Dishonor is what makes people destroy the world around them. What is honor for different times and peoples? Is honor important in our time?

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Time is an amazing thing. Everything happens over time - the world changes, people's attitudes towards something change. If several decades ago the concepts of “good” and “bad”, “good” and “evil” were the same, today they are completely different.

The theme of honor and dishonor excites the minds of writers and poets from ancient times to the present day. Let's try to figure out whether the true meaning of this concept has been preserved today, or whether it has changed significantly.

Old times

But before trying to assess the current situation, it is necessary to clearly define what is meant by the concepts of honor and dishonor. It is important to note: time has constantly left significant imprints on these concepts.

For example, in the time of poets Silver Age for an insult to honor, be it an unflattering comment about a person or, especially, a beloved, they were challenged to a duel, which often led to the death of one of the duelists.

The concept of “honest name” has been considered one of the most important since ancient times, and it was defended by any means. The problem of dishonor (or disgrace) was solved by duels.

Not so long ago, in the middle of the last century, honor was highest value- they fought for it, fought and defended it, and most importantly, they tried not to lose it.

and dishonor?

Honor is the totality of what makes a person a Man with a capital “H”. actions for which you are not ashamed not only in front of yourself, but also in front of other people.

Dishonor is reverse concept. It personifies the lowest human qualities - selfishness, dishonesty, cynicism. A dishonest person was looked down on at any time, shamed and called upon to change for the better.

Current situation

What's happening these days? It must be said that the concept itself has significantly lost its importance. Due to time and the constant race for better life many people began to have a different attitude towards honor. All more people are ready to step over their dignity in order to achieve any goals. Dishonor is a lie, slander, unscrupulousness. And increasingly, humanity is turning to these concepts in order to gain some benefit.

But the worst thing is that children are raised in such a society. This is our very future, from which society will be formed in the future. And if adults do terrible things, most often deliberately, then small children already see this world in which dishonor is a way to survive.

Who is guilty?

But who or what caused such a sharp change in principles? After all, literally 3-4 decades ago, society lived with different attitudes.

Can only the people themselves be blamed for this? Can. But we should not forget that a person lives in society, and often it is this society that influences each person individually.

Modern society and the global situation forces people to do dishonest things. Moreover, sometimes a person struggles with this, resists coercion. But not everyone is able to overcome this. Increased crime, corruption, terrorism - in all this lies the dishonor caused by the situation in society.

Today, every person is forced to literally fight for his life - to have wealth, to live comfortably, to be able to start a family and raise children. Sometimes it is this struggle that forces a person to act dishonestly.

However, this cannot be justified for everyone. While some are fighting for survival, others are taking advantage of the current situation to act dishonorably.

Is everything so bad?

But still you can’t just complain about the world and look at him through dark glasses. In fact, everything is not as bad as it might seem at first glance.

Despite the disappointing situation in the world, nowadays many people are struggling with this problem. Dishonor is not an incurable disease of society. More and more young boys and girls are beginning to realize the lost value. Volunteer movements, relief funds and many other organizations are being created to help people. And selfless help is an important step towards moral honor, which is inherent in every person.

But in order to improve the situation in society, it is enough to start small. Many people believe that one person cannot change anything. There is some truth to this. But by uniting, people can change everything. You just need to start with yourself.

Remember, how long ago did you do something that made you a little better? After all, having done one good deed, you are already embarking on the path of establishing honor in society.

Take care of your honor. Remember, no matter how hard it is in life, there are immortal moral values ​​- love, kindness, mutual assistance, responsibility. And they are the ones who will ultimately help you feel like the happiest person for whom honor is one of the most important values. Let the question remain important for everyone: what is honor and dishonor. The essay written above only gives impetus to the awareness of these concepts.

Many people like to use the word honor, but not everyone is ready to defend it in our time. Cowardice causes dishonor, disrespect, indifference and laziness, forcing us not to defend our interests and the interests of people close to us.
Sometimes it seems to me that men who defend their honor and the honor of their lovers have sunk along with the times of the Middle Ages. It was at this time that men defended the concept of honor and were ready to give their lives for it.
But, to my great happiness, I can still observe men who will never allow them to be dishonored. This gives me hope that our world will be free of hurt, insults and disrespect.

