5 moles in the shape of a star. Moles and birthmarks in a person’s fate: nothing is accidental

Have you ever thought that moles have one or another meaning depending on where they are located, what shape they are, what color they are, size and type? Surely many will answer in the affirmative. And they will be right. Moles are another tool for learning about yourself and the makings of your destiny. In this article we will talk about the topic: moles and their meaning depending on their shape and color. After all, they can be very diverse.

Moles and esoteric knowledge about them

These multi-colored, but mostly still dark, large and small, spots and specks of the most varied shapes on the human body are moles... They can be located everywhere on the body, in any part of it; Most of them appear already on the body of a newborn, but sometimes moles appear later, during life. Nature abhors emptiness, and these signs on the body undoubtedly carry a certain code... From ancient times to this day, many researchers and entire esoteric movements and schools are confident that this is the “code of fate.”

Everything created by nature has a certain meaning - it is impossible to argue with this fact. And moles, again, have been used since ancient times for fortune telling, predictions of the future, interpretation of character, psychological and physiological individually unique characteristics of a person. At the same time, today the science of reading “signs of fate” continues to actively develop. Or rather, not even science, but sciences - because astrology, palmistry, podomancy, morphoscopy, chirology, moleosophy - and this is by no means a complete list - are involved in solving moles.

But do all these sciences about moles deserve to be studied, finding differences and similarities, trying to compare them and thus learn more about one’s own destiny? They certainly deserve it. Why? Yes, because it can bring quite practical benefits to any person, and considerable benefits. Suffice it to say, for example, that (as we will show below) many moles on our body can indicate future events in our life.

“Forewarned is forearmed” is an old truth. Knowing that trouble is ahead, a person in most cases can, to one degree or another, avoid it, or even completely prevent an unfavorable development of events. Moreover, moles appear throughout life, they disappear, change size and color. This means they warn you about changes in life, about ups and downs - you just need to learn to read all this information! And today there is no longer any doubt that the location of moles on the human body really has a deep meaning...

Moles and their meaning: shape and size

Moles can be very diverse in shape, but in general it is enough to distinguish the types that are listed below:

  • spots;
  • long and narrow;
  • long and large;
  • round and large;
  • uneven with smooth outlines;
  • uneven with jagged outlines;
  • large, irregularly shaped moles;
  • huge moles of irregular shape (for example, on half the face, back of the neck, etc.;
  • round dotted;
  • oval;
  • square;
  • triangular;
  • in the form of numbers;
  • in the form of correct semantic figures;
  • with hairs:
    • thin and long;
    • short and thick;
    • with one long thick hair in the center;
  • warts

Mole color

Moles are also very diverse in color. For their interpretation, as will be shown below, color plays a very significant role in any esoteric sciences and schools, but above all, undoubtedly, in such the most ancient system esoteric knowledge like astrology. In general, we can say that the following types of moles are distinguished by color:

  • brown – dark and pale brown;
  • rich green;
  • greenish;
  • bluish-green;
  • red of all shades;
  • yellow or honey color;
  • pink of all shades up to very light;
  • black.

It should be noted that the most common moles are various shades of brown and yellow flowers, their meaning is largely determined by their location on the body. Black ones are also common - by the way, many esoteric teachings tend to interpret them as a rather unfavorable sign. In the same way, almost all schools agree that moles that are golden, deep pink, or honey-colored yellow are most often a very favorable sign. Emerald green moles are favorable, bluish green moles are not. Red moles are either very negative or very positive - depending on the sum of factors: the sign of the Zodiac, the person’s attitude towards the planet Mars (red moles are generally considered to be under the control of this planet), etc. Finally, it is worth pointing out this, quite general principle: the strength of a mole’s influence on a person’s fate is directly related to the intensity of its color, whatever it may be: light ones are “weaker”, bright ones are “stronger”.

Moles in the form of semantic figures. Birthmarks and their meanings

A very special place is occupied by moles in the form of some very clearly defined figure (as we will see below, there are many such figures, and among them there are very complex ones, for example, in the form of a geographical map or a clearly defined part of it).

This special place is determined by the fact that for centuries such moles have been studied and their influence on destinies has been compared different people... And as a result, today we have, although complex, a completely established system of interpretations of this type of mole - if not for every figure that is possible in principle, then for those that are relatively common - certainly.

And below we present just these established interpretations. You just need to take into account that for some figures the interpretation various schools may differ slightly - we present them all, without giving preference to any one. Let the reader make the choice. So...

Unforeseen life turns, difficult situations and very serious problems await you, but they do not promise any trouble, although there is little pleasant in them. A large, bold zigzag may mean that some kind of turn awaits you in the current way of your life, but, again, the outcome does not portend danger.

This figure always portends great financial success. Everything that is in any way connected with a fork also foreshadows a pleasant surprise that awaits a person in the future - right up to the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

At the same time, it speaks of such character traits as a constant need for help, alertness, uncertainty, anxiety, uncertainty - which is true for both men and women.

A birthmark in the form of a regular cross is relatively rare. We can talk about some universality of this sign: no matter where the cross is located on the body, the meaning of this figure remains the same. And as we will see below, this can be said about only a few figures formed by birthmarks.

The correct cross cannot be called a favorable sign, but it cannot be defined as unambiguously negative. Let the reader judge for himself: in astrology, such a spot is associated with an inevitable series of failures, a “black streak” in later life, which is quite long, but not endless, and if a person is spiritually strong enough, such a streak will ultimately only make him even stronger. In occultism, this sign is a symbol of chosenness, but not in terms of any superiority over others. It’s just that a person is chosen to fulfill some mission destined for him by fate. It can be light, heavy, or maybe even overwhelming, but you can’t escape it. The sooner a person realizes what exactly his mission on this earth is, the easier it will be for him, no matter how difficult it may be. Consequently, spiritual growth is necessary and, again, means chosenness.

If in the Russian folk tradition the cross is clearly linked to religion: “to be a monk”, “to be a righteous man” - or, on the contrary, “God marks a rogue”, then in Eastern esoteric schools the sign of the cross on the body is regarded, rather, in the sensual, emotional and usually associated with unhappy love, troubles in the family or with loved ones; It is interesting that here, as in occultism, it is believed that all this can be overcome by persistent spiritual self-improvement.

Oblique cross
It occurs much more often, but the interpretations do not differ in depth or content. Most often in your life in the future, you should expect a serious conflict to arise, which could become a turning point and send further events along an unfavorable path. Therefore, you should control yourself and think carefully about all your actions.

Regardless of its location on the body - an elephant with its trunk down - a difficult life, prosperity will come to the owner only after long and hard work; an elephant with a raised trunk - a life full of both successes and defeats, with a constant alternation of “black” and “white stripes”.

Here, by the way, the general law mentioned at the very beginning of this chapter plays a particularly important role: the more intensely such a stain is colored, the greater the impact it will have on the fate of its owner.

A star-shaped birthmark is one of the most favorable signs, but it is extremely rare. It promises its owner the protection of fate and the Higher powers in any of his endeavors. A regular five-pointed star speaks of an innate predisposition to magic and occult sciences, and to spiritual development in general.

