Parrot beak flower. The rarest flowers. Yellow and purple venus slippers

People are accustomed to flowers, considering them an integral part of life. And it’s hard to disagree with this. We see flowers in gardens and forests; they are given for holidays and used to decorate homes. But not all flowers can be easily obtained, placed in a vase, and then enjoyed in appearance and fragrant smell.

It turns out that strange and rare plants are hidden in different parts of the world, whose flowering most people will never see. It is not surprising that they are under the close attention of environmentalists. After all, some species of plants and flowers remain literally in single copies or live exclusively in a certain area.

Flowers can be found almost all over the world. They are nature's most valuable gift to the whole world. The flowers come in stunning varieties and display a huge range of colors and shapes. Flowers give off scents that just keep on spellbinding us in every possible way. Flowers have been a source of inspiration for centuries.

When you love a person and want to express your deepest emotions, you prefer to give flowers. Not only that, flowers are loved by everyone and everything. You can easily see the joy on a child's face when he or she holds a flower in his or her hand. When someone is sick and you want to wish the person good health, you will give flowers.

This rare woody vine can be found in the rainforest of the Philippines. It belongs to the legume family. The vine has smooth and trifoliate leaves that grow in clusters. Their length can reach 3 meters. And the color of the flower can change from bluish-green to mint. These plants are not cultivated by humans. The jade vine is considered an endangered species. After all, its habitat is constantly narrowing, as is the number of natural pollinators.

Flowers have been a symbol of love, adoration, joy, affection, success and happiness. It simply says that Flowers are truly magical. If you are going to express the beauty and grandeur of flowers, the words will be short. However, there are some flowers that are classified as rare, unusual and endangered flowers on Earth. Most of us are not familiar with these colors.

So, we have come up with this post featuring the 15 rarest flowers in the world. They are rare because these flowers can only be found in a few selected places on Earth. They are essentially priceless and die as soon as they are collected. Thus, most people cannot see the flower nor smell its fantastic scent.

This variety of Lychnis is quite rare, because it is found only on the rocks of the Strait of Gibraltar. Even before 1980, the scientific community believed that this flower was extinct. And only the botanists of Gibraltar claimed that there were still several copies. In 1994, a rock climber discovered the only flower of this type of lychnis. This gave the plant a second life. Since then, it has been cultivated not only in the botanical gardens of Gibraltar itself, but in the Royal Botanical Gardens of London.

Red camellia Middlemist camellia)

The Ghost Orchid gets its name mainly from the shape of its petals. It is mainly found in areas of Cuba and Florida. This requires ideal conditions to flower and requires very specific host trees to grow properly. Its flowering time is very unpredictable and therefore not many people get to see it in all its ghostly glory.

So, if you are found to have it removed, you could face jail time. The Chocolate Cosmos is native to Mexico, but is now thought to be extinct in the wild. It gets its name because of the smell it releases, smelling like chocolate.

This tree belongs to the Tea family. But this is the only plant of its kind, and it also rarely blooms. Franklinia grew naturally in the valley of the Alatamaha River in Georgia. But for about 200 years it has not been found there. It was only thanks to the Bart family that they managed to preserve this unique plant. These avid gardeners began cultivating and breeding Franklinia even before its extinction in the natural environment. The plant has elegant white flowers and its green leaves turn bright red in the fall. Today, all Franklinia specimens are descended from those that once lived in the Bartham family.

The only example of this unique and rare flower that exists today is a clone that is grown using the vegetative propagation technique. They can grow up to 3 feet tall and weigh up to 15 pounds. This is one of the best examples of a rare and endangered flower. This is one of the rarest plant species in the world.

There are currently about 23 grafted plant specimens. This is extremely rare species a flower that is mainly found in tropical regions Southeast Asia, including countries such as Thailand, Malaysia and China. The flower bears a strong resemblance to bats and is especially known for its black black color. It has long cat-like whiskers that can reach up to 28 inches in length. It requires a lot of water and moisture to survive.