Essay No. 2 Honor and dishonor Complete for grade 11

It's nice to watch people who like to defend their honor, who are not afraid to express their point of view, and are true to their life principles. Honor allows you to be more confident in yourself, to understand what you need from life, what you are ready to fight for and what is really important to you.

There are things that, according to many people, are more important than honor. This is where dishonor comes into play. Money can make people give up their honor, money can make them offend people, be rude, and betray. Many politicians do not defend the interests of the country, many men are not ready to protect their women. All this is a manifestation of dishonor, tactlessness and disrespect. Also, dishonor speaks of a person’s lack of conscience. Nowadays, in our time of stress and constant haste, it is easy to insult a person, offend and show disrespect. It is important that such behavior does not go unpunished. It is important to raise children on the principles of upholding honor, their interests and showing respect. It is this kind of education that can get rid of constant negativity, self-interest, and arrogance.

The concept of conscience is inextricably linked with honor. Conscientious people will not deceive, betray, insult or offend a person. Conscience allows you to think about your behavior and the consequences that may arise.

Nurturing in a person such positive qualities how honor begins with the atmosphere in the family. This is exactly what the parents did, their children will do. Therefore, it is extremely important to raise children in a family with a favorable climate, in a family where the honor of the family, country and like-minded people is protected.

A person always decides for himself how to act according to his conscience, or choose the path of dishonor. His moral side is always responsible for his actions and behavior in various life situations.

Essay No. 3 on the topic Honor and dishonor

Today, more than ever, such a concept as honor is important. This happens because now almost all young people are trying to lose this valuable quality and remain a dishonest person. Today, help, respect, and integrity are not valued. Many do not try to protect their honor from a young age, but it turns out that this happens in vain.

Honor has been important at all times. Men considered it a duty of honor to protect their family and their homeland. Women took care of their honor for the sake of their beloved men. The children were raised patriotically. Now all this has faded into the background. Now they beat dogs, insult old people and post it all on the Internet. However, it is worth stopping and thinking about whether such actions are correct. After all, it is better to be an honest and conscientious person than to be dishonest and unprincipled.

It is important to instill in children a sense of self-esteem from early childhood. It is important to teach children to respect other people and love their homeland. It is important to understand that an honest person’s life is easier and simpler. After all, when your soul is not burdened by dishonest actions, you want to do good, live happily and cheerfully, and not hide from society with the burden of crimes. Therefore, I always choose honest actions and conscientious decisions.

Essay for 11th grade. Unified State Exam

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What does the word "honor" mean to modern man? Is this concept outdated? The author of this text, D. Granin, thinks about this question. It touches on a very important problem - the problem of preservation in modern world concept of "honor".

D Granin believes that a sense of honor is a sense of self-worth; it cannot become outdated: it is the moral core of a person. The concept of honor cannot be replaced by any other words. Honor is given to a person once. Along with the name. It can neither be compensated nor corrected, it can only be preserved.

I completely agree with the author's point of view. Man was created not only in order to continue his family or build a house, but in order to bring into the world and give to the people around him as much as possible more good and good deeds. This is the meaning of the words “dignity” and “honor”. The great thinker Aristotle said, “Honor is the reward given for virtue.”

Proof of my point of view is an example from the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" Svidrigailov, having learned about Luzhin's vile act, exposes him. He considers it a matter of honor to open the eyes of everyone present to the fact that Sonechka Marmeladova is not a thief, and that it will not be possible to disgrace her.

As a second piece of evidence, one can cite an episode related to the Second World War. The Germans persuaded a criminal for a large monetary reward

play the role of a famous resistance hero. He was put in a cell with an arrested underground worker, giving him the task of finding out secret information. But the criminal, feeling cared for strangers, realizing that they were patriots, abandoned the pitiful role of an informer, for which he was shot.

Thus, this problem is relevant at all times and it is happiness for us if there are people who are not indifferent to it. The concept of honor cannot be considered outdated or outdated, since every person must have certain principles, beliefs, and be faithful to duty. If we are surrounded by honest, principled people, then life around us will become much better.

