Large antennas. The tallest buildings in the world The tallest radio tower

Every city has its tallest building, which often becomes a local landmark. But when it comes to megacities, many remember the tallest buildings, which are world record holders. Our review includes 15 buildings and structures that are the tallest in the world in their segment.

1. The tallest lighthouse is the Jeddah Lighthouse (Saudi Arabia)

The world height record for lighthouses belongs to Jeddah Light, a 133-meter giant made of steel and concrete, built in Saudi Arabia.

2. The highest tomb is the Great Pyramid of Giza (Egypt)

The oldest and largest of the three pyramids at Giza, the Great Pyramid, rises 138.8 meters.

3. Tallest roller coaster - Kingda Ka (United States of America)

The world's tallest ride was built in New Jersey. The height of the Kingda Ka roller coaster is 138.98 meters. They are not only the highest in the world, but also have the second fastest descent.

4. The tallest telescope - Arecibo Observatory (USA)

The height of the radio telescope, which is located in Puerto Rico, is 150 meters.

5. The largest church in the world (Ivory Coast)

The construction of this basilica was inspired by St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. The cathedral in Cote d'Ivoire was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest church in the world - its dome rises 158 meters.

6. The highest Ferris wheel - High Roller (United States of America)

Located on the Las Vegas Strip, the 167.6-meter High Roller is the tallest Ferris wheel in the world.

7. Tallest brick tower - Anaconda Chimney (United States of America)

Although the Anaconda copper smelter has long been closed, its brick smokestack still towers 178.3 meters above the city.

8. Tallest wooden structure - ATLAS-I United States of America)

Better known as the "Flyover", this wooden structure was a test bed used by the military during cold war. Although the 180-meter structure is no longer in use, it has not been dismantled.

9. Tallest water towers - Kuwait Towers (Kuwait)

The lower sphere on the main tower, which is visible in the photo, is a water tank. The main tower is 187 meters high and is a symbol of modern Kuwait.

10. Tallest monument - Arch (United States of America)

A monument was built in St. Louis, America, to commemorate America's westward expansion. The height of the "Arch" is 192 meters.

11. The highest research tower - Obninsk meteorological mast (Russia)

In 1959, a 315-meter meteorological tower for scientific research was erected in Obninsk.

12. The tallest lattice tower - Kyiv TV tower (Ukraine)

The TV tower in Kyiv, which is used for radio and television broadcasting, is the tallest lattice steel structure in the world. This height is 385 meters.

13. The highest radar is the Dimona radar center (Israel)

The tallest skyscraper.

Rising to 829.8 meters, the giant Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest man-made structure in the world.

Planet Earth becomes too crowded for man, and he strives to escape into space. It is possible that in the future it will be possible to implement, which will open up new opportunities for humanity.

KBSM is one of the country's main developers of large antenna equipment. Over more than forty years of work in this field, several dozen samples of antennas with different purposes with mirror diameters ranging from several to 70 meters have been designed. Among them are stationary, transportable, mobile, ship-based. The total number of KBSM antennas in operation is more than 600.

And it all began in the 1950s, when the USSR, the first to launch an artificial earth satellite in 1957, challenged the United States in the competition for the development of near-Earth and outer space. It was at this time that a number of promising space research programs using automatic spacecraft were adopted in the USSR and the USA.

The implementation of these programs confronted domestic science and industry with the task of building exclusively tight deadlines a series of fundamentally new large antenna complexes for controlling spacecraft and receiving and transmitting information over long distances. The problem was to create antenna installations with mirror diameters of several tens of meters, the guidance of which should be carried out with an accuracy of several arc minutes at wind speeds of up to 20 m/sec. There was no construction experience, nor time for experiments.

Taking into account the priority tasks, it was decided to start with the construction in Crimea, near the city of Simferopol, of an antenna with a mirror diameter of 25 meters.

Design was carried out by:
- TsKB-34 is the parent organization for all metal structures, mechanisms, electric power drives, auxiliary electrical equipment, metal supportpylon, laying and fastening of cables and equipment.
- NIIP (RNIKP) and OKB MPEI - in terms of radio engineering devices and control systems.

TsKB-34 engaged the Central Research Institute Proektstalkonstruktsiya, which has extensive experience in creating large metal structures, to design the mirror system.

The design of the antenna installation was carried out at an accelerated pace under the leadership of chief designer A.I. Ukhov and two years after the start of work, the detailed design was completed, and two years later - in 1960 - the country's first large antenna installation under the symbol SM-84 came into operation as part of the ground-based space communications antenna complex.