Deformed - about success on the material level, in financial sector. In any case, it is a very, very happy sign: joy, luck, happiness. Wisdom, practicality, well-being in the family, luck in love, new friends. Old hopes will come true and new ones will appear.

ATTENTION! For those lucky enough to have a star-shaped birthmark, see if somewhere on your body you have three moles of approximately the same size, forming a triangle (the location and color of these moles does not matter). If there is, the power of the already happy “star” sign DOUBLES! All you have to do is envy...

A birthmark that resembles a geographical map or a fragment of it is also not very common. However, in contrast to the uniquely happy interpretation of the star, here the interpretations in different traditions and schools are heterogeneous, and often directly contradict each other.

Let's give a few examples: it resembles a continent or a large island - the emotional sphere is overdeveloped, which is fraught with rash actions; constantly keep your feelings under control so that they do not “cloud your mind”; resembles a country in outline - there will be many difficulties in your life, but if you manage to overcome them, you will succeed in everything. But according to ancient Slavic beliefs, such a birthmark means that in childhood you will be deprived of parental love and care.

Such a birthmark is generally considered a good sign, but in in this case a lot depends on where exactly it is located.

If it’s on your chest, ribs, back, stomach, you know that you have high potential, possibly creative. Through hard work you can achieve everything you want; it is possible that you will succeed in the field of literature, cinema, painting, music.

On the right shoulder - hard work, purity of thoughts; on the left - laziness prevents your abilities from revealing, it all depends on you.

A bird with open wings, as if in flight - definitely good sign; the bird, as it were, “in profile,” especially with a massive beak, speaks of a difficult character for others. Such people are most often good at heart, but their character hinders them in almost any good endeavor. But in eastern schools, the owner of such a spot is also credited with initially good karma acquired in previous incarnations.

Uncertainty, ambiguity, confusion of the twists and turns of fate. That is, in general, this is an alarming sign, but it has its own unique feature: it depends on the number, shape, color of other moles on the body of this person and can, depending on their location, influence the fate of its owner in completely different ways. Accordingly, it cannot be interpreted unambiguously.

Three dark dots on one lighter plane (but not in the shape of a triangle)

Such a birthmark is a very favorable sign: it promises you the easy fulfillment of your most cherished desires throughout your life. In addition, it speaks of such a character trait as a penchant for all kinds of mystery, spectacular enigma, that is, in fact, the character of the owner is extremely secretive.

If such a spot is located on the head, especially on the scalp, perhaps its owner is not alien to innate magical powers. But on the chest and stomach - according to Slavic beliefs, it was considered “the mark of the unclean.”

The shape of a mole is difficult to interpret. Always means a problem; but it is impossible to determine its cause, nor the method of solution, nor the degree of complexity.

Thorn, edge of any kind
The owner of such a birthmark will inevitably face a painful blow of fate in life. Another interpretation (more common in occultism) is that a person will have a difficult, not very joyful childhood, but a calm, dignified old age.

Tongue of flame
In shape, in many cases it is quite easy to confuse with the previous sign. In general, it promises its “owner” a lot of problems. The sign of fire on the body - especially innate - speaks of unbridled anger, an “explosive” character, in men - of extreme jealousy (with or without reason), in women - of eccentricity, impulsiveness, sometimes a tendency to adultery due to uncontrollable and powerful sensuality. At the same time, “fiery” virtues are also the ability to charm others, to constantly be the center of attention. Balance the negative gifts of “fire” with positive ones - and you will get a very good result.

The interpretation of a sign that resembles a person’s face depends, first of all, on how it is perceived emotionally: pleasant or unpleasant, cheerful, sad, angry, kind, etc. In any case, the face speaks of the internal state, mood, and violent feelings. If the face is blurry, unclear, this may symbolize internal discord or a hidden illness. In general, this is not a very favorable sign. The owner of a spot of this form is usually withdrawn, absorbed in internal contemplation, but poorly adapted to practical life, he constantly needs support from others. loved one. In moleosophy, this sign portends loneliness, sadness, and sometimes poverty. However, if a spot of this shape is located on the head, a person is destined to overcome any difficulties if he relies solely on his own strength. If this sign is on the stomach, it portends the development of the disease, and its owner needs to monitor his health very carefully.

A birthmark in the shape of lips, as if left by someone’s kiss, is a test or fulfillment of duty, a “crossroads of fate,” problems of choice. There is also another general interpretation of this figure, which is determined by its location on the body: constant troubles in the family, but excellent relationships with others. As they say, success at work, failure in your personal life.

However, much depends on the location: on the head there is a brilliant mind, such a birthmark on the head is not without reason called “the kiss of an angel”; on the cheek - success with the opposite sex. The above is true for both men and women. But there are also differences. A mole in the shape of lips on a man’s chest invariably testifies to his inherent natural optimism and ability to approach everything with healthy humor. The same mole on a woman speaks of her extreme resistance to any kind of dark, hostile spell, as well as damage or the occasional evil eye.

The sign speaks of such human traits as some capriciousness, perhaps a certain degree of hypocrisy, but all this is not in extreme form. Rich life experience and a certain amount of cynicism. In general, the sign is rather favorable. If the tower is located on the shoulder or forearm, regardless of the side, know that you can rely on such a person in everything.

The sign also says that its owner is able to successfully fight any temptations and temptations. It is no wonder that among people with such a birthmark there are many church ministers.

Sun, moon.
Also – a perfect circle

People wearing this sign are often immoderately touchy, secretive, and according to the beliefs of ancient Russians, they are “eye-catching,” that is, they can easily cast the evil eye, even without wishing harm. Moreover, the sign, if located in the upper part of the body, including the head, is favorable for its owner, but if in the lower part, in the groin, on the legs, it is not.

However, it must be taken into account that the “moon” category also includes crescent-shaped spots. This is a sign of a stormy temperament, energy, and the ability to do everything quickly and efficiently, say astrologers. At the same time, in moleosophy, the crescent moon means a constant tendency to depression. However, if you think about it, this is not such a contradiction; very energetic people are also susceptible to depression.

But let's return to the sun, that is, the regular circle. If a birthmark of this shape has several thin arrows (“rays”) along the edges, this is an extremely favorable sign for its owner, but, unfortunately, it is extremely rare. An ordinary circle, in addition to what was said at the very beginning, in a man can indicate the talent of the owner of this sign, despite all his touchiness and secrecy. Sometimes this is also a sign of developed intuition and “subtle” energy in general.

For a woman, this portends an easy birth and happy motherhood; the more saturated the color of such a spot, the more more likely that she will have several children.

The above applies to all colors and shades except black. Small black moles in the form of a regular circle, when many of them are scattered throughout the body, in the Eastern tradition, as well as in occultism close to it, are considered an unambiguous indication of many unfulfilled karmic debts.

A large round spot on the head or shoulder, if it is pink or golden in color, is interpreted for both men and women as an ordinary mole in location - but if these spots are paired, in moleosophy this is considered an indication of great happiness in a future marriage.

Fan-shaped mole – protective sign. It means that someone from above protects a person from the evil eye. In addition, this sign gives strength to cope with all obstacles.

