Did Hitler and Eve have children? Amazing every day! Death of Hitler, Eva Braun and Goebbels' children

Hitler's wife is an extraordinary person. Not every woman is ready to put up with what the Fuhrer’s legal wife suffered. Although the word “legal” is a rather arbitrary designation. When she was 17 years old, a fortune teller predicted for her such a love that the whole world would talk about not only during her lifetime, but also after. Did she know in what negative way this fame would be? The woman's name was Eva Braun. Her biography is very tragic, but at the same time there is something fascinating about it. This is exactly what will be discussed in this article.


The future wife of a Bavarian corporal, and later the leader of the German nation, was born on February 6, 1912. Her father, Friedrich Braun, worked as a teacher. Mother is a dressmaker. Eva Braun, whose biography is complex and interesting, was the second daughter in the family. In total, Friedrich and Franziska Braun had three daughters. All of them were brought up in the spirit of traditional Christian traditions.

Education and upbringing

Hitler's future wife graduated from a convent school. After her - the Lyceum in Munich. Francis's mother watched her daughters very strictly: they were forbidden to even call without her permission, not to mention dates and meetings with friends. Eve’s future, according to her parents, is to get married, have children, and lead the same traditional Christian life. However, there was a rebellious spirit hidden in Eve; she did not think of putting up with this state of affairs.


Eva loved novels and cinema, dreamed of a beautiful life. Living in captivity and raising children was not for her. She got a job in a photo studio. Ironically, the company belonged to a fan of the Nazi Party - Adolf Hitler's personal photographer. Eva was far from politics, she was never interested in it, but she was a purposeful person. In 1929, the future Fuhrer visited the studio for pre-election photographs. It was then that Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler first met.


The naive and fragile girl immediately liked the future leader. This is not surprising: all of Germany submitted to the Bavarian corporal, what can we say about the quiet Christian girl. The halo of power and influence always attracts the weaker sex. Many girls liked Adolf Hitler. In addition to charisma and success, Adolf knew how to speak very beautifully and give compliments.

Was Eve Jewish?

After meeting, Eva Braun was carefully checked: nationality, family. Adolf liked the young girl’s naturalness, spontaneity, youth, but the Aryan blood of his future wife was even more important. By the way, scientists just recently made a shocking statement: Eve may have had Jewish roots. In one of Hitler's residences they found a comb in a box that belonged to Eva. DNA analysis showed that Hitler's wife had Jewish roots. The DNA contains mutations that are typical of Ashkenazi Jews. If Hitler had known about this earlier, we think that history would have taken place in a slightly different vein, and maybe Eva simply would not have been the wife of the Fuhrer of the Aryan nation.

Features of relationships

For Adolf, the most important thing in life was his political career. He always said that his bride was Germany. However, he always found time to visit the theater, cinema, and go on picnics with Eva.

To be fair, let’s say that Hitler was not a monogamist at all. He also attended public events with other women. There was no secret in this for Eva. She was patient and understanding: her Christian upbringing made itself felt.

Adolf Hitler was surrounded not only by beautiful girls, but also by death. More than once, many representatives of the fairer sex, intoxicated by the demonic charms of the Fuhrer, committed suicide. Among them was Hitler's niece, to whom he showed signs of attention. After one of the quarrels with her uncle, a young girl shot herself.

The Fuhrer himself strictly kept his love relationship with Eva secret and did not want anyone to know about them. He believed that this could harm his position in society and damage his political career. The girl accepted the rules of the game with dignity, since she believed that she could not find a more profitable game. However, Eva thought about suicide several times, but she never thought about parting with the possessed Fuhrer. This confirms the magnetic influence on people that Adolf Hitler had. Young girls were ready to put a bullet in their heads, but they never thought of breaking up with him.

