Belousov Andrey. Belousov Andrey Removich - assistant to the President of the Russian Federation: biography, personal life, education, awards Belousov Removich

Andrey Belousov - presidential assistant Russian Federation, hereditary economist, Doctor of Economic Sciences. On the sidelines of the authorities, he is called the Gray Cardinal of the Russian economy, since representatives of various financial and economic groups and the head of state himself listen to his opinion.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Removich Belousov was born on March 17, 1959 in Moscow, USSR. Father Rem Aleksandrovich Belousov is a Soviet economist, head of a department at the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee, participant in the preparation of the reform, and a front-line soldier. Mother Alisa Pavlovna is a radiochemist, candidate of chemical sciences.

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Andrey graduated from the Second School of Physics and Mathematics. In 1976 he entered Moscow State University. Lomonosov, graduated with honors. He continued his postgraduate studies at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Personal life

Andrey Belousov is married to Larisa Vladimirovna Belousova (Avdeeva), born in 1961. The wife, an economist by training, is engaged in journalism. Son Pavel was born in 1994, after school he became a student at Moscow State Technical University. Bauman, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Information about the politician’s personal life is scanty, especially since Andrei Removich is not a supporter social networks, such as Instagram.

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The official's hobby is the history of painting (the economist knows the history of paintings like a professional, and has been interested in painting since school). He practiced martial arts, regularly visits the gym, and enjoys athletic gymnastics.

On August 25, 2017, a photo appeared on the Internet - Andrei Belousov’s official car was involved in an accident in the center of Moscow. From the news it became known that the presidential adviser, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was not injured.


Andrei Belousov’s working biography began at the Central Economic Institute of the Academy of Sciences. In his youth, the future politician worked as a research intern and junior researcher in a laboratory for modeling human-machine systems. At CEMI, Andrei Removich worked closely with deputy director Yuri Yaremenko, and was acquainted with the head of the laboratory, Alexander Shokhin.

In 1986, the economist moved to the Institute of Economics and Forecasting Scientific and Technological Progress, created on the basis of CEMI. After 2 years, Andrei Belousov defended his Ph.D. thesis. In 1991, he assumed the position of head of the IEPNTP laboratory. Left scientific work in 2006, moving to the civil service.

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Since 1991, while working at the IEPNTP, Andrei Belousov has been consulting government agencies. Since 1999, he has been a member of the board of the Ministry of Economy, working with prime ministers Yevgeny Primakov and Mikhail Fradkov.

In the 90s, Russia switched to a market economy. Andrey Belousov was able to predict difficulties in market Russia, make macroeconomic forecasts and market analysis. The expert enjoyed unquestioned authority.

In 2000, the economist established the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting and became its head. And in 2005, Andrei Belousov’s work “Long-term trends in the Russian economy: scenarios” was published economic development Russia until 2020." It included a forecast of the 2008 crisis and the economic decline of 2011–2012. In 2006, Andrei Removich defended his doctorate.

Andrey Belousov and Alexander Shokhin

In 2006, the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation invited Andrei Removich to become his deputy. Belousov agreed. Having become a civil servant, he left a number of positions, including the post of head of the TsMAKP.

At the Ministry of Economic Development, Belousov dealt with macroeconomic problems: improving the investment situation, implementing targeted programs in the federation, capital investments of Vnesheconombank, etc. He led the development of a program for long-term socio-economic development. Under the leadership of Belousov, a draft Trade Law was developed, which came into force in 2009.

In 2007, she became Minister of Economic Development. Belousov continued to work as deputy minister. In 2008, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin invited Andrei Removich to head the Department of Economics and Finance of the Russian Government.

Under the government of the Russian Federation, Belousov was involved in the formation of the Russian budget and public investments. He also participated in the creation of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the National Entrepreneurial Initiative based on it.

In 2012, Vladimir Putin won the presidential elections. In the new Cabinet of Ministers, headed by Andrei Removich, the post of Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

It is assumed that Belousov took the post not by chance: the Kremlin put Andrei Removich as a counterweight to the Minister of Finance, the successor of ideas. It is known that Kudrin is a long-time opponent of Belousov (he was fired from the post of Minister of Finance for refusing to work under Dmitry Medvedev).

Andrey Belousov and Vladimir Putin

Andrey Belousov outlined his work as minister as follows: improving the business climate, developing the public functions of the Ministry of Economic Development, optimizing the management of state property and creating a mechanism for implementing the priorities of the state’s economic policy. He also planned to bring two departments closer together - the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Finance.

On June 24, 2013, President Vladimir Putin signed a decree appointing Andrei Belousov as assistant to the president for economic issues. According to experts, a place in an inert government was not suitable for an active economist.

In the presidential administration, Belousov has more room to seek consensus on economic issues. Andrei Removich plays the role of a negotiator between the government and economists, trying to determine where the state can get funds and where to redirect them.

