitant disease is a urinary tract infection or human papillomavirus, then cytostatics are included in the therapeutic regimen. The use of topical drugs for acute infection is considered ineffective and even dangerous - this can cause the infection to spread upward into the uterus.

During menopause, in the absence of severe symptoms, treatment with hormone replacement therapy may be required.

If the cause of the infection is a fungal flora, then antifungal drugs are used, and in case of exacerbation of herpes, antiviral drugs are used.

If inflammation of the cervical canal causes erosion, then it is impossible to get rid of the disease without surgery.

In this case, erosion can be eliminated by cauterization in various ways:

  • liquid nitrogen – cryotherapy, exposure to low temperature;
  • radio wave method;
  • radio currents;
  • laser exposure.

If the erosions are small, the doctor applies a chemical substance to the surface of the wounds that causes crusts and scarring; for large erosions, excision of the tissue and, subsequently, a histological examination of the sample may be required.

After treatment of the disease, agents are prescribed that restore the vaginal microflora - acidophilus bacteria or bifidumbacterin in various forms. Vitamin preparations and immunomodulators are necessarily introduced into the therapeutic regimen to restore the immune status.

The doctor must decide which medications to use for each form of the disease. Self-medication is extremely dangerous - a disease that becomes chronic makes it difficult to conceive, and pregnancy against the background of cervicitis will not proceed well.

Cervicitis and pregnancy

During pregnancy, inflammation of the cervical canal can be a serious problem. It is very dangerous if pathogenic microorganisms rise upward and penetrate the uterine cavity, causing infection of the fetus.

Inflammatory processes of the female reproductive system are quite common among all diseases and, if left untreated, many of them lead to infertility. Pain in the lower abdomen and unusual vaginal discharge may be the first sign of problems with women's health, but many patients do not pay attention to them for a long time. Inflammation of the cervical canal is one of the common diseases, but it can cause serious disorders of the reproductive system without proper medical examination and treatment.

Many women often experience inflammation of the cervical canal, as a result of which the integrity of the mucus plug that protects the organs of the reproductive system from infection is disrupted. The second function of the canal is to promote sperm during the release of the egg for fertilization. It connects the vagina to the uterus and is located between them, its shape resembles a cylinder, and its length does not exceed four centimeters.

At the entrance to the canal there is a cylindrical epithelium, pathological changes in it cause the disease. If the inner mucosa of the cervical canal becomes inflamed, the disease is called endocervicitis. In case of inflammation on the outside, the disease is called cervicitis. The disease is not dangerous if you seek help in time and most often manifests itself in two forms of internal and external inflammation.

Mostly women of childbearing age are affected. Since symptoms often do not appear until the last stage, a preventive visit to a gynecologist will help to timely diagnose inflammation in the cervical canal, the causes of its occurrence and completely cure the patient.

Why does the disease develop?

To determine the cause of the disease, you will need to find out the nature of the pathogen. Staphylococci, chlamydia, E. coli, gonococci and fungi are infections. Mechanical damage, erosion, congenital anatomical defects, and malignant processes are non-infectious causes. Even if the inflammatory process is first localized in the vagina, over time it moves to the cervical canal.

The indirect factors that provoke this disease are different:

  • surgical termination of pregnancy;
  • childbirth;
  • intrauterine device;
  • improper hygiene during menstruation;
  • weak immune system;
  • stressful situations.

Provided the woman has normal immunity, there is a special plug in the cervical canal, which is created to protect important genital organs from infection and any damage. For a number of reasons, this plug is destroyed, which is why pathogens easily penetrate inside, causing inflammation of the cervical canal, and then endometriosis and other problems of the reproductive system. Since many germs can multiply in menstrual blood, it is important to carefully monitor personal hygiene during this period.

Main symptoms

Vivid signs of the disease are pain during sexual intercourse and specific vaginal discharge that has an unpleasant odor. In many cases, symptoms do not appear at all for a long time, but one of the first to appear is severe itching in the genital area. Next comes pain and the release of a large amount of mucus, sometimes the patient feels a slight burning sensation.

If treatment is not started at this stage, over time, the symptoms of the acute course of the disease turn into a chronic stage, when the woman does not suspect the presence of inflammation of the cervical canal. The disease subsequently spreads to organs that are nearby, often leading to erosion and dysplasia of the cervix. All these pathologies lead to the development of malignant processes in the genital organs.