The attitude of Eva's parents towards her chosen one

Eva’s parents, without suspecting it themselves, on a subconscious level strengthened the girl’s desire to be with Hitler. They were categorically against it, they believed that the girl was making a mistake, and the forbidden fruit was always sweet. Eva Braun always believed that someday she would become the first lady of the state, so she endured any hardships. However, it is not worth saying that she was motivated only by calculation - she sincerely loved Adolf and completely lived his life.

"Captive" at the Berghof

After Hitler became Reich Chancellor, the girl became his secretary. The unofficial couple moved to a residence in the Berghof. Eve is trapped in a golden cage. On the one hand, she was with her beloved, the owner of the apartment, on the other hand, Adolf himself chose the time for visits; she was forbidden to even call on the internal telephone. Hitler called first. Eva was allowed to communicate only with trusted people of Adolf. When high-ranking politicians and prominent figures appeared at the residence, it was hidden from prying eyes.

Eva's entertainment and desires

Hitler's common-law wife not only sat in the room all alone waiting for the Fuhrer - the girl had her own entertainment. She loved shopping, visited the best stores in Europe, was proud of her status as a fashionista, and could change clothes six times a day.

Eva's second hobby was photography. She dreamed that one day her photographs of the German Chancellor would form the basis of a biographical Hollywood film about the great man.

The girl herself dreamed of acting in films all her life. She thought that one day the world would want to make a movie about her and her beloved, and she also wanted to personally star in this film. She perfected her figure with daily exercises. Some shots showed her in complex acrobatic poses.

Best time for Eve

Only then will the whole world hate Hitler and consider him a monster. But the thirties of the twentieth century are the best time for Adolf and Eva. At this time, Hitler becomes the undisputed leader of the German nation, the world massacre has not yet begun. Eve believed that soon the whole world would idolize Adolf, but history showed that exactly the opposite happened.

Eva could not truly rejoice at Hitler's successes - she was upset by the Fuhrer's attitude towards her. Only the closest people knew that they were in a relationship. The broad masses did not know this. Adolf categorically did not want to show his relationship in public. To outsiders, it was as if she did not exist.

Life in a fantasy world

The girl’s change of consciousness occurred during the times of mass global slaughter and genocide. Hitler himself did not personally execute his prisoners, did not take part in torture, and did not visit concentration camps. At home there was a categorical ban on talking about such topics. Eve understood: she didn’t want to know anything more, she realized that there would be no world triumph and glory; rather, on the contrary, her beloved would be despised and hated.

Happiness comes late

The beginning of the end of Germany becomes the best time for Eva. After Soviet troops turned the tide of the war with Nazi Germany, Adolf began to withdraw into himself. His entourage and he himself pretended that everything was going well, there was no panic. At this time, Hitler and Eva became closer than ever. He stopped shunning her and began to publicly show his love. It was then that the German people, and the whole world, learned about such a person as Eva Braun.

Adolf needed the love and support of a loved one: defeats at the front did not give him peace. Eve herself did not want to think about the hundreds of thousands who were tortured and killed. She saw in Adolf a kind, good man. This is a trait of any loving woman who is ready to turn a blind eye to the bad deeds of her man.

Did Eva Braun have children?

Many people are wondering: did Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun have children together? No. The girl often persuaded her lover, but the Fuhrer categorically refused. Even in the most difficult moments for Germany, when it was clear that there would be no victory, he was still unshakable and did not go towards a woman who exchanged her life for pipe dreams. Hitler delayed the official wedding until the last moment, but decided at the very last moment.

wife for a day

Eva's dreams did come true: she became the Fuhrer's wife, but only for one day. On April 29, 1945, Hitler proposed to her, and on April 30, their lives were cut short. How did Hitler's wife die? Eva committed suicide after her official wedding night. This proves that she truly loved Hitler. The woman paid for her fame with her life.

Hitler's children: do they really exist? The pattern is that the personal lives of people who occupy a prominent place in world politics have always been of interest to both contemporaries and descendants. And if we are talking about the mysterious personality of Adolf Hitler, then there is no end to the rumors and versions about his relationships with other women, as well as about his children. In this article we will try to find the answer to the question about the existence of the Fuhrer’s children, based on different sources.