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Often the adviser's statements are harsh. Opinions, for example, about increasing the retirement age or increasing the amount of utility bills cause disapproval of the population. However, Belousov, putting the numbers into adequate words, can explain the correctness of the decisions being made. We hear only positive reviews about him both from ministers and from schoolmates. Representatives of political forces do not find any unflattering words to address the presidential adviser.

Russian statesman. First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation since January 21, 2020. Acting State Councilor of the first class. Doctor of Economic Sciences. Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Assistant to the President of Russia for Economic Affairs, 2013-2020. Assistant Minister of Economic Development, 2012-2013.

Andrey Belousov was born on March 17, 1959 in Moscow. The boy was born into the family of economist Rem Belousov and chemist Alisa Pavlovna. After graduating from the Second School of Physics and Mathematics, he entered the Faculty of Economics of the Mikhail Lomonosov Moscow State University, from which he graduated with honors in 1981.

During his studies, he collaborated with a group of economists under the leadership of Alexander Anchishkin, who is the head of one of the departments of the university’s Faculty of Economics. In addition to scientific activities, Belousov is interested in the history of painting, as well as athletic fitness.

Having received a diploma about higher education Andrey Belousov continued his postgraduate studies at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Academy of Sciences. At the same time, in the same place, he began a scientific labor activity, first as a research intern and then as a junior researcher in the laboratory of modeling human-machine systems at CEMI.

In February 1986, on the basis of several scientific departments of CEMI, the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of Scientific and Technological Progress of the Academy of Sciences was formed Soviet Union. The main activity of the institute: economic forecasting. Andrey Belousov moved to work at this institute, where he held the positions of junior researcher, researcher and senior researcher. His research priorities focused on forecasting macroeconomic trends as well as inflation and structural crisis in Soviet-style economies.

Andrei Removich in 1988 successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic: “Simulation modeling of the mechanisms of formation and use working capital- a multi-sectoral approach." Three years later, in 1991, he was appointed head of the laboratory at IEPNTP. Belousov held this position for fifteen years, combining it with work in other organizations, and only vacated it by moving to public service.

On his initiative, an analytical journal on economics was published at the laboratory. WITH government agencies started collaborating in 1999. Andrei Removich was a member of the board of the Russian Ministry of Economy, and was a consultant to a number of prime ministers: Evgeny Primakov, Sergei Stepashin, Mikhail Kasyanov and Mikhail Fradkov. He worked with Kasyanov and Fradkov in the status of a freelance adviser.

In 2000, Andrei Belousov founded and headed the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting, on the basis of which in 2005 he published the report “Long-term trends in the Russian economy: scenarios for economic development of Russia until 2020.” In the report, the scientist predicted the economic crisis of 2008 and pointed to a possible economic decline and system failure public administration in the next ten years.

In 2006, Andrei Belousov moved to public service. At the invitation of the Russian Minister of Economic Development, German Gref, he took the position of his deputy. In the same year, he received a Doctor of Economics degree, having defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Contradictions and prospects for the development of the reproduction system of the Russian economy” in the specialty “Economics and Management of the National Economy.”

At the Ministry, Andrei Belousov oversaw the macroeconomic block, including issues of improving the investment climate, the implementation of federal target programs, and the investment activities of Vnesheconombank. Under his leadership, the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the CDR-2020 and the bill “On Trade” were developed.

In 2007, when German Gref left the Ministry of Economic Development, Elvira Nabiullina was appointed minister. Belousov retained his post, and then, in 2008, he was promoted to the Russian Government: Prime Minister Vladimir Putin appointed him director of the department of economics and finance of the Russian Government. As a result, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov, Andrey Belousov and Elvira Nabiullina were responsible for shaping the economic agenda of the Russian Government in 2008-2012.

In the Russian Government, Belousov was responsible for issues related to budget formation, public investment, and improving the investment climate. Under it, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives was created and the so-called “National Entrepreneurial Initiative” was launched on its basis, aimed at improving the conditions for doing business in Russia.

In 2012, the next presidential elections in Russia took place, which were won by Vladimir Putin. In May of the same year State Duma on the recommendation of the President, approved Dmitry Medvedev for the post of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. Since May 21, 2012, Belousov has been the Minister of Economic Development of Russia.

On June 24, 2013, Andrei Removich was appointed to the post of Assistant to the President of Russia for Economic Affairs instead of Elvira Nabiullina, who left for the post of head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In 2015, he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company.

By decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin January 21, 2020 Belousov Andrey Removich was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, releasing him from his post. The decree came into force from the date of its signing.

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin January 29, 2020 distributed responsibilities among his deputies, including responsibility for the implementation of national projects. Andrey Belousov will be responsible for the overall coordination of national projects in collaboration with their direct supervisors. In addition, it will resolve issues of national projects “Small and medium-sized businesses and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative”, “International cooperation and export”, “Labor productivity and employment support”. Also, the responsibility of the First Deputy Prime Minister was to develop a strategy for the development of mainline infrastructure in terms of transport.