Already in 1844 this beautiful flower was officially declared an endangered species. It grows in the Canary Islands. Scientists believed that the rarity of the flower was due to its natural pollinator - sunbirds, which themselves became extinct long ago. There have even been experiments to recreate another natural pollinator, but since 2008 not a single fruit has appeared. The flower is still growing in captivity, waiting for people to give it a second life.

We hope you enjoyed this presentation on the 15 rarest flowers in the world. Flowers are probably one of the most beautiful creations created by God. Soft and delicate petals, covered with drops of dew, and light or bright colors they look incredibly beautiful. Each of them is attractive and magnificent, but you cannot see them. They are a rare type of flower and gorgeous. Here we give you the opportunity to see and learn more about these most beautiful and rare flowers in the world.

You can only see this flower in Gibraltar, a British territory. Today these flowers are present in the botanical gardens in Gibraltor and very few in London. A specimen of these flowers is now grown in the Almeda-Gibraltar botanical gardens, as well as in the Royal Botanic Gardens in London. The color of the flower varies from pink to light purple and looks very beautiful.

This dark red flower grows in Mexico. But it has not been found in the wild for more than a hundred years. Today, scientists are keeping alive an infertile clone of the plant, created back in 1902. And the flowers of the plant are thick red, they are 3-4 centimeters in diameter. In summer they smell pleasantly of vanilla.

The flower gets its name from the shape of the flower, which resembles the shape of a parrot's beak. The plant is native to the Canary Islands. It is believed that Parrott's beak was pollinated by sunbirds, which are now extinct. Many experiments have been carried out to find new pollinators for this flower, but none have worked out.

The plant is rare and fascinating. The shape of the flower is similar to a spider's web. The most charming thing about this plant is that it has no leaves. The plant does not prepare food through photosynthesis, but does require a fungus near the root system to feed it. The flower can also live underground for many years. Ghost orchids require high humidity and temperature to grow. They are found only in Cuba and Florida. When a flower blooms, it has a special aroma, like the smell of soap. They get their name from the fact that they appear to float like a ghost on the cypress trees where they grow in Cuba.

This rare tree can be found in Hawaii. Scientists discovered it back in 1860, but were only able to find a specimen. Unfortunately, coquio is very difficult to cultivate. In 1950, the last shoot of the tree withered and it was declared extinct. But in 1970, another such tree was discovered, which burned down 8 years later. Only 1 branch was saved, from which patient botanists were able to grow as many as 23 new trees. They still grow today in different areas of these islands. And the coquio itself is a small tree 10-11 meters in height. During the flowering period, it literally explodes with hundreds of bright red flowers.

Trees that are on the verge of extinction

The Ghost Orchid has been under consideration for 20 years, but is now a rare flower. The flower is very beautiful and tempting. You can handle this plant easily, but if you want to see it, you will only have a chance in the middle of the night when the flower blooms at midnight and stays only until dawn. It is found in the forests of Sri Lanka. The flower carries spiritual meaning for Buddhists as they believe that when Kadupul blooms, Nagas come from heavenly houses and present the flower to Buddha as a gift.

This name is used to describe a rare species of wild orchid that grows in Europe. In greenhouse conditions, the plant practically does not live, which determines its rarity and high cost of the flower. So, in England it costs about 5 thousand dollars. And the orchid lives in symbiosis with a special type of mushroom. It provides food to its neighbor until its adult leaves learn to obtain food for themselves.

The white flowers look gorgeous and have delicate petals. In Japanese, Kadupul translates to "Beauty Under the Moon". But it was just luck that the tree branch was saved and was grafted onto twenty-three trees in different places in Hawaii. The tree grows about 10-11 meters in height and bears numerous bright red flowers.

A mature tree produces these flowers annually. Small flowers in dark red to brown tones that emit a chocolate scent look great. In the wild, the flower has been extinct for over a hundred years. Today there is an unfermented, single clone that was created by vegetative propagation over the course of a year. The flower blooms in summer and evening. The flower is usually 3-4 cm in diameter and is suitable for good ornamental plant.

This amazing plant was also considered extinct for 20 years. It is also intolerant of greenhouse conditions. The orchid also does not have leaves; it does not use photosynthesis in any way, producing nutritious juices in a different way. Like the shoe, this plant also needs specific fungi for its sustenance. For years, a ghostly orchid can grow underground, blooming extremely rarely and only under the most favorable conditions.