Diagnostic methods

For timely examination and treatment, a woman must undergo a gynecological examination at least once a year. An urgent reason for visiting a doctor should be at least one of the list of possible symptoms of the disease. Inflammation of the cervical canal can be diagnosed using the following methods:

  • culture of bacterial flora to determine the cause;
  • colposcopy with a special device;
  • cytological examination;
  • microscopic.

Based on the test results, the nature of the pathogen is determined and appropriate therapy is prescribed. Already at the first examination, a woman with inflammation of the cervical canal may experience pain during the insertion of a gynecological instrument or a small amount of blood may leak, which will be a reason for a more detailed examination.

Modern treatment

Most often, it is the infectious process that causes inflammation of the cervical canal, the treatment of which completely depends on the factors of its occurrence. The sexual partner must also undergo full diagnosis and treatment, since the infection is sexually transmitted. The treatment regimen is selected depending on the stage of the disease and its cause. Therapeutic and surgical methods are used for treatment. Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen and elimination of pathology using a laser are often prescribed. Drug treatment will give results if it is started in the acute phase of the disease. The antibacterial agent Polygynax is popular, and antiviral and antifungal medications are also prescribed.

Antibiotic therapy

Almost always, in the case of an infectious process, antibiotics with a broad spectrum of action are used. Antibiotics include substances from the tetracycline group, for example, doxycycline, monomycin, macrolides, including erythromycin.

Restoration of vaginal microflora

After the main treatment, additional funds will definitely be needed, because the course of therapy consists of active chemicals that can kill beneficial bacteria at the same time as pathogenic microorganisms. For this, special suppositories are used, as well as tablets with lactobacilli to restore the flora of the vagina and cervical canal. Inflammation must be removed in time to avoid serious complications such as endometriosis or dysplasia. Proper nutrition during therapy and taking vitamins and minerals will be beneficial for the body.

Preventive examinations will help the doctor understand how to treat the disease if a woman has at least one of its symptoms. Daily hygiene of intimate areas with special products, special care during menstruation, and a regular sexual partner will help prevent bacterial attacks and problems in the reproductive system in order to maintain women's health. If you contact a specialist in time, inflammation of the cervical canal can be removed very quickly and without obstacles.

The cervical canal of the cervix is ​​a formation that is located in the thickness of the cervix and it performs many functions, the main one of which is the connection between the external and internal genital organs. In girls, it develops gradually and reaches normal size closer to puberty. Normally, the anatomy of the internal female genital organs is located as follows: the vagina passes into the cervix, which begins with the external uterine os, then the cervical canal of the cervix begins, which ends with the internal uterine os and passes into the uterine cavity. This anatomy allows you to regulate the process of opening the cervix in the first stage of labor. Thanks to the uterine os, the cervical canal begins to open from the internal uterine os, and then, like an hourglass, the external os opens. During the process of involution of the uterus in the postpartum period, first the internal uterine os closes on days 5-7, and then on the 21st day the external os of the cervical canal closes.

Such anatomical features contribute to these physiological changes already in the postpartum period, while the external os does not close completely after the first birth, and this contributes to the fact that repeated births go faster.

As for the histological structure of the cervical canal of the cervix, this also has its own characteristics. The vagina, which is also called the exocervix, is lined with stratified squamous non-keratinizing epithelium, and the cervical canal, or endocervix, is built of single-layer columnar epithelium. Between these zones there is normally a small border, which is called the transition zone, and it is normally located at the level of the external pharynx. This structure must be known in order to further understand the concept of “dysplasia” and the real threat of such a condition.

When examining a woman in the mirrors, you can see the cervix, or rather its external os, and knowing the anatomical features of this area and physiological changes, one can assume one or another dysfunction. It is also important for the woman herself to understand what a particular diagnosis means, in comparison with normal values.