Russian President Vladimir Putin February 13, 2020 appointed First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov as chairman of the organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum - SPIEF.

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin February 17, 2020 instructed First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov to head the presidium of the government commission for the development of small and medium-sized businesses and put forward proposals for its formation.

Andrei Removich Belousov is an honored economist of the country, a well-known statesman and political figure, currently holding the post of assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, replacing Elvira Nabiullina in this position. He worked in the government as Minister of Economic Development and has a number of high state awards.

Andrey Belousov biography: family

The Honored Economist of Russia was born in Moscow in 1959, on March 17, into the family of Rem and Alisa Belousov. The father of the future assistant to the President, Rem Belousov, a famous Soviet scientist and economist who devoted many years to research in the field of economic history of the Soviet Union, was part of the working group for preparing the reforms of A. N. Kosygin. His work on pricing and management was of great interest, so Andrei Belousov did not choose education, or rather, his direction, by chance.

Constantly having my father’s example before my eyes, communicating with his scientist friends and colleagues, I began to admire economic sciences, that is, my interest arose almost from childhood. True, Andrei Removich in an interview with journalists emphasizes that his father did not insist on this choice.

Despite this, his younger brother, Dmitry Removich Belousov, also became an economist. Andrei Belousov speaks with particular warmth about his mother Alisa Pavlovna, who managed to work as a radiochemist and devote time to raising her children, surrounding them with love and care.

Years of study

Andrei Belousov studied with great diligence, graduated from the second physics and mathematics school, entered Moscow State University and graduated from the Faculty of Economics with honors in 1981.

Quite early, still in school years, Andrey developed a love for economics, planning and economic forecasting. His curiosity was partly to blame for this: modern economic literature, including foreign magazines, often appeared in the house. In addition to his main passion for economics, the future statesman paid a lot of attention to sports, practicing sambo and karate.

The beginning of your career

After graduating from Moscow state university Andrey Belousov began working at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union (CEMI). After working for several years as a research intern at this institution in the laboratory of human-machine simulation, he becomes a junior researcher at the institute.

Economic planning and forecasting

Since 1986, for twenty years he has been working at the Institute of National Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences (formerly called the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of Scientific and Technological Progress of the USSR Academy of Sciences). Over the years of fruitful work, he rose from junior researcher to head of the laboratory.

Andrei Removich Belousov at that time was engaged in forecasting phenomena such as inflation, studying structural crises in the development of the Soviet economy and forecasting constantly emerging macroeconomic trends.

Belousov proposed publishing an economic journal, “Problems of Forecasting.” On the pages of this publication and in a number of others, the scientist analyzes the features of economic crises, dwells in detail on current aspects after the end of the crisis period, gives accurate forecasts on the development of the Russian economy in the short and long term.

In addition, under the leadership of the economist, a group of experts and scientists published the book “Russian Economic Miracle.” The publication was prepared for publication during 2005-2007 and contained detailed forecasts for the development of the domestic economy until 2020. Subsequently, some sections of the book were repeatedly reprinted and circulated in periodicals.

His talent in economic forecasting was highly appreciated by contemporaries and economic experts, and did not go unnoticed by officials at the highest echelons of power. In the late nineties, the economist began collaborating with government agencies, where he advised cabinets of ministers headed by various prime ministers from Primakov to Kasyanov.

Scientific activities

After graduating from Moscow State University, he continued his postgraduate studies at CEMI, combining both scientific and work activities there. In 1988, he successfully defended his dissertation on the topic “Simulation modeling of mechanisms for the formation and use of working capital (multi-sectoral approach).” Currently he is a Doctor of Economics.

Government Jobs

In 2006, he began his career in the public service. At this time, Andrei Belousov received an offer from the Government of the country to take the position of Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade. The proposal came from the head of the ministry, German Gref. He fruitfully worked in this position until 2008, after which he was appointed Deputy Minister of Economic Development. Having entered the civil service, he was forced to leave other positions.

In the government, the economist was associated with issues related to drawing up the country's budget, supervised areas for improving the investment climate and the efficiency of public investment.

In the period from 2008 to 2012, the official headed the Department of Economics and Finance under the Government of the Russian Federation. From 2012 to 2013, Belousov’s period of work in the Russian Government ends as Minister of Economic Development.

In the presidential administration

In June 2013, the work of an economist in the presidential administration begins. Based on information disseminated by a number of media outlets, they planned to appoint Belousov to the post of assistant to the head of state for economic issues a year earlier, but for a number of reasons, Elvira Nabiullina took this post in 2012. And only after she leaves for the Central Bank, Belousov will take this position. Today, presidential aide Andrei Belousov is an authoritative expert in matters of the country’s economic life.

He is of the opinion that the state should play an active, creative role in economic development. Belousov is convinced that successful economic development is impossible without competent, systematic regulation by the state. He always substantiates his position with arguments, presenting indisputable facts.

But not only problems government regulation concern the economist. He recently took the initiative to develop entrepreneurial initiative by launching a project of the same name aimed at improving the business climate in the country.