It is a member of the orchid family, but is quite rare. It is mainly found in London and some other parts of Europe. The purple and yellow combination is quite charming and rare. Most of the flower is yellow slippers or moccasins, and the rest is red-brown to dark purple tendrils.

It belongs to the bean and pea family. It is found only in the tropical forests of the Philippines. Claw-shaped flowers grow from hanging trusses. The flower is about 3 meters long. The color of the flower is truly mesmerizing, ranging from light green to blue. The species is endangered because it is not easily distributed.

This plant is rightfully considered the rarest on Earth. There are only 2 known specimens of camellia. One grows in a garden in New Zealand, and the other in a London greenhouse. And the flower came to England back in 1804 thanks to John Middlesmith, who brought it here from China. Years passed, and in the Celestial Empire itself the flower practically disappeared. In England, the plant did not bear fruit for a long time, only recently flowers began to appear on it. Although the camellia is called red, its flowers are still bright pink, reminiscent of roses. It is believed that there are several more specimens of this plant in private gardens. After all, at one time John Middlemist sold the sprouts of a unique plant to the most ordinary people.

"Rafflesia" or "Corpse Lily"

The rarest flower, seen only in New Zealand and the Green Garden in the United Kingdom. After this, the flower lost its existence in China, but was grown in London. The flower resembles a pink rose flower. The flower is 6 feet tall, absolutely incredible, isn't it? Found in the lowland rainforests of Sumart, Indonesia, this rare flower is the largest and most dangerous in the world. It gets its name from the rotten flesh smell it emits. The smell attracts beetles and flies for pollination.

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It blooms within a week before dying. It blooms every thirty to forty years. The flower is heartless, leafless, ethereal and without roots. However, we definitely think you'll enjoy reading about these delicate and beautiful plants, especially since most of them have been or remain critically endangered. Here are our top 10 rarest flowers in the world.

The flower will only grow in Gibraltar, and although everyone thought it had disappeared from the face of the earth, one lone specimen was discovered by a traveler by accident. Campion is now grown at the Royal Botanic Gardens in London and the Almeda-Gibraltar Botanic Gardens, where it is prized for its unique aspect and incredible hardiness.

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nuclear vine

The nuclear vine has its origins in the Philippines, but its existence these days is put into balance due to deforestation. This is amazing beautiful plant boasts clawed flowers that come in a blue-green hue. These flowers are highly prized by bats, who are known to drink their nectar, thus pollinating the plant.

Parrot horn

The parrot's beak flower illustrates a wonderful example of the important connection between plants and animals. The plant originates in the Canary Islands, but is now considered extinct in the wild as the sunbirds it used for pollination have also disappeared. There have been many attempts to find new pollinators for this unique plant, but to no avail.

Even botanical gardens cannot always boast of such beauties. And all because they are the rarest flowers on the planet.

Today I have prepared a short story for you about these unusual plants. So, watch and enjoy!

Middlemist red

Imagine, red middleemist is the rarest flower on Earth. Now it grows only in two places on the planet - New Zealand and Great Britain. It is pink in color and blooms for only two weeks a year.

Chocolate Cosmos

With large red flowers filled with color and beauty, the Kokyo tree has been declared extinct. As luck would have it, one branch from the tree was restored, allowing this species to survive to this day.

Kadupula flower

This particular flower is not in danger of extinction, but is still quite rare, nonetheless, as it rarely blooms and blooms exclusively at night. This strange behavior has given way to a number of legends, especially in the Buddhist religion, which states that when it blooms, Nagas descend from the heavens and take away the flower to present it as a gift to the Buddha.

The flower was brought to Britain from China by John Middlemist (in 1804), without even suspecting that he had saved it with his act. whole view, because since then not a single specimen of the flower has been found in China.

Franklin tree

A small tree with snow-white flowers and bright red leaves in autumn. The Altamaha River Valley in Georgia is considered the plant's homeland. But, unfortunately, since the 19th century. in the wild, flowers no longer exist. We can enjoy their beauty only thanks to the efforts of the Bartram family - avid gardeners who grew the flower even before its disappearance.