Overall a good sign, signifying success and domestic harmony. However, when it is on a man’s chest, it means unlucky for him. love affair while he assumes that he has finally met his ideal. In addition, also in men, if located on the right forearm, it can mean a chain of disappointments in business.

For a young girl, this sign on the shoulder (on either side) means that she will be deceived and will not get married right away. For a more mature woman, the location of the “saw” on her back promises her a difficult pregnancy and childbirth, but, as a rule, there are more than one healthy children (twins are possible).

Have you ever thought that moles have one or another meaning depending on where they are located, what shape they are, what color they are, size and type? Surely many will answer in the affirmative. And they will be right. Moles are another tool for learning about yourself and the makings of your destiny. In this article we will talk about the topic: moles and their meaning depending on their shape and color. After all, they can be very diverse.

Moles and esoteric knowledge about them

These multi-colored, but mostly still dark, large and small, spots and specks of the most varied shapes on the human body are moles... They can be located everywhere on the body, in any part of it; Most of them appear already on the body of a newborn, but sometimes moles appear later, during life. Nature abhors emptiness, and these signs on the body undoubtedly carry a certain code... From ancient times to this day, many researchers and entire esoteric movements and schools are confident that this is the “code of fate.”

Everything created by nature has a certain meaning - it is impossible to argue with this fact. And moles, again, have been used since ancient times for fortune telling, predictions of the future, interpretation of character, psychological and physiological individually unique characteristics of a person. At the same time, today the science of reading “signs of fate” continues to actively develop. Or rather, not even science, but sciences - because astrology, palmistry, podomancy, morphoscopy, chirology, moleosophy - and this is by no means a complete list - are involved in solving moles.

But do all these sciences about moles deserve to be studied, finding differences and similarities, trying to compare them and thus learn more about one’s own destiny? They certainly deserve it. Why? Yes, because it can bring quite practical benefits to any person, and considerable benefits. Suffice it to say, for example, that (as we will show below) many moles on our body can indicate future events in our life.

“Forewarned is forearmed” is an old truth. Knowing that trouble is ahead, a person in most cases can, to one degree or another, avoid it, or even completely prevent an unfavorable development of events. Moreover, moles appear throughout life, they disappear, change size and color. This means they warn you about changes in life, about ups and downs - you just need to learn to read all this information! And today there is no longer any doubt that the location of moles on the human body really has a deep meaning...

Moles and their meaning: shape and size

Moles can be very diverse in shape, but in general it is enough to distinguish the types that are listed below:

  • spots;
  • long and narrow;
  • long and large;
  • round and large;
  • uneven with smooth outlines;
  • uneven with jagged outlines;
  • large, irregularly shaped moles;
  • huge moles of irregular shape (for example, on half the face, back of the neck, etc.;
  • round dotted;
  • oval;
  • square;
  • triangular;
  • in the form of numbers;
  • in the form of correct semantic figures;
  • with hairs:
    • thin and long;
    • short and thick;
    • with one long thick hair in the center;
  • warts

Mole color

Moles are also very diverse in color. For their interpretation, as will be shown below, color plays a very significant role in any esoteric sciences and schools, but above all, undoubtedly, in such an ancient system of esoteric knowledge as astrology. In general, we can say that the following types of moles are distinguished by color:

  • brown – dark and pale brown;
  • rich green;
  • greenish;
  • bluish-green;
  • red of all shades;
  • yellow or honey color;
  • pink of all shades up to very light;
  • black.

It should be noted that the most common moles are various shades of brown and yellow; their meaning is largely determined by their location on the body. Black ones are also common - by the way, many esoteric teachings tend to interpret them as a rather unfavorable sign. In the same way, almost all schools agree that moles that are golden, deep pink, or honey-colored yellow are most often a very favorable sign. Emerald green moles are favorable, bluish green moles are not. Red moles are either very negative or very positive - depending on the sum of factors: the sign of the Zodiac, the person’s attitude towards the planet Mars (red moles are generally considered to be under the control of this planet), etc. Finally, it is worth pointing out this very general principle: The power of influence of a mole on a person’s fate is directly related to the intensity of its color, whatever it may be: light ones are “weaker”, bright ones are “stronger”.

Moles in the form of semantic figures. Birthmarks and their meanings

A very special place is occupied by moles in the form of some very clearly defined figure (as we will see below, there are many such figures, and among them there are very complex ones, for example, in the form of a geographical map or a clearly defined part of it).

This special place is determined by the fact that over the centuries such moles have been studied, their influence on the destinies of different people has been compared... And as a result, today we have, although complex, a completely established system of interpretations of this type of mole - if not for every possible in principle figure, then for those that occur relatively frequently - for sure.

And below we present just these established interpretations. You just need to take into account that for some figures the interpretations of different schools may differ slightly - we present them all, without giving preference to any one. Let the reader make the choice. So...

Unforeseen life turns, difficult situations and very serious problems await you, but they do not promise any trouble, although there is little pleasant in them. A large, bold zigzag may mean that some kind of turn awaits you in the current way of your life, but, again, the outcome does not portend danger.

This figure always portends great financial success. Everything that is in any way connected with a fork also foreshadows a pleasant surprise that awaits a person in the future - right up to the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

At the same time, it speaks of such character traits as a constant need for help, alertness, uncertainty, anxiety, uncertainty - which is true for both men and women.

A birthmark in the form of a regular cross is relatively rare. We can talk about some universality of this sign: no matter where the cross is located on the body, the meaning of this figure remains the same. And as we will see below, this can be said about only a few figures formed by birthmarks.

The correct cross cannot be called a favorable sign, but it cannot be defined as unambiguously negative. Let the reader judge for himself: in astrology, such a spot is associated with an inevitable series of failures, a “black streak” in later life, which is quite long, but not endless, and if a person is spiritually strong enough, such a streak will ultimately only make him even stronger. In occultism, this sign is a symbol of chosenness, but not in terms of any superiority over others. It’s just that a person is chosen to fulfill some mission destined for him by fate. It can be light, heavy, or maybe even overwhelming, but you can’t escape it. The sooner a person realizes what exactly his mission on this earth is, the easier it will be for him, no matter how difficult it may be. Consequently, spiritual growth is necessary and, again, means chosenness.

If in the Russian folk tradition the cross is clearly linked to religion: “to be a monk”, “to be a righteous man” - or, on the contrary, “God marks a rogue”, then in Eastern esoteric schools the sign of the cross on the body is regarded, rather, in the sensual, emotional and usually associated with unhappy love, troubles in the family or with loved ones; It is interesting that here, as in occultism, it is believed that all this can be overcome by persistent spiritual self-improvement.

Oblique cross
It occurs much more often, but the interpretations do not differ in depth or content. Most often in your life in the future, you should expect a serious conflict to arise, which could become a turning point and send further events along an unfavorable path. Therefore, you should control yourself and think carefully about all your actions.

Regardless of its location on the body - an elephant with its trunk down - a difficult life, prosperity will come to the owner only after long and hard work; an elephant with a raised trunk - a life full of both successes and defeats, with a constant alternation of “black” and “white stripes”.