Did Hitler have children: the official version

The Second World War is long over. Everyone involved in its beginning and denouement had already died, having been condemned. The majority of the ruling elite of the Third Reich left no heirs: they either died along with their families, or were childless.

There are no officially registered children of Hitler. It is well known that there was Eva Braun. The couple committed suicide, leaving no heirs. “Did Hitler have children?” - This question still haunts representatives of the world press to this day.

The thing is that back in 1935 in Germany, according to Himmler’s plan, several special maternity hospitals were built and put into operation. The purpose of these maternity centers was to ensure the breeding of a new race - “blond beasts”. For this purpose, the parents of the future elite of Germany were very carefully chosen. These were German women who had passed racial selection and children born according to this plan were officially adopted by Hitler.

Version by Erich Runge

Erich Runge is a former SS Obersturmführer. It was thanks to him that the sensation came to light that the children of Adolf Hitler now live almost all over the world. There are dozens of them, and these people have no idea who their real father is.

According to archival reports, in 1940, at one of the secret meetings, it was decided that power in Germany could only be inherited by a person who would be a direct descendant of the Fuhrer.

There is a version that Hitler’s envy of Stalin, who had sons, served as the basis for the development of another secret operation, which was called “Thor”.

The essence of the secret operation

Hitler's children were supposed to see the light of day as a result of fertilization with the Fuhrer's sperm of specially selected women.

Researchers of the life of Adolf Hitler state the fact that he was indifferent to sex, moreover, he even felt disgust for it. Therefore, it was decided to carry out the plan with the birth of an heir in this way.

Women to participate in this project were selected with special care. These were young girls, 100% Aryans with good pedigree. The operation was strictly classified; the girls who passed the selection did not even know who would become the father of their future children. The participants in the operation were explained that they were entrusted with the high mission of becoming mothers of children from SS soldiers, true Aryans.

After birth, Hitler's children were transported to a complex specially prepared for this purpose, which was located in the Alps.

Version by Alessandro Giovenese

Few people believed Erich Runge's story. Moreover, he soon died of a heart attack. For a certain time, the topic of Hitler's offspring was closed.

After some time, former SS medical officer (1943-1945) Alessandro Giovenese, who was a resident of Brazil, continued to testify on this topic.

It turns out that he was one of the participants in the secret operation "Thor". Hitler's children were actually in the Alps at the end of the war. At the beginning of May 1945, employees of the complex received an order to evacuate 22 children. Of course, everything happened in strict secrecy, so the documents were destroyed. The children were distributed to different families. The new parents were informed that these were orphans from maternity hospitals in nearby areas.

Werner Maser version

Werner Maser is the most famous researcher of the Fuhrer's biography. He claims that Hitler has a child born from his relationship with Charlotte Edoxy Alida Lobjoie.

Hitler had a relationship with a young Frenchwoman during the First World War. Young Adolf volunteered to fight and, of course, did not deny himself the pleasure of communicating with the beautiful residents of the northern part of France.

In 1981, an autobiography was published which claimed that he was Hitler's son. The lack of materials for genetic testing did not allow us to fully prove the relationship between these people. The author of the next sensation died four years later without having proven his connection with the Fuhrer.

Hitler and Geli Raubal

According to official data, Adolf Hitler did not have a family. However, two of his mistresses are known: and Eva Braun (Eva will be discussed a little later).

Geli was the Fuhrer's niece. It was a scandalous, incestuous relationship. It is not known exactly whether she shot herself or was killed, but her life was cut short in 1931.

Now the most interesting thing: a certain US citizen, Werner Schmedt, appeared and presented proof that Hitler was his father. These were photographs. They show Werner himself and his mother hugging the Fuhrer. It turns out that Hitler's children have the photo as evidence.