According to experts, Belousov considers the vectors of development of the country’s economy not only as a government official, but is constantly evolving, testing new approaches that can improve the situation in all sectors of the economy. In 2015, Andrei Removich was appointed head of the Board of Directors of the public joint stock company oil company Rosneft.

Awards and achievements

For his scientific and work activities, Andrei Belousov was awarded awards - both government and memorial. In 2005, he was awarded the Presidential Letter of Gratitude "For services to ensuring the activities of the State Council of the Russian Federation"

In addition, in 2007 he was awarded the title of Honored Economist of the Russian Federation. Belousov has been a recipient of the Order of Honor since 2009. The collection of awards also includes commemorative medals on the occasion of the 850th anniversary of the founding of Moscow and the 100th anniversary of the Air Force. The official also holds the class rank of Active State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class, which he was awarded in 2011.

Andrey Belousov: personal life

The official is currently married. This is his second marriage. From his first union, his son Pavel was born in 1994.

Andrei Belousov's second wife is Larisa Vladimirovna, there are no children together. Larisa Belousova was born on October 3, 1961, has a journalistic education. It is known about her work activity that she worked at the AlRosa company. Son Pavel Belousov was educated at the State Technical University named after. N.E. Bauman in Moscow, graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technologies.

Hobbies and interests

Since his school days, Belousov has been fond of sports, and in the future, sports activity helped him cope with enormous workloads. Currently, the official practices athletic gymnastics.

Also, from school, a love for painting and its history was formed. In particular, Belousov has encyclopedic knowledge of the history of writing series works of art. According to his brother Dmitry, his passion for painting helped Andrey relieve emotional stress that accumulated due to intense intellectual work. The craving for beauty began during my school years.

Character Traits

Since childhood, Belousov was brought up in a patriotic spirit, his parents were an example of love for the Motherland, discipline, and self-demandingness, therefore, wherever Andrei Removich worked, he always showed high responsibility both in small things and in large-scale projects.

According to the recollections of one of Alexander Kovaldzhi’s colleagues about his time working in the institute’s laboratory, Belousov was distinguished by his great ability to work and could sit at his workplace from morning until late at night, scrupulously analyzing information, checking every figure. Flattering reviews of Andrei Removich from among his opponents also testify to his integrity as a person and decency.

Domestic media believe that Presidential Aide Andrei Belousov is an influential person in Russian politics. He was dubbed the eminence grise of the economy. His significant influence among financial groups, in the Government of the state and the head of the country in particular is also emphasized.

Due to the politician’s rare middle name, many are interested in the answer to the question of what nationality Andrei Removich Belousov is, but it is not possible to get a clear answer from official sources, and a certain intrigue remains. Often, sources that claim to be more reliable note that he was born into the family of a Soviet economist, and confirmation of his Orthodox religion can also be found. It is known that in 2007 he was baptized in the village of Puchkovo in the Church of the Kazan Mother of God.

Former minister Andrei Belousov became assistant to the president on economic issues

Sergey Melnikov, Olga Filina

Even if extremely competent authorities were to look for a flaw in the biography of the new presidential assistant for economic affairs, Andrei Belousov, they would only be in for disappointment. An amazing person, ex-Minister of Economic Development: he receives only flattering reviews from all his acquaintances - ranging from school friends to former prime ministers and representatives of various political forces - be it Mikhail Delyagin or Gleb Pavlovsky. It’s time to throw out a cry: is anyone at all dissatisfied with the personal or professional qualities of the new presidential assistant?

There is no doubt that he is now the chief Russian economist. The opportunity to directly say something to the president, bypassing the long corridors of technical ministries, determines, if not everything, then a lot. Therefore, few are surprised that Belousov the Minister, while remaining a respected professional, was not noticed for anything outstanding during his almost year of stay in the government. What does the government have to do with it, when now he will work in the presidential administration?

Loyal to country

Belousov, as they say, became a member of the economic community by birthright. His father, Rem Aleksandrovich Belousov, who served in the aviation forces during the Great Patriotic War, graduated from MGIMO and defended his PhD thesis in economics. Later, he worked at the Research Institute of the State Planning Committee of the USSR, was the head of the department at the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee and became famous for taking an active part in the development of the Kosygin reforms. The sons also followed in their father’s footsteps—not only the newly-minted assistant to the president, but also his younger brother Dmitry became an economist.

“Our choice was influenced by the environment, my father didn’t put pressure on us,” explained Dmitry Belousov, now a leading expert at the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting (TsMAKP), to Ogonyok. “My father was quite pleased.” a closed person, however, he instilled in us a culture of problematic conversation and problematic thinking. In addition, his friends who appeared at our house were quite substantial people, the most public of them was Valentin Falin (referent to Khrushchev and Gromyko.— "ABOUT").