The cooperation of manufacturers included: the Bolshevik plant (head), Aviation Plant No. 21 (Gorky), Podolsk Electromechanical Plant.

Subsequently, the antenna installation was modernized twice: in 1961, the guidance drive mechanisms were partially replaced, and in 1962, the 25-meter mirror was replaced with a 32-meter one of improved design, and the antenna received a new index SM-127.

The commissioning of the SM-84 (SM-127) antenna installation was a breakthrough in the construction of large domestic antennas. The antenna complex successfully participated in all the first space programs ah, associated with the flights of astronauts, received and transmitted information from spacecraft from the Moon. The country's leaders, including N.S., have repeatedly visited the antenna complex. Khrushchev.

Over the following years, the CM-127 antenna installation was in constant operation and participated in numerous space programs and research. Currently, despite its advanced age, if necessary, after repair work, its functionality can still be restored.

The commissioning of the SM-127 antenna installation, although it was a success of domestic science, was able to solve only local problems, while in the planned space programs, in order to ensure communication with spacecraft along the entire flight path, it was necessary to place antennas throughout the country and in the water area ocean. The question arose about the serial production of antennas - ground-based and ship-based to solve communication problems in the near-space zone.

For ground-based antenna systems, it was decided to build antennas with a mirror with a diameter of 25 m, the design of which should take into account the experience of creating and operating the SM-127 antenna.

Design work began already in 1960 and was completed in 1962. Now the antenna was mounted in a reinforced concrete housing that was not subject to thermal deformation, its design became more advanced, and the pointing accuracy increased tenfold.

The antenna received the index SM-108 ( chief designer A.I. Ukhov). The cooperation of design organizations has been preserved; the design of the reinforced concrete building was carried out by TsPI-31.

During the design work, the Ministry of Defense and Communications showed interest in the antenna. Taking into account the technical requirements of new customers, the antenna, while maintaining the index, was made in several modifications, differing mainly in the composition of the radio equipment and the type of reinforced concrete housing.

Cooperation between manufacturers also survived and already in 1963 the antenna was launched in serial production. A total of 20 SM-108 antenna installations were manufactured and installed, with 10 antennas put into operation in the period 1967-1972, the rest in the next few years. The geography of antenna placement is from Kamchatka to the western borders.

Simultaneously with the design of the SM-108 antenna, the design of a series of ship antennas began (chief designer B.S. Korobov), located on three large research vessels (RVs):
- R/V “Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin” (commissioned and built in 1971) - two antennas with a mirror with a diameter of 25 m (SM-198, SM-199), two antennas with a mirror with a diameter of 12 m (SM-200, SM-202);
- R/V “Akademik Sergei Korolev” (commissioned in 1970) - two antennas with a mirror with a diameter of 12 m (SM-201, SM-202);
- R/V “Cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov” (built in 1967) - two antennas with a mirror with a diameter of 8 m (SM-183M).

Unlike the ground-based antennas SM-127 and SM-108, which have two guidance axes - azimuth and elevation, all ship antennas, except for the SM-183M, also have a third axis that compensates for the ship's motion when pointing the antenna.

There were changes in the cooperation between designers and manufacturers of ship antennas - KBSM took on the design of mirror systems, and the entire radio engineering part remained with RNIIKP; The main manufacturing enterprise was the Izhora plant with the participation of the Gorky Aviation and Podolsk Electromechanical Plants.

Thus, by the beginning of the 1970s, a single space communications circuit was created, consisting of large ground-based installations SM-127 and SM-108 and eight ship-based ones located on three research vessels.

It was these antennas that for 20 years participated in all space programs with manned and unmanned spacecraft, such as Vostok, Voskhod, Soyuz, Salyut, Progress, Cosmos, etc., ensuring their successful implementation . Of the 20 SM-108 antenna installations, only 10 remained in Russia after the collapse of the USSR; all of them have now expired their warranty service life many times over, some of them have still retained their functionality, but most are in disrepair and need repair.

The fate of ship antennas was worse. Due to the fact that all research vessels were assigned to the Ukrainian port of Ilyichevsk, after 1991 they became the property of Ukraine, which has neither its own space programs nor the funds to maintain ships and antennas. As a result, all antennas were dismantled and unique ship space communication centers ceased to exist.

Simultaneously with the exploration of near space, space program projects in the 1970s extended far beyond the boundaries of near-Earth space - expeditions to Venus, Mars and other planets were planned. The interests of scientists at the Space Research Institute extended even further. To implement these programs, it was decided to build four more antenna installations - two with a 32-meter mirror and two with a 70-meter one. Construction sites are in the area of ​​the cities of Evpatoria and Ussuriysk on the basis of existing space communications centers.