Here, by the way, the general law mentioned at the very beginning of this chapter plays a particularly important role: the more intensely such a stain is colored, the greater the impact it will have on the fate of its owner.

A star-shaped birthmark is one of the most favorable signs, but it is extremely rare. It promises its owner the protection of fate and the Higher powers in any of his endeavors. A regular five-pointed star speaks of an innate predisposition to magic and occult sciences, and to spiritual development in general.

Deformed - about success on the material level, in the financial sphere. In any case, it is a very, very happy sign: joy, luck, happiness. Wisdom, practicality, well-being in the family, luck in love, new friends. Old hopes will come true and new ones will appear.

ATTENTION! For those lucky enough to have a star-shaped birthmark, see if somewhere on your body you have three moles of approximately the same size, forming a triangle (the location and color of these moles does not matter). If there is, the power of the already happy “star” sign DOUBLES! All you have to do is envy...

A birthmark that resembles a geographical map or a fragment of it is also not very common. However, in contrast to the uniquely happy interpretation of the star, here the interpretations in different traditions and schools are heterogeneous, and often directly contradict each other.

Let's give a few examples: it resembles a continent or a large island - the emotional sphere is overdeveloped, which is fraught with rash actions; constantly keep your feelings under control so that they do not “cloud your mind”; resembles a country in outline - there will be many difficulties in your life, but if you manage to overcome them, you will succeed in everything. But according to ancient Slavic beliefs, such a birthmark means that in childhood you will be deprived of parental love and care.

Such a birthmark is generally considered a good sign, but in this case a lot depends on where exactly it is located.

If it’s on your chest, ribs, back, stomach, you know that you have high potential, possibly creative. Through hard work you can achieve everything you want; it is possible that you will succeed in the field of literature, cinema, painting, music.

On the right shoulder - hard work, purity of thoughts; on the left - laziness prevents your abilities from revealing, it all depends on you.

A bird with open wings, as if in flight, is definitely a good sign; the bird, as it were, “in profile,” especially with a massive beak, speaks of a difficult character for those around him. Such people are most often good at heart, but their character hinders them in almost any good endeavor. But in eastern schools, the owner of such a spot is also credited with initially good karma acquired in previous incarnations.

Uncertainty, ambiguity, confusion of the twists and turns of fate. That is, in general, this is an alarming sign, but it has its own unique feature: it depends on the number, shape, color of other moles on the body of this person and can, depending on their location, influence the fate of its owner in completely different ways. Accordingly, it cannot be interpreted unambiguously.

Three dark dots on one lighter plane (but not in the shape of a triangle)

Such a birthmark is a very favorable sign: it promises you the easy fulfillment of your most cherished desires throughout your life. In addition, it speaks of such a character trait as a penchant for all kinds of mystery, spectacular enigma, that is, in fact, the character of the owner is extremely secretive.

If such a spot is located on the head, especially on the scalp, perhaps its owner is not alien to innate magical powers. But on the chest and stomach - according to Slavic beliefs, it was considered “the mark of the unclean.”

The shape of a mole is difficult to interpret. Always means a problem; but it is impossible to determine its cause, nor the method of solution, nor the degree of complexity.

Thorn, edge of any kind
The owner of such a birthmark will inevitably face a painful blow of fate in life. Another interpretation (more common in occultism) is that a person will have a difficult, not very joyful childhood, but a calm, dignified old age.

Tongue of flame
In shape, in many cases it is quite easy to confuse with the previous sign. In general, it promises its “owner” a lot of problems. The sign of fire on the body - especially innate - speaks of unbridled anger, an “explosive” character, in men - of extreme jealousy (with or without reason), in women - of eccentricity, impulsiveness, sometimes a tendency to adultery due to uncontrollable and powerful sensuality. At the same time, “fiery” virtues are also the ability to charm others, to constantly be the center of attention. Balance the negative gifts of “fire” with positive ones - and you will get a very good result.

The interpretation of a sign that resembles a person’s face depends, first of all, on how it is perceived emotionally: pleasant or unpleasant, cheerful, sad, angry, kind, etc. In any case, the face speaks of the internal state, mood, and violent feelings. If the face is blurry, unclear, this may symbolize internal discord or a hidden illness. In general, this is not a very favorable sign. The owner of a spot of this shape, as a rule, is withdrawn, absorbed in internal contemplation, but is poorly adapted to practical life, he constantly needs support from a loved one. In moleosophy, this sign portends loneliness, sadness, and sometimes poverty. However, if a spot of this shape is located on the head, a person is destined to overcome any difficulties if he relies solely on his own strength. If this sign is on the stomach, it portends the development of the disease, and its owner needs to monitor his health very carefully.

A birthmark in the shape of lips, as if left by someone’s kiss, is a test or fulfillment of duty, a “crossroads of fate,” problems of choice. There is also another general interpretation of this figure, which is determined by its location on the body: constant troubles in the family, but excellent relationships with others. As they say, success at work, failure in your personal life.

However, much depends on the location: on the head there is a brilliant mind, such a birthmark on the head is not without reason called “the kiss of an angel”; on the cheek - success with the opposite sex. The above is true for both men and women. But there are also differences. A mole in the shape of lips on a man’s chest invariably testifies to his inherent natural optimism and ability to approach everything with healthy humor. The same mole on a woman speaks of her extreme resistance to any kind of dark, hostile spell, as well as damage or the occasional evil eye.

The sign speaks of such human traits as some capriciousness, perhaps a certain degree of hypocrisy, but all this is not in extreme form. Rich life experience and a certain amount of cynicism. In general, the sign is rather favorable. If the tower is located on the shoulder or forearm, regardless of the side, know that you can rely on such a person in everything.

The sign also says that its owner is able to successfully fight any temptations and temptations. It is no wonder that among people with such a birthmark there are many church ministers.

Sun, moon.
Also – a perfect circle

People wearing this sign are often immoderately touchy, secretive, and according to the beliefs of ancient Russians, they are “eye-catching,” that is, they can easily cast the evil eye, even without wishing harm. Moreover, the sign, if located in the upper part of the body, including the head, is favorable for its owner, but if in the lower part, in the groin, on the legs, it is not.

However, it must be taken into account that the “moon” category also includes crescent-shaped spots. This is a sign of a stormy temperament, energy, and the ability to do everything quickly and efficiently, say astrologers. At the same time, in moleosophy, the crescent moon means a constant tendency to depression. However, if you think about it, this is not such a contradiction; very energetic people are also susceptible to depression.

But let's return to the sun, that is, the regular circle. If a birthmark of this shape has several thin arrows (“rays”) along the edges, this is an extremely favorable sign for its owner, but, unfortunately, it is extremely rare. An ordinary circle, in addition to what was said at the very beginning, in a man can indicate the talent of the owner of this sign, despite all his touchiness and secrecy. Sometimes this is also a sign of developed intuition and “subtle” energy in general.

For a woman, this portends an easy birth and happy motherhood; the richer the color of such a spot, the greater the likelihood that she will have several children.

The above applies to all colors and shades except black. Small black moles in the form of a regular circle, when many of them are scattered throughout the body, in the Eastern tradition, as well as in occultism close to it, are considered an unambiguous indication of many unfulfilled karmic debts.