The birth certificate of this citizen contains encrypted data about the parents: the mother is designated by one letter “R”, the father by “G”. The child was born in 1929. After the death of his mother, the boy was given to nannies to be raised. He lived in both Germany and Austria.

Werner claimed that Hitler often visited him, and sometimes even spent the night with him. The boy was guarded and his place of residence was often changed for safety reasons.

On his first anniversary, 10 years old, the son received a horse from his father as a gift.

According to Hitler's son, they last saw each other in 1940. Then the father told the boy that at the end of the war he would receive the whole world as a gift.

These promises were not destined to come true. Werner hid after the war, hiding his origins.

After long wanderings around the world, Werner settled in the USA, where he still lives. Hitler's son agrees to conduct a DNA test to prove his relationship with the leader of the Third Reich. But for now it is impossible to do such an analysis, because in addition to the son’s materials, samples of the father’s cells are needed.

Hitler and Eva Braun

How are things going with the family life of this couple? There are two versions about their relationship. The first says that the relationship between these people was platonic because Hitler had an aversion to sex.

The second claims that the children of Hitler and Eva Braun exist. Nevertheless, their marriage relationship was officially registered. And although the year of marriage registration is 1945, according to historians, in 1938 the couple had a girl. The girl's name is Ursula.

Notable is the fact that she can be seen in many photographs from Eva Braun’s personal albums. Eva claimed that this was the daughter of her best friend, Hertha Schneider. However, these stories are not confirmed by any facts. It is known that Herta had one child, and it was not Ursula.

It is also alarming that the Hitler couple always avoided any mention of this girl. British historians, taking this data as a basis, argue that the words “Hitler”, “wife”, “children” are inextricably linked. It was a full-fledged family.

There are versions that Ursula was not the only child of the couple. The name of the second daughter is not mentioned anywhere at all, and supposedly in 1943, Hitler’s wife also gave birth to a stillborn child.

Other children of the Fuhrer

Unfortunately, history has not preserved documented facts of Hitler's paternity. All versions are based on eyewitness accounts and versions of historians.

One of these versions suggests that Hitler could be the father of the daughter of Tilly Fleischer, a famous Olympic champion. Gisella, that was the girl’s name, wrote a book in which she made it clear to the world who her father was. However, her mother did not confirm this version.

There is also Magda Goebbels, who claims that Hitler, and not her legal spouse, should be recognized as the father of her son. But this, again, is an unconfirmed version.

What did Hitler do with children, and how many of them did he have? History does not give an exact answer to this question. All that remains is to analyze the versions received, look for new evidence and make guesses.

Newly published personal photographs of Eva Braun from her own photo albums reveal a new side to the woman who was Hitler's long-time lover and, in the last hours of her life, became his wife. Braun took a central place in Hitler's life after the 1931 suicide of Geli Raubal, the twenty-three-year-old niece of the future Fuhrer, who, according to rumors, was also his mistress.

The collection of unique photographs is part of an archive confiscated by the US military in 1945 and made public by collector Reinhard Schulz.

Eva Braun films with a 16mm camera. Today, photographs and newsreels taken by her are of great value to historians.

Eva was born into a respectable Bavarian Catholic family, where she was the second daughter. At the age of 17, she began working as a model for photographer Heinrich Hoffmann (pictured left), the official photographer of the Reich. Thanks to her work, she met “Herr Wolf,” a man with a “funny mustache,” who turned out to be Adolf Hitler himself. By 1931, Hitler and Braun had a relationship, and Hitler had already become the leader of the Nazi Party in Germany. Eva's sister, Gretti, married Hermann Fegelein, an SS general. She managed to survive the war, but her husband did not. He is said to have been executed on Hitler's personal orders in 1945. Photo: Hoffmann, Hitler and Eva Braun at Hitler's residence in Berghof, Germany, 1942. Hitler and Brown look at photographs of Hoffmann.