In addition to difficult people, difficult publications appeared in Rem Alexandrovich’s office, for example, Western economic magazines intended for official use. Therefore, from the very early years, the Belousovs’ ideas about the benefits of state planning coexisted with a love for Western institutions, and the planned economy was gradually renamed “structural”.

Andrei Belousov’s mother, Alisa Pavlovna, was a radiochemist who worked in the chemistry of rare elements.

- She was amazing person“,” says Dmitry Belousov. “Once she was offered a job in the 1st special laboratory of the MGB, but she refused.” Her warmth was enough for work, for us, and for father. Dad was an undoubted patriot, in the sense of devotion to his country: he believed that the whole course of a person’s actions should be aimed at making it stronger. At the same time, his relations with government agencies were not always simple, let’s say.

Andrei Removich, having graduated from the prestigious 2nd Physics and Mathematics School and the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, began his work history at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute (CEMI) of the USSR Academy of Sciences, on the basis of which the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the Scientific and Technical Process of the USSR Academy of Sciences was formed in 1986. At CEMI, another prominent statist, Yuri Yaremenko, deputy director of the institute, became the mentor of the future economic assistant. He studied in the PRC and was considered a keen expert on Chinese culture. According to Dmitry Belousov, Yaremenko liked to utter the following phrase, which is quite consistent with the spirit of Confucianism: “U true man There are only two things to do: observing nature and serving the state."

“At that time, we worked with Belousov in the same laboratory,” recalls Alexander Kovaldzhi, deputy director for science at the Second School physics lyceum. “And I can say that his ability to work was incredible, he could sit at the table, analyzing real numbers and building a global picture of the economy, from morning to evening. He took on a lot of things voluntarily, for example, already in the 1990s he began publishing a monthly analytical magazine in his laboratory. And now, when we happen to meet, Belousov still seems to me to be the same person of scientific culture, who defended two serious dissertations - a candidate’s dissertation and a doctoral dissertation. His wife is also an economist, his son graduated from our school and studies in Baumanka. It was difficult in a ministerial position with such character and track record: the environment there is different, but his power did not change.

The Way of Cassandra

At the same time, like for many in our country, the path to power began for Belousov in the 1990s, when an armchair scientist took on the role of a public analyst and debater. In 1991 former ambassador in the United States and former Foreign Minister Alexander Bessmertnykh, under the auspices of the Foreign Policy Association, founded a dialogue platform for experts of various kinds, ironically nicknamed the “Group of the Immortals.” At the round tables, the so-called analysts, various topics from political, economic and international life were discussed (for example, “Organized crime as a way of life and as a factor of external and domestic policy Russia", "Imperial Pendulum in Russia", etc.). Various scientists and thinkers became participants in the "analyst", many of whom were and are prominent characters in the public field - Simon Kordonsky, Vadim Radaev, Vyacheslav Glazychev, Sergey Kurginyan, Andrey Kuraev... And the main economic expert in their circle turned out to be Andrei Belousov, with whom his classmate and future deputy at the Ministry of Economic Development Andrei Klepach actively worked.

“In the early 1990s, it was necessary to recognize the difficulties that market Russia had faced and would still face,” says Alexander Bessmertnykh. “Andrei Belousov was and remains an excellent forecaster. He has the rare ability to forecast macroeconomic trends while simultaneously conducting short-term market analysis. His authority was unquestionable. He already proved then that he possesses another rare quality for a scientist-economist - he is able to adequately translate thoughts into words. It is not surprising that the president appreciated him.

Belousov’s penchant for making forecasts is apparently hereditary (at the very beginning of the 80s, after a trip to the CMEA countries, his father said that the authorities there did not enjoy the trust of the population and soon “we could lose them,” and so it happened). Apparently, knowing this strength, in the 2000s Andrei Removich founded and headed the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting, which to this day (after the founder’s departure) produces reports for various government agencies and business structures, including the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Association of Russian Banks. And the organization’s biggest success is the 2005 report “Long-term trends in the Russian economy: scenarios for economic development of Russia until 2020” authored by Belousov himself. There, the current presidential assistant predicted the country's economic crisis in 2008, a possible economic decline in 2011-2012, and even a failure of the public administration system in 2015-2017.

Frightened by the forecasts (and formally under the patronage of the then Minister of Economic Development and Trade German Gref), in 2006 Belousov was called to the government, to the post of Gref’s deputy. A year later, he already became “Honored Economist of the Russian Federation,” and in 2008, when the crisis struck, he moved to the government apparatus - to oversee the department of economics and finance under then Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

“He, of course, is a man of the system and some even call him a dirigiste,” notes Evgeniy Gontmakher, a member of the board of the Institute of Contemporary Development, “that’s why Belousov turned out to be necessary in power. However, the important thing is that he is a professional, a professional in economics. This is not Rogozin. And if Belousov says that the economy should be regulated, he knows how to argue his position and listen to the opinions of his opponents. On the other hand, it is also true that he is, of course, not a professional politician, so it is not so easy for him to lead his course.