A large round spot on the head or shoulder, if it is pink or golden in color, is interpreted for both men and women as an ordinary mole in location - but if these spots are paired, in moleosophy this is considered an indication of great happiness in a future marriage.

A mole in the shape of a fan is a protective sign. It means that someone from above protects a person from the evil eye. In addition, this sign gives strength to cope with all obstacles.

Overall a good sign, signifying success and domestic harmony. However, when it is on a man’s chest, it means an unhappy love affair for him, while he assumes that he has finally met his ideal. In addition, also in men, if located on the right forearm, it can mean a chain of disappointments in business.

For a young girl, this sign on the shoulder (on either side) means that she will be deceived and will not get married right away. For a more mature woman, the location of the “saw” on her back promises her a difficult pregnancy and childbirth, but, as a rule, there are more than one healthy children (twins are possible).

Since ancient times, people have associated various signs with moles. Moles and birthmarks have always been given great value. People associated these signs on the body with the secrets of fate. Moles were used to guess the character and future of a person, the features of his life. In the Kulmatovs’ book “Russians folk signs and beliefs" you can read the following about birthmarks:

  • "A birthmark on the head will be a master for many, if from noble family, and from bad - he himself will serve;
  • between the eyebrows - he will marry a pious woman;
  • on the chin - for him to move from place to place;
  • on the stomach - he will be a drunkard and a glutton;
  • on the hand - there will be many children;
  • above the heart - that industrialist will be;
  • on the chest - he will be miserable."

It is possible that such categorical statements are sometimes true, but in my opinion, one cannot read one’s fate only by the presence of a birthmark or mole.
At the same time, one cannot reject certain characteristics inherent in the presence of marks on the body.

It is worth considering the fact that among all peoples the mystical properties of birthmarks have always been of great importance in predictive practices. Health, character, type, temperament play a huge role in our destiny.
All trials of fate sent to a person depend on his actions in past lives. This is a good time to note that this could be a sign of karma. Those born in the summer, and in daylight, have more moles and spots.

It is also believed that those born during the day are more beautiful than those born at night, since in the dark the influence of dark forces and negative energy is more often manifested. Those born around midnight bear the karma of demonic forces and have the properties of soothsayers, soothsayers and sorcerers.
These people typically have a birthmark on their right thigh and many small, raised moles on their body. The very concept of karma came to us from ancient Indian philosophy.

Translated from Sanskrit, “karma” means “action”, “retribution”. It is a mystical force that determines the fate and future rebirth of the soul.
According to the religious teachings of India, karma should leave a special mark on a person’s body - in Hinduism this is a “tilak” - a spot applied to the forehead, signifying belonging to a caste and a wish for well-being.

A mole is something familiar, a part of ourselves. It would seem an inconspicuous detail, but it plays a huge role in our lives; habits, memories of childhood, and the opportunity to establish ourselves in the future are associated with it.

Studying the location of moles cannot be called fortune telling or mantle. Fortune telling by moles does not exist as such, but nevertheless there are ways to read fate based on these signs. You cannot read about specific events from moles the way palmists or someone who reads fortunes on coffee grounds do.
But at the same time, we can learn much more about ourselves: we discover character traits in ourselves, determine our own aspirations, and get the opportunity to change in something.

So, let's look at some of the karmic effects of the presence of birthmarks and moles on people's bodies.


Birthmark in the shape of a cross always speaks of difficult trials in a person’s life, no matter where in the body it is located.

If the spot is on the head, you will have to go through the exclusion zone, overcome the misunderstanding of other people, and sometimes outright hostility on their part.

A cross on the chest means rejected love, which can become a tragedy throughout the life of the owner of such a mark.

On your back - you should expect betrayal from your closest and dearest people.

The owner of a cross on his stomach should fear for his life: he could be seriously injured in a car accident, or become a victim of an industrial accident through his own fault.

Such a spot on the leg promises persecution and persecution; more than once in your life you will have to flee for your life. Such people often leave their homeland against their own will.

Cross on the right hand - a mistake is possible when choosing a profession. On the left - you should carefully consider the choice of your spouse. Most likely they will cheat on you. It is possible that such a person himself will allow himself to be treated in this way, or will provoke the situation.

Star-shaped birthmark- an extremely rare and very lucky sign. You should not look for a perfect resemblance to a five-pointed star.

A birthmark can resemble both a little man and the figure of a severely deformed star. It is important that such a spot has five ends. It is believed that a person will always be protected by fate, no matter where he goes, no matter what he does.

Birthmark in the form of a geographical map occurs very often, and many interpretations can be found for it. It can be in the form of a continent, an island, or resemble a sea, a small lake. Explanations can be the most unexpected.

Such people are endowed with unbridled feelings. Such spots indicate rancor, contempt for others, touchiness, and inability to pull oneself together during arguments. Women are characterized by frequent hysterics, unpredictability in behavior, and recklessness. It is believed that those born with this mark are unwanted children.

Bird-shaped birthmark- a good sign, especially if the bird has open wings. A person with such a spot can achieve a lot in life through personal efforts.

He is a "high-flying bird." He is characterized by kindness and condescension towards people and their weaknesses. He himself is practically devoid of such shortcomings as laziness and lack of will. Persistently pursuing his goal, he will not knowingly harm anyone. During his life, such a person travels a lot. Can become a conductor or performing musician.

A bird on the chest is a sign of great talent, which the owner always owes to his parents. The ability for music and painting in such families can be inherited. Most of all, such a spot affects a person’s fate if it is located on the left chest or on the left shoulder.

Birthmark resembling a cat- a sign of mystery, secrecy, mystery. Especially if it is located on the head, chest, back, stomach.

The darker the stain, the more likely it is that the person has magical powers. In the Middle Ages, a dark birthmark, shaped like a cat, was considered a sign of the devil. People with this sign are very touchy, but for the time being they carefully hide it. They may wish someone harm unknowingly, or they may also put the evil eye on another. Such people can make good actors, prosecutors, and lawyers.

Birthmark resembling a fire or flame- a sign of complexity and complexity in everything. A person with a “fire” sign on his body will face a difficult fate.

He is very impulsive, terrible in anger, and does not know how to restrain his emotions. He can cope with this only under the influence of a loved one. But these people are also brave, courageous and capable of heroic deeds. Men with this sign are crazy jealous people.

Women instinctively avoid such men, even if the spot is hidden from the eyes of prying eyes. Women with this spot are capable of crazy things.
They are very extravagant, wear bright clothes, and strive to attract attention to themselves in any company. They can disappear for several days, leaving home, work, child just to meet their lover. Owners of such a spot can often be inclined to the idea of ​​suicide and fall into severe depression.

Birthmark resembling a human face- not a very pleasant sign. A person with such a spot constantly thinks that someone is watching him. Such people are very conscientious.
They always think carefully about their actions, exaggerate their own shortcomings and blame only themselves for all failures. The owner of such a spot needs the support of others. He often turns to friends for advice.

A spot on the head is the best location of the sign, which inclines towards contemplation, towards independent comprehension of the essence of things.