The cervical canal during pregnancy has its own characteristics, which is associated both with the influence of hormones and with the further preparation of the birth canal for the birth of the fetus. Normally, the length of the cervix is ​​35-45 millimeters, and the diameter of the canal is 5 millimeters; any deviations in one direction or another pose a risk of complications. The length of the cervical canal closer to 32-35 weeks of pregnancy can decrease to 35 millimeters, and this is considered a physiological indicator, which is due to preparation for childbirth. If the length of the cervix is ​​less than 35 millimeters, and this is often 20-25, before the 30th week of pregnancy, then they talk about such a thing as isthmic-cervical insufficiency. This is a risk of premature birth, so surgical treatment is carried out in the form of an obstetric suture - a pessary - which circularly fixes the cervical canal and prevents its premature opening. At 35-36 weeks the suture is removed. If not diagnosed in time, this condition can lead to premature birth. If the length of the cervical canal during pregnancy and childbirth is more than 45 millimeters, then they speak of a long cervix, which also has its negative consequences. During pregnancy, the normal attachment of the placenta may be disrupted, since the anatomical structure of the uterine pharynx is disrupted and the placenta may have a central, lateral or low attachment. A number of complications can also occur during childbirth. One of the manifestations may be prolonged labor, which lasts more than 12-14 hours in primiparous women and more than 9-12 hours in multiparous women. This occurs because the elongated cervix is ​​not prepared before labor and opens slowly. A long and hard cervix does not smooth out, which leads to the unpreparedness of the birth canal. Therefore, contractions last a long time, lead to fatigue and exhaustion of the woman, and this condition can lead to secondary weakness of labor, which requires active tactics in the form of stimulation of pregnancy.

There may also be obstacles to the normal passage of the baby through the birth canal, since the elongated cervix is ​​not dilated enough and the baby’s head or presenting part may remain in the same plane for a long time, which increases the risk of hypoxia and may require additional methods.

Another important feature of the cervical canal during pregnancy is its important protective function: during normal functioning of the epithelium of the cervical canal, the glands secrete a huge amount of secretion, resulting in the formation of a mucus plug that prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering the uterine cavity. Just before childbirth, this mucous plug comes off.

Thus, it becomes clear that any disturbances in the anatomical structure of the cervical canal of the cervix can cause complications in the future, and therefore require timely diagnosis and treatment.

Diseases of the cervical canal

Pathology of the cervix can play a large role in the development of diseases, both during pregnancy and outside of pregnancy, even with possible infertility.

Conventionally, pathologies of the cervical canal can be divided into:

  1. anomalies in the structure and structure of the cervical canal;
  2. inflammatory diseases;
  3. neoplasms of the cervical canal.

Anomalies in the structure and structure of the cervical canal can be either congenital or acquired. Congenital anomalies, as a rule, are accompanied by concomitant anomalies of other genital organs - vagina, uterus. More often in women of reproductive age, acquired anomalies of the structure of the cervical canal occur, which arise as a result of adhesions, scars, and deformations after various surgical interventions. Among such pathologies are the circular canal of the cervix, narrowing of the cervical canal and its obstruction.

Circular canal of the cervix is a pathology in which the canal has a funnel-shaped shape due to the incorrect arrangement of muscle fibers in a circular direction. This pathology can occur with ruptures of the internal genital organs due to childbirth and their surgical treatment - suturing; in the future, this can be the cause of such a process if the tissues do not heal properly. This pathology may not manifest itself in any way due to its insignificance, that is, all physiological processes in the uterus and ovaries do not suffer. Problems may arise during the next pregnancy, when there may be incoordination of labor due to improper contraction of the muscle fibers of the circular canal of the cervix, which prevents the normal opening of the cervix. There is no treatment for this pathology as such, since these are structural changes that cannot be corrected. Treatment may be symptomatic if complications occur.

Narrowing of the cervical canal– its dimensions are less than 5 millimeters. In this case, a woman of reproductive age may already experience symptoms in the form of menstrual irregularities such as oligomenorrhea, since a narrow cervical canal can interfere with normal menstruation, which prolongs the period of menstruation with a small amount of discharge. As for pregnancy, this can be a direct threat to normal labor, in case of poor opening of the cervix and an indication for cesarean section. But there may also be a sufficient hormonal background with good dynamics of cervical opening and labor, then this condition is not dangerous. The extreme degree of narrowing of the cervical canal is its obstruction. Obstruction of the cervical canal of the cervix is ​​a condition that already requires intervention, since there are complications. With this pathology, a mechanical barrier is formed, which in women of reproductive age can cause a delay in menstrual blood with its accumulation in the uterine cavity and the formation of an acute condition in gynecology - a hematometer. Then a clinical picture of acute abdominal pain, tension in the anterior abdominal wall occurs, and anamnesis data indicate a delay in menstruation for several weeks or several times in a row. Upon examination, you can determine the tension and soreness of the uterus. This is a condition that requires immediate surgical intervention.