The design of an antenna with a mirror with a diameter of 32 m (chief designer A.I. Ukhov) began in 1961 and was completed in 1968. At the same time, cooperation between the designers and manufacturers of the SM-108 antenna was maintained. According to their own design features the SM-191 antenna is close to the SM-108 antenna, but it technical specifications higher - the effective mirror area is twice as large, and the pointing accuracy is twice as high.

The first antenna was put into operation in 1970 in Ussuriysk, the second - in 1972 - the antenna in Evpatoria.

By order of the Ministry of Defense, two more SM-191 antennas were manufactured and put into operation: in 1976 - in Latvia, in 1979 - in the Far East.

The commissioning of the SM-191 antennas expanded the capabilities of space communications, but only the construction of even larger antennas could fully satisfy all needs.

It should be noted that the SM-191 antennas were successfully used in all subsequent years, solving both independent problems and duplicating antennas with a 70-meter mirror created somewhat later. Both antennas remaining in Russia need repairs, which are currently being carried out on one of them.

In 1978, the first 70-meter antenna (SM-214 AU) was put into operation in the area of ​​​​Evpatoria (Chief designers B.S. Korobov, I.N. Knyazev). Work on its creation continued for 12 years, although the stages of design, manufacturing, construction and installation, as a rule, proceeded in parallel. The designers of this unique structure in engineering terms, on the one hand, ultra-precise, and on the other hand, having gigantic dimensions, had to face a huge number of technical problems, the solutions of which had no analogues in the domestic mechanical engineering. Many design bureaus, research institutes, factories, and construction and installation organizations took part in the work. The most advanced foreign experience creation of large antennas, dozens of technical solutions adopted by the designers were confirmed by copyright certificates.

Issues of manufacturing, installation, transportation, painting, testing and other technological stages required the adoption of non-standard engineering solutions. Nevertheless, all the problems were successfully resolved and the country received the most advanced astronomical instrument, not only not inferior, but in many respects superior to all radio telescopes that existed in the world. And today, even after 20 years of operation, its technical characteristics meet modern requirements.

The second radio telescope SM-214 AU was put into operation in 1985. The main participants in this project should be named:
- KBSM is the leading organization for the design of all mechanisms, metal structures, devices, electric power drives and electrical equipment;
- RPIIKP - the lead organization for the design of all radio equipment and control systems;
- TsPI-31 is the lead organization for all construction work.

Many more institutes and organizations were involved in solving specific technical issues.

The main plant for production and commissioning is the Bolshevik plant, its main contractors are Polet PA, the plant Lifting machines", "Yurginsky Machine-Building Plant", "Metal Structures Plant named after. Babushkina", "Podolsk Electromechanical Plant", etc.

Both radio telescopes participated in numerous domestic and international programs with launches of automatic stations to the planets of the solar system (Venus, Phobos, Vega, etc.), as well as in various radar research solar planets.

In 1985, Uzbekistan began construction of a third radio telescope with a 70-meter mirror with improved radio characteristics, allowing operation in the millimeter wave range.

The implementation of this project would make it possible to obtain for domestic science an instrument with unique capabilities, similar to those possessed by only two radio telescopes in the world. At the design stage, without exaggeration, a colossal amount of research and design work was carried out with the involvement of dozens of organizations, which made it possible to be confident in the possibility of obtaining the planned characteristics. A large volume of metal structures and mechanisms was manufactured and installed, but, unfortunately, in 1991 the work was stopped and construction was mothballed.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in the period 1960-1985, a large antenna fleet was created in the USSR, which made it possible to solve any problems in providing space communications to launched artificial satellites Earths and automatic stations to the planets solar system. However, in recent years the construction of new antennas is not being carried out, and the previously created ones, for the most part, require repair and restoration work to remain operational, which, due to lack of funding, is postponed from year to year...

Currently, despite the sharp reduction in funding for space programs and research, KBSM continues to work on modernizing and updating the antenna fleet of Russia.

The range of current tasks solved by the organization includes:
- restoration and modernization of existing antennas (among them the above-mentioned SM-108, SM-191 and SM-214);
- design, on the instructions of the Russian Aerospace Agency, of a number of unified support devices and mirror systems to replace the existing fleet of middle-class antennas. In 1998, it was planned to begin production of ACs with a mirror diameter of 8 m, intended for operation as part of new generation space communications complexes;
- creation of a whole range of mobile and mobile antennas for various purposes, the demand for which has increased sharply in recent years;
- equipping the assembly and command vessel with an antenna complex for communication with launched spacecraft within the framework of the international Sea Launch program.