A spot on the shoulder will help a person cope with failures, as if someone is taking on some of the worries and hardships.

A spot on the back promises to overcome the intrigues of ill-wishers; a person will be destined to go through intrigues and many years of enmity.

A spot on the face and neck will always provoke the owner to act recklessly.

A spot on the chest dooms you to heartache.

On the stomach - a warning about possible diseases, about the need to lead healthy image life.

A “face” on the buttocks indicates that a person will often find himself in ridiculous situations and be ridiculed by others. On the inner thighs - love failures. The owner of the spot will often change partners, but will not find happiness.

Birthmark in the form of a lip print says that life will constantly present a person with some surprises.

On the head or neck, it means that a person can have very interesting and witty ideas. As a rule, he is lucky in everything: if he is a man, women adore him.

Fate will be especially favorable to a man who has such a spot on his body. A woman wearing such a sign on her body will have to encounter a witch at least once in her life and find out her future.

It is impossible to jinx such a woman, to cast a spell on her. People with a stain in the form of a lip print do not have mental abnormalities; they treat all the vicissitudes of fate with a healthy sense of humor. Such a stain can rightfully be considered a “kiss of fate.”

Birthmark in the shape of an elephant, located on the shoulder, speaks of the reliability of its owner. Although the location itself may bring trouble in the karma of this person.
As a child he will experience many difficulties. If he manages to live his life with dignity, without stooping to petty grievances and claims, he will definitely clear his karma completely and save his children and grandchildren from suffering. The calmness of a person with such a spot is only visible. He is constantly fighting with himself. If the elephant-shaped spot is located on the buttocks, this means that he will have to fight various temptations, and successfully.

Birthmark in the form of celestial bodies (Moon, Sun) introduces many additional features into a person’s character.

Crescent, half a circle, part of a circle also belong to this category of birthmarks.

Let's focus on “sunny” birthmarks.
The sun must certainly have rays - light reflections around the main spot. As a rule, people with this sign are born in the morning, afternoon or early evening - in the light of the sun.
They have an enviable temperament, are energetic and feel much better during the day. If they have to stay awake at night, it throws them off balance.

Only desired children are always born with a spot in the shape of the sun. It often happens that spouses wait for this child for many years. Such a person brings joy to those around him. He is talented, he has an even character, he does not tolerate quarrels and scandals, and is almost always an ideal family man. A woman with this sign will definitely become a good mother and give birth to two or three children.

If the birthmark has the shape of a sickle with rays, it means that one of the parents has large karmic debts, which they are not aware of. Such a child with a stain will pay for the actions of his parents. His mood often changes, and depression is common. A spot in the form of a similar sun (darkened) influences fate the more, the higher it is located. If it is on the head, it is possible that its owner is susceptible to serious mental disorders.

A similar birthmark, but without rays, gives its owner highly developed intuition.
If the spot is located on the right side of the body on the forearms or hands, the sign will give him the talent of a healer. His energy is so strong that he can influence the patient by barely moving his fingers.
The thinner the “sickle”, the sharper the intuition. Sometimes it can even bother the owner of the spot.
If the “sickle” looks like a waning moon, after the full moon, a person will have to fully experience his capabilities at a more mature age. He can achieve success as a lawyer or become a good financier who understands all the intricacies of the securities market.

Birthmark in the form of a correctly outlined circle, shaped like full moon, endows its owner with amazing intuition, the ability to foresight, and witchcraft.

But only if such a regular spot is located on the right side of the body at the back above the popliteal fold by 20 - 30 centimeters. The darker the spot, the brighter the properties in the character of such a person appear. But this sign brings many severe challenges to its owner. Already in early childhood, a person will encounter the intolerance of others and feel like a kind of outcast.
His sensitivity and intuitiveness will be developed to the point of pain.

You can ask such children for advice - they are wise from birth. They usually have large, intelligent and very sad eyes of a knowledgeable person. They always look older than their peers and stand out from the crowd. They are almost always misunderstood by their peers and parents, who most often do not like them and are even afraid of them, considering them “not of this world.”
At school they often suffer from the hatred of teachers, and in their youth they are avoided by young people. Nature endows them with numerous talents, which they do not attach importance to. Even those closest to them - brothers, sisters, relatives - envy them for these talents. With age, they undergo many hardships, but fate always protects them in the most incomprehensible way. At the same time, they feel happy and love people for who they are.

They almost always achieve high goals, striving for excellence. It is known that some famous witches and fortune tellers had a round birthmark on the back of their thigh. Maria Lenormand, who predicted Napoleon's career, also had it. However, such regular spots are extremely, extremely rare.

Since ancient times, people have associated various signs with moles. Moles and birthmarks have always been given great importance. People associated these signs on their bodies...

“A birthmark on the head - he will be a master to many if he is from a noble family, and if he is from a bad family, he will serve himself;

between the eyebrows - he will marry a pious woman;

on the chin - for him to move from place to place;

on the stomach - he will be a drunkard and a glutton;

on the hand - there will be many children;

above the heart - that industrialist will be;

on the chest - he will be miserable.

If a baby has a birthmark on its body, it is a sign that the baby's mother stole something during pregnancy."

It is possible that such categorical statements are sometimes true, but in my opinion, one cannot read one’s fate only by the presence of a birthmark or mole. At the same time, one cannot reject certain characteristics inherent in the presence of marks on the body. It is worth considering the fact that among all peoples the mystical properties of birthmarks have always been of great importance in predictive practices. Health, character, type, temperament play a huge role in our destiny. All trials of fate sent to a person depend on his actions in past lives. This is a good time to note that this could be a sign of karma. Those born in the summer, and in daylight, have more moles and spots. It is also believed that those born during the day are more beautiful than those born at night, since in the dark the influence of dark forces and negative energy is more often manifested. Those born around midnight bear the karma of demonic forces and have the properties of soothsayers, soothsayers and sorcerers. These people typically have a birthmark on their right thigh and many small, raised moles on their body. The very concept of karma came to us from ancient Indian philosophy. Translated from Sanskrit, “karma” means “action”, “retribution”. It is a mystical force that determines the fate and future rebirth of the soul. According to the religious teachings of India, karma should leave a special mark on a person’s body - in Hinduism this is a “tilak” - a spot applied to the forehead, signifying belonging to a caste and a wish for well-being. A mole is something familiar, a part of ourselves. It would seem an inconspicuous detail, but it plays a huge role in our lives; habits, memories of childhood, and the opportunity to establish ourselves in the future are associated with it. Studying the location of moles cannot be called fortune telling or mantle. Fortune telling by moles does not exist as such, but nevertheless there are ways to read fate based on these signs. You cannot read about specific events from moles the way palmists or someone who reads fortunes on coffee grounds do. But at the same time, we can learn much more about ourselves: we discover character traits in ourselves, determine our own aspirations, and get the opportunity to change in something. So, let's look at some of the karmic effects of the presence of birthmarks and moles on people's bodies.