Among the inflammatory diseases of the cervical canal of the cervix, endocervicitis is the most common - this is a pathology that is characterized by focal inflammation of the cervical canal. The etiological cause can be any pathogenic or opportunistic microorganism that enters through the ascending route. At the same time, inflammation occurs in the cervical canal with local symptoms in the form of purulent vaginal discharge, pain during sexual intercourse and at rest, and menstrual irregularities. In addition to local symptoms, general symptoms appear in the form of fever, intoxication, and changes in blood tests. Treatment must be comprehensive - local and general. Local treatment is douching with antiseptics, suppositories with antibiotics, and genital hygiene. General treatment involves the systemic use of antibiotics for a course of 7-10 days, as well as symptomatic therapy. At the time of illness and treatment, it is necessary to exclude sexual relations and treat the partner better at the same time, especially in the case of verification of specific urogenital flora.

Cervical neoplasms can be benign or malignant. Among benign diseases, polyps of the cervical canal of the cervix are the most common. This is a pathology that is characterized by the formation of a characteristic cauliflower-like structure on a stalk or a broad base. This structure is visible to the naked eye. The cause of this formation is most often the human papillomavirus, which affects the epithelial cells of the genital organs due to its high tropism. Polyposis of the cervical canal of the cervix is ​​often multiple and is combined with other localization of polyps - in the cervix, vagina.

Among the benign formations of the cervical canal of the cervix, a cyst is also found. This is a thin-walled formation that has a thin capsule, liquid contents inside and a tendency to grow. Since the cervical canal has a limited diameter, complications often arise in the form of cyst rupture or infection. Then it is also necessary to carry out complex treatment. The course of such a cyst, if small in size, may be asymptomatic, then it may simply be an accidental finding on an ultrasound. Sometimes the contents of the cyst can be menstrual blood, then they speak of an endometrioid cyst. Treatment tactics can be surgical if such a formation is accidentally found.

Malignant tumors may include cancer of the cervical canal of the cervix. This pathology is not as common as cancer of other localizations, but it is quite dangerous in terms of its asymptomatic course. Therefore, such cancer is often diagnosed already at the stage of metastasis to other organs. In the first and second stages of the disease, treatment is radical surgical with extirpation of the uterus and regional lymph nodes, as well as preoperative and postoperative radiation therapy. In later stages, treatment is combined.

These are the main diseases that can be localized in the cervical canal of the cervix.

Diagnosis of pathology of the cervical canal of the cervix

Diagnosis of these pathologies must be comprehensive to exclude other conditions and correct treatment.

First of all, it is necessary to listen to complaints with full detail of symptoms. It is also necessary to clarify the anamnestic data to determine the date of the last menstruation. Examination in the mirrors allows you to see only the external os of the cervical canal, but if there are polyps in the vagina, then we can assume that there is also polyposis of the cervical canal of the cervix. There may also be bloody discharge when a cyst of the cervical canal of the cervix ruptures or purulent discharge when it suppurates.

An important stage in the vaginal examination of a woman in the speculum is taking two types of smears - for bacterial flora and for histological examination. A smear from the cervical canal is taken for screening from each woman with a special brush. The correct technology must be followed - a smear is taken from three zones of the cervix - the endocervix, the intermediate zone and the cervical canal, that is, all three types of epithelium must be present. Next, all smears are sent to the laboratory for cytology and histology.

Operations on the cervical canal

Surgical interventions on the cervical canal are not performed very often, since it is a very difficult to reach place. Minimally invasive interventions are more often performed for certain indications. In case of anomalies in the structure of the cervical canal of the cervix, such as narrowing or obstruction of the cervical canal, a special procedure is performed - bougienage of the cervical canal. This is an intervention that consists of expanding the canal with a special tool - a bougie. This is most often a metal tool, which is selected by number, which corresponds to its size, and starting from the smallest to the widest. It is often necessary to repeat the procedure several times, since once is not enough. This intervention is effective for small degrees of narrowing.

Among the surgical methods for treating pathologies of the cervical canal of the cervix, in this case with polyps of the canal, cryodestruction, burning with liquid nitrogen, and laser burning are used. Cryodestruction method consists of using cold, which freezes the polyps and they fall off. This procedure is repeated 1-2 times a week until the polyp completely disappears. Cauterization with liquid nitrogen works on the same principle.

Laser therapy- this is the use of a laser beam with a scalpel-type mechanism of action.