The essence of this course, according to colleagues, is the emphasis on the active creative role of the state in the economy. Even when a team of liberals led by Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin was at the economic helm, Belousov demanded that the Stabilization Fund be opened so that the money from there would go to infrastructure projects. Vladimir Putin’s recently announced decision to direct funds from the National Welfare Fund to the construction of roads, communications and other useful things can therefore be considered the first success of the new assistant: now he is on course with the president’s along the way.


“In general, Belousov’s approaches are evolving,” says Evsey Gurvich, head of the Economic Expert Group. “If in previous years he could be called a pure statist, now he pays a lot of attention to business.” In particular, two years ago I launched the “National Entrepreneurial Initiative” project in order to somehow improve the conditions for entrepreneurs in our country. He tries to be a generalist, to see the problems of the Russian economy broadly.

It is possible that such an evolution is related to the experience of working in the state machine, on which so many hopes were pinned. As practice shows, creation is not always her strong point. Having become Minister of Economic Development in 2012, Belousov promised to improve the business climate, optimize the management of state property, and work on the public functions of the ministry. Success in all areas was relative. On the one hand, Russia rose in the World Bank’s Doing Business ranking from 120th to 112th, on the other hand, this happened largely due to formal improvements, but in reality, life for entrepreneurs is worse than ever. Belousov’s brainchild, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, has not generated a single significant initiative since its launch in 2011. Even if the ex-minister had an idea of ​​what he should do for the good of Russia, the result is obvious: he failed to work effectively during his ministerial year.

“The current inactive government was not a suitable institution for Belousov,” says political scientist Gleb Pavlovsky. “He should be more comfortable in the presidential administration.” Today we do not have a state consensus on basic economic issues, and Belousov, apparently, will look for it. He wants to be heard by both his colleagues and the authorities, so he is suitable for the role of a negotiator. He does not have a clear description of his functions, but the presidential assistant will clearly influence where to spend the funds available to the state and where to get them from. Belousov, of course, disagrees with Putin’s old entourage, people who represent corporations fused with the state. Their economic strategy is quite expensive, but Andrey still wants to spend money on development. Hence the question: will he be able to defend his views.

According to the ex-chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Viktor Gerashchenko, Belousov today has the most advantageous position - he can criticize both Kudrin and Nabiullina, freely express his opinion and directly influence the presidential steps. In fact, under Putin, he took the position that was once occupied by the ex-adviser and now a critic of the government, Andrei Illarionov: however, now the president is more careful in choosing those close to him, for that matter, and the “systemic” Belousov will definitely not go into the opposition.

Useful skills

It is characteristic that even the personal hobbies of the presidential aide testify to his trustworthiness. In his youth, Belousov studied combat sambo, then karate (and his coach later became vice-champion of Alma-Ata), and in recent years switched to athletic fitness and regularly goes to the gym. In 2007, as reported by Troitskaya Orthodox newspaper", Andrei Removich was baptized in the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in the village of Puchkovo.

He is no stranger to art.

“An interest in painting became an emotional outlet for my brother from intensive intellectual studies,” says Dmitry Belousov. “This interest awoke in high school. Andrey knows the history of the paintings as well as regular tour guides. He names Rembrandt among his favorite artists.

As the shadows darken over the Russian economy, the Dutch master of “painting with light” appears to be not only an emotional outlet, but also good teacher. After all, the future economic policy Russia is still a blank slate, which Belousov will be among the first to mark. Here, apparently, not only economic knowledge, but also artistic taste will be useful.

Promising work


Assistants to the Presidents of the Russian Federation on economic issues

By decree of President Boris Yeltsin of November 9, 1994, the head of the group of experts under the president was appointed assistant for economic affairs. Alexander Livshits. In August 1996, he became Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance in the second government of Viktor Chernomyrdin. Later he worked as deputy head of the presidential administration, special representative of the president in the G8, chairman of the board of the Russian Credit bank and deputy general director of Russian Aluminum OJSC. Died on April 25, 2013.

On September 13, 1996, the Deputy Minister of Economy was appointed assistant for economic affairs. Sergey Ignatiev. In April 1997, he moved to work at the Ministry of Finance, becoming the first deputy minister of Anatoly Chubais. Since May 20, 2002 - Chairman of the Central Bank. On June 24, 2013, he gave way to Elvira Nabiullina, becoming her advisor.

Since May 28, 2003, economic issues in the administration were dealt with by the former chief of staff of the government Igor Shuvalov, who simultaneously oversaw the implementation of administrative reform, development and control over the implementation of national projects. On October 30, he was appointed deputy head of the presidential administration; on March 26, 2004, he was returned to the position of assistant. He also served as the President's personal representative to the G8. Since May 12, 2008 - First Deputy Prime Minister in the government of Vladimir Putin, since May 21, 2012 - in the government of Dmitry Medvedev.

By decree of Dmitry Medvedev dated May 13, 2008, the head of the Presidential Expert Directorate was appointed assistant for economic issues. Arkady Dvorkovich. During his tenure, he also served as the Presidential Representative to the G8. Since May 21, 2012 - Deputy Prime Minister in the government of Dmitry Medvedev.