A birthmark in the shape of a cross always speaks of difficult trials in a person’s life, no matter where on the body it is located. If the spot is on the head, you will have to go through the exclusion zone, overcome the misunderstanding of other people, and sometimes outright hostility on their part. A cross on the chest means rejected love, which can become a tragedy throughout the life of the owner of such a mark. On your back - you should expect betrayal from your closest and dearest people. The owner of a cross on his stomach should fear for his life: he could be seriously injured in a car accident, or become a victim of an industrial accident through his own fault. Such a spot on the leg promises persecution and persecution; more than once in your life you will have to flee for your life. Such people often leave their homeland against their own will. Cross on the right hand - a mistake is possible when choosing a profession. On the left - you should carefully consider the choice of your spouse. Most likely they will cheat on you. It is possible that such a person himself will allow himself to be treated in this way, or will provoke the situation.

A star-shaped birthmark is an extremely rare and very lucky sign. You should not look for a perfect resemblance to a five-pointed star. A birthmark can resemble both a little man and the figure of a severely deformed star. It is important that such a spot has five ends. It is believed that a person will always be protected by fate, no matter where he goes, no matter what he does.

A birthmark in the form of a geographical map is very common, and many interpretations can be found for it. It can be in the form of a continent, an island, or resemble a sea or a small lake. Explanations can be the most unexpected. Such people are endowed with unbridled feelings. Such spots indicate rancor, contempt for others, touchiness, and inability to pull oneself together during arguments. Women are characterized by frequent hysterics, unpredictability in behavior, and recklessness. It is believed that those born with this mark are unwanted children.

A birthmark that resembles a bird is a good sign, especially if the bird has open wings. A person with such a spot can achieve a lot in life through personal efforts. He is a "high-flying bird." He is characterized by kindness and condescension towards people and their weaknesses. He himself is practically devoid of such shortcomings as laziness and lack of will. Persistently pursuing his goal, he will not knowingly harm anyone. During his life, such a person travels a lot. Can become a conductor or performing musician. A bird on the chest is a sign of great talent, which the owner always owes to his parents. The ability for music and painting in such families can be inherited. Most of all, such a spot affects a person’s fate if it is located on the left chest or on the left shoulder.

A birthmark that resembles a cat is a sign of mystery, secrecy, enigma. Especially if it is located on the head, chest, back, stomach. The darker the color of the spot, the greater the likelihood that the person has magical powers. In the Middle Ages, a dark birthmark, shaped like a cat, was considered a sign of the devil. People with this sign are very touchy, but for the time being they carefully hide it. They may wish someone harm unknowingly, or they may also put the evil eye on another. Such people can make good actors, prosecutors, and lawyers.

A birthmark that resembles a fire or flame is a sign of complexity and complexity in everything. A person with a “fire” sign on his body will face a difficult fate. He is very impulsive, terrible in anger, and does not know how to restrain his emotions. He can cope with this only under the influence of a loved one. But these people are also brave, courageous and capable of heroic deeds. Men with this sign are crazy jealous people. Women instinctively avoid such men, even if the spot is hidden from the eyes of prying eyes. Women with this spot are capable of crazy things. They are very extravagant, wear bright clothes, and strive to attract attention to themselves in any company. They can disappear for several days, leaving home, work, child just to meet their lover. Owners of such a spot can often be inclined to the idea of ​​suicide and fall into severe depression.

A birthmark that resembles a human face is not a very pleasant sign. A person with such a spot constantly thinks that someone is watching him. Such people are very conscientious. They always think carefully about their actions, exaggerate their own shortcomings and blame only themselves for all failures. The owner of such a spot needs the support of others. He often turns to friends for advice. A spot on the head is the best location of the sign, which inclines towards contemplation, towards independent comprehension of the essence of things. A spot on the shoulder will help a person cope with failures, as if someone is taking on some of the worries and hardships. A spot on the back promises to overcome the intrigues of ill-wishers; a person will be destined to go through intrigues and many years of enmity. A spot on the face and neck will always provoke the owner to act recklessly. A spot on the chest dooms you to heartache. On the stomach - a warning about possible diseases and the need to lead a healthy lifestyle. A “face” on the buttocks indicates that a person will often find himself in ridiculous situations and be ridiculed by others. On the inner thighs - love failures. The owner of the spot will often change partners, but will not find happiness.

A birthmark in the form of a lip print indicates that life will constantly present a person with some surprises. On the head or neck, it means that a person can have very interesting and witty ideas. As a rule, he is lucky in everything: if he is a man, women adore him. Fate will be especially favorable to a man who has such a spot on his body. A woman wearing such a sign on her body will have to encounter a witch at least once in her life and find out her future. It is impossible to jinx such a woman, to cast a spell on her. People with a stain in the form of a lip print do not have mental abnormalities; they treat all the vicissitudes of fate with a healthy sense of humor. Such a stain can rightfully be considered a “kiss of fate.”

An elephant-shaped birthmark located on the shoulder indicates the reliability of its owner. Although the location itself may bring trouble in the karma of this person. As a child he will experience many difficulties. If he manages to live his life with dignity, without stooping to petty grievances and claims, he will definitely clear his karma completely and save his children and grandchildren from suffering. The calmness of a person with such a spot is only visible. He is constantly fighting with himself. If the elephant-shaped spot is located on the buttocks, this means that he will have to fight various temptations, and successfully.

A birthmark in the form of celestial bodies (Moon, Sun) introduces many additional features into a person’s character. Crescent, half a circle, part of a circle also belong to this category of birthmarks. Let's focus on “sunny” birthmarks. The sun must certainly have rays - light reflections around the main spot. As a rule, people with this sign are born in the morning, afternoon or early evening - in the light of the sun. They have an enviable temperament, are energetic and feel much better during the day. If they have to stay awake at night, it throws them off balance. Only desired children are always born with a spot in the shape of the sun. It often happens that spouses wait for this child for many years. Such a person brings joy to those around him. He is talented, he has an even character, he does not tolerate quarrels and scandals, and is almost always an ideal family man. A woman with this sign will definitely become a good mother and give birth to two or three children. If the birthmark has the shape of a sickle with rays, it means that one of the parents has large karmic debts, which they are not aware of. Such a child with a stain will pay for the actions of his parents. His mood often changes, and depression is common. A spot in the form of a similar sun (darkened) influences fate the more, the higher it is located. If it is on the head, it is possible that its owner is susceptible to serious mental disorders. A similar birthmark, but without rays, gives its owner highly developed intuition. If the spot is located on the right side of the body on the forearms or hands, the sign will give him the talent of a healer. His energy is so strong that he can influence the patient by barely moving his fingers. The thinner the “sickle”, the sharper the intuition. Sometimes it can even bother the owner of the spot. If the “sickle” looks like a waning moon, after the full moon, a person will have to fully experience his capabilities at a more mature age. He can achieve success as a lawyer or become a good financier who understands all the intricacies of the securities market.