At Hitler's alpine residence at the Berghof in 1942. Eva Braun and Hitler often met at the Berghof, and many photographs were taken here by her. The residence was guarded by an SS team, and in 1944 there were almost 2,000 people in the guard unit. This magnificent residence was completely destroyed during a bombing on April 25, 1945, shortly before the suicide of Hitler and Eva Braun.

Giler on a walk with his dog.

Two Scottish terriers that belonged to Eva Braun and Hitler. Hitler also had a shepherd dog, Blondie. Eva simply could not stand this dog.

At lunch.

Afternoon nap.

There are a lot of touching photographs of Hitler with children, which were sometimes used by Nazi propaganda for PR for the Fuhrer.

Hitler and Eva's niece Ursula. Photo taken at Hitler's residence in the Bavarian Alps in 1942

Based on these photographs, it can be assumed that Hitler actually loved children. As we can see, the first impression of a person from a photograph can be deceptive, and psychology is not as simple as it seems.

Eva with her niece.

Eva with Albert Speer, architect and Reich Minister of Armaments and War Industry. Speer belonged to the Fuhrer's closest circle of people. Under his leadership, reconstruction of NSDAP facilities was carried out, festive demonstrations and ceremonial processions were organized. Speer was the author of the master plan for the reconstruction of Berlin, which, according to Hitler's plans, was to become the capital of the whole world. During the Nuremberg trials, Albert Speer was charged with using slave labor from concentration camp prisoners. Speer pleaded guilty and received 20 years in prison. Speer had to serve his entire sentence and was released only on September 30, 1966. In prison he wrote the book “Memoirs,” which was a great success. Later he published several more books.

Eva takes a boat ride on Lake Worthy

Eva at Hitler's residence at the Berghof, 1940. Hitler was very irritated by many of Eva Braun's habits: smoking, heavy use of cosmetics and the habit of sunbathing without a swimsuit. He forbade smoking in his presence. As you know, Hitler did not drink, did not smoke and was a vegetarian.

Eva does gymnastics on the shores of Lake Königssee, not far from her residence in the Berghof, which is still considered the cleanest lake in Germany.

Students from Beilingris Convent School, 1922. Eva Braun is second from right in the photo.

Munich, 1929. It was this year, when she was only 17 years old, that Eva met Hitler. The photo was taken in the living room of the Braun family's Munich apartment.

Eva Braun's family - father Friedrich Braun, mother Franziska Braun, Eva, sisters Ilse and Margaret. 1940

Eva with her younger sister Margaret. 1943

Carnival with family (in the photo Eva Braun is in the background on the right, in the center is her mother Franziska Katharina Braun), Munich, 1938.

Holidays with friends in Godesberg (pictured with Eva Braun on the left), 1937

Bavarian Alps, 1935. Eva with friends

Eva with one of her friends during a party. She loved to have fun. She also loved to smoke, but she could only afford it in Hitler’s absence.

Eva Braun was a big fan of American films. In this photograph taken in 1937, she depicts Al Johnson (titled "I Am Al Johnson") starring in the first sound film, The Jazz Singer, which surpassed the best silent films in its success.

New Year's Eve at the Berghof. It is characteristic that in group photographs Hitler tends to be impassive or sullen, even if everyone else is in high spirits.

Hitler at someone's wedding. He reminds me of someone here...

April, 1943. Hitler celebrates his 54th birthday at his Alpine residence. Eva is on the far left.

Photo workshop of Heinrich Hoffmann in Munich, 1938. It was in this workshop that Eva met Hitler

Eva Braun with her older sister Ilse. Ilsa was 4 years older than Eva. In 1935, Ilse saved Eva when she tried to commit suicide by taking a lethal dose of sleeping pills. Finding her sister unconscious, Ilsa called a doctor.

Childhood clear eyes - Hitler in infancy.

Corner of Eva Braun's living room at Hitler's residence at the Berghof, 1937

Booker Igor 04/17/2019 at 16:00

We sometimes make the mistake of calling the Fuhrer's wife and long-term mistress Eva Braun. She passed away like Eva Hitler. Such was her fate that she became Eva Hitler just a few hours before she and her husband committed suicide. Most historians treated Eve as a beautiful toy, but the latest research refutes this point of view.