On May 21, 2012, Vladimir Putin appointed his assistant on economic issues Elvira Nabiullina, who previously served as Minister of Economic Development. Since June 24, 2013, she has served as Chairman of the Central Bank.

Prepared Anton Mukhataev

Belousov Andrey Removich

Belousov Andrey Removich- Assistant to the President of Russia, previously served as Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Member of the scientific and dissertation councils of the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INP RAS). Member of the scientific and editorial council of the journal “Problems of Forecasting”. Member of the editorial board of Foresight magazine.


Belousov Andrey Removich, born March 17, 1959, native of Moscow.

Relatives. Brother: Belousov Dmitry Removich, born on June 16, 1972, leading expert at the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting. At the same time, he teaches at the Higher School of Economics (Moscow). Regularly appears as an expert in print and electronic media. Has an academic degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences.

Wife: Belousova Larisa Vladimirovna, born 10/03/1961, freelance journalist. Previously, she worked at the representative office of Alrosa.

Son: Belousov Pavel Andreevich, born on May 24, 1994. Currently, Pavel Andreevich Belousov is a second-year student at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technology of the Moscow State University technical university them. N.E. Bauman.

Awards. 1997 - Medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”; 2005 - Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (For services in ensuring the activities of the State Council of the Russian Federation); 2007 - Honored Economist of the Russian Federation; 2009 - Order of Honor; 2012 - Medal “100 Years of the Air Force.”

State. Anti-corruption declaration 2014 Income RUB 8,369,724.00 Spouse: RUB 1,853,201.00 Real estate Apartment, 37.8 sq. m (in use) Spouse: Apartment, 81.8 sq. m Vehicles Spouse: Passenger car, Kia Cerato.

Hobbies. Hobby - history of painting. In addition, he is involved in athletic fitness.


After graduating from the Second School of Physics and Mathematics, he entered the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, from which he graduated with honors in 1981. During his studies, he began to collaborate with a group of economists led by Alexander Anchishkin, who in 1977-1981 was the head of one of the departments of the Faculty of Economics. After receiving a diploma of higher education, Andrei Belousov continued his graduate studies at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (CEMI).

Labor activity

  • After receiving a diploma of higher education, Andrei Belousov continued his graduate studies at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (CEMI). At the same time, he began his scientific career there, first as a research intern, then as a junior researcher in the laboratory of modeling human-machine systems at CEMI, headed by E. B. Ershov. The position of Deputy Director of CEMI was held by Yuri Yaremenko (who became an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1994). According to some sources, it was in interaction with them that the scientific position of Andrei Belousov was formed. By the way, it is possible that at CEMI A. R. Belousov met Alexander Shokhin, who held the position of head of the laboratory at the institute in 1982-86.
  • In February 1986, on the basis of several scientific departments of CEMI, the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of Scientific and Technological Progress (IEPNTP) of the USSR Academy of Sciences was formed. The main activity of the institute is economic forecasting. Andrey Belousov went to work at IEPNTP, where he successively held the positions of junior researcher, researcher and senior researcher. His research priorities focused on forecasting macroeconomic trends, as well as inflation and structural crisis in Soviet-style economies.
  • In 1988, Andrei Belousov defended his Ph.D. thesis “Simulation modeling of mechanisms for the formation and use of working capital (multi-sectoral approach).”
  • Three years later, in 1991, he was appointed head of the laboratory at IEPNTP, replacing E.B. Ershov. A. R. Belousov held this position until 2006, combining it with work in other organizations, and only vacated it by moving to the public service. At the same time, he began to cooperate with government agencies in 1999. He was a member of the board of the Ministry of Economy and a consultant to a number of prime ministers: Evgenia Primakova, Sergei Stepashin, Mikhail Kasyanov And Mikhail Fradkov(worked with Kasyanov and Fradkov in the status of a freelance adviser).
  • In November 1991, an analytical group of the Foreign Policy Association was formed, which is also sometimes called the “Group of Immortals” (after the name of its founder, ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Alexander Bessmertnykh). The format of its work is the organization of regular thematic discussions. Subsequently, the transcripts are transcribed and become the subject of deeper study, and in some cases used as the basis scientific works. Andrey Belousov joined the Immortal group in the early 1990s and took part in the development of a number of topics.
  • In 2000, Andrei Belousov founded and headed the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting (CMAP), on the basis of which in 2005 he published the report “Long-term trends in the Russian economy: scenarios for economic development of Russia until 2020.” In his report, A. R. Belousov predicted the economic crisis of 2008, and also pointed to a possible economic decline in 2011-2012 and a failure of the public administration system in 2015-2017.
  • In 2006, Andrei Belousov began new chapter in his biography: he switched to public service. At the invitation of the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation German Gref took the position of his deputy. At the same time, he resigned from all other positions (the successor to the position of General Director of TsMAKP was Elena Arkadyevna Abramova). In the same year, Andrei Belousov received a Doctor of Economics degree, having defended his doctoral dissertation “Contradictions and prospects for the development of the reproduction system of the Russian economy” (specialty “08.00.05 - economics and management of the national economy”). At the Ministry, Andrei Belousov oversaw the macroeconomic block, including issues of improving the investment climate, the implementation of federal target programs, and the investment activities of Vnesheconombank. Under his leadership, the Concept of Long-Term Socio-Economic Development (CDR-2020) and the bill “On Trade” (adopted on December 28, 2009) were developed.
  • In 2007, when German Gref left the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, she was appointed minister Elvira Nabiullina, who previously held the position of Deputy Minister. Belousov retained his post, and then, in 2008, was promoted to the Government of the Russian Federation: Prime Minister Vladimir Putin appointed him director of the department of economics and finance of the Government of the Russian Federation]. Shortly before this, in the summer of 2007, Andrei Belousov received the title of Honored Economist of the Russian Federation. Thus, the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation was responsible for the formation of the economic agenda of the Russian Government in 2008-2012 Igor Shuvalov, Andrey Belousov and Elvira Nabiullina. In the Government of the Russian Federation, A. R. Belousov was responsible for issues related to budget formation, public investment, and improving the investment climate. Under him, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives was created and the so-called “National Entrepreneurial Initiative” was launched on its basis, aimed at improving the conditions for doing business in Russia.
  • In 2012, the next presidential elections of the Russian Federation took place, which were won by Vladimir Putin. In May, the State Duma, on the proposal of the president, approved Dmitry Medvedev as Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. Some time later, a new cabinet of ministers was announced: Andrei Belousov was appointed to the post of Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. At the same time, according to media reports, A. R. Belousov was also considered for the position of Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation on economic issues, but at some point a decision was made to appoint Elvira Nabiullina to this post].
  • On June 24, 2013, he was appointed to the post of Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation (for economic issues), replacing Elvira Nabiullina, who left for the post of head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.