Curettage of the cervical canal can be carried out for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Diagnostic curettage of the cervical canal is carried out if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected or if a foreign body is suspected. In this case, it is important to send all the obtained material for histological examination. Therapeutic curettage of the cervical canal is carried out in the postpartum period when complications occur or if an inflammatory focus in the uterus is suspected. This method of treatment can also be carried out if more minimally invasive methods are ineffective in treating polyposis or if it is multiple in nature.

The cervical canal of the cervix is ​​a formation that has important functions in the process of fertilization, pregnancy and birth of a child, as well as in the pathology of the female reproductive system. It is necessary to know some features of the anatomical structure of the cervical canal of the cervix for timely diagnosis of pathology and determination of possible treatment tactics.

It is impossible to protect yourself from traumatic inflammation of the cervical canal. Sometimes the risk of developing a disease is negligible compared to the need for medical procedures.

The cervical canal is the area of ​​the uterus that connects the vagina and its body. Inflammation of the cylindrical epithelium located at the entrance to this canal is called endocervicitis - if the cervical pharynx is inflamed from the inside and cervicitis - when the tissues become inflamed from the outside. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in women of childbearing age.

Inflammation of the cervical canal gives a characteristic clinical picture, so it is not difficult for a gynecologist to make a diagnosis. In addition, such manifestations contribute to the disease.

During examination, the mirror reflects hyperemia of the cervix, which may be accompanied by cervical erosion.

Any manipulation with gynecological instruments causes pain, and exactly the same pain occurs during coitus.

Impacts on the mucous membrane result in light bleeding from the mucous membrane of the cervix. Bleeding can occur even during active physical activity and stress of various types. Pain occurs during or after sexual intercourse.

You may notice purulent mucous discharge from the cervix.

Manifestations of dysuria - difficulty urinating, and the occurrence of periodic pain in the lower abdomen.

In addition, inflammation of the cervical canal in most cases is accompanied by bacterial vaginosis, which causes burning and itching in the perineal area.

The disease can occur without any symptoms at all.

Depending on the stage of the disease, chronic and acute cervicitis are distinguished.

If treatment of the acute form is neglected, the body will adapt to the disease, which will spread to neighboring organs. This causes cervical pathology, erosion in the initial stage and dysplasia in the future.

Cervical dysplasia is curable at an early stage. Advanced dysplasia can give impetus to the development of the oncological process.

Inflammation of the cervical canal is caused by traumatic effects of various types and the introduction of pathogenic flora.

The first include cervical prolapse, radiation, erosion, neoplasms and radiation.

Infectious diseases, predominantly sexually transmitted, cause cervicitis much more often. The pathogenic flora that triggers diseases include: candida, chlamydia, streptococci, gonococci, staphylococci, herpes viruses, papillomas. The disease can be provoked by E. coli and ureaplasma.

The disease begins with inflammation of the vagina, then the infection progresses.

In a healthy woman, a mucous plug is located in the lumen of the cervical canal, which forms a protective barrier against the penetration of pathogenic flora from the vagina. But with various medical procedures it is destroyed, and therefore the infection penetrates freely. Cork changes its chemical composition under the influence of many medications.

They provoke the development of inflammation and deformations of the cervix that occur after abortion, insertion of an IUD, probing or diagnostic curettage.

The occurrence of cervicitis is influenced by normal menstruation, during which menstrual blood is thrown into the cervix or seasonal diseases that reduce the general immunity of the body, and stress conditions.

Before prescribing treatment for cervicitis, the pathogen that provoked the disease is determined. To do this, a smear is taken, which is used for bacteriological and microscopic examination. In some cases, colposcopy is performed - a colposcope, a device with illumination and an optical magnification eyepiece, is inserted into the cervical canal. Epithelial cells after colposcopy are examined by cytology.

The duration of treatment and prescription depend on the causative agent of the disease and the stage of the inflammatory process.

One of the main preventive measures that prevents inflammation of the cervical canal from developing is observing the rules of personal hygiene. Particular care must be taken to monitor cleanliness during menstruation and change the pad, regardless of whether it is completely saturated or not, at least once every 3 hours. Menstrual blood is a favorable environment for the activation of pathogenic flora. And decreased immunity during menstruation contributes to the penetration of this flora into the cervical canal.

To prevent an unpleasant disease, you should avoid unprotected sexual intercourse with an unreliable sexual partner and regularly undergo a medical examination with all necessary tests.

Infectious inflammation of the cervical canal can be prevented by carefully following the rules of personal hygiene and safe sex. Cleanliness and a reliable partner are the best prevention of disease.

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