Unfortunately, the financial condition of the country does not allow today to carry out full-fledged work on the construction of large antennas of a new generation, although the need for this for the development of science and space exploration is obvious and confirmed by both domestic and foreign experience.

KBSM is ready to join this work as soon as funding becomes possible. Perhaps the first such work will be the resumption of construction of the 70-meter radio telescope on the Suffa plateau. An agreement on this at the government level was signed by Russia and Uzbekistan.

The tallest antennas, television and radio masts at the beginning of 2009

A separate group of the tallest artificial structures in the world are television and radio masts. Next are the radio masts. The average height of the 100 tallest radio towers is approximately equal to the average height of the tallest skyscrapers in the world.

The design and construction of a radio tower can make its architect famous for life.

The height, cost, construction time and level of technical complexity of the largest radio towers in the world are comparable to the same parameters of medium-height skyscrapers.

An original radio tower project can find its customer and investors in any country in the world. With the help of a website dedicated to construction and design, in particular, projects of radio masts and other high-rise structures, you can interest potential investors and customers.

If an architect has published radio tower designs on his website, this does not mean that he will be contacted only for them. A potential investor or customer can turn to an architect to develop a project for a completely different construction or engineering structure.

To do this, the site’s content, its quality and information content must convince potential investors and customers that the architect, his talent and power of imagination are exactly what they need.

On the site you can post not only radio mast projects, but also many other related projects. For example, if an architect developed a project for a television center or radio center, then such a project will serve as a good and weighty argument in favor of the architect.

Detailed list of antennas, television and radio masts: (English)

List of sites about radio broadcasts: (English)

For reference

The KVLY-TV tower is a television and radio tower in Blanchard, North Dakota, United States. Height - 628 meters. The analogue transmitter is located at an altitude of 610 meters, the digital one at an altitude of 576 meters.
At the beginning of 2009, it is the second tallest artificial structure in the world after the unfinished skyscraper Burj Dubai (Dubai).
After the collapse of the Warsaw Radio Mast in 1991, it is the tallest television and radio tower in the world.

For the development of highly effective turnkey websites for construction and official websites of antennas and other engineering structures, their support and promotion, contact the Antula web studio.

The race for the title of tallest structure continues in the world. Therefore, it often happens that the tallest building becomes the second tallest, then the third... But one day it happened that the building that was the tallest becomes the second tallest, and then returns to first place again.

This happened with the KVLY-TV television and radio tower in the city of Blashar, located in North Dakota, USA. The height of this mast is 628 m, and the transmitter is located at an altitude of 610 m. The digital transmitter is located slightly lower: at an altitude of 576 m. The television and radio mast was erected by the Hamilton Electric Company in 1963. $500,000 was spent on construction. KVLY-TV became the tallest television and radio tower in the world and even the tallest structure.

Let's find out a little more about her...

It was built in 1963 by the Hamilton Electric Company construction company. Construction cost 0.5 million US dollars. From 1963 to 1974 it was the tallest building in human history. In 1974, this title was taken away by the Warsaw Radio Mast.

Photo 3.

In 1974, a television and radio tower with a height of 646.38 m was built near Warsaw under the leadership of architect Jan Polyak, and KVLY-TV modestly moved into second place. The Warsaw radio tower was built over four years, from July 1970 to May 1974. The signal from its transmitter could be received throughout Europe, North Africa and even in the USA. It was held in an upright position by 15 guys, which were located on five levels. In 1991, while replacing the guy, the mast collapsed.

On this difficult day, KVLY-TV regained its leadership. It still remains the tallest radio tower in the world. However, she is already far from the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa skyscraper, built in the UAE.

Photo 4.

The title of the tallest building remained with him for 17 years, until in 2008, the Dubai skyscraper Burj Khalifa, during construction, took away this title. In 2011, Tokyo Skytree took the title of the second tallest structure.

Photo 5.

Actually, the height of the mast is about 590 m, an antenna with a height of 34 m is built into it at the base. The mass of the mast is 392.1 tons and occupies an area of ​​0.65 sq.m (together with mounting anchors). The antenna weight is about 4.1 tons.

In 1989, daredevils climbed the mast and jumped from it.

Photo 6.

Photo 7.

Photo 8.


Photo 9.

Photo 10.

Photo 11.

Photo 12.

Photo 13.

Photo 14.

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