Ghost Orchid

Moreover, the Japanese call this beautiful, delicate flower "Beauty under the Moon", which is an apt name, right? The Ghost Orchid is a very fastidious flower that was thought to be extinct within two decades. Highly selective, this particular orchid can only feed itself with the help of a specific fungus that must be close to its roots, since the flower itself does not have leaves and therefore does not use photosynthesis. The Ghost Orchid grows on the cypress trees of Cuba and it appears to float around in the air, hence the name.

Cape sundew

This rare flower, native to South Africa, is a real predator! Do you think it's the dew that decorates the inflorescence? But no! The plant secretes a liquid that attracts and simultaneously paralyzes insects as soon as they land on the sticky, deadly leaf.

Yellow and purple slippers for ladies

Additionally, it can only be pollinated by the giant sphinx butterfly, and it will only reproduce if its seeds land on certain moss. With its bright yellow "slipper" flowers and dark purple tendrils, this beautiful plant is truly impressive. The flower was later also spotted by a nun growing under her washing machine.

Corpse Flower

This unique plant boasts 28 white, sweet-smelling flowers that are no more than 1mm in diameter. As the largest and rarest flower in the world, the Corpse Flower can be found in the rain fields of Indonesia. This giant plant originates from Sumatra and its flowers measure 6 feet in height as well as 3 feet in diameter. The reason for its inevitable extinction is that this plant relies heavily on the Tetrastigma grape for survival. This vine provides much needed nutrition as well as support to the Corpse Flower as the flower itself has no roots, stems or leaves.

In response to irritation, the leaf curls up and digests the prey for several days, and then straightens out as if nothing had happened. Interestingly, the cunning leaves of the plant do not curl up when accidentally exposed to water or a twig, and only react to organic food.

Lady's slipper

The flower of the goddess of love and beauty grows in southeast Asia. This interesting name The plant did not come about by chance. The unusual pocket of the flower resembles a shoe - a “love trap” where insects fall. And they get out of there, heavily smeared with pollen, after which they fly further to pollinate flowers.

jade flower

The sea green plant is native to Hawaii. You can only meet him in the Waipio area. Hawaiians love to create a garland from the inflorescences of the Jade Flower on the necks of island guests. Of course, this is one of the most beautiful tropical vines of the legume family.


The rare tree was first discovered in Hawaii in 1860, and already in 1950 Koki was considered an extinct species. The joy of scientists knew no bounds when in 1970 they found another specimen of an unusual flower. But already in 1978 the tree burned down.

Fortunately, one of the branches of Coca was saved and 23 trees were grown from it, which now delight the Hawaiian population with hundreds of scarlet flowers.

Wild lupine

Blooming lupine is a fabulous sight! From Latin, the word “lupus” means wolf, which indicates the plant’s extraordinary ability to survive in any conditions. The flower originates from North America and the Mediterranean coast; it grows wild in Greece, France, Italy, Tunisia, Algeria, etc.

Sunflower Helianthus Schweinitzii

A very rare flower. Found in the Piedmont region of North and South Carolina. This yellow beauty was listed as endangered on May 7, 1991.

pitcher flower

Monster flower. Large specimens eat not only insects, but also small vertebrates - birds, lizards, mice. The flower bud is a jug - a trap with liquid in which the unfortunate victims drown. And so that the special contents of the jug are not diluted by rainwater, the flower is covered with a visor on top.

It grows in the wild in the Philippines, o. Sumatra, in Malaysia, China, Madagascar and Indonesia.

Parrot beak

The parrot's beak is considered an extinct flower, whose homeland is Canary Islands. The flower was pollinated by sunbird insects, which have long since become extinct.

Ghost Orchid

A mystery flower, reliably hidden from human eyes. You can meet him only in the dark forests of Britain and the USA. Researchers often spend weeks, or even months, searching for this amazing beauty.

Some people believe that Ghost Orchids have completely disappeared from the face of the Earth, but fortunately this is not the case. Fragile flowers make themselves felt from time to time, appearing in one or another corner of Great Britain.

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