Of all Hitler's women, she is perhaps the most famous, although not the most beloved. The future husband cheated on Eve. Which he most likely did not do when he had an affair with his beautiful relative from Linz named Angela Raubal, or, affectionately, Geli. It was the daughter of his sister who became Hitler’s very first and greatest love. Although it tragically ended in the suicide of the 23-year-old niece of the future dictator.

This happened even before the Nazis came to power, but Geli Raubal’s place in the mass consciousness was firmly occupied by another girl, whom the Fuhrer was introduced to by his personal photographer Heinrich Hoffmann. Their first meeting took place in 1929, when Eva Anna Paula Braun was working in Hoffmann's Munich atelier.

“Hitler immediately really liked the 17-year-old, inexperienced, blonde student of a convent school and the daughter of a teacher from Munich, although he loves Geli, who has been living with him in Munich for only one year,” wrote the German historian Werner Maser. “Whenever he came to Hoffmann, and this happens often, he is looking for a meeting with Eva Braun, who dreams of Hitler."

Hitler, with true Viennese charm, lured a teenage girl into a love network: “Permit me to invite you to the opera, Fraulein Eva? You see, I am always surrounded by men, so I know how to appreciate the happiness of being with a woman.” A girl who dreamed of the world of cinema and loved fashion magazines succumbed to the charms of a much older man who had not yet become a war criminal. Meanwhile, the Nazi Party security service was already in full swing checking Braun's pedigree for the presence of Jewish ancestors in her family tree.

Decades later, staff admitted that servants looked for traces of love affairs on the sheets and beds after Hitler left Brown's bedroom. Former SS man Herbert Döhring once told television that, having found nothing, he concluded that the dictator's relationship with a woman 23 years his junior could only be platonic.

Unlike most citizens of the Third Reich, Döring belonged to a narrow circle of insiders who knew about Adolf Hitler's secret mistress. It was only after the end of World War II that the general public learned of the existence of an attractive blonde who, 40 hours before her death, became the wife of the Fuhrer.

The feigned secrecy was based on political calculation. “Many women are attached to me because I am not married,” Hitler reasoned, “it’s the same as with a film actor: if he is married, he definitely loses something in the eyes of the women who adore him, he is no longer their idol.”

The interest that arose in the personality of the woman who had been close to the Fuhrer for a decade and a half was immediately dampened by historians, and one of the first - British researcher and intelligence officer Hugh Trevor-Roper, who interviewed Hitler's entourage after the war - issued a verdict that Eva Braun is “uninteresting.” This would later be confirmed by each of the venerable authors who wrote about Hitler.

Recently, the Berlin-based historian Heike Görtemaker published the first scholarly biography of Eva Braun from a reputable German publisher. A strictly academic approach allowed us to avoid many of the anecdotes that filled the pages of popular biographies dedicated to Hitler's passion.

For example, that in the Fuhrer's bunker, Eva Braun allegedly constantly argued with Adolf about food. Hitler, who was reputed to be a vegetarian, demanded that the poor thing eat oatmeal jelly or mushroom sauce that she was disgusted with (“I can’t eat this garbage!”). Or an episode that one of Hitler’s secretaries told about: allegedly Eva was so jealous of the Fuhrer’s beloved German shepherd named Blondie that she secretly did all sorts of nasty things to her.

According to the historian, such versions coming from Hitler’s inner circle are as useless as analyzing bed linen. In her research, Frau Goertemaker starts from normal, intimate relationships, as Braun's friends and relatives later described. How Eva must have giggled as she looked at a photograph of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in 1938, sitting in Hitler's Munich apartment on his sofa: "If only he knew the history of that sofa!"