Honor (according to Shevarov)

In the name of what was life put at stake? What can we leave behind for our descendants? These and other questions are asked by D. Shevarov, touching on the problem of honor.

Of course, this problem is still relevant today. Since ancient times it has been noted that the main dignity of a person is honor. But what can we observe today? The moral dignity of a person begins to depreciate. To be honest, for many people now fame and wealth are much more important than honor.

D. Shevarov, discussing honor, draws attention to the fact that it is the main value of a person. The author convinces us that it is extremely important to preserve the honor and name that will subsequently go to our descendants.

An example of a thrifty attitude towards the moral dignity of a person can be the action of the hero of I. Turgenev’s work “Fathers and Sons”. Pavel Kirsanov challenged Bazarov, who committed meanness towards Nikolai Kirsanov, to a duel, and thereby preserved the honor and good name of his family.

Fortunately, in life you can observe many examples of noble and honest actions. During the Titanic disaster, Baron Guggenheim gave up his place in the lifeboat to a woman with a child, and he himself carefully shaved and accepted death with dignity. This proves that honor is more valuable than life.

The problem of honor and conscience (according to S. Kudryashov)

Why honor and conscience are the most important virtues human soul why do they make up main value human life? What are they to a person? S. Kudryashov is thinking about these questions.

The author is concerned about the fact that in modern society there is a loss of spiritual guidelines. Market relations are in the foreground. Of course, we buy where it is cheaper and better, and the manufacturer pleases the consumer. But is this really so? Further, the author says that today even “honor” can be sold, the main thing is that there is a profit. Yes, indeed, neither the pharmacist nor the teacher who accepts a poor student into a university for money does not think about honor and conscience.

The author shows the consequences of immoral actions, their harmfulness and talks about how important the human soul is, how important it is to be honest and conscientious. And only then can our country become one of the richest countries in the world. – preparation for the Unified State Exam and State Examination: cheat sheets, manuals, news, tips

I agree with the author. Every person should always be in harmony with his conscience and, of course, have honor. Otherwise, a person will turn into a “number”, as happened in E. Zamyatin’s novel “We”. Each “number” was, in essence, a mathematician. But everything was limited to the mind: the heroes had no soul. They did not feel the need to strive for something high, and were not interested in the beauty of the world around them. Can such a life be called spiritual?

But the hero from A. Solzhenitsyn’s story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” Alyosha can be called an example spiritual person. Even when he went to prison because of his faith, he did not abandon it, because this faith is our honor and conscience.

Thus, moral values, like honor and conscience, will never lose their meaning.

Personalities in history.

It is obvious that history is made by individuals. But what does history do to individuals? Sometimes it deservedly preserves the name for centuries, and sometimes it deliberately erases their names from history. There are people who come into this world and leave it without changing anything, but on the contrary, there are individuals who influence the course of history as soon as they are born. Our history is full of vivid examples of how just one person could radically change everything that had been created for centuries before him. The problem of personality in history, raised by the author, is very unique.

Like the author, I am convinced that just one person, who is a “grain of sand” in our world, can play a huge role in the history of mankind. Undoubtedly, this person must have enormous potential and broad capabilities, but above all, he must think much less about himself than about others. A striking example of such a personality for me is Peter the Great - a man who changed the course of history, one of the most outstanding statesmen who determined the direction of Russia's development in the 18th century. A.S. wrote about him. Pushkin: “Nature destined us here to open a window to Europe.”

Another example is the works of L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". One of the central problems of the novel is the role of personality in history. It is revealed in the images of Kutuzov and Napoleon. The writer believes that there is no greatness where there is no goodness and simplicity. He contrasts these two images, which so greatly influenced the course of history, against each other.

Fascism (according to I. Rudenko)

Why have people become so cruel? What are people of a different race guilty of? What is the danger of fascism? These are the questions that Inna Rudenko ponders.

The author of the text raises the problem of cruel treatment of people on the basis of interethnic hostility. Of course, this problem is relevant for modern society. Almost every day we learn from the media about such brutal acts. The author notes with deep sorrow the widespread nature of this phenomenon. It can be argued that violence is reaching “epidemic” proportions.