A birthmark in the form of a correctly outlined circle, shaped like a full moon, endows its owner with amazing intuition, the ability to foresight, and witchcraft. But only if such a regular spot is located on the right side of the body at the back above the popliteal fold by 20 - 30 centimeters. The darker the spot, the brighter the properties in the character of such a person appear. But this sign brings many severe challenges to its owner. Already in early childhood, a person will encounter the intolerance of others and feel like a kind of outcast. His sensitivity and intuitiveness will be developed to the point of pain. You can ask such children for advice - they are wise from birth. They usually have large, intelligent and very sad eyes of a knowledgeable person. They always look older than their peers and stand out from the crowd. They are almost always misunderstood by their peers and parents, who most often do not like them and are even afraid of them, considering them “not of this world.” At school they often suffer from the hatred of teachers, and in their youth they are avoided by young people. Nature endows them with numerous talents, which they do not attach importance to. Even those closest to them - brothers, sisters, relatives - envy them for these talents. With age, they undergo many hardships, but fate always protects them in the most incomprehensible way. At the same time, they feel happy and love people for who they are. They almost always achieve high goals, striving for excellence. It is known that some famous witches and fortune tellers had a round birthmark on the back of their thigh. Maria Lenormand, who predicted Napoleon's career, also had it. However, such regular spots are extremely, extremely rare.


In the Kulmatovs’ book “Russian Folk Signs and Beliefs” you can read the following about birthmarks: - “A birthmark on the head - he will be a master to many if he is from a noble family, and if he is from a bad family, he will serve; - between the eyebrows - he will marry a pious woman; - on the chin - for him to move from place to place; - on the stomach - he will be a drunkard and a glutton; - on the hand - there will be a lot of children; - over the heart - that industrialist will be; - on the chest - he will be miserable.

If a child has a birthmark on his body, then this is a sign that the baby’s mother stole something during pregnancy.”

It is possible that such categorical statements are sometimes true, but in my opinion, one cannot read one’s fate only by the presence of a birthmark or mole. At the same time, one cannot reject certain characteristics inherent in the presence of marks on the body.

Birthmark shape

A birthmark in the shape of a cross always speaks of difficult trials in a person’s life, no matter where on the body it is located. If the spot is on the head, you will have to go through the exclusion zone, overcome the misunderstanding of other people, and sometimes outright hostility on their part. A cross on the chest means rejected love, which can become a tragedy throughout the life of the owner of such a mark. On your back - you should expect betrayal from your closest and dearest people. The owner of a cross on his stomach should fear for his life: he could be seriously injured in a car accident, or become a victim of an industrial accident through his own fault.

A star-shaped birthmark is an extremely rare and very lucky sign. You should not look for a perfect resemblance to a five-pointed star. A birthmark can resemble both a little man and the figure of a severely deformed star. It is important that such a spot has five ends. It is believed that a person will always be protected by fate, no matter where he goes, no matter what he does.

A birthmark in the form of a geographical map is very common, and many interpretations can be found for it. It can be in the form of a continent, an island, or resemble a sea or a small lake. Explanations can be the most unexpected. Such people are endowed with unbridled feelings. Such spots indicate rancor, contempt for others, touchiness, and inability to pull oneself together during arguments.

A birthmark that resembles a bird is a good sign, especially if the bird has open wings. A person with such a spot can achieve a lot in life through personal efforts. He is a “high-flying bird.” He is characterized by kindness and condescension towards people and their weaknesses.

A birthmark that resembles a fire or flame is a sign of complexity and complexity in everything. A person with a “fire” sign on his body will face a difficult fate. He is very impulsive, terrible in anger, and does not know how to restrain his emotions. He can cope with this only under the influence of a loved one.

A birthmark in the form of celestial bodies (the Sun) introduces many additional features into a person’s character. The sun must certainly have rays - light reflections around the main spot. As a rule, people with this sign are born in the morning, afternoon or early evening - in the light of the sun. They have an enviable temperament, are energetic and feel much better during the day.

A birthmark in the form of a correctly outlined circle, shaped like a full moon, endows its owner with amazing intuition, the ability to foresight, and witchcraft. But only if such a regular spot is on the right side of the body. Moles are no less important in the fate of people: convex in the form of warts, individual dark dots, more or less light small spots, they can appear during life in the same way as they were given from birth. Moles may differ in significance for different people. For dark-skinned people, black moles are important, for light-skinned people - convex ones. The appearance of new moles or an increase in the size of congenital signs reflects the actions we have committed in the same way as the appearance of new lines on the palm, wrinkles on the forehead and gray hair.

IN different interpretations There are more than a hundred different areas of the face that determine the character and fate of a person. The main zones are located on the axis of symmetry of the face and cover parts of the face to the right and left of the axis. The presence of moles on this vertical line in the upper part of the forehead speaks of the difficulties that a person will experience in childhood and adolescence, in the middle of the forehead and in its lower part - about some difficulties in relationships with other people - relatives, friends, colleagues. A mole on the bridge of the nose is one of the signs of fate. This is worth thinking about. A mole in the middle of the nose means failures on the love front are possible. People with moles on the tip of the nose, according to Japanese physiognomy, can become chronic losers. A mole located on the upper lip (immediately under the nose) may indicate serious hereditary diseases. A mole under the lower lip and on the chin speaks of the willpower and strong character of its owner.

Moles located below the ribs. For a woman, let's say, this is the waist area. Persons with such signs cannot control themselves in anything. They are often banal hysterics with low intelligence. Living with such a woman is pure torture. She can throw a scandal for any reason, for example, if it seems to her that someone looked askance at her on the bus and deliberately touched her with his elbow, and her husband did not put the “impudent” person in her place. Cowardly people have moles on the waist of men. If a man also has a big belly and simply no waist, many of his shortcomings thereby stick out. A person with a mole below the ribs often turns out to be a big egoist. He cares only about his own desires as well as the fear of losing some benefits. They are prone to hysterical panic during natural disasters.

A mole on a man’s neck speaks of his imbalance, numerous weaknesses, and lack of willpower. His mood changes often, and as a child he can be very whiny. A woman with a mole on her neck can be very changeable despite seeming conservative. She changes her tastes, passions, and life credo. Under certain circumstances, she may cheat on her husband, but she will never hide it and will immediately confess everything to him. At the same time, she can be very tender, love without looking back and even devote herself completely to one single person.

Moles on the chest are more important for women than for men. Women may have moles (for example, on the left chest), which can influence fate in different ways - either arouse love and worship, or create an object of base and short-lived passion from a woman.

A mole under the breast indicates the insidious nature of the owner. The spot on the left indicates that a woman is capable of intrigue because of love. She does not disdain any means to achieve her goal: she can bring “damage” to her rival and send misfortune to her children. Such a person will always choose as a potential husband a person who is not free, burdened with a family. Men with a mole under the right nipple are very noble. They make faithful husbands and caring fathers.

A birthmark on a woman’s thigh (the area of ​​the leg above the knee) and on the right one on a man speaks of a hermit. Especially if it is located on the back of the leg. Such a spot indicates a strong dependence on the mother. The owner of such a spot may lose her father early or will be raised without a father at all. However, this can also be true for men. In childhood, such children stand out among their peers. They are considered “black sheep”, no matter what society they are in. It should be noted that the brighter the spot itself, the more clearly the qualities of the spot are manifested. The presence of such a sign also speaks of a positive aspect: the person will have extraordinary abilities that he will be able to realize one way or another. There will be many discoveries in his destiny, usually related to his own personality.

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