In 1986, Belousov was invited to the newly opened Institute of Economics and Forecasting of Scientific and Technological Progress of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Five years later, he headed its laboratory of macroeconomic analysis and short-term forecasting, which in 1997 was transformed into a center of the same name.

Despite the fact that Andrei Removich supported the policy of “perestroika” in the USSR and the market reforms taking place within its framework (in the development of which he took an active part), after the collapse of the USSR he criticized the methods of “market liberalization” that were introduced under the leadership of Yegor Gaidar. In this regard, the forecasts of his laboratory were not in demand by the then leadership of the country.

In 1998, when he became Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Evgeny Primakov, Belousov was invited by him as a consultant on macroeconomic issues. In 2000, Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov finally “secured” his status by making Belousov a freelance adviser to the head of the Cabinet of Ministers. In this position, Andrei Removich prepared in 2003 the report “Economic growth: content, factors, sources. World experience and agenda for Russia.” According to his forecasts, three major systemic crises awaited Russia: social (2007–2008), economic (2011–2012) and a crisis of the management system (2015–2017). This report became famous in expert circles, however, the leadership of the Russian Federation did not draw any conclusions from it.

In February 2006, Belousov was invited to public service as Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade German Gref. At the ministry, he oversaw the macroeconomic block. In particular, Belousov was responsible for the implementation of federal target programs, was involved in the investment climate and the activities of Vnesheconombank. In addition, under his leadership, the strategy for the socio-economic development of Russia until 2020 (“Strategy 2020”) and the bill “On Trade” were developed. At the same time, he established himself as a supporter of active government investment in the economy.

Andrei Removich retained his post under the next minister, Elvira Nabiullina. However, after presidential elections 2008, after which Vladimir Putin headed the Cabinet of Ministers, Belousov was invited to work in the apparatus of the Government of the Russian Federation. In July 2008, he became head of the Department of Economics and Finance. His appointment was caused mainly by the desire to strengthen the apparatus of the Council of Ministers. In fact, Belousov was able to organize a “parallel ministry” in his department.

As head of the Department of Economics and Finance, Andrei Removich was a member of the anti-crisis commission created in December 2008 to improve the sustainability of economic development. This structure, headed by the First Deputy Head of the Cabinet of Ministers Igor Shuvalov, was supposed to coordinate the actions of the Government to overcome the consequences of the global financial crisis. At the same time, Belousov played a leading role in this commission.

In 2009, Belousov joined the working group to create a project for a territorially isolated complex for the development of research and development and the commercialization of their results. The village of Skolkovo, Odintsovo district, Moscow region, was subsequently chosen as the location for the implementation of this project. The Board of Trustees of the Skolkovo Innovation Center was headed in June 2010 by the then President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. In turn, in August 2011, Belousov joined the supervisory board of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), non-profit organization to promote innovative business projects, which was headed by Putin, who at that time served as Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. Thus, Belousov took part in both the “Medvedev” and “Putin” modernization projects.

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