The author argues that Eva Braun was more to Hitler than “an attractive young lady” in whom the dictator, “despite, or perhaps precisely because of, her inconspicuous and stupid appearance, found the calm and reassurance that he was looking for,” as he claimed later the Fuhrer's personal photographer Heinrich Hofmann.

Already in his will, which Hitler wrote in 1938, he names the name Braun immediately after mentioning the NSDAP. The party had to pay her a high pension from his inheritance throughout her life. Hitler's propaganda minister and close friend Joseph Goebbels repeatedly noted how much the dictator valued his girlfriend - "a smart girl who means a lot to the leader." Hitler planned to fly Eva out of surrounded Berlin, but she rejected his offer.

In 1945, Hitler ordered the destruction of his personal archives. It is likely that his correspondence with Eva Braun also disappeared at the same time. We have to restore the true story bit by bit, turning to Eva Braun's private correspondence with friends and relatives, fragments from her diary (the authenticity of which is disputed by some experts) from 1935, the memories of Hitler's servants, drivers and bodyguards, in whom the researcher, and not without reason, does not trust.

In 1932, Eva made an unsuccessful attempt to shoot herself. After Geli Raubal committed suicide with a pistol shot in September 1931, Hitler, who persistently strove to become Reich Chancellor, simply could not allow another young girl who was with him to commit suicide. So the girl found herself both in the retinue and under supervision at the same time. That, however, did not stop her from making a second suicide attempt in 1935. For this I used sleeping pills.

Adolf Hitler learned at breakfast that Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin had flown into space. After his successful escape to Argentina, the Nazi leader liked to sleep until half past nine. While listening to the radio station of the German colonists, Hitler drank two cups of hot milk, ate two biscuits and some ground chocolate. Then the maid served a bowl of muesli: milk, oatmeal, grated apple, a few nuts. The woman who served Hitler on the day of Gagarin's flight is called Catalina Gomero - she is alive and of sound mind.

In the photo: Our film crew interviewed several witnesses to Adolf Hitler's movements in Argentina

Catalina said that after the war Adolf Hitler lived under a false name, without the famous mustache, his completely gray head was cut almost bald. It was impossible to recognize him right away.

Hitler's Argentine maid was found by local journalist Abel Basti. And we, Ukrainian journalists, found Basti himself. Together with him, our film crew followed the route that the Fuhrer and his wife Eva took on their journey.

In the photo: With the experts of the film crew Alexander Turenko and Andrey Lopushansky, we are plotting a route in the footsteps of the Nazi fugitives

Exactly 68 years ago, Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun and five other people close to them went by plane from besieged Berlin to fascist Spain - to General Franco. There they boarded a submarine and, accompanied by two more submarines, crossed the Atlantic Ocean. In Caleta de los Loros Bay, Rio Negro province, Adolf Hitler and his relatives were met by officers of the then Vice President of Argentina, Juan Peron.

In the photo: With Alexander Turenko we are preparing equipment for diving to the bottom of the Argentine bay of Caleta de los Loro

After the landing, all three boats were flooded and no one saw them until the day our film crew discovered the submarines. The Ukrainian team included a specially trained combat swimmer, versed in military underwater vehicles - Alexander Turenko. He recorded on a video camera that in this area of ​​the Patagonian coast at a depth of 30 meters there are three German submarines, the sinking of which is not mentioned in any of the archives of the headquarters of the Navy or the Ministry of Defense.

In the photo: Expert submariner Alexander Turenko prepares to dive to the bottom of the Argentine bay of Caleta de los Loros

The video of the sunken German submarines was included in the documentaries “Hitler’s Last Secret” and “False History”, which we presented to the world community on ICTV, on the Internet and at the Cannes Film Festival.

These films also included documentary footage filmed along the route of the Nazi fugitives. Not only, by the way, Hitler and Eva Braun, but also Bormann, Mengele, Eichmann. We interviewed witnesses to the Nazi presence in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Mendoza and La Rioja. At one time, Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun lived in the La Angostura estate on the property of Jorge Antonio, a businessman close to Argentine President Perron.