According to the author, fascism is very dangerous for society. Fascist ideology, according to Rudenko, leads to the loss of moral values ​​in a person, his “humanistic principles of life.” I. Rudenko is confident that “inhumanity” in society can be defeated only when there is a desire to be more humane. Hence, the author of this article is trying to reach people's consciousness to show the enormity of the current situation. – preparation for the Unified State Exam and State Examination: cheat sheets, manuals, news, tips

I completely agree with the author’s position that any aggression must be suppressed. I think that any sane person will agree with the author: people must understand the danger of the spread of violence in society. This is reflected in fascist ideology. Firstly, fascism zombifies a person, kills his personality. Secondly, fascism tramples the eternal moral standards, to the realization of which humanity has been going for centuries. And, finally, it openly promotes racism, accustoming people to the idea that entire nations should be destroyed for the sake of “racial hygiene.”

A clear example of violence would be the Holocaust. Violence. Blood. Chaos. To understand the horror of the Holocaust, just one figure is enough: six million Jews became victims of the Nazis.

Of course, we need to remember the troubles that fascism once brought. These are destroyed cities, devastated villages, tens of millions of dead, tortured, burned alive in ovens, hundreds of crippled destinies - this is the price to pay for the triumph of fascist ideas. This must not happen again.

In the old days, people were afraid of losing their honor, they defended it and died for it in duels. Now, of course, there is no such thing, but this does not mean that he is not endowed with this quality. Everyone should know honor. Why does a person need dignity and how not to lose it?

Definition: What is honor

The concept of “honor” means the totality through which he gains self-respect. It includes such as nobility, justice, valor, courage, honesty, high morality and strict moral principles.

In the past, honor was associated not so much with internal qualities as with one’s ability to behave in society, to comply with established norms and rules of behavior. This was required to maintain reputation and respect for one’s person.

The definition of the word "honor" is closely related to the concept of honesty. First of all, a person should not deceive himself. Honor sets limits on what people can allow themselves to do without feeling guilty or remorseful.

What is human dignity

The dignity of a person is his respect for his person, a sense of the importance of himself as an individual, the ability to get out of any situation without overstepping his principles. It is inherent in every person from birth.

The dignity of a person allows him to realize the importance of not only himself, but also those around him. People who have this quality treat others with respect. Dignity gives a person a sense of self-confidence and self-confidence. The higher we value ourselves, the more potential opportunities open to us.

Honor and what dignity is are somewhat similar. They establish the criteria for a person’s self-respect, as well as the attitude towards his person from society and reflect the moral value of the individual.

Does every person have honor and dignity?

Probably everyone in their life has found themselves in such situations when you experience a feeling of lack of self-esteem and worthlessness. From a legal point of view, the definition of what honor and dignity are assumes that every person is endowed with these qualities at birth. They cannot disappear or disappear during life. The dignity of a person is protected by law; if he is humiliated, the perpetrator faces punishment.

In fact, it happens that people do not feel worthy and believe that there is nothing to respect them for. Most often, this happens when a person commits one or another act for which he subsequently feels remorse. In such cases they say that honor and dignity are lost.

As a rule, after some time a person makes amends, improves his reputation, and again earns the respect of society. He ceases to consider himself a loser and insignificance and removes this definition from himself. At the same time, honor and dignity return to the person.

How to feel like a worthy person

If for some reason you do not feel like a worthy person, you can make efforts to correct this situation. First of all, you need to stop all attempts at humiliating treatment of yourself by others. Only by learning to position yourself correctly in society can you feel worthy of respect.

It is necessary to constantly replenish your knowledge and skills, improve in your profession and other areas of life. The more valuable you are as a specialist, the higher your self-esteem will be, and therefore your dignity.

To feel your honor and dignity, you must take a responsible approach to fulfilling your duty. This applies not only to debt to the state, but also to specific obligations and assignments undertaken. This includes fulfilling family obligations, taking a responsible attitude toward work assignments, keeping promises, and understanding the significance of one’s words and actions.

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