In the photo: Indian girls on the shore of the bay where Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun landed in the summer of 1945

Every April 30, Adolf Hitler celebrated the next anniversary of the official date of his death. In fact, he intended to live a long time and took care of his health. The Fuhrer arrived in Argentina while still relatively young, at the age of 56. For comparison, Stalin was 66 years old at that time.

According to Catalina Gomero, after breakfast Hitler took medication; in total, he was prescribed about ninety different medications, mainly for insomnia and digestive disorders.

Hitler dined at 13.00, sometimes an hour and a half or two hours later. Loved the piping hot soup. After a bowl of soup, Catalina served an omelet with asparagus, spinach or cauliflower, and a green salad. Dinner was at 20:00. As a rule, Adolf Hitler ordered the cook some vegetable dishes for dinner.

The Jewish public usually expresses indignation when someone talks about Hitler as if he were a common man. But Argentine pensioners, who witnessed the Nazis in their country, are poorly aware of the consequences of the Holocaust in Europe. They generally consider it a great blessing that several tens of thousands of Nazis arrived in Argentina - engineers, military specialists, builders, scientists, whom Juan Peron, who became president in 1946, accepted with the consent of the British and Americans.

His wife, the famous Evita Peron, was friends with Eva Braun and helped the Hitler family. Eva and Adolf had two daughters in Argentina, who are now believed to live in South Africa. By hosting the German Nazis, Argentina and Chile took a noticeable lead over their surrounding countries in South America. For example, starting from the German start, Chile is still a leader in the exploration of Antarctica.

So we were taught at school and at university in the USSR and now in Ukraine they are teaching a false history of Hitler. DNA analysis has proven that the skull stored in Moscow does not belong to the Nazi Fuhrer. The leader of the Third Reich did not commit suicide in a Berlin bunker on April 30, 1945, in the final days of World War II. The victorious world powers agreed to think so. Joseph Stalin did not agree with this and the USSR entered into the “April 30” conspiracy only after his death.

However, Hitler could not simply flee from Germany to Argentina without first agreeing with the intelligence services of the United States of America, which already at that time had a system of radar stations that made it possible to monitor the movement of ships and aircraft around the world.

More than three hundred thousand Nazis took refuge in the United States, where they were used in the fight against the USSR. Even before the end of World War II, another war began, the Cold War. The United States was interested in the atomic bomb, the process of uranium enrichment, which was mastered by German specialists. In Chile, Argentina, and the USA, the Germans provided a large-scale transfer of technological knowledge acquired by Germany over the years under the leadership of Hitler.

According to Latin American experts, if not for the war, the portrait of Adolf Hitler would adorn all textbooks on economics and management. They believe that he was a very gifted and intelligent person. Adolf Hitler realized that he was losing the war and already in 1943 he and Martin Bormann developed a plan for the evacuation of human, technical and scientific resources.

In the photo: Through the lens of Ukrainian journalism - the secrets of the waters of the Argentine Bay

After the publications of the Argentinean Abel Basti and Ukrainian documentaries, British historians Gerrald Williams and Simon Dunstan released the book “Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler” at the end of 2011, which provides all our evidence in favor of the fact that Hitler really fled from Germany and went into hiding in Argentina. We are talking about at least half a dozen witnesses that we interviewed. Among the evidence of British scientists that was not available to us are FBI documents. This department was well aware that Adolf Hitler and his wife settled in the city of Mar del Plata - British historians confirm our version.

However, according to the British, the Nazi leader died in 1962. According to our information, in 1962 he was only admitted to the Mar del Plata hospital, where he died in 1964. And journalist Abel Basti even believes that in 1964 Hitler did not die, but again staged his death; as if he moved to Paraguay, where the organizer of the escape, Martin Bormann, lived in those years.

Not long ago, Abel Basti sent me a letter saying that he had found new evidence of this and even the probable grave of the leader of world Nazism. He invites me to come again with the film crew.

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